View Full Version : Winter Is Coming [IC]

2020-11-22, 08:18 PM
You look behind you for a moment. Nothing but corpses and water, slowly forming into ice on the barren tundra.

Farther than I thought... you hear Argos' voice, echoing across the plains. Farther than most...

But you've yet to face me. You will die today, should you try to stand against me, his deep bass continues. Steel yourselves, "heroes". Your doom is at hand.

You see him striding across the plain. He stands... Shorter, than you expected, at least. 5'5", maybe 5'6". The two men flanking him are giants by comparison, clad in full icy plate with shields, the same as Argos. And even the two women, slightly further to his left and right, are taller than him.

He is now 150' away.

22-Assassin 2
17-Assassin 1
11-Bulwark 1
1-Bulwark 2

The Outsider
2020-11-22, 09:53 PM
Rothbar's eyes narrow. This is the man, no, the thing responsible for so much bloodshed and defilement. At long last, the opportunity to bring justice has come. Atop his mighty warhorse, he raises his shield and longsword high and dashes forward. "Oh, it be someone's doom alright," he bellows. "Your doom, and the doom of all the WRETCHED DEMONS FOLLOWIN' YE!" He dashes forward on his warhorse, ready to rain destruction down upon them.

2020-11-23, 01:48 AM

Closing the distance to 100ft as a movement action on the broom of flying about 15ft above the ground

Someone else can use the horse. It's wearing barding AC 18 and will try to attack Argos unless told otherwise by its rider. Horse Ini 10

Opening up with Eldritch Blast at Artgos:

Blast 1 (1d20)[17]+14, damage (1d10)[9]+8, if crit (1d10)[10]
Blast 2(1d20)[14]+14, damage (1d10)[10]+8, if crit (1d10)[2]
Blast 3(1d20)[6]+14, damage (1d10)[7]+8, if crit (1d10)[1]
Blast 4(1d20)[10]+14, damage (1d10)[2]+8, if crit (1d10)[7]

Force Damage

The sound of breaking ice, as Spatha moved his head a little. He had beens staring straight ahead for quite a while now. Towards his target. Their target. he reminded himself. To have found such formidable companions was a boon. He silently thanked his Patron. Retribution was coming and he would be the axe of the executioner.
"Leave his companions be for the moment. Maybe I can turn them against their lord, or at least some of them."

Standing on the little magical trinket of a broom, he gained moderately on altitude, until he could see above the heads of Argos' retinue, and moved forward. Eldritch energies danced along the Staff of Power. The Eldest had told him to use it to its fullest potential, but not beyond. Though this day seemed like a good day to find out if it was indeed the weapon, it was promised to be.
The broom was slower than the horses, but not by much and his reach with the blast was unmatched by any spell.
So he took up his staff, aimed and unleashed four lances of pure force upon the tyrant.

The Outsider
2020-11-23, 11:59 AM
Initiative: (1d20)[11]

My warhorse is going to dash 120 feet across the battlefield. Then, once I'm within 30 feet of Argos, I'm going to cast Misty Step as a bonus action, teleport directly on top of him, and attempt to smite him with my action. (I'm also bringing my horse with me, as per Find Steed).

Attack 1: (1d20+14)[24], (1d8+8)[10] magical slashing plus (1d8)[6] radiant. Let me know if this guy triggers fiend damage.
Attack 2: (1d20+14)[23], (1d8+8)[14] plus (1d8)[6].
If either attack hits, I'll expend a 5th level spell slot for an extra (6d8)[28] radiant damage.

Rothbar surges forward, his focus singular. As his horse crosses the battlefield, he invokes a prayer to the Ancient Spirits, and a silvery mist envelops them both. Suddenly, he appears on top of Argos, sword poised to strike. "TASTE STEEL, FIEND!" he bellows as he brings down his sword, radiant power coursing through him.

2020-11-23, 08:19 PM
Hit points: 244/244 (The twenty additional hit points are from Spatha's Aid spell, if it was cast)
Second Wind: 1/1
Action Surge: 2/2
Indomitable: 3/3
Cape of the Mountebank: 1/1
Winged Boots: 240 minutes/240 minutes
Oathbow: 1/1
Potion of Superior Healing: 1/1
An elf clad in dyed green leathers and carrying a bow the same height as herself stands off to the left of her companions. Thia bounces on the balls of her feet, glancing up every now and again as challenges are shouted back and forth.

If possible, I'd like Thia to start with at least 25 feet between herself and anyone else. Off to the left, just barely within Rothbar's auras. I figure there's no sense in making it easy to hit us with area effects.

Test rolls, ignore this section, I'm figuring out when editing a post breaks things so I don't do it mid-fight.
Edit1: Writing on the same line.
[roll1] Edit2: Messing with the roll. Edit3: Changing it back.
[roll2] Edit4: I think I understand.

Edit5: Does trying to add another roll break all of them?
Edit6: It does not. Good.

2020-11-24, 12:29 PM
As Rothbar, mounted on his noble steed, lunges forward, one of the women flanking Argos sprints towards him. She throws her knives, first at the horse, then at the rider.

Four attacks. Starting with the horse.

Once the horse is poisoned, moving on to the rider.

[roll0] Hit Roll
[roll1] Piercing Damage
[roll2] Cold Damage

[roll3] Hit Roll
[roll4] Piercing Damage
[roll5] Cold Damage

[roll6] Hit Roll
[roll7] Piercing Damage
[roll8] Cold Damage

[roll9] Hit Roll
[roll10] Piercing Damage
[roll11] Cold Damage

Each hit provokes a DC 16 Con save against poison.

