View Full Version : How much magic does it take to travel in space?

2020-11-21, 11:04 AM
Since planar travel is possible, "simply" travelling to another planet in the material plane should be a piece of cake... more or less.
Has anybody tried something similar?

2020-11-21, 11:41 AM
Since planar travel is possible, "simply" travelling to another planet in the material plane should be a piece of cake... more or less.
Has anybody tried something similar?

Well, you can hop on a Spelljammer and travel anywhere in space. So Spelljammer is all you need simply.

2020-11-21, 11:48 AM
Depending on the exact nature and layout of your campaign's cosmology, either planeshift or greater teleport should work. Of course, protecting yourself from alien environments (gravity or lack thereof, vacuum, radiation, toxic gases, alien diseases, etc) needs to be taken into account, as well. Adapt body (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/adaptBody.htm) takes care of most of those (although not alien diseases or complete lack of gravity).

2020-11-21, 12:39 PM
Scry location after picking out the planet you want to travel to.

Greater Teleport to get there.

Necklace of Adaptation to help you breathe and cast more spells

Ring of Regeneration to protect you from radiation damage.

A form of flight to nullify the effects of gravity.

A way to tell time to keep track of your temporary magical effects.

Getting resistance to all 5 types of energy will protect you from other environmental effects.

2020-11-21, 01:29 PM
Since planar travel is possible, "simply" travelling to another planet in the material plane should be a piece of cake... more or less.

I don't agree with your premise. Planar travel is categorically different than interplanetary travel. The fact that one is possible has no bearing on the possibility of another - like how, in the real world, the fact that we can go to space doesn't mean we can go to the center of the earth.

2020-11-21, 05:33 PM
Since planar travel is possible, "simply" travelling to another planet in the material plane should be a piece of cake... more or less.
Has anybody tried something similar?

One casting of Teleport Through Time, one Spelljamming helm, one ship, done. (Assuming a starting point of a proper D&D world with a 2e background, of course.)

Plenty of my characters (OK, more than one) have traveled to other worlds in this fashion.

2020-11-21, 07:26 PM
Be immortal and have magical flight and a lot of patience. Oh and a necklace of adaption and ring if sustenance.

Decanter of endless water will help a lot once you leave the major gravity well. Especially if you are low mass. 1g for a year is close enough to light speed that you'll have a good time dilation effect.

2020-11-22, 08:19 PM
Be immortal and have magical flight and a lot of patience. Oh and a necklace of adaption and ring if sustenance.

Decanter of endless water will help a lot once you leave the major gravity well. Especially if you are low mass. 1g for a year is close enough to light speed that you'll have a good time dilation effect.

I love the decanter of endless water as propulsion. Simple and elegant.

2020-11-22, 09:23 PM
not much. it's actually pretty easy to protect against cold, vacuum, and heat, even at low levels.

radiation is a lot trickier.

propulsion is the real hard part, unless you bump up the level and allow for either jamming or teleportation. The real problem is that most forms of magical propulsion are fixed speeds, and not acceleration based. With the decanter being the obvious exception, fun choice, btw.

the other real hard part is smacking into something massive at speed... short of walls of force or similar effect, you can't really protect against that much damage.

2020-11-23, 07:38 AM
If you don't care about the time it takes:
Stronghold Builder's Guide has you covered.

Build a stronghold, make sure it has the appropriate magical defenses. You can even put Walls of Force around yourself to "nope" little things, like supernova.

The downside: The speed caps at 10 mph (not including teleportation effects - which you can get).

2020-11-23, 08:22 AM
The downside: The speed caps at 10 mph (not including teleportation effects - which you can get).

Decanters work here too. Just takes more. (decanters or time, your choice.)

*There is a problem somewhere with exhaust velocity (unknown and magic). Won't matter for a long time though.

2020-11-23, 09:52 AM
You could also use a bag of tricks for propulsion. You only get 10/week/bag, but 10 rhinoceroses a week would give you a nice afterburner boost to your decanter. You could also use it for tighter maneuvering. Grab your fuzzy, place it right next to you opposite the direction you want to go, and then push it with a pole into the cold, unforgiving vacuum.

Summon and push would work with other summoned things, like wall of stone. When you summon it, it probably has the same velocity and vector as you. So pushing it away would be pretty good propulsion.

So, hm. Conjure wall of stone. Pull rhino out of a bag of tricks. Protect rhino from space temporarily. Have rhino use its great mass and strength to push wall away while you hold onto its butt. When the wall is gone, either summon another, or push the rhino away with a pole.

Edit: hm. Repel Wood (or stone/metal, but that caps at 500 lbs) could also work. Cast repel wood. Summon trees somehow (feather tokens are one way), and Repel will push them away at 40 ft/rd, no matter their mass. That's a lot of thrust for a heavy tree.

2020-11-23, 10:13 AM
You could also use a bag of tricks for propulsion. You only get 10/week/bag, but 10 rhinoceroses a week would give you a nice afterburner boost to your decanter. You could also use it for tighter maneuvering. Grab your fuzzy, place it right next to you opposite the direction you want to go, and then push it with a pole into the cold, unforgiving vacuum.

I love the idea of this bizarre space ship, heading to the stars with a trail of flash-frozen rhinos. Seems like something out of the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.

2020-11-23, 12:10 PM
Since planar travel is possible, "simply" travelling to another planet in the material plane should be a piece of cake... more or less.
Has anybody tried something similar?

