View Full Version : Frosty Touch question

2020-11-19, 07:10 PM
Does Uldra's Frosty Touch work when Wild Shaped? Thinking about making one an Arcane Hierophant. And a Saint.

2020-11-19, 08:00 PM
Yes, it does.

2020-11-19, 08:17 PM
Thanks. Also decided to go for the Winter Warden Variant. Too bad all of the Cold or Winter Nature Deities don't accept Neutral Good worshippers. Because I always follow Faerun rules for this.

2020-11-19, 08:32 PM
What is winter warden? Is there a specific domain or ability you need? Faerun is so glutted with identical deities, I'm sure you can find one that fits your needs. If not, there's always heretic of the faith.

2020-11-19, 08:49 PM
What is winter warden? Is there a specific domain or ability you need? Faerun is so glutted with identical deities, I'm sure you can find one that fits your needs. If not, there's always heretic of the faith.

1. Winter Warden is a druid variant from Dragon #311. Basically you get Wild Shape 1 level late, +1 to caster level and DCs for all spells with the Cold Descriptor, Wild Empathy works on Magical Beasts with the Cold subtype, Balance and Knowledge (Geography) as class skills, Ray of Frost added to spell list at 2nd level, Non magical snow doesn't impede movement at 3rd, non magical ice doesn't impede movement at 5th, Resistance to Cold 5 at 9th, Resistance to Cold 10 at 12th, Wall of Ice as a Spell-Like Ability at 13th, Resistance to Cold 20 at 15th, Otiluke's Freezing Sphere as a Spell-Like Ability at 17th, Immunity to Cold at 18th, and Polar Ray as a Spell-Like Ability at 20th.

2. No it was just for flavor

3. I checked, Only Auril, Thryme, and Ulutiu get either the Cold or Winter Domains. Ulutiu is the only non Evil one and he doesn't accept Neutral Good worshippers due to being Lawful Neutral. I decided on Lurue instead.

Also I got all of my exalted feats out of the way with my first level. Exalted Companion, Nymph's Kiss, and Touch of Golden Ice.

Edit: Comparing the two progression lists, Winter Warden also doesn't get Tiny, Plant, or Elemental forms for Wild Shape. Also Trackless Step comes online at 4th instead of 3rd, so I'm pushing back Arcane Hierophant by 1 level. So Arcane Hierophant 1 is at 9th level instead of 8th. Also doesn't get Resist Nature's Allure, Venom Immunity, A Thousand Faces, or Timeless Body.