View Full Version : Happy and Healthy In the Playground

The Vorpal Tribble
2007-11-05, 08:54 AM
...I mean, relatively happy and mentally/physically stable within the common bounds.

Are you engaged? Married? Recently had a new little addition to your family? Have a job you love? Won the lottery? Anything like that? Share it with us!

Just curious if there are any of you on these forums :smallwink:
(yeah, the threads of late have been depressing me)

2007-11-05, 08:58 AM
Heh, I'm sure there are plenty of us.

I currently fall into this category. I have a fairly stable job that even if I don't enjoy it, I don't dislike it. I graduated from uni earlier this year with a good degree, and myself and my girlfriend of 4 years are beginning to think about moving in together. Oh, and I shall be proposing to her when we go to Paris next year, the romantic schmultz that I am :smallredface:

Happy times for once...yay!

Archonic Energy
2007-11-05, 09:00 AM
Just curious if there are any of you on these forums :smallwink:

nope, no-one happy here
i'm more of an "OK in the playground" than a "Happy & healthy in the playground"
move along...
though i suppose that i have nothing wrong prehaps i should be happy
nothing to see here...
i like white text
why are you still reading? :smallconfused:
even though it's not big or clever!

2007-11-05, 09:01 AM
I have a boyfriend with whom I'm happy to discuss our relationship and who is lots of fun.
I'm enjoying university, even if I feel like I could use a break and I keep falling behind.
I think I'd have less bad moods if I had time to get out and socialise more, but generally I'm "meh" or better, when I'm not just tired.
I have a job I like and a boss who's ridiculously accomodating. The contract's running out this month (and I really have to go see the boss about it), but I'm confident I'll be rehired, hopefully with more hours.
I'm all straight, in that I think I could only have a proper relationship with males though I'd be interested in other activities with females. I'm comfortable with females crushing on me, and my own occasional girl-crushes.
I think I could be happy enough as a male or a female. I happen to be female. I'm cool with that.
I don't have any mental conditions that I know of, besides possible mild OCD as a child and a comment from my mother once that "I think you're more likely to have Asberger's than (my ex)."
Constitution is one of my good stats, so aside from toes prone to ingrowing and quite self-induced excess weight I'm in good health.
Aside from the usual baggage and possibly a few quirks from my parents' breakup, I think I'm reasonably well adjusted.

Will that do, VT? :smallbiggrin:

2007-11-05, 09:14 AM
I'm fine. A little lonely lately due to all my friends living in different towns, away from the town I'm living, but I've learnt to cope with my loneliness. This forum has been really helpful to me in that way. I'm currently having a time off the university due to some troubles I had with myself a few months ago, but now I'm all right, happy, well fed and waiting impatiently for a job, the next semester to begin or a girl falling from the sky and saying she loves me. Personally I'd be fine if she doesn't, but it wouldn't hurt me either.

Death, your friend the Reaper
2007-11-05, 09:22 AM
I'm the personification of Death, how happy can one be?

I mean, nooo one evveeeer invites me to anything *Sigh*

(Yep, I fit into these categories, nothing wrong with me at all, besides exams, its all fine. Rather boring post this one is actually.)

2007-11-05, 09:26 AM
I'm good, my wife is mending nicely, the kids are strong fit and sassy, so all is pretty good.
Sure there are bumps in the road and some hairpin bends and the occasional mire, but all in all I'm a lucky guy... or so the wife keeps telling me.

2007-11-05, 09:29 AM
Hooray, you actually started it!

And yet, there are still people being whiny. Off to the depression thread with you, if you are unhappy!

My life is awesome, and I am awesome. I've got a metric ton of people to talk to and hang out with. Life is goooood.

Okay, I don't have much variety in food, but it's better than instant food every day, so I'm fine there.

2007-11-05, 09:31 AM
And yet, there are still people being whiny. Off to the depression thread with you, if you are unhappy!