2020-11-24, 02:38 PM
Hit points: 244/244 (The twenty additional hit points are from Spatha's Aid spell, if it was cast)
Second Wind: 1/1
Action Surge: 2/2
Indomitable: 3/3
Cape of the Mountebank: 1/1
Winged Boots: 239 minutes/240 minutes
Oathbow: 1/1
Potion of Superior Healing: 1/1
*Thwip* *Thwip* *Thwip* *Thwip*

The barest fraction of a second after the woman throws her knives, Thia has four retaliatory arrows in flight. She then bounds backwards, treading up into the air as if she were running up an invisible hill.

Action to attack with Oathbow, firing four arrows at Assassin 2, taking the penalty from Sharpshooter for all attacks.

Attack 1: [roll0] Crits on an 18-20
Hit: [roll1] magical piercing damage
Crit: [roll2] magical piercing damage

Attack 2: [roll3] Crits on an 18-20
Hit: [roll4] magical piercing damage
Crit: [roll5] magical piercing damage

Attack 3: [roll6] Crits on an 18-20
Hit: [roll7] magical piercing damage
Crit: [roll8] magical piercing damage

Attack 4: [roll9] Crits on an 18-20
Hit: [roll10] magical piercing damage
Crit: [roll11] magical piercing damage

Movement with Winged Boots to fly 35 feet up and back, ending 185 feet away from our enemies and 35 feet off the ground.

2020-11-24, 03:03 PM
The women is hit hard, taking all four arrows to the body. She grimaces.

85 on Assassin 2

Argos shouts encouragement to the woman, then speaks a word, and a sheet of thick ice springs up around the injured woman as he strides forward.

He draws near Rothbar, and strikes with his spear, repeatedly.

[roll1] Piercing Damage
[roll2] Cold Damage

[roll4] Piercing Damage
[roll5] Cold Damage

[roll7] Piercing Damage
[roll8] Cold Damage

[roll10] Piercing Damage
[roll11] Cold Damage

[roll13] Piercing Damage
[roll14] Cold Damage

For each time you take cold damage, make a DC 18 Con save. On a failure, reduce your move speed by 10'. This stacks with itself, though you get a new save at the end of your turn to shake off all the slowing.

Also, make your saves against the Poison from the woman-if you fail that save, you are Slowed (as per the Slow spell) meaning your AC is reduced by 2, among other things.

The other woman springs forward, arriving just past Argos, and strikes into Rothbar in melee.

[roll16] Piercing Damage
[roll17] Cold Damage

[roll19] Piercing Damage
[roll20] Cold Damage

[roll22] Piercing Damage
[roll23] Cold Damage

[roll25] Piercing Damage
[roll26] Cold Damage

And DC 16 Con saves against the Poison.

2020-11-24, 10:48 PM
And just like that, combat was upon them.
Navieth let out a roar as he charged forwards on his comrades horse. He couldn’t allow himself to be outdone. Not again.
He drew a spear and launched it with all his might.
He was beyond his optimal range but couldn’t wait any longer. Rothbar was already in the thick of it.

Dropping in initiative to the horses
Throwing spear at the woman hit by arrows
Disadvantage 1d20+13

Damage 1d6+7

The Outsider
2020-11-24, 11:32 PM
I'm going to follow through with my action as typed previously. Since Argos is right on top of me, I'm going to hit him with what I've got.

2020-11-26, 11:31 AM
The first man steps a small amount forward, and brings his hammer crashing down onto Rothbar. As he strikes, he widens his stance, with small tendrils of ice flowing up his legs.

[roll1] Bludgeoning Damage
[roll2] Cold damage

[roll4] Bludgeoning Damage
[roll5] Cold damage

[roll7] Bludgeoning Damage
[roll8] Cold damage

2020-11-26, 01:48 PM
Spatha watched grimly as his fellow holy warrior was targeted by Argos' mob. He was still to far out to do anything about it. If they had had more time to refine tactics...
But this was war and ifs and shoulds were not worth the air it would take to utter them.
With grimm determination he moved closer, so he could get in range for his one big spell...

2020-11-26, 02:38 PM
The second man moves to Rothbar, ice encapsulating his legs the same.




The first woman, shielded by the ice, springs around the wall and lashes out with her cold-wreathed fists, before ducking back under cover.

[roll11] Cold Damage

[roll14] Cold Damage

[roll17] Cold Damage

[roll20] Cold Damage

You get one attack of Opportunity, since she did NOT Disengage. However, if you hit but don't crit, she'll add [roll21] to her AC from an Inspiration die.

The Outsider
2020-11-26, 02:43 PM
I believe that since I got Slowed by the poison, I can't take reactions.

2020-11-26, 03:18 PM
Hit points: 244/244
Second Wind: 1/1
Action Surge: 2/2
Indomitable: 3/3
Cape of the Mountebank: 1/1
Winged Boots: 239 minutes/240 minutes
Oathbow: 1/1
Potion of Superior Healing: 1/1

Thia climbs higher in the sky, attempting to get a better view of her target before sending four more arrows flying across the open expanse.

Movement with Winged Boots to fly 35 feet up and back, ending 220 feet away from our enemies and 70 feet off the ground.

Action to attack with Oathbow, firing four arrows at Assassin 2, taking the penalty from Sharpshooter for all attacks. Sharpshooter also means she ignores anything less than full cover. If Assassin 2 has full cover, these attacks will instead be heading towards Assassin 1.

Attack 1: [roll0] Crits on an 18-20
Hit: [roll1] magical piercing damage
Crit: [roll2] magical piercing damage

Attack 2: [roll3] Crits on an 18-20
Hit: [roll4] magical piercing damage
Crit: [roll5] magical piercing damage

Attack 3: [roll6] Crits on an 18-20
Hit: [roll7] magical piercing damage
Crit: [roll8] magical piercing damage

Attack 4: [roll9] Crits on an 18-20
Hit: [roll10] magical piercing damage
Crit: [roll11] magical piercing damage

Rothbar's plight leaves her shaking with nerves, causing two arrows to fly wide.

2020-11-26, 05:38 PM
Argos stabs again, bringing Rothbar down to barely clinging to life.

