View Full Version : Which cantrips were changed in TCoE?

2020-11-28, 10:18 PM
I've only seen talk about changes to booming blade. But there's other damage cantrips in the book. Are they simply in there for AL +1 reasons or did the other cantrips get changed?

2020-11-28, 10:32 PM
Greenflame Blade also got the same treatment as Booming Blade

They are there, I suspect, as part of a larger effort to remove content (barring perhaps races) from being only found in Setting-Specific books... we got reprints of stuff from Eberron, Theros, and Ravnica for similar reasons. I wouldn't be completely shocked to see other SCAG classes getting reprints on the next 'X's Y of Everything' (Arcana Cleric seems popular enough to get another go)