View Full Version : How will the Nobles take it.

2007-11-05, 07:10 AM
Kasumi and Daigo have been promoted to Nobles, so my question is, how do you think Kubota and the other nobles will take it, will they act happy for them then send a ninja death sqaud in the night. Or will they attempt to publicly get ride of them. Any other possibilities. Has Daigo and Kasumi now been given a level up or two. {they have a name, now their practicly minor characters.}

Lord Zentei
2007-11-05, 07:39 AM
Kasumi and Daigo have been promoted to Nobles, so my question is, how do you think Kubota and the other nobles will take it, will they act happy for them then send a ninja death sqaud in the night. Or will they attempt to publicly get ride of them. Any other possibilities. Has Daigo and Kasumi now been given a level up or two. {they have a name, now their practicly minor characters.}

Seeing as the refugees have been going around a lot and the pair were promoted due to their heroics during this time, I would surmise that they have indeed gained levels.

As for the nobles: it probably depends on which ones are being spoken about. Kubota probably isn't too keen on seeing Hinjo gain allies among the nobility, the others... that depends on what Kubota's standing is right now.

Incidentally, the plot to destroy the OOTS has presumably met with some setbacks. :smallwink:

2007-11-05, 07:53 AM
As for the nobles: it probably depends on which ones are being spoken about. Kubota probably isn't too keen on seeing Hinjo gain allies among the nobility, the others... that depends on what Kubota's standing is right now.

Indeed, one thing we might notice about the latest comic is that it looks like on of the nobles came for the wedding and he seems to be cheering for the house of Kato... he's wearing a different cape then he did when he was at the stradegy meeting, but he seems to be the same noble that left with the other two... and, if that is him, then i'm guessing he didn't hear Hinjo's little comment about the current crop of nobles :smalltongue:
Grant it though, he could still be two faced and hiding behind that smile...

2007-11-05, 07:58 AM
Kasumi and Daigo have been promoted to Nobles, so my question is, how do you think Kubota and the other nobles will take it, will they act happy for them then send a ninja death sqaud in the night. Or will they attempt to publicly get ride of them. Any other possibilities. Has Daigo and Kasumi now been given a level up or two. {they have a name, now their practicly minor characters.}

I noted on the main thread that Hinjo's choice of words ("recommend") would seem to imply that he can't simply make them nobles by his word alone. It's not clear whose ratification might be required (The existing nobles? The Twelve Gods, by way of the highest-ranking available cleric?).

2007-11-05, 08:03 AM
Kasumi and Daigo have been promoted to Nobles, so my question is, how do you think Kubota and the other nobles will take it, will they act happy for them then send a ninja death sqaud in the night. Or will they attempt to publicly get ride of them. Any other possibilities. Has Daigo and Kasumi now been given a level up or two. {they have a name, now their practicly minor characters.}


2007-11-05, 08:35 AM
will they act happy for them then send a ninja death sqaud in the night

They must fight with me first!! :smallfurious:

I think that the nobility will see that as an attack, because it will include a noble house loyal to the throne.

2007-11-05, 10:45 AM
You can bet that Kubota will sneer at the new nobles in public and send Ninjas after them in private.

The other Aristocrats - I refuse to use the word Noble for worms who left their own city undefended - will almost certainly cut them dead in court or suck up to them, ot attempt to get them on-side.

2007-11-05, 11:47 AM
Incidentally, the plot to destroy the OOTS has presumably met with some setbacks. :smallwink:

I think that depends upon what the plan was in terms of timescale and what became of V...

Lord Zentei
2007-11-05, 12:18 PM
I think that depends upon what the plan was in terms of timescale and what became of V...

Point. And I doubt Kubota will be able to retake the city if Hinjo is also looking for allies to do the same, so why not let Hinjo manage the recruiting and then strike?

Assuming that Kubota is even still around.

And assuming that he would want Hinjo to assert himself beyond being the one to lose Azure City... as gaining allies and recruiting a new army for the reconquest might do.

David Argall
2007-11-05, 03:57 PM
Kasumi and Daigo have been promoted to Nobles, so my question is, how do you think Kubota and the other nobles will take it

Well, they are unlikely to be pleased. It means more competition for them, and competition that will strengthen Hinjo. New men in general are not popular with the established ones.
Beyond that, the reaction can vary widely. Quite possibly several other houses will be created at the same time, and if your younger brother can be made an allied noble [instead of someone with a motive to hire a ninja so he can be the noble], your objections to this commoner becoming a noble may suddenly take a real dive. All sorts of other reasons [Kasumi tells Lord Puritan that she won't mention his repeated violations of his sermons with her] can lead to support or approval.
It can be pretty much anything that is plot convenient.