View Full Version : 3.p - aoe melee weaopon enchantment

2020-11-30, 05:56 PM
Is there any enchntment, in pf or 3.5, that could make a quarterstaff cause an aoe effect on each hit? Im looking for ways to use the evasive skitter abilities of a kobold rogue, and a move each time I hit could do wonders for a swift ambusher build

2020-12-02, 06:00 AM
Best thing I got for you is Dreamscarred Press' Discipline, Fool's Errand.
6th level Stance, Lesson V: Expression lets you punch 15' cones. A lenient DM might allow a monk's Quarterstaff to do it. Possibly might require that one enchantment, (+1 Ki?) that lets a weapon qualify as a monk weapon for Flurry, etc.
Lotta lenient DM stuff there, but otherwise you're going into War Hulk, and that didn't seem like what you wanted.

2020-12-02, 11:13 AM
Complete Warrior has the explosive one, +2 for melee, +3 for ranged.
im sure there are others as well, though, only shriking and resunding from MIC comes to mind...

2020-12-02, 05:08 PM
I know it's not what you are after, but the Rod of Thunderous Force does the aoe. Might be a starting point...

2020-12-02, 05:36 PM
I believe there's an enchantment in Dungeonscape that lets a weapon do full damage to a swarm, but from memory doesn't count as an area attack.