View Full Version : Dipping Wizard 1 for Abrupt Jaunt, then what?

2020-11-12, 04:28 PM
I wanna keep this pretty open ended:

What would you build if you really wanted to get Abrupt Jaunt, but didn't want to be a Wizard? You'd dip Wizard (probably after level 1 for better HD and skills), but what's the rest of the build?

My initial thoughts were either Factotum/Chameleon or Warblade for Int synnergy, unfortunately none of the books needed are in play.

So, what would you build?

2020-11-12, 04:33 PM
Dump int to 11 then take levels in cleric and that that prc that granted place magic and circle magic but needed both divine and profane casting (use early classification tricks).
This way your level in wizard will not have been wasted but you can be a dmm persisting cleric that also casts any spell needed as a complex action and also benefits from circle magic.

2020-11-12, 04:38 PM
A shadow pouncer? Either using Telflammer Shadowlord (UE) or Crinti shadow Marauder(SS). Those would get the most get the most synergy out of the jaunting, and are very much 'not wizard'. Pity you can't mix in a few swordsage levels.

Piggy Knowles
2020-11-12, 04:39 PM
Since you've already brought up chameleon, dipping wizard not only gives you abrupt jaunt, it also allows you to take Spell Mastery and Uncanny Forethought. Uncanny Forethought is fantastic for chameleons, as it is not restricted to wizard spells (or even arcane spells). Even if your DM restricts you to the arcane side, you can still use your floating feat for Extra Spell to fill your spellbook with all sorts of rare and niche spells that you more or less cast on demand via Uncanny Forethought.

I've actually got a lot of build stubs that use this. For example, here's one that focuses on locking down both melee and magical foes:

Illumian, Cloistered Cleric 1/Fighter 6/Wizard 1/Crusader 2/Chameleon 10
1 Cloistered Cleric1- Earth Devotion, Knowledge Devotion, Able Learner

Cloistered cleric with the Trickery domain is a classic opening for chameleon, giving you a good number of skill points and the relevant skills you need to enter the class on time. For your second domain, go ahead and trade it out for Earth Devotion, which will allow you to create difficult terrain on demand to assist with your lockdown spells.

You’ve got a decent Strength score so grab a simple two-handed weapon and swing it around, buffing your rolls with Knowledge Devotion, and focus on locking down enemies with Earth Devotion and spells like ice slick.

2 Fighter1- Combat Expertise

Jumping into fighter. Combat Expertise is just there for the pre-req, but this is definitely not a dead level: proficiency with martial weapons means you can update your offensive prowess considerably by switching to a guisarme and armor spikes. You’ll be casting arcane spells soon, so go ahead and give up heavy armor proficiency for the armored mage ACF, which will allow you to cast spells equal to your fighter level +1 in light armor.

3 Fighter2- Improved Trip, Knock-down

And a second level of fighter brings it all together, letting you take Improved Trip and Knock-down for the classic lockdown combo. Get a big reach weapon, set up some difficult terrain and knock anyone down who tries to move near you, giving yourself a follow-up attack to boot. Your illumian aesh symbol comes in handy here as well, providing a nice +2 bonus.

4 Wizard1- Combat Reflexes

A level of “replace all the things” wizard. You won’t need a familiar, so instead go for the always excellent abrupt jaunt for some immediate action teleportation. And scribing scrolls can be nice, but you’ll be able to do that better as a chameleon anyhow, so get a fighter feat instead. Combat Reflexes is perfect for you here.

Don’t neglect your low level wizard spells, either. Staples like grease and benign transposition can still pull their weight for many levels to come.

5 Crusader1-
Douse the flames, crusader’s strike, leading the attack, charging minotaur, mountain hammer, iron guard’s glare (s)

Crusader’s a natural choice for tanky lockdown builds. A level here gives you a good handful of maneuvers, most notably charging minotaur for charging and repositioning, mountain hammer for general destruction and douse the flames to help with your lockdown tactics. Meanwhile, iron guard’s glare is the stance for you, helping you to get enemies you threaten to focus on you instead of your allies.

