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View Full Version : Abbarant Mind: New Metamagic combos

2020-11-20, 01:04 PM
So I'm looking through the new book and noticed the Abberant mind get to break traditional sorcerer limitations in a few ways, and I was hoping some of you may help me to see what crazy new combos we can unlock now that our spell list is basically unchained.

1. The Abberant Mind can replace their expanded spells with a divination or enchantment spell of equal level from the Bard, Wizard, or Warlock spell list!
2. The Abberant Mind can cast spells from this list as if they were using Subtle spell, for free!
3. Because they aren't actually using subtle spell we can still apply an additional metamagic to the cast spell!

So, wow, not only do we get a massively increased spell list, but we get to customize these extra spells using spells not normally available to a sorcerer! As you probably know the sorcerer's main weaknesses are its lack of spells, and it's reduced spell list, so this looks huge to me.

So here are some thoughts I have looking at some of the new spells we can access:

Tasha's hideous Laughter- Subtle casting this opens the spell up to so much more out-of-combat shenanigans plus it's just a plain ole strong level 1 spell, where our normal list is pretty crappy.
Mind Spike A damage spell we can subtle cast that doesn't have a "tell." Still a bit niche for me, but anything that creates chaos is good.
Compulsion- Ok, so we can make a number of targets of our choosing move horizontally up to ten times? This is hilarious!
Geas- Duration of 30 days? Can be cast in open view? Really trivializes the 1 minute cast time when our casting is subtle.
Telekinesis- Well now we can subtle cast it and twin it. Can we now use our action to retrain and throw two creatures into the air? NOTE: The optional Magical Guidance ability also applies here!
Modify Memory- We can casually alter everyone's memories as we please. We do still need to speak the alterations to them. If only we had a way to speak to them telepathically!!!!:smallcool::smallcool::smallcool :

Any other observations?
Is this not the most terrifying spellcaster in the game now?

2020-11-20, 01:35 PM
Don't forget Hex!

2020-11-20, 02:00 PM
Dissonant Whispers is handy for making someone trigger movement-related attacks and damage.

Something like a Paladin 2/Aberrant Mind X Sorcadin in melee doing Quickened Booming Blade + Dissonant Whispers + Opportunity Attack for a grand total of 2*weapon damage + 2*Xd6 Smite damage + Xd8 BB hit damage + Xd8 BB movement rider damage + 3d6 DW damage.

With War Caster it could even be a little more, with 2*weapon damage + 2*Xd8 BB hit damage +2*Xd6 Smite damage + Xd8 BB movement rider damage (which doesn't double from the 2x BBs unfortunately) + 3d6 DW damage.

It's a decent amount of resources being blown at once (2x Spell Points, plus a 1st level slot, plus 2x Smite spell slots) but that's a good chunk of damage for a single round, and a whole fistfull of dice to roll. Plus if there are other party members in melee with that enemy they're also get OAs when the enemy moved.

2020-11-20, 02:05 PM
Don't forget Hex!
True. I couldn't think of truly good use, but now that I think about it, Hex plus scorching ray plus empower spell isn't bad at all. In a situation where you could get advantage on an attack an upcasted scorching ray hex combo could be a lot of damage, each ray is 3d6 and you reroll the lowest scores...

2020-11-20, 02:32 PM
I don’t know why, but I’ve been thinking for a week about putting on Greater Invisibility and using subtle careful Synaptic Static in the middle of a crowded (evil) city to make everyone collapse dead on the ground except for ONE random guy standing in the middle of them.

2020-11-20, 03:08 PM
Dissonant Whispers is handy for making someone trigger movement-related attacks and damage.

Something like a Paladin 2/Aberrant Mind X Sorcadin in melee doing Quickened Booming Blade + Dissonant Whispers + Opportunity Attack for a grand total of 2*weapon damage + 2*Xd6 Smite damage + Xd8 BB hit damage + Xd8 BB movement rider damage + 3d6 DW damage.

With War Caster it could even be a little more, with 2*weapon damage + 2*Xd8 BB hit damage +2*Xd6 Smite damage + Xd8 BB movement rider damage (which doesn't double from the 2x BBs unfortunately) + 3d6 DW damage.

