View Full Version : Personalizing spells for Fathomless (Tentacles)

2020-11-29, 07:09 PM
So with the new Fathomless Warlock subclass as well as the option to personalize spells, I thought I would just go ahead and ask what warlock spells/cantrips do you think would be cool/fun to have personalized as tentacles? :smallsmile:

2020-11-29, 11:46 PM
Obvious spell is obvious: Entangle. Too bad it's not on the Warlock lists, so would need to be a multiclass or take Magic Initiate, or maybe convince the DM to swap one of the subclass spells for it.

On a similar note, I want to play a Fathomless who is a worshipper of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, who summons noodles instead of tentacles, and flavors his spells with pasta, maybe even calling himself a Pastamancer (yes I've played Kingdom of Loathing, what of it?). Imagine, rotini Magic Missile! (if DM allows, I'd maybe swap cold resist with fire resist and/or swap some of the patron spells, but otherwise it can basically play as-is with refluffing, like cold resist not because of where the patron lurks but because of the patron's association with boiling water heating his blood as needed)

2020-11-30, 01:17 AM
Eldritch Blast just fires out a tentacle that slaps the target in the face or face analogue.

2020-11-30, 07:06 AM
Arms of Hadar, Evard's Black Tentacles needs no work :)

Darkness as a squid's ink?

Invisibility like an Octopus/Cuttlefish's colour changing?

Spider Climb could definitely be more Octopus climb with additional tenacles rooting you to the walls/ceiling.

Gaseous Form = jellyfish-like appearance and float around like that

Hypnotic Pattern = Angler Fish light

Shadow of Moil = Electric Eel-like pulsing then necrotic zaps

2020-11-30, 01:25 PM
Magic missile's darts could be "piranha." (Or quippers)

In one of the famous podcasts - I forget which, because I've only heard this second-hand - supposedly a Warlock of a GOO had his fly spell be achieved by a tentacle descending from above and grabbing him and yanking him about the battlefield.

Grease could be either a slimy floor of slick tentacles, or it could be mucous applied by a tentacle wiping over the ground. Or even coming up BENEATH the ground, visible as if through glass, and "licking" the underside of the ground...which somehow makes the mucous materialize on top of the ground.

Armor of Agathys could have its ice armor be tentacles that reach up and wrap around your body before turning into ice.

When hex causes extra damage or impedes an Ability, a tentacle could sprout from an orifice or wound to either widen the wound (especially a freshly-made one) or to slap, grapple, or distract in some fashion to impede the check.

Illusory script could be placed by spitting ink onto the page and the message forming as the ink drips off, leaving behind only the message. Which looks different depending on whether the reader is seeing the illusion or the real message.

2020-11-30, 11:11 PM
Armor of Agathys as Armor of Barnacles. Those things are sharp.

Circle of Death as a Sharknado.

Expeditious Retreat turns your lower half into octopus tentacles, and you go scurrying away (or forward).

2020-11-30, 11:25 PM
As for the pastafarian reskin, how ridiculous do you want to go?

Circle of Death is now a spectral bowl of noodles being stirred vigorously.

When you are cut, a Hellish Rebuke of scalding melty cheese filling bursts onto your assailant.

Magic Stone fires meatballs.

Shadow Blade is a fork.

2020-12-01, 08:46 PM
Eldritch Blast just fires out a tentacle that slaps the target in the face or face analogue.

Magic missile's darts could be "piranha." (Or quippers)

In one of the famous podcasts - I forget which, because I've only heard this second-hand - supposedly a Warlock of a GOO had his fly spell be achieved by a tentacle descending from above and grabbing him and yanking him about the battlefield.

Grease could be either a slimy floor of slick tentacles, or it could be mucous applied by a tentacle wiping over the ground. Or even coming up BENEATH the ground, visible as if through glass, and "licking" the underside of the ground...which somehow makes the mucous materialize on top of the ground.

Armor of Agathys could have its ice armor be tentacles that reach up and wrap around your body before turning into ice.