6 Chameleon1- Spell Mastery

Chameleon is always one of my absolute favorite classes thanks to its unique spellcasting mechanic. With an arcane focus you can pull any spell from any arcane list, as long as it’s in your spellbook. For now that’s primarily going to be wizard spells, though if you can stop in a magic shop and pick up some non-wizard options, that will be a very nice option. You’re immediately nabbing second level spells as well. Wizards have some great options here, too. If you want to keep the lockdown focus, it’s really hard to beat web, and you also get your first non-transposing teleportation spell here.

Spell Mastery is going on here as the pre-req to Uncanny Forethought. It won’t be all that useful, but it’s required.

7 Chameleon2-

The OTHER insanely good chameleon class feature, the bonus feat, comes online at this level. This is a floating bonus feat that you can re-assign daily. Suddenly the issue of filling up your spellbook with rare spells becomes way less pressing when you can take Extra Spell every time you have some downtime. Go ahead and get yourself access to things like level 1 haste (thanks, trapsmith!), or level 2 animate dead (thanks, death master!). Similarly, you can stock up on items by making them yourself, taking the relevant item creation feat here.

But on days when you’re expecting combat, there is one particularly top notch option: Uncanny Forethought. This is why you took Spell Mastery last level. With Uncanny Forethought, you can reserve Int-mod slots, and then as a full round action cast any spell you know. That’s great for anyone, but as a chameleon who is rapidly filling up a spellbook with spells for every possible situation, it’s downright incredible. This essentially allows you to cast, on demand, any arcane spell from any list. I assume it doesn’t take much to see how useful that is.

8 Chameleon3-

3rd-level spells come online at this point. You’ve got a lot of fantastic options, from the downright broken (lesser planar binding off the demonologist list) to the life-saving (deathward from dread necromancer or break enchantment from trapsmith). And while mimic class feature isn’t the most useful thing in the world, it will give you an extra use of Earth Devotion.

9 Chameleon4- Uncanny Forethought

Since you’ll want Uncanny Forethought pretty much every day, go ahead and take it as a standard feat so you can free up your floating feat for other options. Speaking of, how about Divine Defiance? Since you’ll often be spending your full round actions casting “spontaneously” via Uncanny Forethought, you will want to focus as much as possible on things you can do off-turn. You’re already quite capable of locking down foes with Earth Devotion or other BFC + reach weapon + Knock-down without requiring any action on your part, so go ahead and take it a step further and use Divine Defiance to lock them down magically as well. This lets you fill your non-reserved spell slots with dispels so that you can counter any opposing magic as an immediate action.

10- Chameleon5-

4th-level spells. Upgrade to the full version of planar binding, or get some great intel using an under-leveled contact other plane off the hexblade list. And while it doesn’t come in any lower for you, don’t forget about some key BFC staples like solid fog. You also get a second use of aptitude focus each day. Go ahead and take divine focus in the morning, letting you prepare divine spells to buff the whole party (don’t forget, you get bonus spells keyed off of Strength rather than Wisdom thanks to your illumian sigil), then switch to the arcane focus for your adventuring day.

11 Chameleon6-

Another use of turn undead via mimic class feature means another use of Divine Defiance or Earth Devotion.

12 Chameleon7- Divine Defiance

And once again, you’ll go ahead and take the feat you’ve been mostly using your floating feat on. This frees up your feat for a wide variety of options. My personal recommendation is Arcane Mastery, which lets you take 10 on caster level checks. Quite handy for any dispel-focused character!

But you get a lot of good things at this level beyond just that. First, let’s talk spells. 5th-level spells are pretty game-changing, especially when you add in under-leveled spells like the bard’s greater scrying. Your ability boon increases as well, which means more reserved spells and higher spell DCs. And with dual aptitude, you can run both an arcane and divine focus simultaneously, rather than trying to burn through all your divine spells before switching to arcane focus.

13 Chameleon8-

Rapid refocus is honestly not very useful until you get an additional use of aptitude focus, but once you do, it’ll mean being able to switch out to something useful like combat or stealth focus whenever you run out of spells.

14 Chameleon9-

And the chameleon caps out here with 6th-level spells. Again, though, you have some very strong options. Creeping doom (savage bard), waves of exhaustion (dread necro), iressistable dance (bard), control weather (wu jen) all come to mind.