Kill him, he says coolly, directing the woman not behind the wall of ice.

She steps forward, wincing slightly at the arrows embedded in her, and stabs Rothbar, repeatedly.


[roll4] Advantage if applicable

[roll8] Advantage if applicable

[roll12] Advantage if applicable

If the first attack misses, add [roll15] to it. If not, she'll hold onto her Inspiration die.

The Outsider
2020-11-26, 08:47 PM
Alright. By my count, the last attack drops Rothbar below zero, activating his Undying Sentinel ability. So he's at 1 HP and hanging on for dear life, but he is alive.
Whoops, missed the post detailing Argos' attacks. Recalculating.
Y'all are way ahead of me. Rothbar is down.

Rothbar lets out a wheeze as the assassin's blade finds his lungs. Others would be possessed by regrets or denial, but Rothbar is calm. He long suspected that he'd die fighting, and while he'd prefer to be alive, it's not a bad way to die. Then darkness takes him, and he thinks no more.

2020-11-27, 04:16 PM
With dawning horror, Spatha realized that every help came to late for Rothbar. The dagger sticking out from the paladins eye socket was disheartening to see.
"Fall back!" He called out to Naveith as he realized that the giant Goliath tribesman was heading for the same fate as his late brother in arms.

2020-11-27, 06:26 PM
Naveith watches in horror as his comrade is slain before him.
If not for his headband of intellect and Rothbar’s words of wisdom, the barbarians rage would have overcome him. But not today, not yet anyway.

Throwing another spear he quickly retreats back 100ft to near where he started.


2020-11-27, 09:12 PM
The man looks to Argos. Argos simply gestures towards the wall. He focuses a moment, shattering the ice at his legs, and walks behind the wall with the woman.

Assassin 2 and Bulwark 1 are now behind the Wall of Ice. The other three peeps remain exposed.

2020-11-28, 02:22 AM
"This was the last good man you killed." Spatha was surprised with himself. In all the fights, skirmishes, police actions and most of all battles he had participated throughout all his existence he had burried thousands of his faithful comrades in arms. But of all those, this death made him boil with anger. Still, he remembered with crystal clarity the lessons he had learned, oh so painfully, throughout all this time.
Divide and conquer.

The runes along the staff glowed for a moment as he moved forward. For a moment it seemed as if nothing had happened, until one of the Assassins tried to step forward and collided with an invisible dome of force.

"Now, let's destroy the two outside and level the playing field."

2020-11-28, 02:31 PM
Hit points: 244/244
Second Wind: 1/1
Action Surge: 2/2
Indomitable: 3/3
Cape of the Mountebank: 1/1
Winged Boots: 239 minutes/240 minutes
Oathbow: 1/1
Potion of Superior Healing: 1/1

Watching Rothbar fall, Thia's breath hitches in her throat. She shakes her head and steadies her aim. The time for grief will come later.

Her bow creaks as she draws it back, then snaps forward as she sends arrows zipping towards the icy wall and the enemies hiding behind it.

Movement with Winged Boots to fly 35 feet up and back, ending 255 feet away from our enemies and 105 feet off the ground.

Action to attack with Oathbow, firing four arrows, taking the penalty from Sharpshooter for all attacks. Targeting the Wall of Ice first, then focusing on Assassin 2.

Attack 1: [roll0] Crits on an 18-20
Hit: [roll1] magical piercing damage
Crit: [roll2] magical piercing damage

Attack 2: [roll3] Crits on an 18-20
Hit: [roll4] magical piercing damage
Crit: [roll5] magical piercing damage

Attack 3: [roll6] Crits on an 18-20
Hit: [roll7] magical piercing damage
Crit: [roll8] magical piercing damage

Attack 4: [roll9] Crits on an 18-20
Hit: [roll10] magical piercing damage
Crit: [roll11] magical piercing damage

The first two arrows shatter a section of the wall and the next two slam into the woman behind it.

2020-11-28, 08:56 PM
Realising the spell the enemies were under, the barbarian grunts as he charges back towards them and throws a spear at the now exposed assassin.

rolled in ooc
21 to hit
9 damage

2020-11-30, 12:51 AM
Spatha saw the assassine go down from spear and arrows. So it was true, the Ravenqueen was on whoever's side had the better artillery.
He refocused his aim and let a salvo of forceblasts rain down on the remaining shield bearer.
He hoped Argos was watching, as they killed his retinue one by one.

2020-11-30, 12:10 PM
Hit points: 244/244
Second Wind: 1/1
Action Surge: 2/2
Indomitable: 3/3
Cape of the Mountebank: 1/1
Winged Boots: 239 minutes/240 minutes
Oathbow: 1/1
Potion of Superior Healing: 1/1

The unceasing rain of arrows continues as Thia gives vent to her ire. With no icy barrier to protect him any more, the shieldbearer is a sitting duck.

No movement.

Action to attack with Oathbow, firing four arrows, taking the penalty from Sharpshooter for all attacks. Targeting Bulwark 1.

Attack 1: [roll0] Crits on an 18-20
Hit: [roll1] magical piercing damage
Crit: [roll2] magical piercing damage

Attack 2: [roll3] Crits on an 18-20
Hit: [roll4] magical piercing damage
Crit: [roll5] magical piercing damage

Attack 3: [roll6] Crits on an 18-20
Hit: [roll7] magical piercing damage
Crit: [roll8] magical piercing damage

Attack 4: [roll9] Crits on an 18-20
Hit: [roll10] magical piercing damage
Crit: [roll11] magical piercing damage

His thicker armor proved its worth, however, deflecting three of the four arrows that flew his way.

2020-11-30, 01:30 PM
The man stands strong, but even with Argos re-forming the wall as much as he can, there's naught that can be done. The Bulwark closes his eyes, as Argos speaks in an unfamiliar tongue.

