View Full Version : Pathfinder Magical Personal Convenience Devices?

2020-11-26, 12:23 PM
I was reading through Ultimate Intrigue (PF) when I stumbled upon the Rings of Communique. I then immediately set about thinking on how to adapt it into something that might be used by non-PCs.

First off, to adapt for general usage, I would make it either a handheld wondrous item or else cause it to project a bright holographic screen of the person being called, as per the tech guide commset, to eliminate its stealth function.

Next, I would eliminate its built-in range, and instead tie it to magical devices called "signal relay towers" that have an average radius of 60 miles (8000 gp to build, no other purpose than than to link these devices, larger or smaller variants have differing prices). These devices would have communication ability only within the radii of these towers, but multiple towers can "boost signals" and allow one device to link to another that is potentially far away. These signals can be blocked by lead or at least 5 ft. of stone or similar material.

Then, I would allow for magical "add-ons" to be purchased. These purchases could allow the modified item to employ new features, and would cost anything from 20 extra gp (at-will minor cantrip) to 6000 extra gp (double the video/photo capacity of a tech guide camera, major image trideo function, etc etc) for features of varying quality and usefulness. The baseline item would now cost much less with all of these limitations-- I leave you to determine exactly how much, but with all the setup needed to use them, I would price it at around 450 gp each.

What other devices can you think of? Magical compasses/pocket watches? Unseen servant hordes? The possibilities are endless.