15 Chameleon10- Arcane Mastery

Go ahead and finish out chameleon. Even though you’ve hit 6th-level spells already, this means more spell slots, +2 CL and some very nice class features. You’ll probably most appreciate the increased ability boon, but the extra use of aptitude focus combines quite nicely with rapid refocus. And since Arcane Mastery will pretty much always be useful, go ahead and take it now so that you can start spending your floating feat on things like Martial Study/Stance, Stand Still (more useful than Knock-down against creatures that can’t easily be tripped), etc.

16 Crusader2-
Press the advantage (s)

With chameleon finished, pop back into crusader for a level. You get another stance here (the main reason you went crusader instead of warblade), which is perfect timing, since it means you can pick up press the advantage. Again, you’ll want to be able to still be as effective as possible while using Uncanny Forethought to cast spontaneously. Press the advantage turns your 5’ steps into 10’, giving you the ability to move around even when spending a full-round action to cast.

17 Fighter3-

You’ll finish out your levels with fighter rather than crusader. While that may seem odd, you mostly prefer spells to strikes, and a lot of the remaining maneuvers you’d have access to won’t actually do all that much for you. Anyhow, right off the bat you have a dead level. Sad. I guess you can pick up Skill Focus (intimidate) via the zhentarim fighter ACF if that’s the kind of thing you’re into.

18 Fighter4- Stand Still, Robilar’s Gambit

And now the benefits of fighter start to pay off, as you pick up both Stand Still and Robilar’s. Stand Still is mostly an alternative to Knock-down for when you don’t believe you can win a trip check. While it doesn’t deal damage or trigger a second attack via Improved Trip, it does let you completely shut down movement if you deal enough damage. Meanwhile, Robilar’s is a staple on AoO focused builds, which you definitely are (despite the arcane focus).

19 Fighter5-

Yet another dead level. Sorry, it’s just the tax of being a fighter.

20 Fighter6- Defensive Sweep

Defensive Sweep is one of my favorite lock-down options, because it forces your foes into such a catch-22. They already can’t move away or attack you without triggering an AoO, and now they can’t stay still, either.

2020-11-12, 04:48 PM
Dump int to 11 then take levels in cleric and that that prc that granted place magic and circle magic but needed both divine and profane casting (use early classification tricks).
This way your level in wizard will not have been wasted but you can be a dmm persisting cleric that also casts any spell needed as a complex action and also benefits from circle magic.

Well, the point of dipping Wizard is getting AJ, so with 11 Int I might as well not bother since I'd be able to use it 0 times per day.

A shadow pouncer? Either using Telflammer Shadowlord (UE) or Crinti shadow Marauder(SS). Those would get the most get the most synergy out of the jaunting, and are very much 'not wizard'. Pity you can't mix in a few swordsage levels.

Hmm, neither book is in the pre-approved list of books, but definitely something to keep in mind. Will check with the DM. Thanks!

Since you've already brought up chameleon, dipping wizard not only gives you abrupt jaunt, it also allows you to take Spell Mastery and Uncanny Forethought. Uncanny Forethought is fantastic for chameleons, as it is not restricted to wizard spells (or even arcane spells). Even if your DM restricts you to the arcane side, you can still use your floating feat for Extra Spell to fill your spellbook with all sorts of rare and niche spells that you more or less cast on demand via Uncanny Forethought.

I've actually got a lot of build stubs that use this. For example, here's one that focuses on locking down both melee and magical foes:

Illumian, Cloistered Cleric 1/Fighter 6/Wizard 1/Crusader 2/Chameleon 10
1 Cloistered Cleric1- Earth Devotion, Knowledge Devotion, Able Learner

Good point about Uncanny Forethought. Unfortunately ToB is banned in this campaign and RoD is only a maybe.

I suppose your build still works pre-level 9 since CC, Fighter, and Wizard are allowed


Piggy Knowles
2020-11-12, 04:54 PM
Ah, mea culpa, I scanned the OP but missed that you brought up chameleon and warblade to dismiss them due to sources, not as potential ideas.

I'll give this some more thought. Do you have a full source list?

