View Full Version : Ritual Caster on Warlock.

2020-11-26, 09:44 PM
Joining an ongoing game at 5th Level. A large group of players with random turnout for each session, but looks like a lot of non-casters, with a Hexblade Warlock as the most 'castery'. I myself an a perpetual GM, but when I play I normally go melee as whenever I play a straight caster I tend to be the type who never casts anything because I'm always 'saving it'. So I decided to go Warlock, so I can concentrate on Eldritch Blast and with the smaller available spell thought it might help me with analysis paralysis. Plus, I got inspired, drew the character, so kind of got stuck. (not a bad thing, I like what I've come up with.
Devil Tongue Tiefling Fiend/Pact of Chain. Mask of Many Faces. So I think I have a lot of fun social options with Mask and the Devil Tongue abilities. Fiend gives Fireball. Pact of Chain happened because of backstory reasons but I love pets, so not a bad thing. But...I want to get some more utility and thought Ritual Caster. I like the /thought/ of it, but what should I take? Everyone normally suggests Summon Familiar, but that doesn't work with PoC. I'm thinking Detect Magic, Identify Magic, Comprehend Languages as the alternate.
Anyone have any thoughts?

2020-11-26, 11:32 PM
Detect Magic is a must for any party. If nobody else has it, take it. And it works well as a ritual, because you most often do it after a battle, to see if there's any good loot, or to check out the place that your enemies were defending.

2020-11-27, 12:37 AM
Unseen Servant has lots of potential.

2020-11-27, 07:36 AM
Detect Magic
Unseen Servant
Find Familiar

Honestly, these are the "best" ones available in your first few levels. I'm currently playing a Tome Warlock at the moment so I have the same "Ritual Caster" option via the Book of Ancient Secrets, and although I have half a dozen other Rituals these are the only ones that I have used in ~6 levels of play.

Comprehend Languages seemed sensible, but it's never come up because the party has a pretty broad variety of languages and I also have Eyes of the Rune Keeper. I used Water Breathing once, and then realised that I could do that with an Invocation too, which turns out to be far more convenient.

Floating Disc might be worth a look, for it can be handy if you can use your imagination to find uses for it, and eventually Phantom Steed is good as it gives you another minion to order around, but otherwise? Very campaign-specific. If your party doesn't have a Druid and you know there's lots of animals to talk to, for example, Speak With Animals will be invaluable but it might never, ever come up. The four above are easily the most reliable that I've needed yet, some of them across multiple characters.

2020-11-27, 11:53 AM
Honestly, I'd swap Chain pact for Tome Pact and call it a day. You can still get a regular familiar from Tome so you barely even lose anything, and the Ritual Casting from Tome is far superior to the feat.

2020-11-27, 06:59 PM
Honestly, I'd swap Chain pact for Tome Pact and call it a day. You can still get a regular familiar from Tome so you barely even lose anything, and the Ritual Casting from Tome is far superior to the feat.

^^This because not only is the invocation available for tome better than the feat the PC also gains a feat to spend not used for rituals that way.

Joe the Rat
2020-11-27, 07:27 PM
Detect magic if you don't take the eldritch sight Invocation.
Comprehend Languages, less critical if you take Eyes of the Rune Keeper
Alarm. Sometimes you just need to know when a threshold is crossed.
Unseen Servant
Floating Disk
When you get to 6, tiny hut.

2020-11-28, 12:42 AM
Honestly, I'd swap Chain pact for Tome Pact and call it a day. You can still get a regular familiar from Tome so you barely even lose anything, and the Ritual Casting from Tome is far superior to the feat.
Downside is it costs an invocation and you can't use the enhanced familiar.

2020-11-28, 07:27 PM
Honestly, I'd swap Chain pact for Tome Pact and call it a day. You can still get a regular familiar from Tome so you barely even lose anything, and the Ritual Casting from Tome is far superior to the feat.

I was sorely tempted, but with the background I went with, my Imp is actually supposed to be an agent of my patron, sent to watch/babysit me. I like the story angle. Think it could be fun, without it though, I'd definitely have gone Tome.

Also, thanks for all the input. Thumbs up to all the helpful people!

2020-11-28, 07:33 PM
Roleplaying an invisible Imp is one of the most fun things I've done in D&D. You'll be fine with your strategy.

For your first 2 rituals, I'd recommend detect magic and unseen servant. If no one has leomunds tiny hut, then maybe change out unseen servant for alarm.