View Full Version : How do I make enemies try to hit me instead of my party?

2020-11-18, 08:08 AM
At the moment, I'm playing a Battle Smith Artificer/War Wizard, and I have high AC and high HP, but sometimes I just can't make the enemies try to hit me. Is there any feat that I can take or spell that I can use to help me?
(I have only 2 levels on wizard, so only level one wizard spells, and 10 levels on artificer, so I have only level three Artificer Spells)

2020-11-18, 08:13 AM
At the moment, I'm playing a Battle Smith Artificer/War Wizard, and I have high AC and high HP, but sometimes I just can't make the enemies try to hit me. Is there any feat that I can take or spell that I can use to help me?
(I have only 2 levels on wizard, so only level one wizard spells, and 10 levels on artificer, so I have only level three Artificer Spells)
1. Use terrain/doorways to channel enemies toward you.
2. Have you considered the Sentinel Feat? It will, if nothing else, at least get the enemies to stop for a bit.
3. Taunt and role play: dare them to fight you.
4. Illusion: present yourself as less intimidating, or as a big hunk of food, by using an illusion.
5. See if you can get the Command spell, and tell them "Attack" while pointing at yourself. (Might need to discuss that with your DM ahead of time to make sure it will work)
6. Play a different class: there's a Paladin ability/spell called Compelled Duel. That's what you are looking for.
7. Hold two boxes of freshly cooked pizza instead of weapons: monsters love pizza. :smallbiggrin: (Well, DMs do...)
8. Obligatory "make it painful to go past you. Attack using the booming blade cantrip."

2020-11-18, 08:17 AM
Walk up to them and start stabbing them in the face. The number of monsters who have the psychology to ignore that is pretty small, IMO. You dont necessarily even have to be hurting them terribly much, just the act of being there and hurting them will get their attention.

2020-11-18, 08:21 AM
By getting your party in a position that can't be hit
By causing so much damage (either direct or indirect) to the enemy that they can't ignore you.
By adding riders to your attack of opportunity (sentinel, booming blade), that the enemy would rather hit you and miss than take the AoO.

There is no reliable way to "draw aggro" through spells and effects. There is command and compelled duel but I'd never use them as such (or at all) personally.

2020-11-18, 08:27 AM
Along with what others said, being really annoying can also work some of the time.

2020-11-18, 08:28 AM
Step one: make yourself the easiest member of the party to target. Stay in range and preferably in the direct path between the enemies and their goal.

Step two: find ways to make hitting anyone else have negative consequences. Give an ally the radiant weapon infusion for example. You can also make the chances of hitting allies low enough to the point it makes little sense to target anyone but you.

Step three: control the field of battle. Doesn't have to be a single person's job or anything but shaping the environment in your favor is vital. This can be psysical or meta control, it all works the same.

Step four: find ways to mitigate damage you receive.

You skipped to step four.

2020-11-18, 08:33 AM
Walk up to them and start stabbing them in the face. The number of monsters who have the psychology to ignore that is pretty small, IMO. You dont necessarily even have to be hurting them terribly much, just the act of being there and hurting them will get their attention.
This do make sense, the only thing is that, when I do that, my Hexadin friend does the same and simply deal way more damage than me, which makes the enemy want to attack him and not me. Also, most of the time enemies just can tell which member of the party is the squishier(the party is me, the Hexadin, a barbarian and a BARD) and they always attack the bard first, and she has died at least three times already.

2020-11-18, 08:40 AM
This do make sense, the only thing is that, when I do that, my Hexadin friend does the same and simply deal way more damage than me, which makes the enemy want to attack him and not me. Also, most of the time enemies just can tell which member of the party is the squishier(the party is me, the Hexadin, a barbarian and a BARD) and they always attack the bard first, and she has died at least three times already.

Can you describe a bit how she died these times? Was it due to ambushes, ranged attacks or the enemy was chasing her around all the time and she didn't kite?