Yeah, that's the way to treat those who are depressed. Drive them away!

2007-11-05, 09:33 AM
To be fair, they already have their place.
Their own place.
From us.

Git orf mah golf course!


Wait... didn't I already start a thread to counteract the Depression thread? Now I'm a failure in thread upkeep :smallfrown: kidding again =P

Green Bean
2007-11-05, 09:34 AM
I worked my butt off this summer to help pay for university, so I don't actually have to get a job this school year. I managed to grab all of the really easy professors this term, and got my schedule arranged so that I never have more than three and a half hours of class in one day. Life is sweet! :smallcool:

2007-11-05, 09:47 AM
Trog Update:

Things are going well. My medications seem to be working without major side effects. Anxiety is low. I got a much bigger bonus than I expected this year so I was able to get something for myself for my birthday for a change. Usually if I get cash I end up spending it on my boys instead of myself. I have this wierd thing about spending money on myself. Anyways. My son's birthday is this week and I have the shopping done. He's finally starting to move in to an electronics phase. So shopping was difficult because I like him to stay active and stuff but electronic stuff is what he likes. So that's coming up. I have all my bills paid up in full. I get paid this Friday so that's good. The house is finally starting to look good. Thes and I did some whirlwind cleaning because it was stressing us both out. I think I just need to mow the lawn one last time today and run one check to a place and I'll be all caught up. I know it doesn't sound like a big deal but it's really nice not to feel like you are behind on everything. And of course Thes is wonderful to me. :smallsmile: <3

2007-11-05, 09:51 AM
Heck yes! :smallsmile:

I'm happily married to my best friend in the world. I beat cancer (not cancer in general, sorry, just my own). Both my parents are alive, healthy, happy and both of them love me. I have no debt except my share of our mortgage. I'm in my late 30s so I have none of the problems that go with being a teenager or 20-something, but I still have many years to go before I start on all the problems of old age.

Got a job that's ok for now, got a few advanced degrees and stuff, and I can laugh at what anybody thinks of me.

Got my man. Got my song. Got a Louis Armstrong and Ella Fitzgerald CD. Got plenty, got plenty, got plenty.

My life isn't perfect by any means but I can say with 100% honesty that I am happy.

2007-11-05, 09:52 AM
I beat cancer (not cancer in general, sorry, just my own).

There goes my hope...

The Neoclassic
2007-11-05, 10:08 AM
Great idea for a thread! It's nice to read something happy and optimistic once in a while, to know that life is going well for a lot people.

2007-11-05, 10:12 AM
...I mean, relatively happy and mentally/physically stable within the common bounds.

Are you engaged? Married? Recently had a new little addition to your family? Have a job you love? Won the lottery? Anything like that? Share it with us!

Just curious if there are any of you on these forums :smallwink:
(yeah, the threads of late have been depressing me)

I, in fact have none of things, and I'm somewhat out of shape too.

However, despite that I find myself able to find a certain level of contentment in life. You're right about the "Depressing" threads being common here, in fact they're common everywhere. I think people have a tendency to expect too much, and let what they don't have define their life. Love, Friends, Wealth, Athletic Superiority,Academic Success, sure these things are all nice but they aren't strictly necessary, at least not in the amounts people seem to talk about.

Really, can anyone reading these forums be that bad off? If you've got internet access, you've got a computer. If you've got a computer you probably have some sort of home that computer is in. If you afford an ISP for that home, chances are you can afford heat, food, clothing and water too. Those things are really far from trivial, though we have a tendency to take them for granted.

Despite lacking any of things you've listed, It's difficult for me to find justification to define my life as anything but good.

EDIT: In short: Enjoy what you have. Unless you're starving, your dog is on fire (and because somebody is trying to kill it and not because it's a kick-ass flaming dog), and your family is falling apart, chances are there is something to be happy about. It's far better to focus on that, than feel bad about what isn't going your way.

