View Full Version : Proto-Creature Template with no Racial Hit Die

2020-11-23, 02:30 PM
So, the template Proto-Creature, from Bestiary of Krynn(89) says "A proto-creature has the rage ability of a barbarian. The proto-creature's racial HD act as barbarian levels for the purposes of the number of times per day a proto-creature can rage."

Now, assuming I'm just template nabbing because my DM allows it and I have no racial hit die, does the first hd pseudo count as racial?
Or should I be considered a zero level barbarian that HAS the rage ability, but no additional uses(if we're counting by levels)?
Orr should I be considered to have the rage ability for the purposes of acquiring feats and abilities, but no actual innate uses?

It's probably not something that makes a lot of sense RAW and will be up to my DM, but I'd love some interpretations!

2020-11-23, 03:46 PM
You have the rage ability, but you use it as if you had 0 levels in barbarian, ie, you have no uses, as your first use is gained at level 1. If you were to take the extra rage feat, you would then have 2 uses of rage, which would work as normal.