View Full Version : Feat advice

2020-12-06, 11:35 PM
Hi Folks,
Looking for suggestions for a level 11 feat. Currently a level 6 cleric of Brigh and level 5 techslinger in IG, and I’m planning on staying with cleric from here out. My character is doing crazy damage from range without the complete conventional range feat tree. Current combat/relevant feats/traits (in no particular order) - Reactionary, Technologist, PBS, Deadly Aim, precise shot, quick draw, Imp initiative. Party comp is Wiz, Bard, bloodrager, and me.
I’ve been looking at hammer the gap, but the damage I’m putting out is pretty crazy already, so any suggestions for fun feats that add utility, other combat tactics, or out if combat activities for this build. I tend to self buff and then unleash hell. The Wiz and bard have de-buff and ground control sorted.
I’ve been looking at this for a few weeks during our break and keep drawing blanks.

2020-12-07, 12:32 AM
Leadership gives you a pretty decent cohort to fill in any party gaps and a network of servants/agents/acolytes/people to carry your loot.

2020-12-07, 04:05 PM
Leadership gives you a pretty decent cohort to fill in any party gaps and a network of servants/agents/acolytes/people to carry your loot.

Hmmm, Leadership is very cool but would be thematically challenging in the Iron Gods wilderness. Thank you for the suggestion.

2020-12-07, 10:44 PM
Leadership, where the cohort is some kind of monster, and your followers show up over time or as needed...