2007-11-05, 10:24 AM
I are doing awesome! :smalltongue:

No, seriously, I am.
I recently figured out that school REALLY REALLY wasn't for me, so I dropped out of college to start looking for jobs and go ahead and take on a more work focused life. So I've been looking for a good job opportunity to get me somewhere.

Lo and behold, one random family friend was like "hey... do you know anything about programming?"
Thus, things went forwards and I just recently (Friday!) went to a job interview for a programming job. While they'd like a background in coding and the like, the software they'll have to teach is something that most people don't casually use or teach, so they'll be giving on the job training.
Apprenticeship, per say. Something that I've always wanted to try.
Furthermore, while I haven't gotten the job yet, I'm very sure I will get it, because:
1) The guy who interviewed me already knew me.
2) I managed to whip up a good resume.
3) I'm already working in their department and have been for a year and a half.
So, that last one means:
4) They know my uncle, who got me into my current job.
5) They know my supervisor, who will give me a good report.
6) My boss is THEIR boss.
Oh, and plus the interview went pretty damn well.

Upon looking over what the job entails, what I will learn and everything else- this won't just take care of me now- it's going to open up possibilities for my entire future. It's a great opportunity for me.

And so I'm happy. :smallsmile:

2007-11-05, 10:28 AM
I'm contented and vocal about it to the point I have to go over this post with a jeweler's loupe and snip out cheerful, casual vulgarity, like snuffing out a smug cigarette in a No Smoking Area. (There goes one. No, two.) I have a circle of friends--no two of whom are in the same country--U.S. excepted (there goes another one) although I'm not in it at the moment. On here I watch with pleasure (snip!) several of people who are thinking at a level far above what I would have expected from them.

The Vorpal Tribble
2007-11-05, 10:37 AM
Really, can anyone reading these forums be that bad off? If you've got internet access, you've got a computer. If you've got a computer you probably have some sort of home that computer is in. If you afford an ISP for that home, chances are you can afford heat, food, clothing and water too. Those things are really far from trivial, though we have a tendency to take them for granted.
Well, keep in mind there is also the library. Can get on for hours there with high speed internet.

Despite lacking any of things you've listed, It's difficult for me to find justification to define my life as anything but good.
Thats just the attitude that I like to hear. You're my hero today :smallbiggrin:

2007-11-05, 10:43 AM
I've been very happy recently.

I have a wonderful girlfriend who absolutely adores me, and just yesterday we celebrated the six-month anniversary of beginning our relationship. I have a good home and a loving family; my sister recently moved to start a career in Germany, but we are still very close and I'm very happy for her that she's making a good start in life and doing what she wants to do. The novel that I've been trying to write for three years is at last going well and heading towards completion -- I'm roughly one-fifth done with the final draft. I've had a slight cold in the last week, but other than that my health is good. My mother is coping well -- it was a shock, just over a year ago, to be told that she has an incurable brain tumour, but the treatment has done her a lot of good. She is generally in good spirits, and we had a lovely holiday together last week.

I also have some truly wonderful friends -- Elaine, who is absolutely the best best friend anyone could ever hope to have and has made so much difference to my life that I could never possibly express my gratitude; my other best friend, whom some of you know as Ravyn on these forums, who has been there for me and helped me through so much; and of course all of you lot. I feel so lucky to have found this place. *hugs everyone*

2007-11-05, 10:45 AM
Well, keep in mind there is also the library. Can get on for hours there with high speed internet.

Heh, the library around here charges for internet use. Not much, but enough to buy some food after a few hours. Still I'll concede your point, I suppose there is a chance that a starving, homeless person with nothing good about their life could potentially be reading this. To them at least, I apologize for being presumptuous about their situation. However my statement stands for all those with clothing, a bed and a full belly.

2007-11-05, 10:49 AM
I'm getting married in Feburary, I'll have my first house by the end of the week, I have made loads of new friends at Emily's University, I have just started LRPing, and my job is going better than my education ever did.

