View Full Version : List of Alignments rules

2020-12-02, 01:52 AM
First of all: This thread is not meant to discuss what kind of character should be what alignment.

The point of this thread is to ask what kind of spells / items / other rules even care for alignments.

I have read that some items like Robe of the Archmagi, Talisman of Ultimate evil or the Holy Symbol of Ravenkind obviously do care as in you have to be the specific alignment(s) (as well as classes) or they will simply not work or even damage the character.

These items seem to only care about the Good/Evil axis. Do items that care for the Lawful/Chaotic axis exist?

I have also heard that spells like detect evil and good used to care about alignments but it seems it was changed in 5e.

I have also heard about spells that change the alignment of a player but I couldnt find any.

So what other rules exist in 5e that make alignments relevant? Also feel free to name some other items / spells / whatever.

2020-12-02, 02:28 AM
I feel like I've seen this asked and answered many times already. You might find an answer with a forum search.

2020-12-02, 02:58 AM
Not many things do, and those that do are carryover from previous editions.

I believe it is the Rakshasa that are vulnerable to magical piercing weapons wielded by a character of Good alignment. Which is about as specific of a requirement for something you can get, as this edition also rarely cares about physical damage type (though it cares about that way more than alignment still).

The legendary weapon Blackrazor cares that the person attuning to it is non-lawful

Book of Exalted Deeds requires Good alignment.

Dawn bringer is non-evil.

Infernal Tack requires evil alignment.

Edit: Moonbeam Moonblade requires specifically an elf/half elf that is neutral good.

Orcsplitter requires good.

And the Talismans of Pure Good and Ultimate Evil require their respective alignments.

That's everything that I could come up with quickly. Most of it is item attunement requirements.

2020-12-02, 03:27 AM
I feel like I've seen this asked and answered many times already. You might find an answer with a forum search.

I tried but failed. Not sure if I worded it wrong or whatever but I could not find an existing thread for this specific kind of alignment question. I do find many many threads discussing alignments of course. If you find such a thread feel free to link it.

Not many things do, and those that do are carryover from previous editions.

I believe it is the Rakshasa that are vulnerable to magical piercing weapons wielded by a character of Good alignment. Which is about as specific of a requirement for something you can get, as this edition also rarely cares about physical damage type (though it cares about that way more than alignment still).

The legendary weapon Blackrazor cares that the person attuning to it is non-lawful

Book of Exalted Deeds requires Good alignment.

Dawn bringer is non-evil.

Infernal Tack requires evil alignment.

Moonbeam requires specifically an elf/half elf that is neutral good.

Orcsplitter requires good.

And the Talismans of Pure Good and Ultimate Evil require their respective alignments.

That's everything that I could come up with quickly. Most of it is item attunement requirements.

Very interesting would love to see more. I especially like the Blackrazor and would love to see an item that requires lawful or at least non chaotic.
I couldnt verify the Rakshasa and Moonbean though are you sure these are correct? I read you are unsure about the Rakshasa but I cant find any restrictions for that spell, would be pretty cool though. Also note I ask for 5e only.

2020-12-02, 03:39 AM
I tried but failed. Not sure if I worded it wrong or whatever but I could not find an existing thread for this specific kind of alignment question. I do find many many threads discussing alignments of course. If you find such a thread feel free to link it.

Very interesting would love to see more. I especially like the Blackrazor and would love to see an item that requires lawful or at least non chaotic.
I couldnt verify the Rakshasa and Moonbean though are you sure these are correct? I read you are unsure about the Rakshasa but I cant find any restrictions for that spell, would be pretty cool though. Also note I ask for 5e only.

Is moonbeam supposed to be moonblade?

Rakshasa is P257 in the MM and is vulnerable to "piercing from magic weapons wielded by good creatures"

2020-12-02, 03:54 AM
Is moonbeam supposed to be moonblade?

Rakshasa is P257 in the MM and is vulnerable to "piercing from magic weapons wielded by good creatures"

Weird now I checked again and this time I found the Rakshasa quote. Oh well maybe some websites forget about it.

Moonblade seems to be the case very interesting to find such a finicky item.

2020-12-02, 04:02 AM
The sprite can detect alignment with its "Heart Sight" ability.

Surprisingly, "Glyph of Warding" is able to trigger conditionally on creature alignment. I don't think that's reasonable that the only spell that detect alignment is "Glyph of Warding", maybe that's a left-over from previous iterations of the rules and they forgot to remove this clause?

This is up to my knowledge the only mechanical interaction with the Law/Chaos axis.

2020-12-02, 04:34 AM
I tried but failed. Not sure if I worded it wrong or whatever but I could not find an existing thread for this specific kind of alignment question. I do find many many threads discussing alignments of course. If you find such a thread feel free to link it.

This (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?516989-When-Alignment-Matters-Mechanically&p=21762194) is what you were looking for.

Silly Name
2020-12-02, 07:24 AM
Spirit Guardians cares about alignment, in the sense that when cast by Good or Neutral casters it deals Radiant damage, and Necrotic damage if cast by an Evil character.

Non-evil creatures entering a demi-lich's lair take Necrotic damage.

Similarly, magical HP restoration inflicted by a Good creature upon another Good creature while in an unicorn's lair always heal for maximum HP (meaning, a Good Cleric casting Cure Wounds with a 2nd-level slot on a Good Paladin will always heal 16+Wis modifier HP as long as they're in the Unicorn's lair).

Lemures also have a quite convoluted and alignment-based trait:

Hellish Rejuvenation: A lemure that dies in the Nine Hells comes back to life with all its Hit Points in 1d10 days unless it is killed by a good-aligned creature with a bless spell cast on that creature or its remains are sprinkled with Holy Water.

I don't think any other creature has Hellish Rejuvenation.

The sprite can detect alignment with its "Heart Sight" ability.

Surprisingly, "Glyph of Warding" is able to trigger conditionally on creature alignment. I don't think that's reasonable that the only spell that detect alignment is "Glyph of Warding", maybe that's a left-over from previous iterations of the rules and they forgot to remove this clause?

This is up to my knowledge the only mechanical interaction with the Law/Chaos axis.

While it is a remnant of older rules, I don't think it's by mistake. Being able to ward an area from a certain alignment is extremely useful and makes sense for many organisations.

2020-12-02, 08:16 AM
Is moonbeam supposed to be moonblade?

Rakshasa is P257 in the MM and is vulnerable to "piercing from magic weapons wielded by good creatures"

Yes. I'm on my phone and that was an uncaught autocorrect. Thank you. Editing the original post.

2020-12-02, 08:26 AM

Possibly more examples since then

2020-12-02, 11:05 AM
While it is a remnant of older rules, I don't think it's by mistake. Being able to ward an area from a certain alignment is extremely useful and makes sense for many organisations.

I don't doubt the usefulness of it, especially for mono-alignment organisations.
What I'm doubting is its consistency with detection/protection against evil and good only detecting/protecting against celestials/devils/... and not mortals of those alignments, which would also be pretty useful to those same organisations.