View Full Version : So this happened last game

2020-11-15, 08:09 PM
I had prepped a fight with 3 Cyclops outside their cave. But my players didnt seem all that interested in a combat, so I removed one and had the other two inside the cave arguing about what to do with the baby manticore they had living with them. The pcs had killed the rest of the family while it hunted in the last game.
With some decent stealth rolls and the warlocks virtual permanent detect magic they find that there are magic items hidden in a pile of bones to the right of the arguing Cyclops. And the 3 least stealthy are chosen to go try to retrieve them.
So the warlock starts digging through the bones. Making a sleight if hand check for each item he digs for. With random dcs. The dcs were a straight d20 for the ones near the top. Had advantage for the items a bit further down. And had advantage plus 10 for the bottom ones. Now the warlock doesnt have proficiency, and no dex mod. So he fails a few. So now that hes made some noise both cyclops get perception checks every time he failed his SOH check. And they never, not once, roll over a 9 for perception. So the party gets out Scott free, with the warlock sweating and everyone laughing hysterically at the ridiculousness of the rolls.
Turns out one of the cyclops was female and they were to busy arguing and having a violent roll in the hay to notice the party.
It was fun. And 8m glad I read the players right andd did something I didnt plan for.