View Full Version : Good source to legally purchase Dragon Mag in bulk?

2020-11-28, 02:05 PM
I've been hit by a whim of possibly seeing if I can get my hands on a decently wide variety of Dragon Magazine (of which I currently own, um, I think one issue?), just for funsies. To be very clear, I am NOT interested in pirating it! Even if it weren't against the forum rules, I'm an adult with a job, and I do indeed live by the credo that it's okay to pay for things that bring you a benefit. (If I had to exasperatedly tell that to my business school classmates once, I did it a hundred times a semester, and I do try to practice what I preached.)

That said, it's apparently pretty hard to find Dragon Mag pdfs for sale? I feel like you used to be able to get them through Paizo or DrivethruRPG or something similar, but sixty seconds of Googling hasn't turned up much. I could spend more time (and I will if I have to), but I thought it might be fun to see what alternative solutions you can recommend. By the way, it doesn't HAVE to be pdfs! Paper copies might also be fun.

There's always eBay, I suppose, though to be honest the days when I used to enjoy messing around with online auctions are pretty much past. (Also it's kind of scattershot what you're going to get there.) Kind of hoping for something a bit easier and more reliable.

Online-only at this point. I'm not leaving the house for anything non-medical until covid is a thing of the past. Otherwise I'd just start haunting local used bookstores.

Recommendations, anyone?

2020-11-28, 02:36 PM
Most of the 3e run of Dragon is available from Paizo's website, including PDFs of all of them up to #345. I bought mine there. Some of them have physical copies available there too.