I'm not gonna require y'all to roll dice when you've got the massive range advantage and the Bulwark being too slow to do anything.

So, take your positions for when the Wall of Force drops. Those inside will be observing and having actions readied.

2020-11-30, 02:50 PM
The next minute was a repetition of the same tactic: Spatha expended another 5 charges of his staff to sequester Argos from his caged minions. Between arrows, javelins and force blasts, Argos soon stood alone in his prison of magic.

"Time to end this. Take your positions. I'll end the spell on three." Spatha whispered to his companions.

2020-12-01, 10:42 AM
The spell ends, and in a brief moment, is recast, aiming to separate Argos from his minions.

Argos is alone in the cage, while his two followers are left outside.

The woman, ready for the moment of release, whips out her knives towards the nearest target, Thia, while the man encases his legs in ice while steeling himself.

Attack in the OOC thread, since this is an edit.

2020-12-01, 06:21 PM
Hit points: 244/244
Second Wind: 1/1
Action Surge: 2/2
Indomitable: 3/3
Cape of the Mountebank: 1/1
Winged Boots: 238 minutes/240 minutes
Oathbow: 1/1
Potion of Superior Healing: 1/1

After repositioning to be high in the sky, Thia sends more arrows winging down to earth.

No movement.

Action to attack with Oathbow, firing four arrows, taking the penalty from Sharpshooter for all attacks. Targeting Bulwark 2.

Attack 1: [roll0] Crits on an 18-20
Hit: [roll1] magical piercing damage
Crit: [roll2] magical piercing damage

Attack 2: [roll3] Crits on an 18-20
Hit: [roll4] magical piercing damage
Crit: [roll5] magical piercing damage

Attack 3: [roll6] Crits on an 18-20
Hit: [roll7] magical piercing damage
Crit: [roll8] magical piercing damage

Attack 4: [roll9] Crits on an 18-20
Hit: [roll10] magical piercing damage
Crit: [roll11] magical piercing damage

Two of them find their mark in the gaps in the armor of the man who froze his legs in place.

2020-12-02, 08:03 PM
The man roars in pain.

Argos shouts out orders in the unfamiliar language as he erects another wall of ice, this one a half-dome near to Spatha. The woman races underneath it, hurling daggers, though she seems out of ammo after this burst. The man stands his ground.

[roll1] Piercing
[roll2] Cold

[roll4] Piercing
[roll5] Cold

[roll7] Piercing
[roll8] Cold

[roll10] Piercing
[roll11] Cold

Once again, DC 16 Con saves on any hits.

2020-12-03, 02:21 AM
15 damage after Resistances,

total damage 45
HP 187/232

Save vs. Poison:
[roll0]+11, Advantage [roll1]

Just realized, I can use shield as a reaction to the first attack to negate all hits this round

As for creating walls of ice through a wall of force:

p. 204 Players Handbook
To target something, you must have a clear path to it, so it can't be behind total cover.
lf you place an area of effect at a point that you can't see and an obstruction, such as a wall, is between you and that point, the point of origin comes into being on the near side of that obstruction.

I want to clarify: Is Argos able to ignore those rules with his wall of ice spells, or are you ruling that wall of force doesn't count as cover because you can see through it?

As the daggers flew towards Spatha he just flicked his wrist with the staff a tiny fraction and a shimmering shield appeared in front of him, turning the deadly projectiles into a spray of harmless icicles.

"You'll have to do better than that."
Louder he called: "Destroy their cover, it's time to bring them in."

2020-12-03, 04:47 PM
Leaving the man who froze himself in place, avoiding him the barbarian instead roars and goes after the assassin hidden behind the ice. (Smashing it if needed.)

Entering a frenzied rage he swings violently.


2020-12-03, 04:59 PM
Spatha had just waited for this opportunity.

Climbing higher with the obstruction removed between him and the two minions he called out:

"I suggest you leave. This is a matter only between us and your Lord and he doesn't need you, he is strong enough without you."

Casting Mass Suggestion on the two minions
DC 20 Wisdom save to withstand
Moving to 80ft distance from Argos

2020-12-07, 07:06 PM
The woman begins to turn. The man shouts "Coward!" but Argos calms him.

Their magic is strong-do what you can, my loyal soldier, and I will shepherd you to your rest.

The man nods, the ice at his feet cracking and falling away, then he steps forward and swings out with his hammer at the raging man in front of him.

[roll1] Bludgeoning
[roll2] Cold

[roll4] Bludgeoning
[roll5] Cold

[roll7] Bludgeoning
[roll8] Cold

2020-12-07, 09:18 PM
Hit points: 244/244
Second Wind: 1/1
Action Surge: 2/2
Indomitable: 3/3
Cape of the Mountebank: 1/1
Winged Boots: 238 minutes/240 minutes
Oathbow: 1/1
Potion of Superior Healing: 1/1
No movement.

Action to attack with Oathbow, firing four arrows, taking the penalty from Sharpshooter for all attacks. Targeting Bulwark 2.

Attack 1: [roll0] Crits on an 18-20
Hit: [roll1] magical piercing damage
Crit: [roll2] magical piercing damage

Attack 2: [roll3] Crits on an 18-20
Hit: [roll4] magical piercing damage
Crit: [roll5] magical piercing damage

Attack 3: [roll6] Crits on an 18-20
Hit: [roll7] magical piercing damage
Crit: [roll8] magical piercing damage

Attack 4: [roll9] Crits on an 18-20
Hit: [roll10] magical piercing damage
Crit: [roll11] magical piercing damage

Thia's voice carried down from high above.
"Magic or not, you were given a choice. Your shepherd has stumbled into a pack of wolves and you chose to be the lamb thrown in their midst. I can only be sorry you lack any shred of self-respect."

She nocked another arrow to her bow.
"Unfortunately for you, pity does not slake a wolf's hunger."

