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2020-12-02, 11:21 AM
So, I talked on another message board about how Warlocks (in 5e D&D) would work well as the priests of minor deities, and decided to take a crack at it for Hackmaster.

The evangelist serves a not-quite deity; some creature with vast power, but not quite enough to reach the status of one of the greater deities of Tellene. Some of these quasi-deities may be demons, others angels or ancient spirits that have passed from mere myth to veneration. Some of these powers are servants of the gods themselves; saints on the verge of apotheosis. As mere quasi-deities, these beings lack the ability to empower a cleric in the traditional sense. Known collectively as Patrons, they maintain enough power to grant some few individuals semi-clerical powers. These dem-clerics are known as Evangelists, though others may call them witches or warlocks, especially if they are evil or chaotic in nature.

The ultimate goal of an Evangelist is to increase the worship of their Patron. Some use persuasion, but many perform great deeds in Their name, showing what their Patron is capable of achieving. The power of an Evangelist is limited compared to that of a cleric, but the relative weakness of their Patron, and the current fluidity of their Patron’s dogma, gives them comparatively more freedom. Powerful Evangelists can help shape the resulting church for decades, if not centuries, to come.

Evangelist Magic
At each level, the Evangelist chooses a single spell, clerical or mage, of any level up to their own, The level of a cleric spell is considered to be the first level it is available to any clerical class. Mage spells are always considered two levels higher (so a 1st level Evangelist may select any 1st level cleric spell, or any Apprentice-level Mage spell), even if they are available to a priest class (for example, the Cathedral of Light has the 5th level Mage spell “Entrancing Lightshow” available at 5th level; an Evangelist could not select this spell until 7th level). The Evangelist also gains bonus spells known based on their Wisdom. At 13 Wisdom, they gain one additional 1st level spell. Each additional point of Wisdom provides a bonus spell to one additional spell level; so a 14 Wisdom provides a bonus 2nd level spell (when the Evangelist reaches 2nd level, naturally), a 15 Wisdom a bonus 3rd level spell, on up to a 20 Wisdom providing a bonus 8th level spell. The Evangelist may choose to access these bonus spells earlier (a 20 Wisdom Evangelist might choose to have 9 spells known at level level 1), but once chosen, spells may not be changed; they will lose access to those higher level bonus spells. The patron (as played by the GM) may veto any choice the character may make, though the choice should fall to the Evangelist, rather than be dictated by the Game Master.

Evangelists do gain a few, necessary, bonus spells. At 1st level, they have Ceremony: Consecrate Divine Icon, which they may cast without a Divine Icon, if necessary (though this inflicts a 1 point wound). At fifth level, they gain Ceremony: Anoint, and at tenth level, they gain Ceremony: Investiture, allowing them to create additional Evangelists from Anointed followers. Evangelists may not select these spells any earlier.
Evangelists do not prepare spells as traditional clerics, nor utilize spell points like a mage. Rather, they accumulate “Favor Tokens” from their Patron, which are used to create magical effects. Each day, the Evangelist acquires one Favor Token, which may be saved from day to day, to a maximum of one per level, plus a number of additional tokens equal to the Starting Honor Modifier based on Charisma (with a minimum of one per level; an Evangelist with a low charisma will never have fewer maximum Favor tokens than their level). So, an Evangelist with a 14 Charisma will have a maximum of 3 Favor Tokens at level 1, and 6 Favor Tokens at level 4.

When an Evangelist wishes to cast a spell, of any level, they must expend a single Favor Token. The spell is cast as any cleric spell would be. Mage spells cast in this manner are always cast at their base level of ability; they cannot be enhanced with spell points, even if the Evangelist has a store of them.

Clearly, this leads to Evangelists having immense abilities; a 20th level Evangelist may be able to cast twenty or more twentieth level spells in a day. However, the next day, they would be limited to a single spell, as they regain only a single Favor Token each day. Likewise, they have few spells to choose from; while a Cleric might prepare healing spells one day and information spells the next, and have a number of healing spells of several levels, an Evangelist who chooses many healing spells will have few other abilities.

Evangelists begin with one free weapon proficiency of their choice, and may choose to be proficient in Light Armor. Proficiency in Medium Armor requires only 1 BP, Heavy 2 BP beyond that, and Shields requires 3 BP (so proficiency in all armor and shields will require 6 BP).

Weapon Specialization
Evangelists may become specialized in any weapon for 8 BPs for each initial purchase of attack, speed, defense, and damage. They may choose Weapon Talents related to their one free weapon proficiency at half cost.

