View Full Version : Building a Pokemon Trainer as a Wildfire Druid

2020-11-19, 04:43 PM
Because I want to be the very best, like no one ever was...

Anyways, I’ve actually wanted to do this for quite awhile but never found the right subclass for it until now.

This gives me an animal companion, that scales up with me, that I can cast my spells through. So my “Pokemon” can use attacks and abilities, all just being spells.

Druid makes a lot of sense to begin with, with beast speech and all that.

I’m really just looking for any and all suggestions as to how best to go about this. Race suggestions? Things to do? Mannerisms?

2020-11-19, 05:15 PM
I'd say go with human and play a firefighter who uses his "pokemon" to help him put out and prevent wildfires. Your staff is an axe handle, your leather armor is a firefighting uniform (not metal specifically because if you were wearing metal armor it would cook you alive).

There's no fire/grass pokemon unfortunately, but you can say your wildfire spirit is a Faerunian Charizard (based perhaps on the myth of finding peppercorns in dragon dens) or Eberronian Venusaur (it has a fire flower growing out of its back) if you want