View Full Version : Dawn of Defiance [SW5E] [IC]

2020-12-08, 09:34 AM
Episode I

It is a dark time in the galaxy. The evil Galactic Empire has spread from the Deep Core to the Outer Rim, and everywhere the Empire’s tyranny can be felt.

Fleeing from the oppression of the Emperor’s minions, agents of Senator Bail Organa have run to a remote space station above Brentaal. Known to be a vocal opponent of the Empire, Organa may be the last hope of freedom in the galaxy.

In the hopes of stopping these dissidents before they can reach the Senator, the Empire has alerted its forces on Sel Zonn Station, where the struggle for liberty rages on, and the first sparks of rebellion have begun to burn...

Sel Zonn Station

Seemingly motionless among a sea of starships and satellites above the twinkling world of Brentaal, Sel Zonn Station grows larger in your view every second. A central pylon forms the bulk of the station’s mass, and three landing platforms leading to docking bays extend from the central section, equidistant from one another and jutting out into space. The dorsal side of the station features a discshaped secondary structure, on top of which blinking lights indicate the presence of a landing platform reserved for wealthy patrons.

(You have time onboard to introduce yourselves, and establish IC relationships with other players you may have discussed OOC. At the very least, you have spent time onboard the same ship for the duration of travel.)

Upon arrival at the station, you disembark the vessel and find yourselves on the Promenade. The Promenade is filled with the bustle of revelry and commerce. Spilling out of the gambling halls are the sounds of victory and the moans of defeat, while the music of local bands issues from the cantinas. Only a handful of citizens mill about in the main areas of the Promenade, a few gazing out the massive windows at the planet Brentaal hovering below. Businesspeople hawk their wares to the passersby, and a few security officers make their way down the main avenue of the Promenade on their usual patrol at a leisurely pace. Information terminals can be found at regular intervals, no doubt offering information about the stations layout and facilities.

(Make a Perception check.)

2020-12-08, 11:35 AM
The trip was an uneventual one for Zoon, and the ship was in an ok state. Sure the dampener needed some tweeking, by the way light shone and became ionized in the window. And the pilot had the grace of a Bantha in a Glass store. But even that, had used the last of Zoon's credits. He had food for a couple of days if needed, but if he dind't find a job he was toasted. Toasted like overburned veg-meat.

It is better that this is not a waist of time! he thinks as he moves through costums into the station.

Sel Zonn Station was a place where "one could thrive" as the Bothan had told him in Brentaal, and where merchant ships stopped for resupply. An easy place to get a job as a mechanic, or a pilot with luck. Probably graveyard shifts and all, but it was a new start. A re-start among the stars. Better than this year of wandering and madness among the jungles of Kashyyyk...

He readily checks his gear to ascertain everything is with him, and well accomodated. The mechanics tools was his probable salvation from starving. They were in his backpack near the food, his holo memorabilia and other ramdom gear. In his hip a heavy blaster pistol, and around the belt, several energy packs. The stronger and prettier lightbow was at his back beneath the large piece of ships armor he used as a shield. The original color was a sand brown similar to his armor, but now was marred with scorch marks of blaster fire.

He says to no one in particular as he looks around "Not a bad place at all."

"See you later at the cantina." he adds as he sees the information stations. He moves towards them and readily turns it on, looking for the plant of the area and for job ads "Let me have luck once!"

Requested perception:

Zero Prime
2020-12-08, 01:56 PM
Qotho, Guardian Force Adept (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2353170)
AC: 13 | HP: 13 | CURRENT: 13 | HIT DIE: 1d10
Passive Perception: 11 | Passive Insight: 15
Active Effects: None.
Conditions: None.

During their transport to Sel Zonn, Qotho kept scanning the passengers with whom he shared the passenger berth. He was a large, broad shouldered zabrak, with broad shoulders and a narrow waist. His skin was a dull coral orange, covered in pattern of black tattoos, as was customary amongst the Zabrak. One familiar with the customs of his people would be able to determine from this stark, sharp angled, geometric shapes, his tribe, lineage, and parentage. His eyes flared out from beneath the hood, a deep amber. His lips were pressed into a tight line, neither a smile, nor scowl, pursed, as though in thought. Fiber mesh armor was visible beneath the heavy cloth of his robe, an observant bystander would notice a saber hilt hung at his hip, with a broad central emitter, and two smaller emitters perpendicular to the central one. Slung over his back he wore a large vibroglaive, battery removed, as customary on a small transport like this, as a sign he wasn't preparing it for imminent use. A small satchel slung over his shoulder, he had the appearance of a itinerant priest, or warrior scholar of some sort.