Evangelists begin with a single purchase of Divine Lore, and may purchase additional mastery dice of Divine Lore at half price. They do not gain additional mastery of Divine Lore as they level, nor do they have a bonus to mastery of purchased rolls.
They begin with a single purchase of Oration, Persuasion, and Recruiting; additional purchases of Persuasion and Recruiting are only 2 BP. Purchases of Leadership are only 5 BP each. They also begin with a single purchase of Blacksmithing, Carpentry/Woodworking, or Craft, as necessary to create their Divine Icon. They must begin with at least Average mastery in this skill; if their free purchase is not enough to reach Average mastery, they must purchase additional mastery dice until they do.

Additionally, Evangelists gain one free mastery die in Religion (their own religion), and +5 Mastery at each level. Additional mastery dice in Religion (any) cost only 1 BP, and purchases of their own religion gain +1 per additional religion with which they have Average or better Mastery (so, an Evangelist who has Average Mastery in 6 other religions would gain +6 on Mastery Dice in their own religion whenever they make a purchase). In many ways, Evangelists are writing the dogma of their new religion as they go; knowing the ways of other religions not only makes them more effective in converting those of other faiths, but also helps to define what worship of their deity will look like.

Divine Icons
Like clerics, Evangelists begin with a Divine Icon, but they created this one themselves. As they often lack a formal church to provide additional divine icons at need, they must create their own, or the ones to be given to other adherents of their faith.

Evangelists must begin with, and maintain, an alignment within one step of their patron. However, if their alignment does not match their patron, they have a -2 penalty to Honor calculations for “Adherence to Class”, so an otherwise exemplary Evangelist will have only an 8 in their honor calculation, instead of 10, in that category, and thus gain 3, instead of 4 Honor. A fair Evangelist would lose 1 Honor after the calculation, rather gain 1.

2020-12-15, 08:09 PM
Updated version! Jiggered with spells a bit, created a massive spreadsheet analyzinig clerical spell levels, and worked a bit of it in. Also included rules about converting people to your religion.

The evangelist serves a not-quite deity; some creature with vast power, but not quite enough to reach the status of one of the greater deities of Tellene. Some of these quasi-deities may be demons, others angels or ancient spirits that have passed from mere myth to veneration. Some of these powers are servants of the gods themselves; saints on the verge of apotheosis. As mere quasi-deities, these beings lack the ability to empower a cleric in the traditional sense. Known collectively as Patrons, they maintain enough power to grant some few individuals semi-clerical powers. These demi-clerics are known as Evangelists, though others may call them witches or warlocks, especially if they are evil or chaotic in nature.

The ultimate goal of an Evangelist is to increase the worship of their Patron. Some use persuasion, but many perform great deeds in Their name, showing what their Patron is capable of achieving. The power of an Evangelist is limited compared to that of a cleric, but the relative weakness of their Patron, and the current fluidity of their Patron’s dogma, gives them comparatively more freedom. Powerful Evangelists can help shape the resulting church for decades, if not centuries, to come.

Evangelist Magic
At each level, the Evangelist chooses a single spell, clerical or mage, of any level up to their own until 10th level. After 10th level, they still select one spell per level, but only advance in spell level every two levels, unless they attract sufficient followers worthy of being Invested into the faith. To be able to select 11th level spells, they must have Invested one additional Evangelist. To select 12th level spells, they must have Invested two evangelists beyond that (so, a total of 3 Evangelists total), with each additional spell level requiring them to Invest more Evangelists (or clerics, as the faith grows) equal to the spell's level minus ten; a total of 55 additional, devout, evangelists and clerics to make 20th level spells available (or 15 Evangelists, if they are 20th level, themselves).
Mage spells are always considered two levels higher (so a 1st level Evangelist may select any 1st level cleric spell, or any Apprentice-level Mage spell), even if they are available to a priest class (for example, the Cathedral of Light has the 5th level Mage spell “Entrancing Lightshow” available at 5th level; an Evangelist could not select this spell until 7th level). The level of a clerical spell is more complex; as clerical spells have no inherent level, the player should instead choose from one whose modal level (column C) across all priesthoods does not exceed their own. (See the chart (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1yxQUB5CGnN_SnKgG3SoOJN0WJgXo4AcVm4m1PxupwHg/edit?usp=sharing)). In rare cases (with GM approval), the Evangelist may select a clerical spell lower than the modal level, but never lower than the minimum (column F). They may, of course, always select spells of lower level than their maximum. Some spells have no modal level; they are either unique to a given faith (such as the "Advanced Model" spells of the Fraternal Order of Aptitude), or of variable level across one or more priesthoods (such as "Alter Emotion: Empathy"). For these spells, consult the Game master. The patron (as played by the GM) may veto any choice the character may make, though the choice should usually fall to the Evangelist, rather than be dictated by the Game Master.

