View Full Version : My World Expanded Dvati Culture and the Endless Sands Oasis

2020-11-17, 01:08 AM
While there is a D&D 3.5 entry for Dvati (found in Dragon Magazine #271 and Dragon Compendium Vol. 1), I haven't found any in-depth analysis of their culture, history, or legends. The best I've come up with is what's already been written.
To that purpose, I've decided to expand the lore of the Dvati in the fashion similar to that found in the D&D 3.5 books such as Races of the Wild and Races of Stone.
Please feel free to critique the setting as I haven't finished working everything out for the Dvati and their city.
I am NOT the original creator of the Dvati. That honor goes to Talon Dunning. I've simply reworked/converted the mechanics in the link below and I'm providing an unofficial expansion of this race's culture.
My PF Dvati Conversion: Here (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?537288-PEACH-Dvati-Race-Rework-Conversion-to-PF&p=22417539#post22417539)

Dvati Background

Ona'iAma'i wakes up and stretches in the cool desert air under the roof of a well-sheltered home.
At the same time, she shakes off the sand that has built up in her robes from the night's storm... five miles away from the comfort of home and the walls of the city.
"May the experiences of both enlarge and provide balance to the whole," she prayerfully intones from both of her halves.
It is a ritual she follows dutifully, both sides of herself constantly aware of the surroundings of the other. Strangely, non-Dvati insist on calling the half of herself in the city walls Ona'i and the other half patrolling the desert Ama'i.
She finds it strange outsiders will refer to her as 'sisters' and 'twins', but Ona'i doesn't pay it much mind as she negotiates for spices with one of the few foreign merchants capable of finding the city while Ama'i breaks camp with the rest of the patrol.
Although she enjoys the opportunity to see two different views at once, it doesn't reduce her anxiety at being separated and her inability to see her other half.
After she leaves the market she draws near to one of the wells dotting the large oasis city that make up her home. A single voice calls out to Ona'i from behind.
"Hello Ona'iAma'i! How do you fare?"
Her heart skips a beat as she eagerly turns to meet the voice's owner, a pair of well-built Dvati men. As she was not joined by her companion, the two Dvati men accommodated her inability to speak their native tongue by speaking Common.
"NargrethNamren! I fare well, though it is quite boring to patrol for nothing but sand and beetles while being seperated."
She had been interested in growing closer with the good-looking dvati for the past moon and fidgeted a bit out in the desert while remaining perfectly still in front of him.
"Ah, but your dedication is one of your finer qualities," one praises with a smile.
"It is your work both inside and outside of the city that gives us hope of continued safety and prosperity," the other finishes with an overly dramatic flourish.
She tries hard not to giggle at the gesture. She was far from the only dvati willing to split themselves, but it was cute to see NargrethNamren trying to flatter her.
"Why thank you, I-"
Ona'i's body stiffens suddenly as her other half raises the alarm.
"I'm sorry NargrethNamren, my focus is required."
Without a moment wasted, Ona'i dashes away from the well to a pre-arranged area so as to avoid distractions and to coordinate with other halves of the patrol members serving with Ama'i. AthrasMithra, a friend of hers, was already there, coordinating another member of the patrol.
As Onai'i reaches the canopy of one of the city's many meditation areas set apart for such an occasion, Ama'i parries a blow from a saber aimed for her head. She maneuvers her own blade under the assailant's guard to give a vicious slash to the belly of her opponent, causing him to flinch in pain. Unfortunately, Ama'i's blade makes a shallow cut in the bandit's thick clothing before he scrambles back through the dunes in a panicked retreat.
As Ama'i begins to pursue, Ona'i breaks her single-minded focus.
"Hold, AthrasMithra already got one for questioning."
She breathes a sigh of relief, she wouldn't balk at running into danger, but the thought of another trap could never be discounted with such a brief skirmish. It really did help that the entire patrol could be connected via their 'twins' back at home.
After some brief questioning, the prisoner reveals a larger group of bandits are based in a nearby oasis.
This news causes everyone to shift in anxiety.
"Ona'iAma'i, make sure we get some help from the city," AthrasMithra orders, "it sounds as if they are entrenched."
She nods before taking on the task of meeting with the patrol leaders in the city and relaying the information gained by the patrol outside.
The rest of the day proceeds uneventfully as night comes once more and she lays down to rest. One part of her in a bed of linen, the other, in a bed of sand.
Ona'iAma'i's last thought as she gazed at the stars from two different angles was how she looked forward to the day when she could fully enjoy a single experience with her entire self when she was reunited with her other half.

