View Full Version : DM Help Need info on Elves in feywild

2020-11-30, 03:16 AM
Heyya, guys!

My all-Elf party is soon to enter Feywild. Now, there is a bunch of material on Feywild and most of it says, Elves are sort of lost-cousins to Feywild. Thus, my party expects to be greeted really kindly in Feywild with no dangers and tricks. Still, there are evil creatures in Feywild and ... My first question would be - what sort of lore-appropriate challenges can I set up for my all-elf party? Especially, what creatures would act antagnistic to the party?

My second question is related to sadness. My PCs had their parents killed by an evil cult and this has left an emotional crack in all of them. One of them is especially affected by this and I intend to set this up as a base for them entering Feywild. I'm thinking of certain type of creatures from Feywild, who would be "lured" to this PC and would really want to get her in their domain. It will be her, that sort of becomes a portal/conduit, that transfers the party into Feywild. I'm wondering what sort of creatures could I use for this?

And last one: Being "a conduit", this PC is especially "opened" to being "inhabited" by certain creatures from feywild. More a spirit transfer, where a Feywild creature remains with PC for a time, experiencing Material Plane through her senses. No taking away player's agency, just a voice in her head that adds to roleplay - and perhaps presents to the party more of Feywild through interaction with "ghost" NPC. What would be suitable creatures/entities for this?


2020-11-30, 07:17 AM
Heyya, guys!

My all-Elf party is soon to enter Feywild. Now, there is a bunch of material on Feywild and most of it says, Elves are sort of lost-cousins to Feywild. Thus, my party expects to be greeted really kindly in Feywild with no dangers and tricks. Still, there are evil creatures in Feywild and ... My first question would be - what sort of lore-appropriate challenges can I set up for my all-elf party? Especially, what creatures would act antagnistic to the party?

Well, for starter, some Elves, known as the Eladrin, still live in the Feywild, so anything which is antagonistic to the Eladrin is likely to group the PCs with them. The Formorians are probably the most relevant beings in that category.

Second, you can take a look at all the evil Fey there is: Hags, Red Caps, Meenlocks, Yeth Hounds and the like can make for great threats, especially on their home turfs. To say nothing of the Queen of Air and Darkness and her Unseelie court. But even without being evil, all of the Fey are dangerous

My second question is related to sadness. My PCs had their parents killed by an evil cult and this has left an emotional crack in all of them. One of them is especially affected by this and I intend to set this up as a base for them entering Feywild. I'm thinking of certain type of creatures from Feywild, who would be "lured" to this PC and would really want to get her in their domain. It will be her, that sort of becomes a portal/conduit, that transfers the party into Feywild. I'm wondering what sort of creatures could I use for this?

Boggles are Fey created by the feeling of loneliness, and they're capable of opening portals. Winter Eladrins would also be interested in one of their distant cousins feeling bad like that.

Could have the Boggle herald of a noble Winter Eladrin invite the PCs to the court of the Lords and Ladies.

And last one: Being "a conduit", this PC is especially "opened" to being "inhabited" by certain creatures from feywild. More a spirit transfer, where a Feywild creature remains with PC for a time, experiencing Material Plane through her senses. No taking away player's agency, just a voice in her head that adds to roleplay - and perhaps presents to the party more of Feywild through interaction with "ghost" NPC. What would be suitable creatures/entities for this?

Honestly pretty much all of them. All fey from the Pixie to the Archfey would be interested in that.

I would build on the concept like that: the PCs are invited to a masked ball... where they're the masks for the Fey guests, alongside with other mortals also brought here for the occasion.

2020-11-30, 05:56 PM
They also may not be seen as real brethren of the Eladrin or other elves living in the Feywild.

Consider for example the experience of a Japanese American who's never traveled going to Japan to visit a very traditional Japanese village. They might be welcomed, or they might not. They might be perceived as disconnected from their heritage and history.

From the perspective of the Fey, an elf who lives on the prime material plane might be just as alien as a human - or perhaps even worse, because the elf should "know better."

That's if that's a story you want to tell, anyway.

2020-12-01, 01:51 AM
A great thanks to both of you, really appreciated.

I'd just also ask about this: Do you think, it would be a cool idea, to use our PC as "portal generator" in a way, that actually boosts boogles' portal-making ability and enables entry into feywild? I don't think boggles are capable of trans-planar travel, but with her nearby ... it might be possible?