View Full Version : Druid Mule, It makes me laugh

2020-12-06, 10:30 AM
For thematic and humor reasons, I pose a scenario.

Included in the rules for wild shape I discovered this gem.

"You choose whether your Equipment falls to the ground in your space, merges into your new form, or is worn by it."

I'm certain I'm not the first to consider this but,
I remember seeing a piece of humorous art in which a Small(gome/halfling/goblin) was carrying a backpack easily 10 times his volume. What if you had a backpack, an enormous backpack filled with all travel supplies and such, and strapped your druid to it? Then they wildshape into something small If you're group were willing to take periodic short rests the Druid could do a lot of heavy lifting.

Would it work?

(tl;dr story below, feel free to ignore or read and comment, I just had to write it.)

How it all looks in my head

Breaking Camp

Normally Jenkins wouldn't have taken the job but times have been lean.

It was all standard procedure. They had the meeting in a tavern, a hushed conversation in a booth, an exchange of precious metals, and a handshake. He was told to meet the rest of the group just outside of town at daybreak. What Jenkins arrived to see was impressive.

Jenkins always arrives early. It the most certain way to not be late. When he crested the hill he saw 6 men, one of whom was his halfling employer, moving with purpose around a clearing. At the edge of the Clearing rests a cube split open vertically and hinged at the corners so that one wall of it opens like a barn door.

Inside the open shell, the walls are covered with bags, pouches, pockets, and gear strapped securely into place. The outside looks similar. It is an efficiently designed patchwork of specifically sized canvas Pockets and knots leaving no amount of its surface unused. When Jenkins get closer to the group he watches a precision ballet taking place. 2 men collect and roll the bedrolls while a 3rd douses and dumps the small metal fire pit then collects the plates and cups around it and nests them inside lashing them with a strap before taking it into the cube and securing it to the floor.
2 more, a Half Orc and a halfling are busy at work tying flaps closed and securing swords, daggers, and bows to the interior walls.

In the short amount of time that it takes for Jenkins to crest the hill and make it a hundred yards to where his new boss stands shouting orders, the entire camps gear is stowed and secured to the inside and outside of the cube. The cube is closed, the door is tied closed with a strong elven rope, tied loosely for easy release in a rush.
One of the men casts a wizard lock on the opening. Once stowed the 5 other men stand at attention next to the cube easily twice the height of the humans.

"Gear secured Commander Ivybottle." The Gnome Salutes.

"Well done." he motions to the Human at his side, "This is Jenkins, he's gonna be our trap specialist for this mission. I know we all miss Marcus but what happened wasn't his fault. Kobolds build good traps, he knew this when he signed on....Prepare for departure!"

A large half orc then Picks up the commander and holds him in place while the little man secures himself to the side of the cube via a 4 point harness system. Once done the half orc steps back and lets the Gnome dangle for a moment before the Gnome and his cargo turn into a Hawk and flaps to the half orcs shoulder.

"Let's go" the Hawk says to his perch.

2020-12-06, 10:38 AM
I love it, and would absolutely steal the hell out of this!

2020-12-06, 11:13 AM
Well, the equipment still has the same weight, even if it merges with the new form. So if you are over your carrying capacity when you wild shape, you still get the penalty in your new form.
Some benevolent DMs may allow to use the STR and carrying capacity of the wild shape form (e.g. a goblin wild shaping into a brown bear gets the corresponding STR and carrying capacity of a large creature), but as you have highlighted it leads to some unbalanced situations.

2020-12-06, 11:45 AM
Well, the equipment still has the same weight, even if it merges with the new form. So if you are over your carrying capacity when you wild shape, you still get the penalty in your new form.
Some benevolent DMs may allow to use the STR and carrying capacity of the wild shape form (e.g. a goblin wild shaping into a brown bear gets the corresponding STR and carrying capacity of a large creature), but as you have highlighted it leads to some unbalanced situations.

IIRC the developers intent wasn't this. JC in a dragontalk podcast actually talks about the items going into a pocket dimension, which wouldn't contribute to encumbrance. Although that would be fun to sneak a bag of holding into a Druids pack to make them explode then the time they wildshape.

2020-12-06, 12:57 PM
Although that would be fun to sneak a bag of holding into a Druids pack to make them explode then the time they wildshape.

That's just mean. I love it.

2020-12-06, 01:26 PM
It's even funnier when the party fails to keep track of time... Wild Shape drops and crushes (just a little bit) the half orc. Max duration is druid levels in hours.

Yes, yes... the druid likely gets some kind of warning that the effect is wearing off and has time to leave it's perch. Not nearly as funny.

2020-12-06, 01:37 PM
It's even funnier when the party fails to keep track of time... Wild Shape drops and crushes (just a little bit) the half orc. Max duration is druid levels in hours.

Yes, yes... the druid likely gets some kind of warning that the effect is wearing off and has time to leave it's perch. Not nearly as funny.

I was thinking this sort of thing weaponized.
The Hawk dive bombs and once trajectory is set, shifts back to halfling, unbuckles the harness and returns to hawk form, letting the massive block plow into the target while he wings away.

da newt
2020-12-06, 02:14 PM
Assuming a compliant DM, it's so stoopidly brilliant - I love it.

2020-12-06, 02:19 PM
It's even funnier when the party fails to keep track of time... Wild Shape drops and crushes (just a little bit) the half orc. Max duration is druid levels in hours.

Yes, yes... the druid likely gets some kind of warning that the effect is wearing off and has time to leave it's perch. Not nearly as funny.

Even if they don't lose track of time, a surprise AoE or arrow could reduce the hawk to zero HP and crush the orc that way.

2020-12-06, 02:23 PM
Even if they don't lose track of time, a surprise AoE or arrow could reduce the hawk to zero HP and crush the orc that way.
The hawk falls prone, resulting in him being under the box when he transforms back ...

2020-12-06, 05:37 PM
Even if they don't lose track of time, a surprise AoE or arrow could reduce the hawk to zero HP and crush the orc that way.

The hawk falls prone, resulting in him being under the box when he transforms back ...

Things just got real. I'm not sure if I find it more funny or less funny now.

I guess it depends on which side of the DM screen I'm sitting.

2020-12-06, 06:23 PM
IIRC the developers intent wasn't this. JC in a dragontalk podcast actually talks about the items going into a pocket dimension, which wouldn't contribute to encumbrance.
"Blinkin! They've taken the castle!"
"I thought it felt a bit drafty in here."

2020-12-06, 07:50 PM
"Blinkin! They've taken the castle!"
"I thought it felt a bit drafty in here."