2020-11-18, 08:42 AM
.... and they always attack the bard first, and she has died at least three times already.She needs to be taught how to use the dodge action. :smallwink: Granted, always attacking the bard first isn't that bad of an idea: they do talk a lot of smack! :smallbiggrin:

2020-11-18, 08:47 AM
This do make sense, the only thing is that, when I do that, my Hexadin friend does the same and simply deal way more damage than me, which makes the enemy want to attack him and not me. Also, most of the time enemies just can tell which member of the party is the squishier(the party is me, the Hexadin, a barbarian and a BARD) and they always attack the bard first, and she has died at least three times already.

What college?

2020-11-18, 08:48 AM
Can you describe a bit how she died these times? Was it due to ambushes, ranged attacks or the enemy was chasing her around all the time and she didn't kite?

Once it was disintegrate, but since it was her first session the DM let us revivify her. The second time disintegrate as well. The third time the enemy just beat her to death.

2020-11-18, 08:48 AM
What college?
She's a lore bard

2020-11-18, 08:49 AM
Once it was disintegrate, but since it was her first session the DM let us revivify her. The second time disintegrate as well. The third time the enemy just beat her to death.

It sounds like your bard isnt taking enough precautions then. Is she running into melee with her rapier or something when she should be hanging back and casting?

2020-11-18, 08:52 AM
Also, most of the time enemies just can tell which member of the party is the squishier(the party is me, the Hexadin, a barbarian and a BARD) and they always attack the bard first, and she has died at least three times already.

Sorry, but this seems to me a DM problem. If your DM systematically attacks the squishiest members of the party, regardless of the perceived threat associated to them and their contribution to the fight, they might simply being metagame-y and oppositional to the party, rather than playing along.

2020-11-18, 08:58 AM
She's a lore bard
Counter spell?

Preventing LOS for spells and attacks with Invisibility, illusions, cover (which with 4 PCs that are Frontline shouldn't be hard), summons, range, or whatnot.

Park your SD in front of the bard. Now they have cover and you can grant DA on an attack.

Toughen up the bard. Toss them AC infusions and any magical items that boost defense until they are no longer have a lick me (kick. No reason to fix this is a hilarious image)sign on their forehead. The party might get hit more often but the attacks will land on those who have more HP and mitigation.

WARDING BOND. *Trumpet sounds of glory* but really this alone can make attacking the bard a bad idea and it protects against random spikes.

2020-11-18, 09:01 AM
At the moment, I'm playing a Battle Smith Artificer/War Wizard, and I have high AC and high HP, but sometimes I just can't make the enemies try to hit me. Is there any feat that I can take or spell that I can use to help me?
(I have only 2 levels on wizard, so only level one wizard spells, and 10 levels on artificer, so I have only level three Artificer Spells)

If the enemy is dumber than you, trick them into attacking you by making it appear easier, or have you appear more threatening.

If the enemy is smarter than you, convince them into attacking you by not wanting them to choose to attack you. That is the paradox of defending. High AC, high HP, low damage, low threat make them attack other targets instead.

In 5E if you lead with a high level concentration spell, then the smart enemies might try to break your concentration (but by then you would prefer them to ignore you). However you are primarily an Artificer so the Bard's spell will usually be more threatening than yours.

Long term, work on negating the enemy's choices. Find ways to deny their ability to attack others (choke points help). Find ways to punish them if they attack without permission. Find ways to make everyone roughly comparable targets (increase/decrease AC, increase HP, increase threat)

2020-11-18, 09:08 AM
Yeah in 5e it’s not just the tank’s job to control the enemies it is team work. If the bard is dying she has to learn positioning, using spells to up her defense. A simple minor illusion can block disintegrate.

When I am playing a squishy I always either end my turn in cover or create cover for myself or I position myself such that the enemy has to eat at least 2 to 3 AOOs to get to me. A lot of times I set myself up so it can take a full turn just to get to me or I’m outside of the enemies senses if it relies on such, making myself an illegal target. This forces them to target the hardier members of the party.