When hex causes extra damage or impedes an Ability, a tentacle could sprout from an orifice or wound to either widen the wound (especially a freshly-made one) or to slap, grapple, or distract in some fashion to impede the check.

Illusory script could be placed by spitting ink onto the page and the message forming as the ink drips off, leaving behind only the message. Which looks different depending on whether the reader is seeing the illusion or the real message.

Yeah, these are more along the lines of what I was looking for. Finding ways to make spells look/feel like tentacles. :smallsmile:

Like I can see Mage Hand being a spectral tentacle. That just works.

Now are there any other spells that we can add the tentacle theme to that would be fun? :smallbiggrin:

2020-12-02, 01:58 AM
Yeah, these are more along the lines of what I was looking for. Finding ways to make spells look/feel like tentacles. :smallsmile:

Like I can see Mage Hand being a spectral tentacle. That just works.

Now are there any other spells that we can add the tentacle theme to that would be fun? :smallbiggrin:

Chill touch can have a spectral tentacle instead of a spectral hand.

Create bonfire could be magma tentacles instead of flames.

Frostbite could have the frost be shaped like a fine fuzz of tentacles rather than usual snowflake patterns.

Infestation could be a sprouting of myriad finger-sized tentacles rather than insects.

Lightning lure could be an electric eel or an electrified tentacle grabbing and dragging the target.

Sword burst could be tentacle burst.

Cause fear could make your chest open up and horrid tentacles reach out, screaming silently in the target's mind to induce fear.

Hellish rebuke could be more magma tentacles grabbing the target, rather than just being enveloped in flames.

Your unseen servants might be writhing masses of invisible tentacles. People who can see the invisible might be discomfitted.

The crown from crown of madness could have tentacles instead of spikes.

Earthbind can use tentacles rather than "yellow bands of energy."

Mirror image could have five tentacles rise up out of the ground, one picking you up and the others topped with "finger puppets" of you that are indistinguishable, and writhe and wriggle around to play a shell game of which is the real you.

Misty step could have a tentacle rise out of an inky cloud at your feet, yank you down into it, and then another inky cloud appear at your destination out of which the tentacle reaches to deposit you there.

Your shadow blade could be a shadow tentacle instead.

Spider climb could require a sucker from a tentacle instead of the normal material component, and turn your fingers into tentacles with very adhesive suckers and grow similar tentacles from your feet.

Hypnotic pattern conjures cuttlefish tentacles writhing in the air and rapidly color-shifting in the "prey-paralyzing" pattern they use IRL.

Where the glowing runes of magic circle appear on surfaces, spectral tentacles reach up out of them, instead, possibly with runes appearing to crawl over them in the manner of an octopus's color-shifting camouflage skin.

When you cast tongues, the target's tongue is replaced by a tentacle that writhes in his mouth to force the words he's trying to say into whatever language he is speaking.

Instead of being a shadow-wreathed hand, your vampiric touch turns your hand into a monstrous cross between an octopus, a starfish, and a lamprey, with suckers on the fingers and a sucking maw in the palm. Laying it on a victim almost physically sucks life force out of him, leaving sucker-marks as part of the wound.

A tentacle reaches out of the ground or another convenient surface (or out of people's sight) when you use banishment on a creature, and the harmless demiplane it creates is an unending mass of tentacles in every direction, with no floor or ceiling, just tentacles to cling to or squirm between. Harmless, but possibly quite gross.

The moisture leaving the body of the victim of blight comes out as if it were forming into tentacles before splashing harmlessly to the ground.

Your dimension door is ripped open by tentacles protruding from "the other side." So is your arcane gate; it's just held open longer.

Negative energy flood's "ribbons of negative energy" take the form of tentacles.

Instead of inky voids, your eyes are replaced by tentacle suckers when you cast eyebite.

Scatter has spectral tentacles rise from the points to which you're moving the targets, and drag them immaterially there.

Forcecage's bars are made of invisible tentacles, or its solid form feels like pressing against a writhing mass of invisible tentacles.

The silver cord provided by astral projection is a silver tentacle.