2007-11-05, 10:54 AM
I'm very happy with life at the moment.

Sure, I've still got a few minor problems(like eczema, and the tendancy to faint in the medicinal parts of biology :smallsigh:), but I've got my friends, I've got Gianitp, who have helped me in so many ways: Confidence, social skills(Believe it or not), and just relaxing and having loads of fun; I've also got my family, and the ones I love, Giantitp, Enupnion, Giantitp...

I dunno what I'd do without you lot. *huggles playground*

2007-11-05, 10:58 AM
I'm very happy with life at the moment.

Sure, I've still got a few minor problems(like eczema, and the tendancy to faint in the medicinal parts of biology :smallsigh:), but I've got my friends, I've got Gianitp, who have helped me in so many ways: Confidence, social skills(Believe it or not), and just relaxing and having loads of fun; I've also got my family, and the ones I love, Giantitp, Enupnion, Giantitp...

I dunno what I'd do without you lot. *huggles playground*

Awww... *Hugs Cassie*

2007-11-05, 11:11 AM
I'm doing pretty well. I finally figured out what I want to do with my life last year, and though I still have 6 more years of school, and I still have to apply to grad school, I'm happy about that. I have a decent job, though being off at school, and the job at home, I can only really work in the summer. I'm in love, have been for about 3 years now, and I hope to marry her someday, but for now we're both putting our educations first, and it's seems like that's the right thing to do. I'm doing well in most of my classes, and I think I kinda like organic chemistry, at least so far. So yeah, things are good.

2007-11-05, 11:48 AM
I'm not happy, I'm not healthy, but godh darn it if I can't pretend I am for a while! YEAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!:smallbiggrin:

2007-11-05, 12:33 PM
I'm...not really...happy. On the plus side, neither am I sad.

I think?

I think in need to stop thinking about what I'm thinking so much. That will un the happy.

2007-11-05, 12:36 PM
i had my second driving lesson today weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee:smallbiggrin:

2007-11-05, 12:44 PM
In the words of Sixx:a.m. ... Life is Beautiful.

Job's interesting, and doesn't pay too shabby either:smallbiggrin:
Not in any sort of a relationship, but I'm anything but lonely. Finally have an apartment I can stand and the furniture I need. Car's almost payed off. Started saving for a house....can't wait to own!

Now I have to go to a boring meeting, the only part of my job I don't like.:smallsigh:

2007-11-05, 01:07 PM
Yup. Happy and healthy here.

- Good job. Pays well, has the right amount of responsibility and authority, and is a good learning place. Good opportunity for advancement.
- Nice place to live, both my personal living space and the city I live in.
- Great friends who are supportive, fun and intelligent.
- Great girlfriend who I couldn't ask more from.

- Emotionally mostly balanced; some rough spots here and there, but maturity is finally creeping in (in spite of my efforts to the contrary).
- Physically healthy; in better shape than ever, athletic fitness coming along nicely, aerobic shape a huge improvement over a year ago.

So, yup, happy and healthy here.

2007-11-05, 01:30 PM
Happy -

I'm better than you :smalltongue:.
I didn't waste my on a PS3
My friends kick arse
Chuck Norris is my homeboy.

Healthy -
Mentaly great
I don't have ADHD unlike everyone else on this forum who apparently does.
I haven't taken a day off ill for 3.5 years.
I have pretty perfect teeth.

2007-11-05, 03:38 PM
Happy happy joy joy
Happy happy joy joy.....

Good life, Reasonable job, tenancious and caring friends who put up with me acting like i'm five (don't let me near drinking straws in a pub..) parents fit, family healthy. No major worries, no enemies and plenty to do.

Yaaaay for happy.:smallbiggrin:

2007-11-05, 04:11 PM
Happy -

I'm better than you :smalltongue:.
I didn't waste my on a PS3
My friends kick arse
Chuck Norris is my homeboy.

