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View Full Version : Tzimisce in vampire requiem

Shackled Slayer
2020-11-23, 05:03 PM
So im trying to convert viviscitude (and to a lesser extent the Tzimisce clan as a whole) and i was wondering if there is actually any problem just dropping them in and switching "blood points" to "vitae" when it comes to costs and adjusting the skills to requiem's roster.

For example, does masquerade's weapon power scale differently than requiem's? Does the damage?

I'm a bit out of my depth in onyx path's arena, being a pathfinder stan and reluctant D&D expert, the world/chronicles of darkness use a very different mechanical style, both in mechanism and the involvement of rules.

2020-11-23, 05:07 PM
Just dropping Masquerade Disciplines into Requiem is liable to go poorly. The games are superficially similar, but in practice fairly different. Here (forum.theonyxpath.com/forum/main-category/main-forum/the-new-world-of-darkness/vampire-the-requiem/189183-the-tzimisce-a-ventrue-bloodline) is an old conversion someone has done years ago and that I saw recently. There's other homebrew around too.

2020-11-23, 08:24 PM
Most of the Tzmisce's mad scientist aspects have been given to the Ordo Dracul, whereas their 'regal lord' aspects have been split between the Ventrue and Daeva. The best way to import the Clan is actually just as a subsect of the Ordo or maybe a Bloodline.

As for Viccissitude, it was already poorly balanced in Masquerade, so importing it wholesale likely wouldn't work. I'd probably start by building it as a bunch of Protean Devotions, or maybe an Ordo Dracul Coil. I do like the idea of a Coil of the Sculptor, beginning with minor temporary changes to yourself, working up to indefinite lengths and more powerful boosts, with Scales allowing you to change others or make weirder changes. One dot would likely be letting you give yourself the Striking Looks merit, while the highest level allows limited movement of Attribute dots (any kind of 'War Form' being redundant with the Protean Discipline). Scales would let you do things like grow claws or wings for a night (or more likely things Protean doesn't do).

Shackled Slayer
2020-11-24, 01:50 AM
Just dropping Masquerade Disciplines into Requiem is liable to go poorly. The games are superficially similar, but in practice fairly different. Here (forum.theonyxpath.com/forum/main-category/main-forum/the-new-world-of-darkness/vampire-the-requiem/189183-the-tzimisce-a-ventrue-bloodline) is an old conversion someone has done years ago and that I saw recently. There's other homebrew around too.

Interesting... Thanks for sharing this! It's showing some of the stuff im most anxious to touch which is the actual mechanics involved and differences between the two editions. Comparing and contrasting these should give me a good deal of insight into any alterations i want to rok out.

Shackled Slayer
2020-11-24, 02:09 AM
Most of the Tzmisce's mad scientist aspects have been given to the Ordo Dracul, whereas their 'regal lord' aspects have been split between the Ventrue and Daeva. The best way to import the Clan is actually just as a subsect of the Ordo or maybe a Bloodline.

As for Viccissitude, it was already poorly balanced in Masquerade, so importing it wholesale likely wouldn't work. I'd probably start by building it as a bunch of Protean Devotions, or maybe an Ordo Dracul Coil. I do like the idea of a Coil of the Sculptor, beginning with minor temporary changes to yourself, working up to indefinite lengths and more powerful boosts, with Scales allowing you to change others or make weirder changes. One dot would likely be letting you give yourself the Striking Looks merit, while the highest level allows limited movement of Attribute dots (any kind of 'War Form' being redundant with the Protean Discipline). Scales would let you do things like grow claws or wings for a night (or more likely things Protean doesn't do).

I definitely get that feeling, yeah. My main draw to viviscitude though is the flesh and bone sculpting parts. In magic the gathering i love the simic, who grafted mutations on creatures to improve them, and the cobbled together zombies of innistraad called skaabs. When i read the Tzimisce are like that but take an even more artistic and almost religiously scholarly bent to it, i knew who i wanted to play as. And then i realized all the other books i bought were chronicles of darkness, not world of darkness. Sad times. Chronicles does seem to be a bit better constructed though

2020-11-24, 03:07 AM
I definitely get that feeling, yeah. My main draw to viviscitude though is the flesh and bone sculpting parts. In magic the gathering i love the simic, who grafted mutations on creatures to improve them, and the cobbled together zombies of innistraad called skaabs. When i read the Tzimisce are like that but take an even more artistic and almost religiously scholarly bent to it, i knew who i wanted to play as. And then i realized all the other books i bought were chronicles of darkness, not world of darkness. Sad times. Chronicles does seem to be a bit better constructed though

Yeah, that stuff is completely up the Ordo Dracula's street, I think half the reason there's no mechanics for it is the fact that it's horrifically difficult to balance. There's also a lot of baggage to the Tzimisce, unless you're playing the Old Clan who do not get flesh crafting. There's the inhuman morality, being part of a Sect that is essentially 'Belial's Brood, but less philosophical', the need to ensure your furniture stays alive, the responsibility to tell the shovelheads that yes they are real Sabbat and you'll join them in the radius just after you've finished your chapter...

As a side note, CofD is better constructed because it was all made to work together from the start, although 2e has some minor changes to the base rules based on which gameline you're using (mainly Supernatural Power and Supernatural Tolerance stats). But depending on how W5 comes out WoD might no longer be behind in that area.

2020-11-24, 03:15 AM
I've never played Masquerade, but if I were to do something like Vicissitude in Requiem, I probably would use Ordo Dracul for it. It fits better than a discipline or devotions.

2020-11-24, 11:44 AM
So im trying to convert viviscitude (and to a lesser extent the Tzimisce clan as a whole) and i was wondering if there is actually any problem just dropping them in and switching "blood points" to "vitae" when it comes to costs and adjusting the skills to requiem's roster.

For example, does masquerade's weapon power scale differently than requiem's? Does the damage?

I'm a bit out of my depth in onyx path's arena, being a pathfinder stan and reluctant D&D expert, the world/chronicles of darkness use a very different mechanical style, both in mechanism and the involvement of rules.

Dropping them straight would be problems mechanics wise. Though White Wolf did make a translation guide between V20 Masquerade and 1e Requiem rules (see here (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/86202/Vampire-Translation-Guide)) which does include Vicissitude.

2020-11-27, 03:01 AM
I don't think the translation guide, while helpful in general, has a good track record with disciplines. Since it does sort of just plug them into Requiem without accounting for the different assumptions.

Shackled Slayer
2020-11-30, 03:58 PM
Anonymouswizard, i think "ensuring you keep the furniture alive" is my new favorite sentence!

I looked at the translation guide and all it really says about vicissitude is "yeah that's a thing! Anyway-" which is kind of disappointing but whatever. I think i will translate the discipline over with little alteration as it's own thing. If it just de-rails the game then i guess i'll know lol, though ny play group is pretty laid back.