2020-11-12, 05:00 PM
Also works nice with monk, the sun school and carmendine monk feats if any of that is available to you.

2020-11-12, 05:09 PM
Ah, mea culpa, I scanned the OP but missed that you brought up chameleon and warblade to dismiss them due to sources, not as potential ideas.

I'll give this some more thought. Do you have a full source list?

No worries.

Pre-approved books are: Core, Completes, and PHB 2.

Other books are available on a case-by-case basis, including setting specific stuff.

ToB is, afaik, the only book that is banned in its entirety (oh well...)

Also works nice with monk, the sun school and carmendine monk feats if any of that is available to you.

Interesting... If only monks didn't suck lol

2020-11-12, 05:22 PM
No worries.

Pre-approved books are: Core, Completes, and PHB 2.

Other books are available on a case-by-case basis, including setting specific stuff.

ToB is, afaik, the only book that is banned in its entirety (oh well...)

Interesting... If only monks didn't suck lol

Monks works fine if you optimise 3 times more than any other party members but you need to use a whole lot of ACFs which probably are not in the books you have.

2020-11-12, 05:40 PM
Monks works fine if you optimise 3 times more than any other party members but you need to use a whole lot of ACFs which probably are not in the books you have.

Yah, I was just making a joke. I'd actually though of something involving Invisible Fist, Decisive Stirke, and Iaijutsu Focus for massive damage, but that would require 3 books (I'd need Factotum for IaiF) not on the pre-approved list. I think I can get IiaF and Factotum, but InvisFist is unlikely (probably because "at will invisibility is too broken!" or somehting.)

2020-11-12, 06:12 PM
Elocator might work nicely with it. Go psychic warrior into it. It's a late entry, though.

If you're using 3.PF and can draw on PF psionics while still getting Abrupt Jaunt, PF Elocator is actually really good, and you could do a Psion(Nomad) + Aegis multiclass with the wizard dip for int-focus and Elocator's deliciousness with all of the teleporting.

2020-11-12, 06:25 PM
Fighter with combat reflexes, a spear, and hold the line, a feat that gives you an aoo when youre charged. Add pike hedge if you have a move action means of making them target you with a charge so you can get triple damage with your aoo before jaunting behind them

Piggy Knowles
2020-11-12, 06:47 PM
If Sun School is appealing to you, but you don't want to muck about with monk levels, what about using Exotic Weapon Master as a potential entry? You'd have to double-check with your DM to make sure flurry of strikes qualifies, but a spiked chain wielder with flurry from Exotic Weapon Master in order to take Sun School sounds like it could be fine.

mabriss lethe
2020-11-12, 08:19 PM
Are Psionics still on the table? ( i know core+completes usually includes EPH and Complete Psi, but you never know at some tables) It could make for a nice basis for a Psychic Warrior build.

ETA: though i suppose Lurk would have more Int synergy.

2020-11-12, 09:24 PM
A Daring Outlaw build (from the feat of the same name, Complete Scoundrel, giving you basically a Swashbuckler with Rogue sneak attack progression), probably wouldn't mind a AJ dip at all, and at least Swashbuckler's Insightful Strike runs off Int, plus, you know, skillmonkey who can fight, plus you can use all Sor/Wiz wands without a UMD check, plus benign transposition is a handy V-only spell to, y'know, actually cast even when you're wearing actual armor. (Plus you could Martial-Wizard-ACF-away Scribe Scroll for Improved Initiative, unless you really like scribing lots of your own level 1 utility spells instead of just buying them.)

2020-11-12, 10:28 PM
There's a drow cloak in either Underdark or Drow of the Underdark (one of the two) that gives abrupt jaunt a few times per day. Instead of using up a level, buy one of those, or add its abilities to another cloak you want.

2020-11-12, 10:58 PM
Maybe the question we should ask is what can we do with abrupt jaunt besides avoid getting hit.

Shadow pouncing has been posited.

Is there anything else that an immediate action teleport movement can be used for?

A high intelligence scout?

Someone who rides a fast powerful carriage to ram opponents, abruptly haunting away from impact?

Pair with combat reflexes and jaunt when opponents move to get an aoo?