2020-11-18, 09:10 AM
Once it was disintegrate, but since it was her first session the DM let us revivify her. The second time disintegrate as well. The third time the enemy just beat her to death.

This really wasn't the answer I was expecting to hear. A Bard isn't a great target for disintegrate in the first place. I mean, it can happen, especially if there are multiple casters spamming disintegrates but even if the Bard overextends, by staying near the hexadin, she still has a +11 to save (with 14 DEX). So this Bard either has terrible stats, doesn't use any defensive ability or positioning at all, or the DM is dead set on killing her even by using stupid methods like Disintegrate..

2020-11-18, 09:22 AM
This really wasn't the answer I was expecting to hear. A Bard isn't a great target for disintegrate in the first place. I mean, it can happen, especially if there are multiple casters spamming disintegrates but even if the Bard overextends, by staying near the hexadin, she still has a +11 to save (with 14 DEX). So this Bard either has terrible stats, doesn't use any defensive ability or positioning at all, or the DM is dead set on killing her even by using stupid methods like Disintegrate..

Actually the disintegrates happened before the Hexadin was on the party, so the bonus wasn't big enough

2020-11-18, 09:25 AM
Counter spell?

Preventing LOS for spells and attacks with Invisibility, illusions, cover (which with 4 PCs that are Frontline shouldn't be hard), summons, range, or whatnot.

Park your SD in front of the bard. Now they have cover and you can grant DA on an attack.

Toughen up the bard. Toss them AC infusions and any magical items that boost defense until they are no longer have a lick me (kick. No reason to fix this is a hilarious image)sign on their forehead. The party might get hit more often but the attacks will land on those who have more HP and mitigation.

WARDING BOND. *Trumpet sounds of glory* but really this alone can make attacking the bard a bad idea and it protects against random spikes.

Warding bond it is, I've used it a couple of times, and the times I used, she didn't fall, so maybe I'll use more instead of using spell slots to do damage. Also, for what I've looked I think I'll pick Warcaster to make up for the damage I'll be taking everytime because of warding bond, so I don't lose concentration. And also to use Booming Blade as an attack of opportunity which will make enemies want to kill me ASAP.

2020-11-18, 09:44 AM
Mostly, hope you're playing with a DM that will take actions based on your opponent's perspective instead of going immediately with the "it's better to run past the warrior and take the hit to stab the unarmed and lightly armed guy in the back than to keep my attention on the scary, heavily armed and armored nightmare in front of me".

2020-11-18, 09:45 AM
The thing is that it's way easier for the Bard to force enemies to target something other than her, than you forcing the enemies to not target the Bard. Something as simple as a minor illusion creating cover (most abilities require sight to be used), or silent image to create an obscuring zone, or invisibility (cutting words and inspiration dice are neither attacks nor spells so they shouldn't break invisibility) would already start changing the group dynamics. And you build from there with things like lucky, counterspell, various control spells, getting a flying mount and kiting etc.

Obviously the player isn't very savvy with this playstyle. Perhaps you should show some guides to her and explain that this character is all about trickery and making the DM miserable, not the other way around. Show her some guides or something and if she doesn't like the playstyle, the DM should let her reroll.

2020-11-18, 10:05 AM
The turtling problem is a common one for tanks. Make yourself too hard to hit and enemies will give up on hitting you and just attack someone else.

The default, baked in ways of discouraging this behavior in 5e are the opportunity attack and disadvantage for making ranged attacks when within an enemy's threat range. If an enemy walks away from you to hit an ally, they suffer for it by taking an extra hit, and if they stand next to you but attack one of your back line allies anyway, then they suffer a penalty to hit.

Unfortunately, these methods aren't all that strong in and of themselves. Many enemies ignore opportunity attacks, and many more are willing to eat one if it means targeting a party member they can reliably hit with their attacks. Allies also get trapped by opportunity attacks, so your squishier party member suffers the same penalties trying to get away from enemies once they've been engaged, and you can't do much about that apart from maybe trying to separate them with a shove. Also you only get one reaction a round, so once you've spent it on an opportunity attack or a spell like shield or endure elements, enemies are free to ignore you. And many long range enemies attack not by making attack rolls but by forcing saving throws, and thus suffer no penalty for simply sitting in your reach and targetting your allies somewhere else anyway.

