View Full Version : Eberronian filmmaker - how to make him?

2020-11-11, 05:28 PM
So I had a pretty funny character concept, and I'd love to hear mechanical ideas on the subject.

The basic idea I had is a guild-merchant bard, who found/stole/created a new start up - a camera that can film things! He decided to make lots of money from this camera. So he begun travelling the land looking for investors, using footage from the group's battles as proofs of concept.

Mechanics wise, the only things I know about him are
1. He is a glamour bard, for the 6th level ability to become an actual director mid-battle.
2. He takes the invocation feat from Tasha's/UA in order to get at will misty visions.

I guess Ill take many Illusion spells, and lug around a big camera as an arcane focus.

Any more cool ideas as to how to make this concept work and be awesome mechanicaly?

2020-11-11, 05:32 PM
Do you want to actually film things or just to use magic to make magical illusions as a kind of movie substitute?

2020-11-11, 06:28 PM
Read Terry Pratchett's Moving Pictures (https://discworld.fandom.com/wiki/Moving_Pictures), about the discovery of magic cinema in an urban magical society...

Hell, read all of Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels. They will give you ideas about how to portray a society transitioning from Sword and Sorcery to a Magical Industrial Revolution; good ideas for an Eberron novel portraying the technological and social changes brought by the Last War.

Also, The Dragon, The Hero and The Courier (https://manganelo.com/manga/vv921241) manga, for the clash between fantasy adventurers and a growing government and administration determined to civilize these tax-evading, law-breaking, poaching, burglarizing, murdering mercenary vigilante ruffians...

They are comedy and/or parody, but they have good ideas.

For example, in the manga, the city tries to force all monster hunters to enlist in a Hunters' Guild so they pay taxes for every monster-hunting job they take... with suddenly makes illegal for travelers to defend themselves against monsters that could assault them in the road... In another chapter level 1 wizards are being forced to join a Wizard's Guild if they want to sell their talents... which is actually enforced by senior wizards who manage the guild and want to exploit the beginners as dirt cheap labor...

In another chapter the city council tries to enforce a dressing code banning partial nudity... which encourages adventurers to find ways to circumvent these laws, mostly to piss that nosy government...

In several of the Discworld novels we witness the introduction of newpapers, telegraph and cinema, the modernization of the postal and banking systems...etc.