Four more arrows flew towards the man, two striking true.

2020-12-07, 09:36 PM
AC = 24 HP = 285
18 bludgeoning - resistance = 9
3 cold - resistance =2

The hammer attacks of the man mostly failed to be effective against the raging barbarian, and even the one that hit true was was resisted.
As soon as the Goliath was hit, he retaliates with his own attack, a fierce swing along with a mighty roar.

Retaliation: reaction ability

2020-12-07, 10:39 PM
AC = 24 HP = 274/285
Rage 2/10

After his retaliation, Naveith continues his frenzy of viscous attacks with his axe, even as his opponent is filled with arrows.

[roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] [roll3]
[roll4] [roll5]

And after his assault he then moves 40ft back from his enemy.

2020-12-08, 01:30 AM
Time to take the last Bulwark from the table:

Eldritch blast
1) [roll0]+14, damage [roll1]+8, if crit [roll2]
2) [roll3]+14, damage [roll4]+8, if crit [roll5]
3) [roll6]+14, damage [roll7]+8, if crit [roll8]
4) [roll9]+14, damage [roll10]+8, if crit [roll11]

Every hit moves Bulwark back 10ft.

54 damage

Spatha took his time aiming and shot by shot pushed Argos' bodyguard back.
"This is no fight, but butcher's work. You'd better followed your female friends' example."

2020-12-08, 10:55 PM
Hit points: 244/244
Second Wind: 1/1
Action Surge: 1/2
Indomitable: 3/3
Cape of the Mountebank: 1/1
Winged Boots: 238 minutes/240 minutes
Oathbow: 0/1
Potion of Superior Healing: 1/1

No movement.

Action to attack with Oathbow, activating it to make Argos her sworn enemy, firing four arrows, taking the penalty from Sharpshooter for all attacks. Action Surge to fire four more arrows.

With Argos as her sworn enemy, Thia has advantage on ranged attacks against him with her Oathbow and does 3d6 extra piercing damage every time she hits. Elven Accuracy allows her to reroll one of the dice every time she makes an attack roll with advantage when it is based on Dexterity. Using it to reroll whichever advantage roll is lower.

Attack 1: [roll0] Crits on an 18-20
Advantage: [roll1] Crits on an 18-20
Reroll Attack: [roll2] Crits on an 18-20
Hit: [roll3] plus [roll4] magical piercing damage
Crit: [roll5] plus [roll6] magical piercing damage

Attack 2: [roll7] Crits on an 18-20
Advantage: [roll8] Crits on an 18-20
Reroll Attack: [roll9] Crits on an 18-20
Hit: [roll10] plus [roll11] magical piercing damage
Crit: [roll12] plus [roll13] magical piercing damage

Attack 3: [roll14] Crits on an 18-20
Advantage: [roll15] Crits on an 18-20
Reroll Attack: [roll16] Crits on an 18-20
Hit: [roll17] plus [roll18] magical piercing damage
Crit: [roll19] plus [roll20] magical piercing damage

Attack 4: [roll21] Crits on an 18-20
Advantage: [roll22] Crits on an 18-20
Reroll Attack: [roll23] Crits on an 18-20
Hit: [roll24] plus [roll25] magical piercing damage
Crit: [roll26] plus [roll27] magical piercing damage

Attack 5: [roll28] Crits on an 18-20
Advantage: [roll29] Crits on an 18-20
Reroll Attack: [roll30] Crits on an 18-20
Hit: [roll31] plus [roll32] magical piercing damage
Crit: [roll33] plus [roll34] magical piercing damage

Attack 6: [roll35] Crits on an 18-20
Advantage: [roll36] Crits on an 18-20
Reroll Attack: [roll37] Crits on an 18-20
Hit: [roll38] plus [roll39] magical piercing damage
Crit: [roll40] plus [roll41] magical piercing damage

Attack 7: [roll42] Crits on an 18-20
Advantage: [roll43] Crits on an 18-20
Reroll Attack: [roll44] Crits on an 18-20
Hit: [roll45] plus [roll46] magical piercing damage
Crit: [roll47] plus [roll48] magical piercing damage

Attack 8: [roll49] Crits on an 18-20
Advantage: [roll50] Crits on an 18-20
Reroll Attack: [roll51] Crits on an 18-20
Hit: [roll52] plus [roll53] magical piercing damage
Crit: [roll54] plus [roll55] magical piercing damage

The wall of force went down and Spatha and Argos began taking potshots at one another.

In the momentary pause between their volleys, ancient Elvish words tore their way out of Thia's throat.

"Swift death to you who have wronged me."

Arrows howled forth.

2020-12-09, 02:13 AM
Spatha got in range and prepared a simple little utterance that would hurt Argos - hopefully for a good bit.
As he did so, his concentration on Argos' prison slipped, allowing the warlord to attack him with his bow.

Spatha weathered a volley of Argos' arrows, some lodging in his armor, inconveniencing him... a bit. Though it was enough to jostle his arm and make him miss almost all his shots.
He was dimly aware of the veritable storm of arrows that descended on Argos from Thia...

2020-12-09, 08:16 AM
When the enemy in front of him fell, Naveith ensured it was to his knees, an extra and unnecessary blow tore apart the shoulder and neck sending a spray of blood cascading up into the air before painting the snow.
”YOU!” the Goliath barbarian yells at Argos. Blood splattered and a wild murderous frenzy burning in his eyes.
”You better hope that wall never comes down!” he growls as he starts stalking forwards.


Next he charges at the man, unleashing everything his magic rod has to offer as he swings violently and relentlessly.

AC 24, HP 274
Rage 8
Readied action - intimidation DC 14 wis saving throw or be frightened
Re-Position 35 ft away

Rage 7/10
Frenzy 3x attacks

1st hit, Paralyse: DC 17 strength saving throw or paralysed for 1min.
2nd hit, Drain life: DC 17 con or 4d6 necrotic damage ([roll6])

2020-12-09, 12:10 PM
Argos drops, his body half torn to shreds. Arrows poke from exposed flesh, and ice begins to creep over his lifeless body.