So if you want to tank in 5e, you want to look at additional ways to encourage enemies to target you or discourage them from / punish them for targeting your allies. Examples of such options include:

1. The Sentinel Feat. Available to any character by spending an ASI, Sentinel is one of the more effective and easily accessible options here. It offers multiple advantage in this regard - first, enemies can't avoid your opportunity attacks via the disengage action. This is especially useful for enemies that can disengage without using their action, such as those that can disengage as a bonus action or mounted enemies whose mounts can disengage for them. Second, if you hit an enemy with an opportunity attack, their speed is reduced to zero. This turns your opportunity attacks into hard control rather than soft control. An enemy might choose not to move away from you for fear of the extra damage they might take from a regular opportunity attack, but an enemy hit by a Sentinel's opportunity attack doesn't get a choice at all. Finally, if an enemy within your reach attacks a target other than you who doesn't have the sentinel feat, then you can use a reaction to attack them, so you can discourage enemies from attacking your allies even if they don't need to risk an opportunity attack to do so.

All very good. You still have to deal with the 'only one reaction' issue, as well as enemies who ignore opportunity attacks outright, but if you want to be a tank in 5e Sentinel will in general make it a lot easier to do.

2. Concentrate on a showy and powerful Spell - especially aoe or multi-target buffs, debuffs, or battlefield control spells. Enemies will put effort into trying to shut down a Bless, or a Spirit Guardians, or a web spell that's preventing several of their friends from joining the fight. Of course, you /also/ don't want to waste such spells, so if going this route be sure you have a decent concentration save. Note that spending your concentration on a spell that makes you personally harder to hit or hurt will have the opposite of the desired effect. Again, look for aoe buffs, debuffs, or battlefield control spells, the kind of spells that enemies can't really afford to let you keep up. As an artificer/wizard, this should be a useful tactic for you.

3. Grab enemies. This is pretty much limited to strength based characters with good athletics scores, but if you can open a hand up to grab an opponent then they'll have a hard time not focusing on you. shoves can also be useful for shouldering yourself into position, pushing an enemy's threat range off of a vulnerable ally, or knocking a target prone. Sadly this probably isn't really an option for you.

4. Deal more damage. If you're too threatening to ignore, then the enemy can't afford to ignore you. Shift some resources - spells or otherwise - from defensive abilities to offensive ones. In particular, if you can make your opportunity attacks more damaging, that can be helpful.

5. Role Playing - particularly if you can incorporate cha skills. Intimidate foes to make yourself seem too threatening to ignore even if you aren't really. Taunt them to draw their anger and attention. Boast and brag until they're dying to wipe the smug superiority off your polished steel faceplate. may or may not be an option for you, depending on whether your DM is likely to call for cha skill rolls for it to be effective, but even then taunting the enemy in such a way that you're taunting the DM by proxy can be an effective, if admittedly quite dangerous ploy.


Beyond that there are more specific abilities, but they tend to be class based. barbarians who make themselves easier to hit by granting advantage but harder to hurt due to high max hp and damage resistance while raging are a classic example. Paladins who encourage enemies to target them first due to a combination of high smite damage and auras that make it difficult to deal with the party while the paladin is conscious. Cavalier Fighters and their unwavering mark ability. The cleric (and Paladin as of tasha's) spell Warding Bond that transfers some of the damage an ally takes to you. The booming Blade cantrip that causes a target to take extra damage if it moves away regardless of opportunity attacks, especially if you combine it with the warcaster feat to use booming blade /as/ an opportunity attack, which according to devs on twitter still works even after tasha's changes to the range.

There are tools available to help with this in 5e, you just kind of have to look for them yourself, because they aren't explicitly called out and highlighted the way they were for 4e's defender classes. Which is too bad, I like the way 4e handled tanks, but it is what it is.

