View Full Version : A Breathtaking Build

2020-11-20, 08:49 PM
I want everyone to open your Tasha's Guide to page 72, and look at how breathtaking it is.

Anyways, food for thought, pick the fathomless warlock, grab lance of lethargy, and you can reduce most creatures' speed to 10'. Now grab repelling blast and grasp of hadar, and you can very effectively keep something in a specific area. Throw on Sickening Radiance, and you could conceivably kill things with the exhaustion effect, which is of course pretty rad. Other fun options could include things like cloud of daggers, hunger of hadar, and evard's black tentacles. Seems pretty fun.

2020-11-21, 06:26 PM
Do it up then! I do like Bigsby's hand being a tentacle.