View Full Version : The beginning of a bad teen murder mystery/sci fic movie.

2007-11-05, 12:05 PM

A 58-year-old mother believed she had cremated her missing son - only for him to turn up alive and well a day later.

Gina Partington, from Urmston in Greater Manchester, had mistakenly identified a dead man as her son and went to his cremation on Tuesday.

Police called the next day to say they had found her 39-year-old son, Tommy Dennison, in Nottingham.

Mrs Partington said that her son and the other man, as yet unidentified, "could have been twins".

After she was first told her son was dead she mentioned distinctive scars he had from a previous brain injury and a badly ulcerated leg, and police confirmed it was him.

He had also been identified by his caseworker, who had reported him missing several days earlier.

And Mrs Partington said when she saw the man lying on the mortuary block she too thought it was her son.

"I went in with my ex-husband who went in first and said: 'Oh my god it's Tommy'.

"I went and lifted the shroud and it was Tommy. I held his hand - it was him."

The man was cremated at a ceremony on Tuesday.

Mrs Partington was picking up her granddaughter from a party on Wednesday when she got a call from police saying they urgently needed to speak to her.

"They showed me a photograph of somebody they said they had in custody in the Midlands for a few days - and it was my son.

"I said: 'No, it's a joke - you're being silly, he's gone'. But they said they'd arrange for me to speak to him.

"Then on the way home I got a surreal call. I've got my granddaughter sitting there in Halloween costume and this boy saying to me, 'Hiya mam it's me Tam.'"

"He said, 'You've buried me,' and I said, 'Yes son and I've given you a really good send off'.

"You've had a Scottish flag and a Scottish minister - it's been a proper Scottish funeral."

Mrs Partington said she did not blame police and admits even she was fooled about his identity.

"They could have been twins - I can't actually accept it wasn't my son. Even the police confirmed it was him. I don't blame anybody," she added.

Police have now told Mrs Partington they will introduce a system of fingerprinting a body that has no identification.

Now, who is the evil twin?

2007-11-05, 12:14 PM
You're signature is quite apt.

Archonic Energy
2007-11-05, 12:21 PM
what a wasted oppitunity

i would love to be able to attend my own funeral, if only to hear what people will say about me!

2007-11-05, 03:42 PM
I plan on being late for my funeral. Also attending my own wake would be fun. Now just gotta book a date that everyone is free!

2007-11-06, 08:27 PM
You're signature is quite apt.
But you never know if the dog is actually the spy