2020-11-18, 10:07 AM
I mean once the bard casts haste / polymorph or animate objects or any other concentration buff/debuff they should get the hell out of Dodge.

Now it is just all about finding a good cover spot and if the hiding spot allows for it come out and viciously mock the enemies about their inadequacies and going back into hiding right afterwards. If necessary pop out and throw a fireball and pop back in.

She can’t stand out in the open and facetank everything.

2020-11-18, 10:49 AM
2. Concentrate on a showy and powerful Spell - especially aoe or multi-target buffs, debuffs, or battlefield control spells. Enemies will put effort into trying to shut down a Bless, or a Spirit Guardians, or a web spell that's preventing several of their friends from joining the fight. Of course, you /also/ don't want to waste such spells, so if going this route be sure you have a decent concentration save. Note that spending your concentration on a spell that makes you personally harder to hit or hurt will have the opposite of the desired effect. Again, look for aoe buffs, debuffs, or battlefield control spells, the kind of spells that enemies can't really afford to let you keep up. As an artificer/wizard, this should be a useful tactic for you.

That's nice, I think I will use more Aura of Vitality or Heroism instead of spamming Haste for damage.

The cleric (and Paladin as of tasha's) spell Warding Bond that transfers some of the damage an ally takes to you. The booming Blade cantrip that causes a target to take extra damage if it moves away regardless of opportunity attacks, especially if you combine it with the warcaster feat to use booming blade /as/ an opportunity attack, which according to devs on twitter still works even after tasha's changes to the range.
Yeah, warding bond is a nice spell, I don't use it a lot, because of a lot of damage I take and need to make CON saves for other spells I concentrate. Guess agood way to make me better is is to pick up Warcaster, this way I don't need to care a lot about the Concentration saves and can use Booming blade as a reaction to avoid enemies running from me.

2020-11-18, 11:18 AM
Cast high impact concentration spells.
Faerie fire should be enough.

Doing a lot of damage is also a way to become a target.

2020-11-18, 12:28 PM
1. Fire immunity / resistance for your Bard.
2. Fireball. Danger Close.
3. Profit.

2020-11-18, 12:43 PM
Have you asked the DM for why the squishy Bard gets targeted, as you're trying to figure out how to get targeted more at their table?

2020-11-18, 12:44 PM
Cast high impact concentration spells.
Faerie fire should be enough.

Doing a lot of damage is also a way to become a target.
Maybe Aura of Vitality as well XD

2020-11-18, 12:56 PM
Have you asked the DM for why the squishy Bard gets targeted, as you're trying to figure out how to get targeted more at their table?
The DM said that the Bard is going to get targeted because of the powerful spells, like her power of mass heal us, that often the enemies that are inteligent tend to try to kill the healer, so we won't come back. I try to heal people more so the monsters will try to hit me, but I don't even get close, because only aura of Vitality and arcane jolt is not comparable to healing word and mass cure wounds. All of that without mention that when a caster thinks that I'm a threat, they just banish me, which is basically being forced into spectating mode, though now this will change because of tasha's new ruling over the steel defender (it can attack if you are incapacitaded now).

2020-11-18, 12:59 PM
The DM said that the Bard is going to get targeted because of the powerful spells, like her power of mass heal us, that often the enemies that are inteligent tend to try to kill the healer, so we won't come back. I try to heal people more so the monsters will try to hit me, but I don't even get close, because only aura of Vitality and arcane jolt is not comparable to healing word and mass cure wounds. All of that without mention that when a caster thinks that I'm a threat, they just banish me, which is basically being forced into spectating mode, though now this will change because of tasha's new ruling over the steel defender (it can attack if you are incapacitaded now).

Alrigth, so two questions:

-How do they know she's the healer?

-How many powerful casters are you facing in this campaign?

2020-11-18, 01:06 PM
Sounds like illusions should be your friend here, then.

2020-11-18, 01:16 PM
Alrigth, so two questions:

-How do they know she's the healer?