Healthy -
Mentaly great
I don't have ADHD unlike everyone else on this forum who apparently does.
I haven't taken a day off ill for 3.5 years.
I have pretty perfect teeth.

Ya, I forgot to mention the teeth thing. They are in pretty good shape, and I wasted my money on a wii instead of the ps3. Now if only my hair would quit falling out.:smallmad:

2007-11-05, 06:14 PM
I'm the personification of Death, how happy can one be?

I mean, nooo one evveeeer invites me to anything *Sigh*

(Yep, I fit into these categories, nothing wrong with me at all, besides exams, its all fine. Rather boring post this one is actually.)

I actually think it would be fun to party with Death(should I speak to you in the second person, or would that be strange?). I think Death would be a fascinating person to hang out with, loads of stories, having been around forever... Of course, it would be a bit frightening, but, until my life recently became happy and healthy, I never feared dying, and I don't fear it particularly all that much right now.

I suppose this makes me weird, and not the same as the rest of you. Perhaps I'll start a thread about it?

VT, what do ya think? Start a thread?

2007-11-05, 06:59 PM
LOL, well, thanks VT, there is finally a thread for me. Married, have a baby AND happy. Life is good when you put in the hard work and effort to make it that way :smallsmile:

2007-11-05, 07:04 PM
Besides being rediculously behind on sleep, I'm happier than I"ve ever been. I don't get to come here much, cause I have enough work that It's hard to find time. Anyone reading my profile can surmise as much. right now, I'm so sleep deprived I"m very depressed, but at least I recognize that there's no need for it.

word of advice! Naps are a man's best friend!

Vespe Ratavo
2007-11-05, 08:06 PM
I am very happy. Despite barely passing in algebra (I don't suppose any of you are math experts with some spare time? :smalltongue:), I'm doing very well in all my other classes, my social life is getting better, my novel is coming along nicely, and I've just been in a general state of hazy happiness, sort of as if my mind has just decided that most of the stuff I used to worry about is of no importance at all.

Which it isn't.

I'm also healthy, having not taken any sick days so far this year, and I daresay I'm more fit than I ever have been. And call me vain if you like, but in my humble opinion, I'm looking better than I have ever been as well.


Em Blackleaf
2007-11-05, 08:19 PM
Vespe, I barley passed Algebra also.

I'm doing well in Geometry!
I have a ton of friends to talk to and hang out with.
I can play football (American), a friend of mine taught me in PE class!
I've been doing well in school, and so far, no teachers hate me, yet. :smalltongue:
My family's been well.

Healthy and Happy! :smallsmile:

Sir *TIM!!!!!!*
2007-11-05, 09:18 PM

I have a wonderful girlfriend of almost 8 months. (rare in high school)
I may not have a large number of friends, but I have a good-sized group I can rely on.
My grades are good.
Fencing is fun.
I have a Wii (the hard and plastic one that plugs into the TV, people) and it's fun.


I have not been sick since April. Woohoo!


A Rainy Knight
2007-11-05, 09:25 PM
A list of good things:

I'm doing really well in school.
I just got my braces off.
I haven't had anything worse than a cold in a long time.
I've finished four out of five of the books of the Belgariad.
I got a 100 on my short story for school. (Can be viewed in Arts & Crafts)
I'm in the third day of a four-day weekend.

Hooray life! :smallbiggrin:

2007-11-05, 09:30 PM

Apart from that, all good. I just finished the most awesome book, have caught up with friends I have not seen for two years and got 100% on my English short story.

2007-11-05, 10:06 PM
I am very happy with my life. I have an amazing husband, whom I've been married to for 8 1/2 years, I have a great kidlet who is 13 months old now. I'm fortunate enough that Hubby makes enough money that I am able to be a fulltime stay at home mom. I have a highschool student who thinks of me as a mentor... (kinda scary but very flattering as well!) We own our house (well, the bank does, but ya know), we have two vehicles and a motorbike, our child is healthy, we have enough food to eat, and I just finished paying all the bills and I still have money left over! Wuhoo!!