2020-12-09, 12:54 PM
Spatha looked down at the body, his red eyes glowing.
"I don't like the look of this. Take away the gear of the dead and then let's burn the bodies."
He descended on the broom, while also imbibing one of the simple healing tonics he carried with him.
Using a conjured spectral hand, he began removing bow, shield, spear from the prone body and helped to remove the armor of the fallen warlord.

2020-12-09, 01:18 PM
Thia remained hovering, peering down at the scene.

"My ire has not ceased. If we wish to burn the bodies, I think we best hurry."

2020-12-09, 06:26 PM
The barbarian, still in a frenzy and unsatisfied, drops his shield to the side and a flask of oil over the body, then presses a button along the handle of his axe. The blades instantly retract and a large focused flame bursts out the top, making it a flaming great sword.

He continues to relentlessly hack at the body, dismembering it and sundering the equipment while it burns.

Rage 6

2020-12-10, 12:50 AM
Spatha saw something beginning to rise and cursed. Whatever this was, it was likely worse than what Argos had been before.
Darkness began to radiate from Spatha's staff until he was completely surrounded and any and all light was snuffed out. In his cloud of darkness he rose into the air.

Casting darkness on Spatha's staff - preferably on the round before Argos becomes active again - if there are any visible clues to that.

2020-12-10, 11:23 AM
All of the sudden, as Naveith is just beginning to come down, you see a sudden rush of ice and fog from Argos' body. It coalesces into a daemonic form, just above the mangled corpse. Thick, icy claws are at the end of his long arms, and the bottom trails off into indistinct chilling fog.

Thia, quick on the draw, is able to react before the demon can work its wrath.

2020-12-10, 12:03 PM
Hit points: 244/244
Second Wind: 1/1
Action Surge: 1/2
Indomitable: 3/3
Cape of the Mountebank: 1/1
Winged Boots: 238 minutes/240 minutes
Oathbow: 0/1
Potion of Superior Healing: 1/1

Movement to drop down 20 feet. She is now 500 feet in the air and 40 feet back from Argos.

Action to attack with Oathbow, firing four arrows. Not taking the Sharpshooter penalty this time.

Attack 1: [roll0] Crits on an 18-20
Hit: [roll1] magical piercing damage
Crit: [roll2] magical piercing damage

Attack 2: [roll3] Crits on an 18-20
Hit: [roll4] magical piercing damage
Crit: [roll5] magical piercing damage

Attack 3: [roll6] Crits on an 18-20
Hit: [roll7] magical piercing damage
Crit: [roll8] magical piercing damage

Attack 4: [roll9] Crits on an 18-20
Hit: [roll10] magical piercing damage
Crit: [roll11] magical piercing damage

Thia looked with shock at her bow as the oath of hatred faded from its core, then back down at her reborn foe.

She got back to work. Arrows whistled down.

2020-12-10, 07:39 PM
Argos' daemonic form takes flight as a dome of ice springs up between him and Nav, aiming for Spatha. No more interfering, small fry! he shouts as his eyes narrow on the warforged, and his claws lash out.

First off, AoO from Nav. Wait, forgot to do Wall Of Ice. Nav, DC 19 save to avoid 6d6 damage from it.

Then, Int Save, DC 19, on Spatha.


On a failure, get Paralyzed. On a success, get Stunned till Argos' next turn starts, but have immunity from this particular attack.

Then, claw attacks:

[roll2] Advantage
[roll3] Slashing
[roll4] Cold
[roll5] Con save from Spatha against losing 10' of move speed, stacking with itself, should any cold damage be taken

[roll7] Advantage
[roll8] Slashing
[roll9] Cold
[roll10] Con save from Spatha against losing 10' of move speed, stacking with itself, should any cold damage be taken

[roll12] Advantage
[roll13] Slashing
[roll14] Cold
[roll15] Con save from Spatha against losing 10' of move speed, stacking with itself, should any cold damage be taken

[roll17] Advantage
[roll18] Slashing
[roll19] Cold
[roll20] Con save from Spatha against losing 10' of move speed, stacking with itself, should any cold damage be taken

Just barely passed! So no auto-crits, just stunned for a turn.

Total damage looks to be...

75, and 10' of slowing. The Con save was DC 18, I forgot to mention.

2020-12-10, 09:30 PM
Naveith didn’t fear the cold, or this ice dome that sprung up around him. Unable to dodge it he bore the damage and shrugged off some of what was too much for his Goliath bloodline with a stones endurance.
After that he picks up his shield and adjusts his flaming sword down is size and attacks the wall.

Resistance to cold, 13 damage -[roll0]
Sword changed to flame tongue long sword.

2020-12-12, 12:14 PM
Argos first summons a wall, cutting himself and Nav off from the ranged attackers.

Bonus action Wall Of Ice, no damage, but interposing itself between Spatha and Thia relative to Argos and Nav.

He then turns his horrific gaze upon Nav, before lashing out at the barbarian with his claws.

[roll0] Int save, DC 19. Stunned until start of Argos next turn on a pass, Paralyzed (same save at the end of each of your turns) on a failed save. Once a save is made, immune to this ability.

For each attack, if any cold damage is taken, DC 18 Con save to avoid 10' speed reduction, stacking. New save at the end of each of your turns to shake off the entire slowing effect.

Crits are for if paralyzed or a nat 20 is rolled.