-How many powerful casters are you facing in this campaign?

-They know she's the healer because they see her saying magic things and after that an ally that was unconscious waking up.

-A lot of, but those that disintegrated her are already dead, though we keep fighting dumb monsters kind of on the way to reach the big baddies that are smart ya know.

2020-11-18, 01:55 PM
-They know she's the healer because they see her saying magic things and after that an ally that was unconscious waking up.

-A lot of, but those that disintegrated her are already dead, though we keep fighting dumb monsters kind of on the way to reach the big baddies that are smart ya know.

If the bard is casting healing spells often enough to be noticable then your party has bigger issues than threat control

da newt
2020-11-18, 02:18 PM
When your DM explains that they metagame so that the bad guys know who the healer is, who the squishy is, who is concentrating on what spell etc, and therefor that PC will become the primary target, then it becomes the targeted player's responsibility to make themselves a hard target.

With some tactics, planing and cooperation, your party can use this to their advantage - now that you know the bad guys will concentrate on the bard it allows the rest of you to concentrate on offense and less on defense.

Thankfully this does have some further benefit as it allows you and the rest of the PC's to metagame your targeting as well.

2020-11-18, 02:28 PM
Its easy. When your DM is in another room, loudly say "Man, my DM really sucks at combat. I'm very rarely hit and she doesn't even realize how vulnerable I am. Sometimes, I question her intelligence."

Works like a charm every time*.

*okay, maybe about 5% of the time.

2020-11-18, 02:53 PM
How do I make enemies try to hit me instead of my party?
Grapple them.
That makes their speed 0.
They can't get to the bard until they get away from you.

2020-11-18, 02:59 PM
How do I make enemies try to hit me instead of my party?
Grapple them.
That makes their speed 0.
They can't get to the bard until they get away from you.

That's true for melee combatants, but if the party has to worry about magic rays turning their bard to dust...

Well a Cavalier fighter could help, but aside from that and hiding the bard I don't know.

If the bard is casting healing spells often enough to be noticable then your party has bigger issues than threat control

Also true.

OP, just to know, could you describe what level you were and what creatures you were fighting, the last time the Bard died, please?

2020-11-18, 03:47 PM
In the campaign I'm playing in, being really scary is actually the best way to get people to focus on you. The dragon PC in our party gets hammered every fight.

2020-11-18, 05:29 PM
OP, just to know, could you describe what level you were and what creatures you were fighting, the last time the Bard died, please?
Well, last time it made perfect sense to focus on her, it was last session, we were fighting some kind of "entity", but it was 100% a wizard, the guy was very smart(duh, wizard), we even needed to fight it two times, cause in the first one our Hexadin got feebleminded. Anyway, last session we fought him, he tried to feeblemind me, but I passed the save, afterwards he used banishment in me, and there were only the Barbarian, Hexadin and the Bard, so he saw that the Bard was healing them, put her down, and hit her one more time, just to be sure, then he put the Barbarian down as well, but she kept going back with that relentless rage, until she went unconscious for good and the Pally was alone, everyone thought that the Bard and the Barbarian were 100% dead, and when we less expected, the Hexadin crits and double smites him to the ground. Then I went back, revivified her, and that was it.

Edit: forgot to say we are level 12(don't remember if I already said it)

2020-11-18, 05:34 PM
seeing some good advice. One thing I haven't seen mentioned: insult the NPCs in character to try and make them target you. If it doesn't work, insult the DM. Do it right and the DM will send the monsters after you in particular, I promise.

2020-11-18, 05:39 PM
seeing some good advice. One thing I haven't seen mentioned: insult the NPCs in character to try and make them target you. If it doesn't work, insult the DM. Do it right and the DM will send the monsters after you in particular, I promise.
Once I did that to a guy, challenging to hit me with a disintegration, because I was wearing the resistant armor infusion that can give you resistance to one type of damage(yes, I planned it), and it worked, I failed the test though, BUT IT WORKED haha

2020-11-19, 03:58 AM
Do you guys have the rope trick spell or bag of holding or portable hole?
The bard can cast a concentration spell and get into one of those options.
If you have familiars you can have them handle the opening and closing of the hole or letting her out of the bag to cast.
The best way not to be attacked is not being a target.
My bard have find greater steed, she cast and ride to the sky as far as she can.

