View Full Version : Advice needed on another oath breaker paladin build

2020-12-03, 11:58 AM
Hi everyone, I am playing in a 2/3 shot mini campaign. It's a sequal on another lvl 20 one-shot we did two weeks ago. The first session is next week in my birthday and I start with four legendary items.

To be precise, it's the death knight set (long sword, full plate, shield and helm) from artifacts of the guild. This is a homebrew book you can buy. The set gives you many goodies, to name a few: resistance to non-magical dmg, darkvision (like devil's sight), smite ability for necrotic damage.

Since my first character was a Conquest Paladin, I immediatly thought about building a oathbreaker. However, there a lot of overlap. The 15th ability is useless. Furthermore, double smite is nice, but you need spell slots. The level 20 ability is meh.

To continu my search, I ended up with oathbreaker 7 and hexblade 1/2 (for advantage on concentration checks). Since I use a one handed weapon, lvl 3 is not needed. Also level 5 for triple smite!! Is fun, but too not needed. Sooo, what to do?

I can rebuild my entire character. I looked at sorcerer, but I don't see a perfect fit. Usually you go 6/14 or 2/18, it's a shame to lose the juicy 14th lvl abilities. And even if i go sorcerer, should it be shadow? I don't know.

The other option i see is bard. Perhaps wisper or valor, but a death knight bard? It just doenst feel right.

Other choice are necromancny wizard, war wizard, blade singer, death cleric, grave cleric. Sure they all have their perks, but i just can't decide.

To give some direction, it's a bad ass death knight that deals lots of necrotic damage and smites people. I have EA, sentinal feat, 20 Charisma and 16 Strength. Obviously in full plate and shield. If you have any good tips, I'm all ears!

2020-12-03, 12:03 PM
I'd recommend stopping at Oathbreaker 14 and just go some flavor of CHA-caster (Bard, Sorcerer, or Warlock) for the remaining 6 levels. You'll end up with additional 1st-3rd level spells, and additional spell slots (including 5th/6th/7th level slots for upcasting and Smiting if going Bard or Sorcerer), and you're not missing out on any crucial Paladin abilities while gaining other useful abilities from the caster class.

Here's a similar recent thread discussing an Oathbreaker/Bard build at 20th, but contains some stuff that's also applicable to Oathbreaker/Sorcerer: https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?620874-bardadin-Oathbreaker-whispers-bard-satyr-taking-to-level-20&p=24762920