[roll2] Advantage
[roll3] Slashing
[roll4] Cold
[roll5] Critical Slashing
[roll6] Critical Cold
[roll7] Con Save

[roll9] Advantage
[roll10] Slashing
[roll11] Cold
[roll12] Critical Slashing
[roll13] Critical Cold
[roll14] Con Save

[roll16] Advantage
[roll17] Slashing
[roll18] Cold
[roll19] Critical Slashing
[roll20] Critical Cold
[roll21] Con Save

[roll23] Advantage
[roll24] Slashing
[roll25] Cold
[roll26] Critical Slashing
[roll27] Critical Cold
[roll28] Con Save

258 damage, halved for resistance from Slashing and Cold.
129 damage actually dealt.

2020-12-12, 12:29 PM
Spatha once again was to slow to react. He knew he had to act fast or Naveith would fare the same way, that Rothbar had.
Drawing once again on the powers his patron had bestowed upon him, he fired at the wall of ice and then at Argos' fiendish form.

Attacking wall of ice until 30 damage are reached and changing aim then on Argos

[roll0]+14, damage [roll1]+8, if crit [roll2]
[roll3]+14, damage [roll4]+8, if crit [roll5]
[roll6]+14, damage [roll7]+8, if crit [roll8]
[roll9]+14, damage [roll10]+8, if crit [roll11]

As soon as Argos is in sight I'll use Hexblade's Curse on him for an additional +6 damage per hit and crits on 19 an 20
After that my Armor of Hexes gives Argos a 50% Misschance to all his attack rolls on me

Edit 17 damage on Argos
Moving next to Argos to put him in darkness and depriving him of advantage on Naveith.

He knew, he would be blocking Thia's shot, but he had to get to Naveith to get him out of his bind - and incidentally prevent Argos from having an advantage from Naveith's paralyzed form.

As his darkness closed in on Argos he whispered: "Are you afraid yet? You should be..."

2020-12-12, 03:39 PM
Hit points: 244/244
Second Wind: 1/1
Action Surge: 1/2
Indomitable: 3/3
Cape of the Mountebank: 1/1
Winged Boots: 238 minutes/240 minutes
Oathbow: 0/1
Potion of Superior Healing: 1/1
Moving 35 feet horizontally to get a clean shot on Argos. Thia will end up 500 feet in the air and 30 feet away from where Argos is. On the map, this should put her 5 feet to the left of where Spatha began his turn.

Action to attack with Oathbow four times, not taking the penalty from Sharpshooter. Darkness will give her attacks disadvantage.

Attack 1: [roll0] Crits on an 18-20
Disadvantage: [roll1] Crits on an 18-20
Hit: [roll2] magical piercing damage
Crit: [roll3] magical piercing damage

Attack 2: [roll4] Crits on an 18-20
Disadvantage: [roll5] Crits on an 18-20
Hit: [roll6] magical piercing damage
Crit: [roll7] magical piercing damage

Attack 3: [roll8] Crits on an 18-20
Disadvantage: [roll9] Crits on an 18-20
Hit: [roll10] magical piercing damage
Crit: [roll11] magical piercing damage

Attack 4: [roll12] Crits on an 18-20
Disadvantage: [roll13] Crits on an 18-20
Hit: [roll14] magical piercing damage
Crit: [roll15] magical piercing damage

Thia winced as Argos began a cage match with the barbarian.

I hope you're as tough as you appear, Naveith.

Striding to the side, she continued her barrage of arrows, even as Spatha swamped the area in darkness.

"Let me know if he moves!"

2020-12-13, 08:27 PM
Argos continues his assault on Naverieth, unrelenting.

Still paralyzed, so...

[roll1] Advantage
[roll2] All damage dice rolled together, since he resists all of it.

[roll4] Advantage
[roll5] All damage dice rolled together, since he resists all of it.

[roll7] Advantage
[roll8] All damage dice rolled together, since he resists all of it.

[roll10] Advantage
[roll11] All damage dice rolled together, since he resists all of it.

No new Wall, no Gaze since Nav saved against the necrotic one and is still paralyzed, with no other valid targets in range.

2020-12-14, 01:39 AM
Advantage and disadvantage should cancel each other out - but it wouldn't make any difference in this case.
So if I counted correctly, Naveith took another 90 damage - ouch!

So, I do have two attacks with one action.
First I make one five foot step/flight) through the frigid wall to be within 5 ft of Naveith ([roll0] cold damage - half after Resistance, but taking it two times - so full again, Naweith takes half as he moves through only once)

Melee attack with the staff
[roll1]+14 (advantage) [roll2], damage [roll3]+20 (spending one charge for 1d6 extra force damage) + Divine Smite 5th level vs. fiend [roll4] + Eldritch Smite [roll5]
If crit: [roll6]+[roll7]
If hit, Argos goes prone from Eldritch smite

Edit: Total Damage 81

Weapon interaction to stow staff
Grapple Naveith [roll8]+8 (no contest because he is paralyzed and I don't think he would resist) and pull him out on the broom, so Argos is no longer under cover from darkness, giving Thia advantage for another beatdown with action surge

movement range is halfed, but I still can manage to move away 15 foot.

Braving the fridgid air, Spatha stepped into the small ice dome. Charging up his staff, he delivered a blow, powered up by both his divine and his eldrich powers. The strike connected and send Argos sprawling on the ground. But instead of continuing with his rigtheous beatdown, he grabbed the still paralysed Naveith and pulled him from the freezing dome, taking his shadows with him and leaving Argos in clear sight for Thia and her wrathful arrows.

2020-12-14, 02:02 AM
Which reminds me, that the horse was ignored so far. It's intelligent and has its own actions:
It would seize upon the opportunity to charge a prone form

Run out of shadow and charge Argos:

[roll1]+4 damage [roll2]+4, if crit [roll3]
Bonus action trample:
[roll4]+4 damage [roll5]+4, if crit [roll6]

It then blocks Argos from directly pursuing Spatha and Naveith

Edit: Another 18 damage

On a mental command, the mechanical horse charged out of the shadows, turned and ran into the prone form of Argos, trampling on his prone form. It hurt Spatha on some level, knowing that the faithful steed would likely be eviscerated in a second or two, but it could be rebuild - something he couldn't say for Naveith.