Dvati clothing tends to emphasize the twins as a whole rather than as individuals. As such, a dvati's wardrobe is typically in an array of complementing colors and styles. Alternatively, a few pairs may even choose to have contrasting fashion choices so as to appeal to wider audiences. One might be dressed in the finery of a high-class citizen while the other dresses in well-worn working clothes. The graceful clothing of the elves speaks to the dvati as grace and poise are highly valued in Dvati culture. Consequentially; light, flowing robes and hoods of various colors tend to be a favorite choice as it provides an air of refinement while staving off the desert heat of their homeland. However, while outside the deserts of their homeland, cloaks with deep hoods are a common choice to avoid disturbing other races with their unwavering gazes. These cloaks may be of varying designs, but dvati generally prefer something complementary to both twins.
Grooming among Dvati has a strange practicality despite their love of the arts. Most dvati prefer shorter hair so as to combat the desert heat. However, a wide range of hair ornaments isn't uncommon for female dvati with matching pairs for both halves being a common trait and those with long hair often sport intricate braids that complement any accompanying ornaments. Male dvati who grow beards tend to trim them to a short length so as to keep them from becoming ratty in the desert sand. Their unusually snow-white skin lends the dvati to appreciating painting their faces and bodies for special occasions, usually resulting in a small work of art as both twins paint for each other.

Duality in all things


Cooperation and Unity

Dvati Life:
Dvati commonly enjoy philosophical debates, constantly having a silent discussion with themselves. However, any task that requires a great deal of finesse and coordination is a subject that captures their attention. While dvati enjoy intellectual pursuits, they are capable warriors and hard workers. They consider archery, fencing, and similar combat talents art forms worthy of study. Dvati twins duel each other to press their talents and hone their abilities.
*Last 3 sentences taken from original text.
Arts and Crafts
A pair of twins might paint a mural together, with each twin starting from one end and meeting at the middle to finish the creation. Blacksmiths and artisans will pay careful attention to the quality and detail of their craft, using both twins to rapidly construct masterful pieces in the same amount of time it would take a normal smith to make a more mundane object of the same type. To dvati, putting forth his or her's best effort into creating a handful of masterful pieces is more important than mass-producing multitudes of inferior products. As a result, anything produced by dvati hands is likely to fetch a high price.
*First sentence taken from original text.
Technology and Magic
Magic tends to be difficult for many dvati to employ effectively, as it is surprisingly distracting. However, this does not prevent a theoretical study that many dvati employ to inspire technological advancements that mimic or enhance such spells. As such, dvati have a rather frugal method towards the use of magic, using it only when needed and relying on other means. The most common use of magic in Dvati society is to hide their cities from prying eyes and supplying resources in each 'ring' that cannot be obtained by other means. Dvati technology is a mix of tried-and-true with proof-of-concept, both styles containing a dvati's signature craftsmanship.
Dvati often place an emphasis on how many twins are present in a single activity as an indicator of how interested one party is in the other. As dvati prefer to have more than one viewpoint, dvati will often have multiple courtships at the same time so as to quickly find the one they wish to spend their lives with. Having two sets of twins alone in a single area indicates an unusual amount of dedication and is tantamount to a confession of love or even an engagement as it indicates a single-minded dedication to only one path. Dvati tend to marry at an age comparable to humans due to a low birth rate and as such, arranged marriages are not an uncommon practice for dvati.
Despite their longevity, dvati have very few children and the birth of a healthy set of twins is great cause for celebration. While one twin may be born earlier or later than the other, they are connected before birth, the difficulty lies in the fact that both twins must be born healthy and strong or else the emotional trauma of being alone will quickly kill the survivor. A lone dvati twin will also meet the same fate if the dvati mother only bears a single child. A few dvati born alone do survive to adulthood, but tend to be mentally unstable and are treated with pity as they are unable to fully appreciate the full joys of multiple viewpoints and are plagued with a gnawing sense of emptiness where their other half should be.
Dvati at War
When dvati are unable to peacefully resolve a conflict, their first course of action is to mobilize a highly efficient spy network where twins are split from each other, with one twin infiltrating enemy lines and the other staying at a central base, immediately relaying the information they have gained to their superiors. Smaller numbers and an emphasis on intelligence naturally lends dvati militaries to favor small strike teams that cripple critical leadership positions or operations rather than fielding a large army. However, a full-force dvati army isn't completely out of the question. These armies usually follow the same structure as their government, with 2 dvati twins at the head with 4 other 'rings' under their command. Their ability to quickly communicate with their shield-mate makes their discipline one borne from complete trust in their other half.
Aging and death
Dvati twins usually age at a similar rate to dwarves and tend to leave the world within a few days of each other when they pass from natural causes. When they both pass away, the community will split themselves, with one half in revelry to celebrate the life of the departed while the other group mourns their death. They make sure both twins are buried together and view the separation of twins in death as a grave insult to the departed.
Dvati Society and Culture
While the individual dvati might be unified in purpose, the typical dvati community is based off of reason, honesty, and what they consider common sense. This leads to a form of Communalism, which is easily taken advantage of by those disinclined to obey the spirit of the law and enrich the community as a whole. However, the main city favors a Representative democracy so as to avoid corruption and to accommodate non-dvati who live in or visit the city.

