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View Full Version : What would you call items worn or carried or otherwise active

2020-11-16, 04:59 PM
So you got your sword and shield, you are wearing your chain mail, wearing your rings. Potions and scrolls at the ready.
All this stuff is "active" as in it confers bonuses, you can use it on your turn etc.

What is not "active" is the stuff tucked away in your backpack like the Plate Breastplate you can't use, or extra rings you can't wear at the same time, stuff you haven't identified etc.

What title would you give the "active" stuff. Active doesn't seem very good as an descriptor.
Perhaps "Worn/Wielded Equipment" but is that really accurate (potion is neither). Maybe "Readied Equipment" but meh.

What do you think?

Worn/Wielded Equipment
+1 Longword
+3 Chainmail
Ring of Fire resistance
Ring of Feather Falling
Potion of Healing

Ring of Spell storing
Wand (unidentified)

2020-11-16, 05:28 PM
I wouldn't give worn or used equipment any special name, what's the point? Weapon is a weapon, armor is an armor. Any scrolls or potions are just as carried as the breastplate in your backpack (how did you managed to stuff it in there, by the way?) until you use them.

2020-11-16, 05:31 PM

It’s right in the name of equipment

2020-11-16, 05:46 PM
I wouldn't give worn or used equipment any special name, what's the point? Weapon is a weapon, armor is an armor. Any scrolls or potions are just as carried as the breastplate in your backpack (how did you managed to stuff it in there, by the way?) until you use them.

Because many magic items will give you special resistances only if it is being worn, or held, some only if it is attuned.

2020-11-16, 05:48 PM

It’s right in the name of equipment

Of course, that will do just fine.

2020-11-16, 05:53 PM

It’s right in the name of equipment

Yep! That's what I'd call it too, thanks to Bard's Tale, Might and Magic, and Pool of Radiance.

2020-11-16, 05:57 PM
I'd offer attended, mostly because they're not "unattended," which is a descriptor the rules sometimes use for items.

2020-11-16, 06:16 PM
Potions and other pouches = easy to steal
Rings, amulets, capes, light weapons = harder to steal
Backpack content, armor, heavier weapons, boots, belts, mounts = best to steal when the owner is sleeping