2020-12-14, 08:49 AM
Hit points: 244/244
Second Wind: 1/1
Action Surge: 1/2
Indomitable: 3/3
Cape of the Mountebank: 1/1
Winged Boots: 238 minutes/240 minutes
Oathbow: 0/1
Potion of Superior Healing: 1/1

No movement.

Action to attack with Oathbow not taking the penalty from Sharpshooter. Argos being prone will give her attacks disadvantage.

Attack 1: [roll0] Crits on an 18-20
Disadvantage: [roll1] Crits on an 18-20
Hit: [roll2] magical piercing damage
Crit: [roll3] magical piercing damage

Attack 2: [roll4] Crits on an 18-20
Disadvantage: [roll5] Crits on an 18-20
Hit: [roll6] magical piercing damage
Crit: [roll7] magical piercing damage

Attack 3: [roll8] Crits on an 18-20
Disadvantage: [roll9] Crits on an 18-20
Hit: [roll10] magical piercing damage
Crit: [roll11] magical piercing damage

Attack 4: [roll12] Crits on an 18-20
Disadvantage: [roll13] Crits on an 18-20
Hit: [roll14] magical piercing damage
Crit: [roll15] magical piercing damage

Argos came into sight once more and Thia did what she did best, sending arrows zipping to earth.

2020-12-14, 11:30 AM
Argos roars in pain, and launches himself in flight towards Thia. As he goes, he drops a wall on the edge of the darkness, interposing it between his newly airborne form and the attackers on the ground.

Moving 60' directly towards Thia.

Half move to stand from Prone, then Dash for 1.5X move speed total.

2020-12-14, 02:00 PM
Since Naveith is still paralyzed during this round, I'll beginn Spatha's turn

Breaking down the wall with Eldritch Blast. As soon as 30 damage have been achieved, I'll target Argos and follow him through the hole [roll0]/2 damage

[roll1]+14 damage [roll2]+8, if crit [roll3]
[roll4]+14 damage [roll5]+8, if crit [roll6]
[roll7]+14 damage [roll8]+8, if crit [roll9]
[roll10] Advantage if Argos is Target +6 damage
[roll11]+14 damage [roll12]+8, if crit [roll13]
[roll14] Advantage if Argos is Target +6 damage

Edit: Neat, it takes only 2 Shots to break through

51 damage

Following Argos with 50ft

The ice wall didn't stop Spatha for more than two force blasts. Moving past the fridgid air, he followed Argos pushed him off his vector.

2020-12-14, 03:32 PM
Hit points: 244/244
Second Wind: 1/1
Action Surge: 1/2
Indomitable: 3/3
Cape of the Mountebank: 1/1
Winged Boots: 238 minutes/240 minutes
Oathbow: 0/1
Potion of Superior Healing: 1/1
Flying 35 feet higher, ending 535 feet above the ground.

Action to attack with Oathbow four times, not taking the penalty from Sharpshooter. Darkness will give her attacks disadvantage.

Attack 1: [roll0] Crits on an 18-20
Disadvantage: [roll1] Crits on an 18-20
Hit: [roll2] magical piercing damage
Crit: [roll3] magical piercing damage

Attack 2: [roll4] Crits on an 18-20
Disadvantage: [roll5] Crits on an 18-20
Hit: [roll6] magical piercing damage
Crit: [roll7] magical piercing damage

Attack 3: [roll8] Crits on an 18-20
Disadvantage: [roll9] Crits on an 18-20
Hit: [roll10] magical piercing damage
Crit: [roll11] magical piercing damage

Attack 4: [roll12] Crits on an 18-20
Disadvantage: [roll13] Crits on an 18-20
Hit: [roll14] magical piercing damage
Crit: [roll15] magical piercing damage

Argos's approach had Thia backpedaling higher into the sky, shooting more arrows as she went.

"Too late, tyrant, too late. I've yet to see anyone escape the Raven Queen's shadow once it falls over Spatha."

2020-12-14, 05:15 PM
The unrelenting assault serves you well. The blasts lancing out from the darkness and the arrows from the sky fell the mighty daemon-Argos stops in the air, then falls. His essence dissipates as he goes, leaving nothing but a frozen crystal to thunk into the snow.

Spatha moves over, and crushes the crystal. A faint scream is all he can hear escaping from it.

Argos has been defeated.

2020-12-14, 05:48 PM
Spatha stood up, strode over to where Rothbart had fallen and almost delicately picked up the remains of his erstwhile companion.
"By the grace of the Lady, we'll see you raised."
"Goodbye Thia, goodbye Naveith. It was an honor having fought with you."

2020-12-14, 06:56 PM

Thia drifted down and began methodically collecting her arrows.

"Should you ever find yourselves in need of a hunting companion, send me a message. I may walk where my whimsy takes me, but I'll answer your call."

2020-12-14, 08:41 PM
Naveith grunts as he pushed himself free from the broom, “Had ‘im, didn’t need your help.” says the Goliath who was torn half to ribbons and spoiling the icy snow with his bloody wounds. He wore his injuries proudly and stuck out his unarmored chest, exposing the viscous icy claw marks that nearly killed him.
”He’s gone, but this ain’t ova. Had a lot of followers, done a lot of damage.”
The barbarian looks into the distance where the earlier enemy fled.
”Your bow and magic is formidable and effective for sure.” he says to his comrades. ”Especially when coupled with your dishonourable tactics of flight. But still, methods aside you got this one. Next one will be mine, you will see. Then we will be even again, and I’ll do it with my hands, right in front of his face!”

Naveith was a sour loser, even in something that was never a competition, always keeping score like he had. He says no more as he searches the corpses next, gathering any arrows for Thia as he passes, then starts tracking the one that got away.