Community Structure
When left to their own devices, dvati create small, orderly communities divided into four groups called rings. Each ring is ruled by a council of four dvati twins (two sets of twins), who in turn report to a smaller council of four more dvati. Dvati use a democratic system of elections, with each pair of twins allowed one vote. The rings are responsible for growing their own food, maintaining their section of the settlement, and so forth. When faced with an important decision,the ruling councils call a gathering of the entire community. The twins separate into two groups, with one member of each pair in each meeting, to allow as many speakers as possible to present their views. The dvati as a whole then vote on a decision.
*Taken from original text
Dvati Families?

Dvati and Other Races:
Their stoic defense of family, industry, and solitude resonates with dvati strongly. It's only when you try to talk them into tempering their stoicism and insistence to adhere to honor that they emulate the walls of stone they love so much. In all, they are relaible allies, but are far too unyielding in most circumstances. Their crafts are impressive and easily rivals or exceeds any intricate work that dvati craftsmen create, which inspires many of them to seek apprenticeships from dwarven craftsmen.
Almost as bad as dwarves, elves don't seem motivated to investigate the other side of an argument. However, their exceeding longevity allows for extremely deep debates. While dvati can appreciate space away from other races as elves do, it's perplexing that elves seem more inclined to remove themselves entirely from the gaze of other races rather than seeking for a brief respite.
An inquiring mind and a drive for innovation make gnomes a real kindred spirit. It also helps that they have a love for music and are all too willing to join in a ballad with both twins. It's only when you treat them as a younger sibling and insist it would be best if someone besides the gnome go first that issues might arise.
While it's hard to not like the little folk, it never hurts that you have two extra eyes to watch out for their antics... or maybe that just doubles the number of pockets to pick. In any case, dvati can empathize with Halflings in not having any land to call their own as the dvati have also been forced to integrate with lands that are already occupied. Now if only the little scoundrel would be willing to talk philosophy instead of wandering off in search of trouble!
Half-elves are easy to get along with. Their natural charm and ability to relate with a fellow outcast race makes them easy to relate to. Their long lives mixed with human drive is viewed as an ideal balance by dvati. However, half-elves can be just as varied as humans, debating philosophical wonders one moment and then screaming with rage the next. However, everyone is entitled to a moment or two of emotion so this isn't overly strange. The strange part that dvati can't understand is the apparent wanderlust most half-elves exhibit even when they are invited to join dvati communities.
Half-orcs are nowhere near as stimulating to be around as most other races, but what they lack in tact, they make up for in predictability and reliability. Half-orcs are usually uninterested in intrigue to bother with lies, a filthy habit by Dvati standards, and prefer a straightforward approach that Dvati can appreciate... even if their methods are a bit single-minded.
The variety of philosophies and ideals stemming from human thought can lead to many deep and interesting debates among dvati. Their actions however, show a large disregard for unity among the race. Chaos would be the best way to describe humans that refuse to unite under a single banner and creating widely differing communities intent only to war against others not of their faith or ideals. Perhaps their wide variety of opinion and convictions is largely due to how prolific humans are compared to dvati. Yet, you can't help but feel a bit uneasy around them as humans can be saints one moment and conniving villains the next.

