View Full Version : EBBERON: 3 new Changeling Racial Feats with a splash of Shifter PEACH

Gr7mm Bobb
2020-11-24, 08:47 PM
Heya folks, at it again b/c my brain won't let me chill until I splatted these ideas out on paper, so here we are. Anyhoo, figured EBBERON Races could use some love to get cool racial things. Warforged will be coming along too.

First up is a doozy, so lets get this monster out here. A lot of the reason why the number of uses isn't super low is because the player doesn't get a bunch of free hit points to slap on themselves, any damage they take in this altered form sticks.

Prerequisite: Changeling or Shifter; Constitution or Charisma 13 or higher
When you gain this feat, you may select 2 beast’s of tiny to medium size that you’ve seen who’s CR is equal to or less than ¼ of your character level, rounded down. When you gain a level, you may forget a known shape and learn another that meets the prerequisites. As an action you can transform into one of your known shapes, while transformed in this way, the following rules apply:

Your game statistics are replaced by the statistics of the beast, but you retain your alignment, personality, hit points, and Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores. You also retain all of your skill and saving throw proficiencies, in addition to gaining the proficiencies of the beast. If the creature has the same proficiency as you and its bonus is higher than yours, use the beast bonus instead of yours.
You can’t cast spells unless it is a spell your new form can cast, and your ability to speak or take any action that requires hands is limited to the capabilities of your beast form. Transforming doesn’t break your concentration on a spell you’ve already cast, however, or prevent you from taking actions that are part of a spell, such as a Witch Bolt, that you’ve already cast.
You retain the benefit of any features from your class, race, or other source and can use them if the new form is physically capable of doing so.
Add your proficiency bonus to your new forms AC, attack rolls, and damage rolls, as well as to any saving throws and skills it is proficient in.
You choose whether your equipment falls to the ground in your space, merges into your new form, or is worn by it. Worn equipment functions as normal, but the DM decides whether it is practical for the new form to wear a piece of equipment, based on the creature’s shape and size. Your nonmagical equipment doesn’t change size or shape to match the new form, and any equipment that the new form can’t wear must either fall to the ground or merge with it. Equipment that merges with the form has no effect until you leave the form.
This transformation last’s until you end it as an action, are reduced to 0 hit points, or die. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, you regain all uses when you finish a long rest.

The above feat is a LOT like the druids wildshape without the hp buffer. BUT with the scaling swappable forms that can go up to CR 5 at level 20, I should probably chunk off the Beastmaster styled prof bonus help that is in one of the bullets. So known potential issue and that'll probably be the first thing to get yanked.

Prerequisite: Changeling; Dexterity or Constitution 13 or higher
You are a shapechanger and your Change Shape feature can now be used to change your appearance to that of any humanoid of small or medium size that you have seen regardless of limb arrangement when you used it.

Even to the most astute observers, your ruse is usually indiscernible. If you rouse suspicion, or if a wary creature suspects something is amiss, you have advantage on any Charisma (Deception) check you make to avoid detection.
When you use your change shape ability you can select one of the following features to apply to yourself at that time: +10 bonus to all movement speeds, advantage on Dexterity(Acrobatics) and Strength(Athletics) checks, Advantage on Wisdom(Perception and Survival) checks, Darkvision 60 feet, +1 AC when not wearing medium or heavy armor, a climb speed equal to your base movespeed, ability to breathe underwater and a swim speed equal to your movespeed, or a physical trait of a humanoid race you’ve seen, like natural attacks, wings and related flyspeed, or environmental acclimations (All mimicked traits are subject to GM fiat). The selected choice remains until you select a different option, revert to your true form, or die.

Potential problem point, the ability to mimic a physical trait. The "GM fiat" clause was my attempt to reign in the issues it might cause.

Prerequisite: Changeling

Increase your Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution by 1 to a maximum of 20.
When you are hit with a critical attack you can use your reaction to turn the damage into a normal hit as you shift your anatomy around. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, you regain all expended uses at the end of a long rest.
As a bonus action you can grow or revert natural weapons. While you have these natural weapons manifested, your unarmed strikes deal 1d4 piercing, bludgeoning, or slash damage (chosen when you grow them). You can use either your Strength or Dexterity modifier for attack and damage rolls for your unarmed strikes.

The last one here is probably the most tame out of all of my crazy presented, but there's probably something wrong with it. Thank you to anyone that actually read through all of this and didn't just get frustrated and run off to better things. And an even bigger thanks to anyone willing to critique this monsterpiece.