He'd been interred at the IDLC-1327 on Dathomir, thankfully no Inquisitors had been assigned to the Imperial Detention Centre, so his training under the Witches of Dathomir went unnoticed and untested. During his imprisonment, he met a fellow prisoner, Thom Udo, a former aide to a Republic senator, convicted of treason and sedition, an administrator and diplomat, the young man was quickly targeted by one of several gangs which had formed within the encampment. The gang, comprised of Zabrak traditionalists loyal to the Nightsisters, had already earned Qotho's ire, just by their loyalty to the Sisters. He engineered a conflict between Udo and the Zabrak gang, and then intervened on the Alderaanian's side of the conflict, killing one of his rivals, and establishing himself as a credible threat with his fellow inmates.

Together Udo and Qotho came up with a plan to escape 1327, however an unscheduled Imperial transport, bringing in more political prisoners who opposed the Senate's dissolution caused the escape to go south. Quickly forced to improvise, Qotho and Udo made it through the tightening ring of Imperial search parties. However, Udo was injured by an errant Stormtrooper's blaster bolt, from the perimeter guards, armed with long range blasters and night vision monoculars. The two had planned to travel to Sel Zonn, where Udo was hoping to contact some of his pre-Imperial Republic contacts, who still chaffed under Palpatine's rule, and sought to re-establish the Republic Senate.

So here he was, scanning the crew and the passengers, an eclectic mix of races, however there was no doubt in his mind that among them, or the station itself, there were informants and sympathizers who would sell out their own blood for Imperial credits and favors. The duros scout, Helt, looked self reliant, functional, well worn gear, his weaponry carefully maintained and well used. Qotho hadn't had the opportunity to share a drink with the man during transport, but now, as he moved down the promenade, two long strides brought him to the scout's shoulder, before he turned his attention to the information centre, "Cantina sounds like a fine plan, duresnian. I'll save us a table," he'd already downloaded and familiarized himself with the station's layout while the transport was docking. "It's straight down the promenade and ...," He then explained the directions to the closest cantina, as shown by the downloaded floorplan, the then began to swagger through the crowd keeping an eye out for any who may be following him, but more concerned over the loss of his friend Udo, and how he would explain his death to the man's contacts who were expecting him to be on station.

OOC: Perception Check, [roll0]. A disheartening first roll!

2020-12-09, 01:27 AM
Azzalix Zyx (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xnB6YVngelNbqp6zlNG4yRPxTH8HiHSu/view?usp=sharing)
HP: 8/8, FP: 8/8, AC: 13
Conditions: None

Her eyes snapping open Azzalix comes out of her meditation with a jerk, breathing heavily with sweat poring down her back. Nearly every time she has tried to meditate recently she has visions of her master being killed by imperial Jedi hunters while buying time for her to escape.

The memory is still fresh in her mind having happened only several weeks ago. Focusing on the lessons taught to her years ago by Master Yoda she focuses on calming her emotions. before leaving the ship.

Having abandoned the traditional Jedi clothing shortly after Order 66, Azzalix wears simple hooded robes and a veil that complement her blue and white skin.

Onboard the station she looks over the wares in the shops, not interested in getting anything, merely going through the motions while lost in thought. She had spent the majority of her life within the structured realm of the Jedi. Even during the war there was an order to things. Now, with money running low, for the first time she has to fend for herself.

Perception: [roll0]

2020-12-09, 01:42 AM
Dawn of Defiance series of 10 Game can use to create an entire campaign for their players.

2020-12-09, 07:43 AM
Senri Cassin
(AC 17, HP:9, PasPer: 15, PasIns: 15)

Gambling with the people you're stuck in a duralloy box with for an extended period of time was never a good idea. So Senri had kept mostly to herself, picking through long-range transmissions on her commlink for the scraps of entertainment that existed among a veritable hurricane of Imperial propaganda. At least extended practice at the Echani forms provided another diversion, even if privacy was something that you had to work for aboard the transport.

As she stepped onto the promenade, she considered checking the available shops for a cheap datapad to replace the one she'd recently lost, but a quick delve into the contents of her credit chips had her wondering whether that purchase was worth skipping a meal or two.

