View Full Version : Pocket Watch Repair Tools

2020-12-03, 04:12 PM
What kind of tool proficiencies would a character need in order to disassemble reassemble and repair clocks/ pocket watches?

2020-12-03, 04:15 PM
thinkers tools would fit. they're used for other similar objects.

2020-12-03, 04:27 PM
thinkers tools would fit. they're used for other similar objects.
Tinker’s tools are more mundane than you think. I was thinking that too but what’s inside a set of tinker tools doesn’t resemble the ability to repair pocket watches and clocks, well maybe large clocks. Thieves tools seem to be closer in line with what I’m thinking about for repair kit, just add two small screwdrivers.

I suppose I could just make up a set of specialized tools that one could be proficient in.

2020-12-03, 05:00 PM
Tinker’s tools are more mundane than you think. I was thinking that too but what’s inside a set of tinker tools doesn’t resemble the ability to repair pocket watches and clocks, well maybe large clocks.

It depends on which book you use as a reference.

If using Xanathar's, then no, that book fumbled on tinker's tools despite having the artwork on its page that would align with other depictions of what tinker's tools should have been.

If you just use the PHB, tinker's tools are used for EXACTLY what you would be looking for.
Go to page 37.
"Tinker: You have proficiency with artisan’s tools (tinker’s tools). Using those tools, you can spend 1 hour and 10 gp worth of materials to construct a Tiny clockwork device"

2020-12-03, 05:02 PM
Rock Gnomes can build clockwork explicitly with tinker tools

2020-12-03, 05:22 PM
Jewelers tools. C'mon, jewelers in real life fix pocket watches all the time.

2020-12-04, 07:36 AM
Jewelers tools. C'mon, jewelers in real life fix pocket watches all the time.

I came here to say this exact thing.

2020-12-04, 09:00 AM
Jewelers tools. C'mon, jewelers in real life fix pocket watches all the time.
Gemcutting =\= Jewelers as we’d think of jt

Joe the Rat
2020-12-04, 12:46 PM
Tinker's Tools is the new Longsword?

A True Tinker (one who fixes tin and brass pots, containers, usually a little bit of this and that) is different from a Jeweler (one who makes jewelry - fine chains and small pieces, lockets, and as the technology changed small clockworks) is different from a Gem Cutter (Minerology + Geometry + Materials Science + a bit of finesse to get the most out of a raw product) is different from a Sculptor, etc.

As used by Gnomes, Tinker is the modern sense - one who futzes around with little doodads and devices. That kit is more akin to the Jeweler, particularly if a magnifying loop is involved. The classical Tinker folds into the Silversmith - softer, finer metals, with a strong focus on housewares, in addition to the metal art pieces.

I suppose this is a lot like calligraphy & forgery - the specific pieces in the kits overlap, but your proficiency - your specific training in use, has a different focus. You both need precision tools, need to be aware of how pieces fit and move, but one of you is focused on optics, the other on using a mainspring.

2020-12-04, 12:48 PM
It depends on which book you use as a reference.

If using Xanathar's, then no, that book fumbled on tinker's tools despite having the artwork on its page that would align with other depictions of what tinker's tools should have been.

If you just use the PHB, tinker's tools are used for EXACTLY what you would be looking for.
Go to page 37.
"Tinker: You have proficiency with artisan’s tools (tinker’s tools). Using those tools, you can spend 1 hour and 10 gp worth of materials to construct a Tiny clockwork device"

I think the Xanathar's Guide got it right if you look up the old definition of a tinker, they were basically wondering repairman. If you look in the PHB, the weight of tinker tools it’s pretty heavy it’s the heaviest of all the tools listed. That doesn’t say small tools to me.

Rock Gnomes can build clockwork explicitly with tinker tools

Rock gnomes have a unique racial feature that allows them to create/forge/put together the parts for a clockwork device.

The reason why I bring up the question is that I want to create a clockwork soul sorcerer that goes around repairing(mending cantrip also) clocks not really making them. Though later levels may use fabricate spell for that.