View Full Version : Oy Yay! Inyalowda! News on "The Expanse" Seasons 5 and 6

2020-11-26, 08:24 AM
Good and Bad News for fans of "The Expanse"

Good News: "The Expanse" has been picked up for season 6.

Bad News: Season 6 will be the final season. Cas Anvar is being investigated for sexual assault or harassment and will not be returning.



How do other fans feel about this? I do not think the Expanse is a perfect show but I have enjoyed it. I think the character development has been very good. I would like to see it go on but if they can give the series a solid ending at the end of 6, I will be happy.

Bunny Commando
2020-11-26, 09:02 AM
How do other fans feel about this? I do not think the Expanse is a perfect show but I have enjoyed it. I think the character development has been very good. I would like to see it go on but if they can give the series a solid ending at the end of 6, I will be happy.

I didn't know about Cas Anvar; I'm quite happy that the studios has taken the allegations seriously.

About ending with a sixth season, I'm a bit conflicted: it would mean that they would probably squeeze five books into two seasons. And while I can see Nemesis Games and Babylon's Ashes condensed in one season, I'm not sure the remaining three books could be compressed in a single season in a satisfying manner.

2020-11-26, 12:30 PM
Odd to cancel, given that:

There's a 20 year timeskip between Babylon's Ashes and Persepolis Rising, which would do a lot to hide the sins of a recast.

Bunny Commando
2020-11-26, 01:09 PM
Oh, I missed that they already cleared my doubts: 5th season will follow Nemesis Games and 6th season wil cover Babylon's Ashes; I have to say, I'm a bit disappointed - those two books are my least favourite. I still read and enjoyed them, but they felt, at least for me, like a filler episode.
I am however relieved that they wouldn't try to squeeze five books in two seasons.

2020-11-26, 04:17 PM
Oh, I missed that they already cleared my doubts: 5th season will follow Nemesis Games and 6th season wil cover Babylon's Ashes; I have to say, I'm a bit disappointed - those two books are my least favourite. I still read and enjoyed them, but they felt, at least for me, like a filler episode.
I am however relieved that they wouldn't try to squeeze five books in two seasons.

"Babylon's Ashes" means Anderson Dawes. Does this mean Jared Harris is returning? I watched the series before reading the book and this is the scene that hooked me.


2020-11-26, 04:33 PM
6 seasons is a respectable length for a sci fi show

And they don't have to cram anything, anywhere. They just have to leave an open-ended ending, with some resolutions ans some answers to the Big Mystery. The season 3 finale would have been a fantastic series finale, so doing something similar would have been perfectly acceptable.

Just make *a* good season, and put in a solid ending. Ya don't need to wrap up everything.

2021-03-26, 07:05 PM
So season 5 is out now, can I just say I don't give a damn about Inaros? He's so damn boring.

2021-03-26, 09:09 PM
This season has probably the best sci fi space battles I’ve seen in terms of hard sci fi. I do agree Inaros is just bland though.

2021-03-27, 07:30 AM
I'm only up to episode 4 so still got the battles to look forward to. Inaros has the same problem with Dawes to me they are just bland and the story has to bend over backwards to make them actually a threat even ignoring the fairly hard science slant it has. They also fall back on the well this person is incredibly charismatic and has a list of achievements to his name but I don't buy it for a second it's honestly just grating and affecting my interest in the rest of the series/characters.

2021-03-27, 11:55 AM
This season has probably the best sci fi space battles I’ve seen in terms of hard sci fi. I do agree Inaros is just bland though.

Ok I've finished the series and have to ask what on earth you're talking about there arn't any space battles in this season there's at most one skirmish. Which as standard for this season rely on people being hideously stupid and ignoring what they themselves literally said and in one case literally not being able to see a missile going the opposite way, apparently needing a weapon expert to go yea usually missiles go towards their target not away. I also think this is the season you'd have to stop calling the expanse hard scifi, ships as always fight at knife range for no reason, travel time is all over the place, the stealth tech has completely changed from the first season so that in now doesn't make sense and the effects of vacuum on the body are basically done on cartoon physics. Then the only character death was so obviously inserted post production I had to look up why.

Looking above I really hope the final season ignores whatever daws and inaros do in the next book and just skip to the more interesting stuff.

2021-04-01, 01:07 PM
Ok I've finished the series and have to ask what on earth you're talking about there arn't any space battles in this season there's at most one skirmish. Which as standard for this season rely on people being hideously stupid and ignoring what they themselves literally said and in one case literally not being able to see a missile going the opposite way, apparently needing a weapon expert to go yea usually missiles go towards their target not away. I also think this is the season you'd have to stop calling the expanse hard scifi, ships as always fight at knife range for no reason, travel time is all over the place, the stealth tech has completely changed from the first season so that in now doesn't make sense and the effects of vacuum on the body are basically done on cartoon physics. Then the only character death was so obviously inserted post production I had to look up why.

Looking above I really hope the final season ignores whatever daws and inaros do in the next book and just skip to the more interesting stuff.

The fight between The Rocinante and the Zmeya was short, granted, but well done in terms of how you'd need to manage surviving an onslaught of missiles (presumably all they had). The scene here I found was key in showing what's actually going on is when the two torpedos the Roci launches takes out two of the other ones. You see just how ridiculously fast things are moving and why the relatively large torpedo explosion still only manages to take out 2 of the incoming torpedos.

The better one is the one between the Rocinante and the 5 ships of the free navy. Going in for a suicide mission to have Drummer (and then Josep) give them the tiny windows they needed to take out the two free Navy ships.

The knife fight range is only really at the end of each engagement when the Roci gets within range to use its railgun, which is exactly what they'd need to do since they have less missiles and PDC ammo to sustain any type of long range fight.