Dvati worship Thelmeth the Unifier, a divine being represented by a sphere divided in two halves, one black, one white. Thelmeth is typically depicted as a pair of male dvati twins clad in golden robes and wearing laurel wreaths, with each twin carrying a pair of large books. Thelmeth is neutral and his domains are Knowledge, Magic, and Protection. His favored weapon is the quarterstaff.
*Taken from original text.

2020-11-17, 01:10 AM
Dvati History and Folklore:
Mythic Origins
Thelmeth was originally a being in conflict with himself, constantly thrown about by the whims and fancies of the other gods. Being one of the youngest gods, he looked to the guidance of those who came before him. Thus, he would champion a just cause one moment, become embroiled in rageful retribution the next, plot shadowy deceit and intrigue another moment, then preach redemption and peace. In a rare moment of contemplation when the gods were not warring with each other, Thelmeth thought to himself: "Why do I play the fool for all the other gods? They war with one another, deceive, argue, and urge mortals to champion their causes. Why must I be forced to choose whom I aid when I cannot hear all their grievances? I have no desire to be rash, but they all insist I act before I can gather my thoughts and I am played the fool for it." He thought on this dillemma as he gazed into a pool of water he often frequented when he desired to contemplate philosophy. As his reflection's deep blue eyes gazed back into his own, Thelmeth dipped his hand into the pool, as if reaching to touch the being trapped beneath the surface of the tranquil water. "If only you were here by my side," he addressed his reflection, "we would be of one mind and one heart but capable of hearing two sides of the conflict." As he clasped his immersed hand within the pool, he felt something within his grasp. Thelmeth drew back his hand and was met with an astounding sight as his reflection emerged from the pool. Surprise was then met with joy as he realized his wish had been granted. For Thelmeth recognized the being who shared his face also shared his soul. Just as his left hand and his right were simply different sides of his body, so too was this reflection from the pool another part of himself. His thoughts were the reflection's and the reflection's thoughts were his. Thelmeth then went away rejoicing with both of his halves, seeking for knowledge and peace amongst the gods. Ultimately, Thelmeth acted as a mediator between the gods and brought into being the dvati so that they might serve the same purpose among mortals as he did with the gods, pulling a myriad of reflections from the pool two at a time so that none of the dvati might suffer and despair in solitude as Thelmeth had so long ago.

-Adventure Hook: The Unifier's Mirror, as the pool has come to be known, is located in the center of the Endless Sands Oasis and is considered a holy place by those who worship Thelmeth. Many dvati rites of passage involve the pool and is thus an important aspect of their lives. While no dvati have since come from the Unifier's Mirror, some non-dvati claim their reflections move of their own volition. Some dvati scholars speculate those looking into the pool are merely seeing their other half within the water, waiting to be brought into the world. Other races dismiss it as an illusion cast upon the waters while a few suspect a ghost haunts the waters.

