View Full Version : How old is a level 20 human?

2020-11-24, 06:18 PM
In your mind's eye, when you picture a 20th level human (or similar aging race), how old are they?

Totally subjective, no right or wrong answers.

I typically see someone in their late 40s. The character backgrounds in this edition are framed around someone already having some life experience: formal schooling, learning a trade, being some sort of traveler or veteran. If you're already a journeyman or veteran you might be in your late 20s or 30s; if you've been knighted or are a sage or scholar you might be older still. Then you take that person, and add a 20 year adventuring career so they can master their adventuring class.

It doesn't square super well with most printed adventures, so I'm curious to know what other people think.

Maybe the world is actually filled with strutting 19 year-old archmages, who disappeared down a mineshaft one day barely able to cast Magic Missile and pop back out a few weeks later able to cast Wish.

2020-11-24, 06:24 PM
Its depends at what age does this human start the adventure and when it ends. Most games don't get high enough for a mage to become that powerful. Also if the human becomes a archmage he can be any age he wants to be.

But most of the time I don't picture what age a archmage would be and this is because I don't know how many years the campaign is going to cover or if there is going to be timey whimy or age changing magics going on.

2020-11-24, 06:25 PM
Anywhere from 20 to 100+ depending on which fantasy trope I am thinking about. :)

The young elite warrior at the peak of their ability.
The grizzled veteran who knows every trick of the trade.
The ultimately gifted young mage or sorcerer to whom everything magical is easy.
The white bearded wizard living in a tower who has devoted their entire life to study and experiment.
The young warlock in his prime granted immense knowledge and power through his pact.
The ancient warlock who has hoarded every bit of power and knowledge over their entire life reaching the peak of their power later in life.

The same holds true for every class so honestly I don't have an age for a level 20 character ... I have many stories for level 20 characters that could be almost any age.

2020-11-24, 06:27 PM
Hard to say, in a standard DnD setting level 20 characters may reasonably have access to age reduction or immortality options

2020-11-24, 06:31 PM
Depends on the class
Barbarian- I imagine cohen the barbarian (From discworld) so.. old 87 IIRC
Artificer... I would picture someone maybe in their 60s?
Cleric- depends, anywhere from 40-70
druid- well because archdruid, someone in their 60s- 500s
fighter- 30s-40s
monk- oh definetly above 90
paladin- mid 30s
Ranger- probably 40s
rogue- 20s-30s
sorcerer- late teens -20s idk I like the idea of someone young with *way* too much power, sue me
warlock- 20s
wizard- 90s+

2020-11-24, 06:43 PM
Level1 + about 4 months + travel time + vacation time. The level appropriate xp budget seems to provide a level or two per week of adventuring.

2020-11-24, 06:44 PM
At least 16. Beyond that it really depends on the life they have led. Could even be interesting when the party finds out the legendary warrior or wizard they are seeking help from is in his early 20's and has just been through the wringer.

2020-11-24, 06:45 PM
In your mind's eye, when you picture a 20th level human (or similar aging race), how old are they?

Totally subjective, no right or wrong answers.

I typically see someone in their late 40s. The character backgrounds in this edition are framed around someone already having some life experience: formal schooling, learning a trade, being some sort of traveler or veteran. If you're already a journeyman or veteran you might be in your late 20s or 30s; if you've been knighted or are a sage or scholar you might be older still. Then you take that person, and add a 20 year adventuring career so they can master their adventuring class.

It doesn't square super well with most printed adventures, so I'm curious to know what other people think.

Maybe the world is actually filled with strutting 19 year-old archmages, who disappeared down a mineshaft one day barely able to cast Magic Missile and pop back out a few weeks later able to cast Wish.

Anywhere between "capable of traveling a full day" and "not dead of old age".

Keep in mind that you can have a 60-years-long adventure career and never reach level 20. Levels aren't a question of putting hours into bettering yourself. At least not for everyone.