Edit, this is hard to parse rules text:

You gain a spell-like ability that reflects your chosen school of magic. Activating this ability is an immedi-
ate action, and you can use this spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to your Intelligence bonus (minimum 1). Its equivalent spell level is equal to one-half your wizard level (minimum 1st), and the caster level is your wizard level.

The save DC (if any) is equal to 10 + 1/2 your wizard level + your Int modifier. This is an extraordinary ability.

You can’t activate this ability in response to an attack that you aren’t aware of. For instance, if an invisible rogue strikes at you, you can’t activate urgent shield to gain a bonus to your AC against the attack. All effects last until the start of your next turn unless otherwise noted.

Is it spell like or extra-ordinary?

Does your teleport undo itself at the start of your next turn?

bean illus
2020-11-12, 11:42 PM
Is it spell like or extra-ordinary?

Does your teleport undo itself at the start of your next turn?

I think it the part about "start of your next turn" refers to urgent shield, but not abrupt jaunt.

Abrupt Jaunt is useless without decent Int. It only moves you 10', so it's tactical; you'll be in a fight.
Not much in you're source list is Int melee, but you assume facto is ok? Chameleon's rapid advancement is so versatile that you can make it do anything.

There's always facto 8 / cham 9, which leaves 3 levels open.

I like the Factomeleon tripper. I think your sources allow Ordained Champion? Channel Spell at 3rd level. I might have the build somewhere ... i think everything here you've green lighted.

14 14 10 - 16 12 12
Human Feat - Able Learner

Facto 1 Combat Ref
Facto 2
F 1 Combat Expertise, Imp Trip

Facto 3
CC 1 Know, War, Travel Devo
Cham 1 EWP spiked chain

Cham 2 Floating Feat:
OCh 1 Glory, open fighter feat
OCh 2

OCh 3 Channel Spell: Tree Shape
Wizard 1
12 Cham 3

Cham 4-10 total 4 open feats

The build channels tree shape through the spiked chain at 10th level. Your opponent turns into a tree, no save no SR.
Chameleon fixes the MAD, the BAB, the melee doldrums. Take planar touchstone and extra spell slot, and grab giant size from wu jen, and spike chain at 72' tall.
Facto, of course, adds Int to tripping and initiative, and with able learner makes all skills as class skills forever.

I'll leave it to you, to move wizard where you want it, but travel devotion with abrupt jaunt on a chain tripper would mess with the enemies battle lines.

There's plenty of room in the build to do other stuff, like invisifist, but this passes your sources.

If you plan to play it at 10th, make sure your dm knows you plan to turn baddies into trees.

2020-11-13, 02:13 AM
There's a drow cloak in either Underdark or Drow of the Underdark (one of the two) that gives abrupt jaunt a few times per day. Instead of using up a level, buy one of those, or add its abilities to another cloak you want.

The Shadow Cloak is from DotU. It's pretty cheap at 5500gp and also lets you get concealment if you want.

2020-11-13, 02:49 AM
Is it spell like or extra-ordinary?

That's pretty funny actually.. it's supernatural.

Page 68 – Benefits, Immediate Magic
The first sentence should read: “You gain a supernatural ability that reflects your chosen school of magic.” Text describing these abilities as extraordinary abilities or spell-like abilities can be disregarded.

2020-11-13, 10:33 AM
I built a Gish before using Abrupt Jaunt. The spells focused on combat. Not sure if Unearthed Arcana falls under "core" but I used Human Paragon as a base and also Combat Wizard to ditch Scribe Scrolls for another feat. A little Power Attack, Improved Toughness, Knowledge Devotion, and Combat Casting.

Had Swift Spells Critical Strike and Wraith Strike at the ready. Immediate spells Alter Fortune, Nerveskitter, Stand, Featherfall, plus Abrupt Jaunt ability.

Eventually I dipped Spellsword and Abjurant Champion. Then I think for lack of a better idea the plan was to finish with Eldritch Knight.

It was fun, Concentration was set so I didn't need to roll. So I just ran in and hit things with a Greatsword, if for some reason I had trouble killing it I had spells to help on the next swing. And there was always a next swing because Abrupt Jaunt made sure of it.