Fy'reidFy'orn was a dvati of incredible renown for her ability to broker peace in the most bitter conflicts. Wherever she went, rulers requested her services and ambassadors vied for an opportunity to be privy to her boundless wisdom. One day, she was requested by a coalition of rulers to settle a dispute between two distant kingdoms across a vast sea, both had been at war for centuries and many of the island kingdoms had suffered greatly as the conflict had continued unabated. Fy'reidFy'orn was no stranger to being in two places at one time and so left for both kingdoms. Whilst her ships navigated the vast waters, a voice from the sea spoke to her:
"The kings you seek an audience with are both stubborn fools, their pride blinds them to the suffering of their people and those who would take advantage of it."
Fy'reid was first to speak.
"That same suffering and danger is what will convince them of their folly."
"Your naivette is charming, but hope for peace will not save you or them."
"Hope is what gives rise to peace," Fy'orn retorted, "hope allows us to take the first faltering steps towards peace and a relief from suffering."
"Ah," laughed the voice, "is that so? Very well, when hope fades and the threat of destruction hangs over you, call for me and I will aid you in realizing peace between the two."
The voice from the sea's words were prophetic as, no matter how hard she tried, both kings refused to yield their claims to retribution and their right to rule both kingdoms. Days, weeks, and months passed in fruitless endeavors as Fy'reidFy'orn sought to bring peace to the kingdoms in the sea.
As Fy'reid walked on the sands of the shore bordering the kingdom she had come to, she cried out in despair and frustration.
"There is no hope for peace! They would their people to ruin if it would spite the other and none dare to oppose their edict!"
To her surprise, the voice from the sea answered her.
"Do you now see the futility of this endeavor armed with naught but hope? You begin to weary the kings with your prattle and they will soon seek your lives."
A small intricate disc washed upon the sands near Fy'reid's feet.
"When the king means you harm, break this at your feet and the king will soon see reason."
Fy'reid took the disc with suspicion in her heart, but kept her thoughts hidden from Fy'orn.
The voice of the sea was once more correct as the king sought Fy'reid's life, accusing her of harassing the king and court so as to give their enemies an advantage.
With no choice available to her, Fy'reid broke the disc at her feet as the voice had instructed her.
Almost instantly, the air became as dry as her desert home, the plants withered and died, the ground became cracked and hard, and great rivers of water rushed across the kingdom and into the sea. To Fy'reid's horror, she knew what she had done.
The water of the kingdom had been drained in an instant and so too was their means of waging war. With the fight for survival now hanging over the kingdom, the newly transformed desert kingdom surrendered to its enemy.
Fy'reid's guilt at sentencing so many to death drove her to cut herself off from Fy'orn, isolating herself from her twin's thoughts until she made her grave in the kingdom she had doomed.
Fy'orn eventually went mad from the isolation, babbling about peace at any cost and left to wonder why she could no longer hear her other half answer her thoughts.

The purpose of this story is to warn against rash decisions, separation from yourself, and accepting what can't be changed.

Dvati Phrasebook
Dvati Script
The dvati language requires two creatures speaking simultaneously to properly use it, and its unique alphabet consists of only eight characters. The character's alignment—upside down, mirrored to the left or right, or turned to the side—determines its exact sound. If a dvati is somehow separated from his twin, he uses Common to communicate with others.
*Taken from original text.

A dvati's name in its native tongue is almost impossible for a non-dvati to speak or clearly understand, as both twins in the pair must speak at the same time to properly pronounce it. Thus, most dvati that work with other folk adopt names that they either make up or take from other languages. The dvati usually takes two names, one for each twin, although sometimes the dvati forgets which twin has which name. A dvati sees himself as an undivided pair, but he understands that other races might find him confusing. Dvati twins tend to prefer similar names with distinct sounds.
*Taken from original text.