At least two of her fellow passengers were headed for the cantina.

Would this place have a Dejarik table?

She shook her head, trying to displace the thought. Maybe they would, if not here than in the wealthier parts of the station. But she had more important things to take care of. Waiting for an open terminal near the departure gate, she took out a chip and started trying to remember her holonet information.


2020-12-09, 09:28 PM
The trip to Sel Zonn Station was a trial for Jessica as she was on the vessel as passenger and not crew. At the beginning of the trip the small redhead had made a point to introduce herself to everyone of the passengers that she could. Frequently after giving her name she'd have to cut off the rest of her words, a sheepish twist to her lips as she stumbled through about being a passenger and not crew and what a pleasure it was to meet her fellow travelers.

It didn't take long before her smile grew strained and her fingers started twitching, which may have worried her fellow travelers. The worn and greasestained jumpsuit with tools still tucked into pockets as well as the fairly large toolboxes she'd hauled aboard with her luggage would help explain her state to most folk.

The docking of the ship at the station had her pacing about double checking that she had all her things stowed. her stained jumpsuit replaced with her cleaner suit and the gadget studded bracers given a good buffing to shine.

Slipping through the crowd filling the Promenade she starts heading for one of the info terminals before pausing as she catches Zoon and Qotho's words, teeth worrying at her lower lip briefly as her head tilts. With a growing grin she hefts her belongings to a better grip before bouncing towards the two. "The cantina sounds like a good idea." When the Duros begins browsing one of the terminals with a mention of luck she chews on her lower lip again before grinning. "Fortune favors the bold after all!" With a nod for Zoon she follows along after Qotho's hooded figure.

Perception Check. And I hope I got this right.

2020-12-10, 12:51 PM
Getting a chance to stretch your legs outside the confines of the cramped passenger vessel likely comes as a welcome relief, and the public information terminals offer the locations and a few details of a number of businesses located at the Promenade.

Gundark's Cantina - a cantina that advertises itself as "open to humans and non-humans," operated by Gundark Saff.
The Credit Chip - a local casino with a variety of gambling tables.
Delgas Medical Supplies - a corporate medical practice and pharmaceutical suppliers, run by Dr. Byra Fenn.
Mechanical Allies - a droid repair and sales shop.

Other shops and suppliers exist, and it would be easy for find any standard equipment for standard prices. Also listed are two law enforcement stations to whom you could report criminal behavior: the Planetary Security Force and the Imperial Station.

As you scan the area, looking for your chosen destination, some of you notice something unusual in the crowd.

You notice two men loitering on the edge of the Promenade, scanning the crowd as though looking for someone. Whoever it is they are looking for, it doesn't seem to be you.

You notice two men loitering on the edge of the Promenade, scanning the crowd as though looking for someone. Whoever it is they are looking for, it doesn't seem to be you. Despite wearing traveling clothes, they have hold-out blasters tucked into their jackets, and their clothing is identical.

You notice two men loitering on the edge of the Promenade, scanning the crowd as though looking for someone. Whoever it is they are looking for, it doesn't seem to be you. Despite wearing traveling clothes, they have hold-out blasters tucked into their jackets, and their clothing is identical. Both men appear to be whispering to themselves, no doubt speaking into hidden comlinks.

Within moments, a woman with short black hair and the greasy uniform of a mechanic comes stumbling onto the Promenade, clutching her midsection as though injured. She struggles to make her way across the floor in your direction, though clearly she is having difficulty walking.

“Please, help me,” she pleads to you, grabbing Qotho by the arm. “There are credits in it for you, just help me!”

Mere seconds later, two security officers burst into the area from the south end of the Promenade. They raise their blasters, aiming them at the woman, and shout through their helmet speakers, “Step away from that woman. You are all under arrest in the name of the Emperor!”

(Roll Initiative.)

Zero Prime
2020-12-10, 01:11 PM
Qotho, Guardian Force Adept (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2353170)
AC: 13 | HP: 13 | CURRENT: 13 | HIT DIE: 1d10
Passive Perception: 11 | Passive Insight: 15
Active Effects: None.
Conditions: None.

Qotho spun and looked at the two security agents, his anger surging as the pleas of the woman reminded of the, too recent, death of his friend and companion at Imperial hands. He scowled, as he responded to the woman, "Get behind me and stay low."

As he advanced on the security agents, he reached behind his back drawing forth the vibroglaive, which hummed ominously as he growled at his opponents.