Cloak of invisibility will also do her good.
(A lot of spell require you to see the target).

2020-11-19, 04:04 AM
At the moment, I'm playing a Battle Smith Artificer/War Wizard, and I have high AC and high HP, but sometimes I just can't make the enemies try to hit me. Is there any feat that I can take or spell that I can use to help me?
(I have only 2 levels on wizard, so only level one wizard spells, and 10 levels on artificer, so I have only level three Artificer Spells)

Some spells make opponents love to target you such as polymorph on one of your allies.
Try artificer spells until all the monster focuses on you.
That or you can just disguise yourself into a barbarian then have each party member disguise themselves into frail targets and the monsters will have magical disguise awareness and think they should attack you because you are disguised as a tough person and thus frail.

Its easy. When your DM is in another room, loudly say "Man, my DM really sucks at combat. I'm very rarely hit and she doesn't even realize how vulnerable I am. Sometimes, I question her intelligence."

Works like a charm every time*.

*okay, maybe about 5% of the time.
Do it many times in hope for a critical success?

Also if the opponents hates bards specifically disguise yourself as a bard poorly disguised as an artificer and disguise the bard in an artificer poorly disguised as a bard.

2020-11-19, 06:44 AM
Also if the opponents hates bards specifically disguise yourself as a bard poorly disguised as an artificer and disguise the bard in an artificer poorly disguised as a bard.
That's very smart, I will use it. Thanks

2020-11-19, 01:48 PM
At the moment, I'm playing a Battle Smith Artificer/War Wizard, and I have high AC and high HP, but sometimes I just can't make the enemies try to hit me. Is there any feat that I can take or spell that I can use to help me?
(I have only 2 levels on wizard, so only level one wizard spells, and 10 levels on artificer, so I have only level three Artificer Spells)

So I DM for a group - where there's a Paladin (who is definitely the main "tank" - others are: 2 Clerics, 1 Rogue, 1 Warlock, 1 Ranger).

Unlike MMOs, there's no actual "Taunt" function that pulls monsters away. I typically try to play my intelligent monsters as intelligent. Goblins might attack the Paladin first, but as soon as they see one of the Clerics heal, that Cleric may become the new target because otherwise the Paladin has an "endless pool of health."

Non intelligent monsters, I often roll d6 to see who they might randomly attack, until provoked otherwise.

So all this to say - it's difficult to ensure monsters attack JUST you, unless you have them blocked off at a doorway. Or taunt them (verbally, which may not always work - especially in the heat of combat).

2020-11-19, 01:56 PM
At the moment, I'm playing a Battle Smith Artificer/War Wizard, and I have high AC and high HP, but sometimes I just can't make the enemies try to hit me. Is there any feat that I can take or spell that I can use to help me?
(I have only 2 levels on wizard, so only level one wizard spells, and 10 levels on artificer, so I have only level three Artificer Spells)

If your DM plays fair, Disguise Self might be worth a shot: try to look squishier than you really are. (AFB but if Artificers can make hats of disguise, you could likewise try making your allies look tankier than they really are. If you had more wizard levels Seeming would be ideal here.)

If your DM metagames this is harder to do.

