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2007-11-04, 09:55 AM
This is simple, there are always names in D&D and D&D related products (FR, Eberron, so on and so forth) that people have heard. If you could turn into one of three of these famous people, who'd you pick?

1: Lord of the Ninth, Asmodeus
2: Dagon, Prince of the Darkened Depths
3: Manshoon

2007-11-04, 10:05 AM
Merrix d'Cannith

2007-11-04, 10:45 AM


2007-11-04, 11:06 AM
WereWolf (Nuetral Good)
Bronze Dragon

Yeah I like my list:smalltongue:

2007-11-04, 11:10 AM
1. The Lord of Blades
2. Obox-Ob
3. Bigby

I think somewhere out there, someone made a Bigby's Insulting Gesture spell. I'd like to be the namesake.

Tempest Fennac
2007-11-04, 11:28 AM
1. A Lupinal.
2. A Moondog.
3. A good-aligned Werewolf.

Lord Tataraus
2007-11-04, 11:41 AM


Aawww...I was going to say that...

Weretiger (LG-aligned)

Mad Wizard
2007-11-04, 11:50 AM
I think somewhere out there, someone made a Bigby's Insulting Gesture spell. I'd like to be the namesake.

There is, in fact, a Bigby's Insulting Gesture in the Munchkin Player's Handbook.

2007-11-04, 12:09 PM
1. Talisid(the leader of the Five Companions of Neutral Good-dom)
2. Faerinaal(the consort of the queen of Chaotic Good-dom)
3. Melf(Of Melf's Acid and Unicorn Arrow fame).

Mr. Moogle
2007-11-04, 12:45 PM
1. Otiluke (invincible bubles of force ftw)
2. Mordinkaden (kiss you items goodbye)
3. Bigby (do i really have say it?)
4. Pun-Pun
5. The Mortiverse

2007-11-04, 12:47 PM
1. King Boranel ir'Wynarn, the Chuck Norris of Eberron.
2. Did you here the "Chuck Norris" part? He counts as all three entries.
3. In fact, he counts as twenty.

Fiery Justice
2007-11-04, 01:26 PM
1. Ao

2007-11-04, 04:07 PM
The Lady of Pain? Does that beat an Ao?

2007-11-04, 04:11 PM
The Lady of Pain trumps everything, but I'm not sure how much fun it would be to be her.

Ah... you cited Dagon, Callos. One of my favorite Abyssal lords, I have to say.

Azerian Kelimon
2007-11-04, 04:14 PM
1) Pun-Pun. Kiss AO and lady goodbye.

2) Any Exalted who is under a reworked version of Exalted that isn't rediculous.

3) The Bhaalspawn from Baldur's Gate. Pity it was never made official, 'cause it would have been one of the wisest decisions ever.

2007-11-04, 04:26 PM
1) Gimble the Gnome Bard [haha, DND PSAs]

2) Old Greg

3) Neo

Jack Mann
2007-11-04, 06:11 PM
The Lady of Pain? Does that beat an Ao?

No one knows for certain. I suspect that in Sigil, she does, but how much power she has outside of Sigil is unknown.

2007-11-04, 06:33 PM
1: Pun-Pun
2: The HIVE
3: Io

PS: Pun-Pun and the HIVE are from the WotC forum

2007-11-04, 06:43 PM
1. Elminster - he had a really fun interesting life, if you've read the books.
2. Mordenkainen - he seems like a pretty clever guy
3. hmm..... I like the Ao idea... but in the interest of keeping it mortal... any dragon (except my behavior isnt hardcoded into the color of my scales)

2007-11-04, 06:45 PM
No one knows for certain. I suspect that in Sigil, she does, but how much power she has outside of Sigil is unknown.

Hence the question marks. And the sort of go-fish game speech.

Infinite damage martyr beat a pun-pun?
No, go fish.

2007-11-04, 08:53 PM
1. Malcanthet
2. Graz'zt
3. Zuggtmoy.

2007-11-04, 09:37 PM
1. Jergal
2. Kelemvor
3. Pelor

2007-11-04, 09:46 PM
1. Baron Esravash d'Lyrandar. I get to summon hurricanes.
2. Jaela Daran. A little girl who's probably this most powerful cleric in Eberron - inside Flamekeep, at least.
3. Bahamut. Because a platinum dragon with a breath weapon like a laser beam is just that awesome.

2007-11-04, 11:54 PM
1. Orcus
2. Sarevok...he easily wiped the floor with Gorion
3. Minsc...miniature giant space hamster as a animal companion...nuff said

2007-11-05, 01:53 AM
1. King Kaius III (If Ir'Wynarn is Chuck Norris, Kaius is Bruce Lee)
2. An Adult Green Dragon
3. High Level Kobold

2007-11-05, 05:09 AM
...an Andalite.

Mr. Friendly
2007-11-05, 07:14 AM

Notice a pattern emerging?


My only regret in life is Lichdom is not attainable in the real world...

Alternately, I would accept being a Vampire, Mummy, or other Undead (Augmented Humanoid).

Though if we can figure out how to download my brain into a robot body, I would do that faster than you can say Construct (Augmented Humanoid).

Kurald Galain
2007-11-05, 07:27 AM
1. Milamber
2. Elminster
3. :vaarsuvius:

2007-11-05, 07:28 AM
1. Astinus the Chronicler
2. Malcanthet's paramour :smallbiggrin:
3. Jarlaxle

2007-11-05, 09:26 AM
Tasslehoff. Think about it...

2007-11-07, 05:02 PM
1. A Lupinal.
2. A Moondog.
3. A good-aligned Werewolf.
Wait... I think I see a pattern... hang on... almost got it. You... like...

No, I lost it. :smallwink:

I would like to be...

A musteval
A lupinal
or a Leonal

NG exemplar outsider would fit me perfectly. :smallbiggrin:

2007-11-07, 05:16 PM

1. And entirely unimportant and inconsequential level 7 sorcerer with eschew materials.
2. Coin
3. Orpheus

2007-11-07, 05:37 PM
1. Tasslehoff Burrfoot
2. Volothamp Geddarm
3. Minsc
4. Doppleganger

All of the above for ovious reasons