The Evangelist also gains bonus spells known based on their Wisdom. At 13 Wisdom, they gain one additional 1st level spell. Each additional point of Wisdom provides a bonus spell to one additional spell level; so a 14 Wisdom provides a bonus 2nd level spell (when the Evangelist reaches 2nd level, naturally), a 15 Wisdom a bonus 3rd level spell, on up to a 20 Wisdom providing a bonus 8th level spell. The Evangelist may choose to access these bonus spells earlier (a 20 Wisdom Evangelist might choose to have 9 spells known at level level 1), but once chosen, spells may rarely be changed; they will lose access to those higher level bonus spells.

Evangelists may change spells only rarely. When a new spell is selected upon gaining a level, the Evangelist may chose to replace a lower-level spell with a similar effect. For example, a newly 5th level evangelist who selects "Blessing" may choose to replace the 2nd level spell "Bless" with "Purify Food". The new spell should be of the same level or lower than the old effect; the Evangelist cannot replace Bless, a 2nd level spell, with Divine Providence, a 5th level effect, but could replace Divine Providence with Purify Food. Likewise, an Evangelist may replace a spell whenever they anoint a new follower of their deity; however, to replace a spell higher than 1st level, they must anoint a number of new followers equal to the level of the spell.

Evangelists do gain a few, necessary, bonus spells. At 1st level, they have Ceremony: Consecrate Divine Icon, which they may cast without a Divine Icon, if necessary (though this inflicts a 1 point wound). At fifth level, they gain Ceremony: Anoint, and at tenth level, they gain Ceremony: Investiture, allowing them to create additional Evangelists from Anointed followers. Evangelists may not select these spells any earlier, nor may they be replaced by any means.

Evangelists do not prepare spells as traditional clerics, nor utilize spell points like a mage. Rather, they accumulate “Favor Tokens” from their Patron, which are used to create magical effects. Each day, the Evangelist acquires one Favor Token, which may be saved from day to day, to a maximum of one per level, plus a number of additional tokens equal to the Starting Honor Modifier based on Charisma (with a minimum of one per level; an Evangelist with a low charisma will never have fewer maximum Favor tokens than their level). So, an Evangelist with a 14 Charisma will have a maximum of 3 Favor Tokens at level 1, and 6 Favor Tokens at level 4. As an Evangelist increases in level, they gain additional favor tokens per day; 2 per day at level 6, 3 per day at level 11, and 4 per day at level 16. Whenever an evangelist anoints a new follower, they gain a favor token (Ceremony: Anoint becomes effectively without Token cost, but they must have a single token to begin).

When an Evangelist wishes to cast a spell, of any level, they must expend a single Favor Token. The spell is cast as any cleric spell would be. Mage spells cast in this manner are always cast at their base level of ability; they cannot be enhanced with spell points, even if the Evangelist has a store of them.

Clearly, this leads to Evangelists having immense potential; a 20th level Evangelist may be able to cast twenty or more twentieth level spells in a day. However, the next day, they would be limited to only a handful of spells, as they regain only four Favor Tokens each day. Likewise, they have few spells to choose from; while a Cleric might prepare healing spells one day and information spells the next, and have a number of healing spells of several levels, an Evangelist who chooses many healing spells will have few other abilities.

Evangelists begin with one free weapon proficiency of their choice, and may choose to be proficient in Light Armor. Proficiency in Medium Armor requires only 1 BP, Heavy 2 BP beyond that, and Shields requires 3 BP (so proficiency in all armor and shields will require 6 BP). Those who choose not to be proficient in Light Armor instead have 3 additional mastery dice in Religion (any; see below)

Weapon Specialization
Evangelists may become specialized in any weapon for 8 BPs for each initial purchase of attack, speed, defense, and damage. They may choose Weapon Talents related to their one free weapon proficiency at half cost.

Evangelists begin with a single purchase of Divine Lore, and may purchase additional mastery dice of Divine Lore at half price. They do not gain additional mastery of Divine Lore as they level, nor do they have a bonus to mastery of purchased rolls.
They begin with a single purchase of Oration, Persuasion, and Recruiting; additional purchases of Persuasion and Recruiting are only 2 BP. Purchases of Leadership are only 5 BP each. They also begin with a single purchase of Blacksmithing, Carpentry/Woodworking, or Craft, as necessary to create their Divine Icon. They must begin with at least Average mastery in this skill; if their free purchase is not enough to reach Average mastery, they must purchase additional mastery dice until they do.