2020-11-20, 01:57 AM
6. Play a different class: there's a Paladin ability/spell called Compelled Duel. That's what you are looking for.

additionally goading attack from fighter battlemaster and the ancestral barbarian ability that makes it so enemies attacking others have disadvantage and do half damage to things other than you. Also one of the new clerics can allow you to take attacks for others

otherwise you want to pick spells and abilities where leaving you alive is a pain in the butt. maybe a debuffing spell that makes the whole enemy team weaker for example

2020-11-20, 08:30 AM
I didn’t read the entire thread, but you could change from battle smith to armorer

2020-11-20, 08:57 AM
additionally goading attack from fighter battlemaster and the ancestral barbarian ability that makes it so enemies attacking others have disadvantage and do half damage to things other than you. Also one of the new clerics can allow you to take attacks for others

otherwise you want to pick spells and abilities where leaving you alive is a pain in the butt. maybe a debuffing spell that makes the whole enemy team weaker for example

Well if changing class is an option, there is the Cavalier Fighter too. Which is great both at protecting teammate and at attracting the aggro.

2020-11-20, 09:29 AM
Well if changing class is an option, there is the Cavalier Fighter too. Which is great both at protecting teammate and at attracting the aggro.
I mean, I'm not going to change my class, I asked if it is possible to tank with this one particular character lol.

2020-11-20, 09:47 AM
What level artificer are you?

2020-11-20, 11:11 AM
It is absolutely possible to tank with an battlesmith/war wizard, though to be honest Abjuration Specialist might have been the more synergistic wizard specialty, particularly with replenishing arcane ward to absorb HP damage transferred by Warding bond.

In terms of encouraging enemies to attack you directly, or at least making them less effective when they choose not to, look to the spell Warding Bond - particularly when combined with multi-target or round-by-round healing or temporary hp abilities, whether supplied by you or other party members. More than that, look to your steel defender's Deflect Attack reaction. Note that deflect attack uses your steel defender's reaction, you still have yours free for other options, including Shield or Endure Elements.

That said, consider picking up the 'Sentinel'. It's probably better to save your reaction to punish an enemy for attacking one of your allies than to use it making an enemy regret even trying to attack you in the first place. At least, not unless a Shield or Endure Elements is going to make the difference between you staying up or dropping.

2020-11-20, 11:27 AM
What level artificer are you?
I'm Artificer 10/ Wizard 2

2020-11-20, 11:42 AM
It is absolutely possible to tank with an battlesmith/war wizard, though to be honest Abjuration Specialist might have been the more synergistic wizard specialty, particularly with replenishing arcane ward to absorb HP damage transferred by Warding bond.

When I made the character I considered Abjuration instead of War Magic, but it would only get worse through levels, since the Arcane Ward HP scales based on Wizard Levels, but the Arcane Deflection from War Magic will always be useful. To conclude the Ward wouldn't be a very useful ability on high levels, since enemies would end it's HP in less than one attack.

In terms of encouraging enemies to attack you directly, or at least making them less effective when they choose not to, look to the spell Warding Bond - particularly when combined with multi-target or round-by-round healing or temporary hp abilities, whether supplied by you or other party members. More than that, look to your steel defender's Deflect Attack reaction. Note that deflect attack uses your steel defender's reaction, you still have yours free for other options, including Shield or Endure Elements.
You've commented about temporary HP every round, maybe the union of Aid+Warding Bond+Heroism(at least level 2 slot, so it gives me and the person with the warding bond THP every round, mitigating damage for both of us) would be a good way to draw attention to me.
Edit: aid spell wouldn't draw attention to me but it would help the party.

2020-11-20, 12:53 PM
I'm Artificer 10/ Wizard 2

Oye. One lv off SSI fun.
Are you making good use of flash of genius to prevent the bard from failing ST?once you get consider parking your familiar in the bard with cure wounds.

Arcane jolt is some of the best action economy healing in the game. The smite option is weak so it's pretty easy to have some solid healing to spend without interruption.

2020-11-21, 02:29 AM
Oye. One lv off SSI fun.
Are you making good use of flash of genius to prevent the bard from failing ST?once you get consider parking your familiar in the bard with cure wounds.

I've been planning that since forever haha, my familiar already stays with her in case I want to cast cure wounds to deliver to her, but almost always I'm just hitting things.

Arcane jolt is some of the best action economy healing in the game. The smite option is weak so it's pretty easy to have some solid healing to spend without interruption.
I know, the smite option I only use when I crit, which makes it much more interesting.