Only down sides in my life is that at the moment kidlet and I have a cold, it'd be nice if I had some real friends... the ones here in rt are rather shallow... and... it'd be nice if Hubby could have a job where he was able to come home every night instead of being out at sea for 2 1/2 months. Other than that tho.. life is pretty peachy! It's amazing watching this little girl grow up and get into the weirdest things.

2007-11-06, 04:25 PM
I'm probably the happiest I've ever been.

-Marching band is over, which means I have my life back.

-My grades are good.

-My school ended a 112 game winning streak of our rival highschool in football (who was number 4 or 5 in the nation, I think).

-I have a great group of friends.

-I have my unrestricted drivers license.

-Streetlight Manifesto and Suburban legends are coming to my city in a week (two of my favorite bands :smallbiggrin: )

-Things are going great with the girl I like.

Yup, everything's going good in the shallow, carefree life of a teenager.

2007-11-06, 05:27 PM
First, I'm doing fairly well in my University classes (looks like I might only get one B this term, with the rest being A's). My schedule for next Spring allows me to sleep in (I do best in afternoon classes), and teacher I have latest on Friday normally lets you out early so I'll be able to go home. I only have 29 more credits left until I graduate. After I graduate, I'll be going home and trying to find a job while I figure out what I'd like to do with my life.

For one of the first times in my life, I'm in a truly healthy relationship, with the only downside being long distance. Which will be solved once I move back home. Depending on how things go, I might actually move in with him. Even if I don't, whereever he decides to go to film school (quite possibly New York), I told him I'd go with him, which I'm actually highly looking forward to (minus the weather).

I'm usually fairly healthy, although this cold weather wreacks havoc with my sinuses. Even though I get sick, I always push through it and I have no missed a single class since I started college two and a half years ago, maintaining a 4.0 GPA at the community college, and a 3.86 here (Darn the B+ in Greek 1!)

Life is good. I'm hard pressed to think of a time it's been better. I have some idea what I'm doing, I'm not in debt from school (thank god the state is paying), I'm completely in love with a great guy, my family and friends are awesome...and I'm alive. What could be better?


2007-11-08, 01:38 AM
I'm the personification of Death, how happy can one be?

I mean, nooo one evveeeer invites me to anything *Sigh*

(Yep, I fit into these categories, nothing wrong with me at all, besides exams, its all fine. Rather boring post this one is actually.)

Okay, I invite you to be an honorary member of the Earthwich initiative, Just take a piece of buttered bread, and place it on the ground, that makes you the official, yet honorary member for your home country. Hope that makes your life a little less sigh-worthy.

I'm feeling pretty okay right now. I have only one more exam to go, and its four days away. After that, I have a ludicrously long holiday, which I plan to spend playing D&D and possibly getting a job somewhere. My play, a segment of "Bang Bang, Your Dead", is on in a few weeks, so I'm pretty psyched. I have my braces off soon too, and the most painful bit is put behind me, so, yeah, I'm AOK.

2007-11-09, 12:08 PM
I finally manage to slowly fight off the cold that's been troubling me for 2 weeks. But what's much more important, today I finally received my university's rector's permission for a conditional passing the semester. If he disagreed, I'd get kicked out, and I was doing various things to stay for over a month now. Finally I can breathe in relief...

I am the definition of happy and healthy!

2007-11-09, 01:49 PM
I'm learning to play the "Lost woods" tune in piano!!!

2007-11-09, 02:15 PM
Happy, I suppose. I did great on my astrobiology and chemistry test this week, my bio test eh... well, I don't mull over these things. But yeah, I have always been a fairly happy, well adjusted person who knows exactly who he is for as long as I can remember...

Pobody's nerfect, but I'm as I always am, doing the best I can. *dances*