View Full Version : Vibranium and Adamantium Golems?

2020-11-24, 01:54 PM
I need some help with some ideas

I wish to make particularity powerful and devastating golems: Vibranium Golem and Adamantium Golem

What sort of special qualities and attacks would these constructs possess? I was thinking on giving Vibranium golems force and sonic absorption for starters, and maybe an echoing strike (Where the golems attacks are projected to everyone in a 6,000 ft radius) The adamatium golem possess the ability to negate all damage by succeeding a fortitude save equal to damage it took. It has infinite spell resistance, deals its strength damage x2

I need more ideas,
as well as some ability score suggestions for them.

2020-11-24, 01:59 PM
The Vibranium golem could also use a magnetic version of a gravitic aura. Dealing massive amounts of gravity damage,
While the Adamantium Golem has many force abilities, and can unleash devastating explosions (Maybe?)

2020-11-24, 04:16 PM
Just to clarify, you probably mean the substances as found in the Marvel universe?
If not, there are already golems made of adamantine (slightly different name there), epic for 3.5 (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/monsters/golem.htm) and not so epic for PF1 (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/constructs/golem/golem-adamantine/). As for infinite spell resistance, that's basically how the standard magic immunity of (all?) golems works. There's also a force golem maybe suitable to serve as inspiration (it's pretty low in terms of CR at 4) in Monster Manual V.

2020-11-24, 04:17 PM
Just to clarify, you probably mean the substances as found in the Marvel universe?
If not, there are already golems made of adamantine (slightly different name there), epic for 3.5 (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/monsters/golem.htm) and not so epic for PF1 (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/constructs/golem/golem-adamantine/). In terms of infinite spell resistance, that's basically how the standard magic immunity of (all?) golems works. There's also a force golem maybe suitable to serve as inspiration (it's pretty low in terms of CR at 4) in Monster Manual V.

Yes, i do mean marvel materials.
Perhaps a spell absorbtion?

2020-11-24, 04:22 PM
You could take inspiration from other golems, flesh golems for instance are healed a bit and get any slowing effect dispelled if they are electrocuted. Clay golems may haste themselves for a short time. Maybe make it so that upon being affected by a spell, there's a short-term reflection (as Spell Turning) or absorption going on, generally or maybe for similar spells (school, element, arcane/divine, what have you). In this way, the spell resistance becomes more than just a passive defense.

2020-11-24, 04:24 PM
Yes, i do mean marvel materials.
Perhaps a spell absorbtion?

Maybe start with a Crystal Golem (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/monsters/psionKiller.htm) as the base, and add the Spell Absorption power from the Spellwarped template (MM3)?

2020-11-24, 04:28 PM
I would suggest starting with giving those materials D&D stats. They're obviously supposed to be super-powerful in the Marvel universe, but so are things like mithral and adamantite in the D&D universe. My immediate reaction would be to say that adamatium and adamantite are two names for the same metal, and golems made from it already have stats, for my part.

2020-11-24, 05:04 PM
I would suggest starting with giving those materials D&D stats. They're obviously supposed to be super-powerful in the Marvel universe, but so are things like mithral and adamantite in the D&D universe. My immediate reaction would be to say that adamatium and adamantite are two names for the same metal, and golems made from it already have stats, for my part.

Marvel's adamantium is far harder than D&D adamantine. Even the weakest form of adamantine would have at least hardness 30, and the stronger forms much higher. True adamantium took only slight damage from Thor using his full power on it (on one occasion, on another occasion it took none at all, suggesting he needs to roll a good crit to overcome its hardness). Thor's strength in D&D terms is at least 66 and Mjolnir must be at least a +5 warhammer, so the lower limit for its hardness would be over 100.

2020-11-24, 11:22 PM
Marvel adamantium would be an insanely expensive alloy of adamantine in D&D. Much like steel is an alloy of iron. It is better in basically every way, but the process to create it is so difficult and expensive that adamantine is usually a better option. Although in 2e (Volo's Guide to All Things Magical) it is stated that adamantine is already this to adamant, but "Dwarves are forever searching foreven better alloys than the famous adamantine."

2020-11-26, 11:23 PM
Black Panther basically made a vibranium golem once- an android with a vibranium skeleton.

It absorbed the impact of physical attacks, so it became stronger and stronger with each attack.

The Thing overwhelmed it by overloading it, Black Panther shut it down before it blew up.

So a vibranium golem would not be fun to fight- immune to magic, becomes stronger when physically attacked, and blows up if you actually manage to defeat it.

Oh and stealthy, the vibranium would absorb the impact of its footfalls, so you'd never hear it coming.

Yeah don't expect your players to be happy with you....

2020-11-27, 01:38 AM
Vibranium is a metal that fits the "a wizard did it" way of working: if you make something out of Vibranium you pick any stats you want.
Depending on the item made out of vibranium the stats and mechanics varies a lot.
So I think what would make sense for vibranium golems would be for the gm to pick different stats for each vibranium golem depending on the creator.