There's a few ways I can think of:

Infinitely compressed water out of an indestructible nozzle turning to plasma as a thruster.

Kobold portable pit inside something you launch, you in stasis inside with a servitor to wake you up when you get there. Then teleport through time back to when you left so the trip is instant.

Planeshift twice, once to wherever, then back to the Prime on the other planet.

Increase someone's accuracy to the point where they can hit the other planet, since ammo has no flight time arrive at the other planet.

2020-11-23, 03:03 PM
There's a few ways I can think of:

Infinitely compressed water out of an indestructible nozzle turning to plasma as a thruster.

I was thinking about a way to do this. Well, sort of. Infinite compression sounds... difficult. But very high compressions could be reached by having a decanter of endless water empty into a riverine reservoir with a pinprick exit leading to a parabolic guiding jet.

We'd need a way to keep the decanter attached, so it doesn't just get blown off the apparatus by the water pressure.

We also need to make sure the very high pressures don't destroy the decanter from the outside (assuming magic prevents pressure of any degree from backwashing into the decanter and destroying it from the inside).

So a single riverine apparatus, formed around a decanter with a perfect seal so the water can't work its way between the decanter and the riverine. Past the outspout of the decanter, the riverine is shaped in a large globe reservoir, with the pinprick jet on the opposite vertex from the decanter.

As with all the Force magic solutions, it has the Dispel Magic weakness, but still pretty solid.

2020-11-23, 03:09 PM
Since planar travel is possible, "simply" travelling to another planet in the material plane should be a piece of cake... more or less.
Has anybody tried something similar?

I moved entire planets once.
The magic it takes would be something worldwalk or teleport without error, depending on how far between these planets would be. Psionics? The way I remeber traveling to other planets cost a whole lot of PsP in order to accomplish such a feat. Since traveling to another world with the simple power of you mind was overwhelming. But for spellcasters it's actually quite simple especially for a dimensionalist. All your doing is forming a gateway between two places
The distance does not matter. I like to think of it as a opening in space. A connection between to dimensions through one point. Like simply folding a piece of paper

2020-11-23, 03:11 PM
I was thinking about a way to do this. Well, sort of. Infinite compression sounds... difficult. But very high compressions could be reached by having a decanter of endless water empty into a riverine reservoir with a pinprick exit leading to a parabolic guiding jet.

We'd need a way to keep the decanter attached, so it doesn't just get blown off the apparatus by the water pressure.

We also need to make sure the very high pressures don't destroy the decanter from the outside (assuming magic prevents pressure of any degree from backwashing into the decanter and destroying it from the inside).

So a single riverine apparatus, formed around a decanter with a perfect seal so the water can't work its way between the decanter and the riverine. Past the outspout of the decanter, the riverine is shaped in a large globe reservoir, with the pinprick jet on the opposite vertex from the decanter.

As with all the Force magic solutions, it has the Dispel Magic weakness, but still pretty solid.

And for it to be infinitley compressed, wouldn't it require something with infinite pressure aka infinite force? Where you going to get that sort of power?

2020-11-23, 03:13 PM
Well, not infinite, but unbounded. A decanter of endless water never stops flowing, by definition and description. It probably should, but according to its item description, it doesn't. So we can assume it flows even into an infinitely high pressure environment.

2020-11-23, 03:18 PM
Well, not infinite, but unbounded. A decanter of endless water never stops flowing, by definition and description. It probably should, but according to its item description, it doesn't. So we can assume it flows even into an infinitely high pressure environment.

True. Didn't think of that.

2020-11-23, 03:26 PM
Make the decanter out of riverine, and make it a Fine-sized one, with the same output volume. The pressure on that would be crazy powerful.

2020-11-23, 03:38 PM
I was thinking about a way to do this. Well, sort of. Infinite compression sounds... difficult. But very high compressions could be reached by having a decanter of endless water empty into a riverine reservoir with a pinprick exit leading to a parabolic guiding jet.

We'd need a way to keep the decanter attached, so it doesn't just get blown off the apparatus by the water pressure.

We also need to make sure the very high pressures don't destroy the decanter from the outside (assuming magic prevents pressure of any degree from backwashing into the decanter and destroying it from the inside).

So a single riverine apparatus, formed around a decanter with a perfect seal so the water can't work its way between the decanter and the riverine. Past the outspout of the decanter, the riverine is shaped in a large globe reservoir, with the pinprick jet on the opposite vertex from the decanter.

As with all the Force magic solutions, it has the Dispel Magic weakness, but still pretty solid.

https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/f82b8caa-dd8c-468f-8279-b0dd421eb024/d5xrei2-0983a8d2-bfa7-42c9-86d1-ba87d7357375.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJ IUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjph cHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvZjgyYjhjYWEtZG Q4Yy00NjhmLTgyNzktYjBkZDQyMWViMDI0XC9kNXhyZWkyLTA5 ODNhOGQyLWJmYTctNDJjOS04NmQxLWJhODdkNzM1NzM3NS5wbm cifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6ZmlsZS5kb3dubG9h ZCJdfQ.ZeBf_Z2qBFl9cOqXBjFk30Mhr1-IM3q432XTwL1oCwU

The walls of fire to make steam are basically pointless, it was to make steam but all you need is for the exhaust port to let out less water then the input and it will eventually get up to speed.