Additionally, Evangelists gain one free mastery die in Religion (their own religion), and +5 Mastery at each level. Additional mastery dice in Religion (any) cost only 1 BP, and purchases of their own religion gain +1 per additional religion with which they have Average or better Mastery (so, an Evangelist who has Average Mastery in 6 other religions would gain +6 on Mastery Dice in their own religion whenever they make a purchase). In many ways, Evangelists are writing the dogma of their new religion as they go; knowing the ways of other religions not only makes them more effective in converting those of other faiths, but also helps to define what worship of their deity will look like.

Divine Icons
Like clerics, Evangelists begin with a Divine Icon, but they created this one themselves. As they often lack a formal church to provide additional divine icons at need, they must create their own, or the ones to be given to other adherents of their faith.

Evangelists must begin with, and maintain, an alignment within one step of their patron. However, if their alignment does not match their patron, they have a -2 penalty to Honor calculations for “Adherence to Class”, so an otherwise exemplary Evangelist will have only an 8 in their honor calculation, instead of 10, in that category, and thus gain 3, instead of 4 Honor. A fair Evangelist would lose 1 Honor after the calculation, rather gain 1.


The Path to Conversion
Convincing someone to become anointed to a deity, especially a new and unknown deity, is not a simple task. It requires the character (most often a Cleric or Evangelist of the deity in question; they will be called “clerics”, but could equally be motivated lay people or evangelists) to first gain the trust of the individual, bringing them to an understanding of the deity, and then convince them to become dedicated to the deity. This takes place as a series of Social Conflict encounters, and the process may take days, weeks, or months.

The first step is improving the target’s reaction to the cleric; the reaction may be no less than “+3 to +7” as defined in the GMG on page 67, and higher will be better. If the cleric does not acquire at least this level of trust, then they may need to use Oration or Seduction to increase the reaction. Each Seduction or Oration check requires a week of work; either daily personal contact (for seduction), or haranguing the crowds (for Oration), and the cleric may only make one of each check per week; they can Orate at the crowds all day, and spend their evenings targeting a specific person. If both are attempted on the same target (i.e. someone who listens to the speeches and receives the personal attention) will use the better of the two, provided the other is not an abject failure (failure by more than 10%).

The next step is to teach them the basic tenets of the faith. While convincing them to invest in the Religion skill for their church is ideal, this can instead be accomplished with a series of Diplomacy, Persuasion, or Salesmanship checks. These checks are Average if the alignment of the deity in question matches the target, difficult if they match at least one element of alignment (teaching a LG character about a LE religion, for example), and very difficult if they do not match at all. Rather than standard social conflict rules, each successful Persuasion check is followed by the target making a Current Affairs check; Average if the deity is well-known, Difficult if they are not (which is most often the case for Evangelists). The target must succeed on three Current Affairs checks to be considered sufficiently knowledgeable to consider anointing. Each Persuasion (or similar) check requires a full day, though it may be interspersed with other activity (so you can convince your traveling companions around the fire, and fight beside them during the day, but no more than one such check may be made each day for each person). If several people are being taught, then a separate check is made for, and by, each person.

Lastly, there is the pitch: Recruiting. The Recruiting check is Very Difficult, which is part of what makes a high encounter reaction so valuable. Each Recruiting check (and, again, may be made simultaneously against a group of people) requires a day of work, and no more than one such check may be made per person per week. Failure on Recruiting means they are unwilling to be anointed at this time; success means that they may make a Mental saving throw to resist being recruited v. d20p+the cleric’s morale modifier from Charisma. The target may choose to forgo this saving throw.

These checks are extremely difficult against people already anointed or invested to a deity. First of all, those anointed or invested may simply refuse to take part by making a Religion or Divine Lore check; average for the Invested, difficult for the Anointed. They know their faith and, unless they have some compelling reason to be unhappy with it, are disinclined to change their faith. Even if they are willing (or fail the check to refuse), the recruiting check to convince an anointed or invested person is resisted by the target using either Resist Persuasion, Religion (their own religion), or Divine Lore, as they wish. Lastly, the saving throw to resist being recruited receives a +2 bonus for the anointed, and a +5 bonus for the invested (on top of their other bonuses).