It's a decent amount of resources being blown at once (2x Spell Points, plus a 1st level slot, plus 2x Smite spell slots) but that's a good chunk of damage for a single round, and a whole fistfull of dice to roll. Plus if there are other party members in melee with that enemy they're also get OAs when the enemy moved.
Isn't Dissonant Whispers Bard/GOOlock-only? I'm AFB right now, but I thought you could only grab spells from the Sorc, Wiz, and Warlock lists, no?

2020-11-20, 03:08 PM
I don’t know why, but I’ve been thinking for a week about putting on Greater Invisibility and using subtle careful Synaptic Static in the middle of a crowded (evil) city to make everyone collapse dead on the ground except for ONE random guy standing in the middle of them.
That totally counts!

The greater invisibility is icing, but a nice touch of extra security. The best part about leaving someone alive and untouched at the epicenter is framing them at the perpetrator.

2020-11-20, 03:10 PM
Isn't Dissonant Whispers Bard/GOOlock-only? I thought you could only grab spells from the Sorc, Wiz, and Warlock lists?
Its literally on their list of extended spells right from the start :smallbiggrin:

But I didn't notice bard wasn't on the list, and I think that removes 1-2 spells I had in my list :smallfrown:

2020-11-20, 03:10 PM
Isn't Dissonant Whispers Bard/GOOlock-only? I'm AFB right now, but I thought you could only grab spells from the Sorc, Wiz, and Warlock lists, no?

It's on Aberrant Mind's Psionic spell list. They get it automatically.

2020-11-20, 03:15 PM
Isn't Dissonant Whispers Bard/GOOlock-only? I'm AFB right now, but I thought you could only grab spells from the Sorc, Wiz, and Warlock lists, no?

You’re right about the class lists for change the spells, but dissonant whispers is on default spell list for Psionic Spells.

2020-11-20, 04:37 PM
I don’t know why, but I’ve been thinking for a week about putting on Greater Invisibility and using subtle careful Synaptic Static in the middle of a crowded (evil) city to make everyone collapse dead on the ground except for ONE random guy standing in the middle of them.

That is really funny. I love it.

I'm so excited to play this class. It still doesn't quite compare to a Wizard for out of combat utility, but for combat and social situations, it is going to be amazing. I just made a 5th level aberrant mind sorcerer for a new game and here are the spells I took

Aberrant mind
1st Dissonant Whispers, Tasha's Laughter
2nd Suggestion, Detect Thoughts
3rd Hunger of Hadar, Sending (likely change one to Enemies Abound which will be hilarious as a subtle spell)

Other spells
1st Shield, Absorb Elements, Mage Armor
2nd Web, Levitate
3rd Fireball

I took the metamagic feat and my 4 choices were Subtle, Twinned, Quicken, and Transmute. I debated Empowered, Heightened, or Careful as well.

2020-11-20, 06:01 PM
I don’t know why, but I’ve been thinking for a week about putting on Greater Invisibility and using subtle careful Synaptic Static in the middle of a crowded (evil) city to make everyone collapse dead on the ground except for ONE random guy standing in the middle of them.

Unfortunately Synaptic Static is save-for-half, not save-for-none, so you might kill the guy you're trying to frame.

2020-11-20, 11:29 PM
2nd Suggestion, Detect Thoughts

Good choice. A well-placed Subtle (or in this case Psionic) Suggestion is a game changer in a lot of social situations.

Also, you're missing a Spell Known. A 5th level Sorcerer knows 6 spells, not including their subclass spells. You've only chosen 5.

2020-11-21, 01:38 AM
I don’t know why, but I’ve been thinking for a week about putting on Greater Invisibility and using subtle careful Synaptic Static in the middle of a crowded (evil) city to make everyone collapse dead on the ground except for ONE random guy standing in the middle of them.


2020-11-21, 07:48 AM
Step 1: Greater Invisibility on self

Step 2: Wait for your frame target (a spellcaster) to cast a spell

Step 3: Subtle Counterspell

Step 4: Subtle Careful Synaptic Static

The timing will be slightly off, but any survivors will have seen frame target cast a spell followed by everyone dying.