Creating dvati Characters:
Dvati as Characters

A front-line class relying on brute strength is one that is ill-suited to the fragile dvati. However, barbarian dvati archetypes help to mitigate this by emphasizing protecting a weakened twin. The offensive capabilities inherent to dvati is not to be discounted either, as two axes in the head are better than one.
Bardic performances can be quite handy for a dvati as aid another checks for perform skills are hard to come by when no one else has any musical aptitude. However, this is second-nature to a dvati bard and manifests in absolutely stunning performances that can move most others to tears or bouts of great heroics.
At first glance, the problem inherent with dvati casting may make this class a poor choice. However, with the proper feats, a dvati can keep buffing themselves for the cost of a single spell, giving them good spell economy.
Wild shaping is always a handy ability to have outside of combat. After all, who would suspect a sparrow is a druid in disguise? The real power then comes from a dvati who is then capable of relaying exactly what her twin is seeing in real time to her companions, making the duo a powerful infiltration team. They are also capable of both wild shaping at the same time, making an already fearsome force of nature doubly so.
While their fragility might scare most away from exploring this option, dvati fighters have unparalleled teamwork abilities, capable of dismantling an enemy's defense or thwarting overwhelming attacks that would break a single fighter. The multitude of combat options is a dvati's bread and butter to choose at leisure while the enemy is floundering for an answer to two combatants who are in perfect sync with one another.
Dvati monks have the ability to quickly flank a single opponent, making it child's play to quickly pin your opponent to the ground. Dvati monks typically prefer to stock up on defensive items so as to aid in survivability if facing off against a group of enemies.
While a paladin may seem an odd choice for a race so devoted to balance instead of extremes, the Entwined Souls archetype gives the dvati more leeway as to how they pursue righteousness and the ability to combine their life forces at an early level. Additionally, being capable of rapidly smiting evil with twice the fury of your deity is a true force to be reckoned with. The class still suffers from the inherent problems a barbarian or fighter might face as a front-line character.
The dvati's natural dexterity might make this class appealing for most characters, as does the ranged capability inherent to the ranger, which keeps the twins out of range of most threats. The ranger's ability to track down an opponent is incredibly amplified as two trackers are less likely to miss a clue than is one.
The rogue is a natural choice for the dvati as it plays into all of their strengths. Having a constant companion willing to flank the opponent is strong enough in of itself, but add to that the ability to silently relay information while remaining hidden and this makes a dvati spy network a very real possibility. A rogue would do well to invest in feats and items that capitalize on teamwork, much like the fighter does.
The sorcerer can be quite difficult to pull off for a dvati as the inherent nature of their casting makes it difficult to do more than another race could. However, what makes the sorcerer a worthy choice is the racial archetype and the racial feats that cater towards the spellcasting dvati by making a previous hindrance to spellcasting a mere annoyance in exchange for casting powerful low-level spells modified by various metamagics.
The wizard has quite a few of the same challenges as the Sorcerer, but the natural abilities of the dvati help to boost the number of spells available. However, the wizard does miss out on a few options available to the sorcerer in terms of racial feats, specifically Lifeforce Flare.

2020-11-17, 01:13 AM
Dvati Cities and Settlements:
Dvati Economy

Example City: Endless Sands Oasis
The capitol for the Dvati. Its location in the deep desert allows their people to remain in relative anonymity in order to pursue their intellectual interests in peace. The city is also protected by powerful anti-scrying measures so as to ensure the only ones who can reliably reach the city are split dvati twins, known as Homeward Guides, with one staying in the city and the other focusing on the location of their twin.
The city is built with the Unifier's Mirror at its center, with several wells drawing water from reservoirs far beneath the surface.
A circular wall surrounds the city, with a secondary wall separating the wells from the outside wall should the city be breached and the first ring lost to invaders.

Homeward Guides
Dvati are rarely split from each other by choice. However, those that do tend to serve in the capacity of Homeward Guides.
One twin will remain within the city and the other will serve with a patrol dedicated to defending the area around the capitol, though whether or not an individual Guide participates in combat or seeks to preserve themselves is a matter of personal choice. Such twins are highly respected for their service, as long-term separation is very stressful to a dvati and those unaccustomed to the strain could become sickly.
Wandering Eyes
The spy network of the dvati is unquestionably effective as a natural means of sending messages discreetly back to a central headquarters. Twins are split between the Endless Sands Oasis and the area they are required to observe. This position is extremely dangerous and the natural anxiety of separation is compounded by the need for secrecy.
As such, few of the Wandering Eyes remain in active duty for long periods of time. Those that do are hardened spymasters responsible for several key events that have protected dvati interests from outside forces.