OOC: Initiative: [roll0].

2020-12-10, 02:10 PM
Tarif (http://https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kx_dVCDjrgveKt54Jv8PBhCrMdZ-5SHaQj2f8Dnw5VQ/)
AC 15, HP 11, PP 14, PI 12

It took Tarif a moment to get her bearings, but in the matter of a second, she had taken her echo-staff in her left hand and snapped it to a ready position. Maneuvering to stand back-to-back with Azzalix, she let a small smile slip and spoke in a soft but menacing voice: “I’ve been looking forward to this.”

Tarif acts on initiative count 17.

2020-12-10, 03:43 PM
Zoon didn't understand exactly what was happening but two things caught his attention - first someone persecuted by the empire, wich made memories of his family burning towards the jungle return. Second and especially the mention of credits - something he needed...

A damsel in distress is always a good way to pass time!! he muses as he picks his shield and pistol, standing in a riot guard position, ready to move behind the console he was using as added defense.

Initiative: [roll0]

2020-12-10, 03:50 PM
Senri Cassin
(AC 17, HP:9, PasPer: 15, PasIns: 15)

Senri quickly paged through the terminal, noting a few locations for later perusal. When she noticed the gentlemen with holdout blasters, she began to approach their general vicinity before all hell broke loose. For a moment, she considered letting whatever was happening go on as it was. Sympathy for the woman's situation notwithstanding, getting herself sent to lockup would mean passing up whatever her contact had recommended her for. But the thugs took the choice away when they shouted for her arrest as well.

"You should go. Please."

Her voice was steady. Dropping into stance by reflex, she prepared for their inevitable refusal, ready to bound forward.

What are the distances involved here? Apologies if that was already gonna be broken down in the post-initiative post.


2020-12-10, 08:10 PM
Jessica (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2355636)
AC:13 HP:10

A faint hum drifts starts to drift from Jessica as she follows along behind Qotho. The hum stops and her steps slow as her eyes narrow, gaze settling on two odd figures loitering around. Before she can say a thing a grimy and injured woman stumbles into the promenade. Stepping to the side she slides her pack off and sets it down along with her toolbox before moving to help the woman as she grabs Qotho's arm.

The promise of credits barely caught her attention but the two guards calling for them to surrender had her hissing. Seeing the others nearby preparing themselves she nods, a smirk curling her lips. "Let the Empire rot." Her words are low as she rolls her shoulders, a tap bringing her wristpad awake.


2020-12-11, 01:32 AM
Azzalix Zyx (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xnB6YVngelNbqp6zlNG4yRPxTH8HiHSu/view?usp=sharing)
HP: 8/8, FP: 8/8, AC: 13
Conditions: None

Keeping an eye on the two suspicious looking men Azzalix asks the woman "What happened? Are you hurt?"

Are there any decorations, banners, etc. on the ceiling above us within 60 ft? Wondering if there is something I could subtly, emphasis on subtle not trying to draw attention, pull down on the security forces with Force Pull? As more of a distraction/obstacle then to do damage.
Initiative [roll0]

If it is possible to examine the injury:
Medicine [roll1]

2020-12-11, 08:50 AM


>Azzalix - 20
>Tarif - 17
>Jessica - 16
Security Officers - 14
Zoon - 13
Senri - 12
Qotho - 9
Woman - 4

(Describe your position and movement on the map using coordinates, eg. A1)

The Security Officers are located on at the south entrance, E9 and F9, respectively. The woman is cowering behind cover in square B4. Combat will update in the next 48 hours, or after those with initiative have posted.

Your brief examination of the woman reveals that she is badly wounded, bleeding from a wound on her side, and clearly extremely exhausted from the effort of survival. You also see that there are various displays, signs, and banners you could use your force powers on.

2020-12-11, 11:17 PM
Azzalix Zyx (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xnB6YVngelNbqp6zlNG4yRPxTH8HiHSu/view?usp=sharing)
HP: 8/8, FP: 8/8, AC: 13
Conditions: None

Unsure of the nature of the conflict Azzalix does not wish to hurt anyone. While examining the woman's injuries she discreetly extends two fingers and rotates her hand slightly, reaching out through the force she loosens a banner above the Security Officers trying to drop it on their heads to buy some time.

Digging through her pack Azzalix pulls out a trauma-kit.

If I got close to the woman to check her injury I suppose Azzalix is at A4 or C5 depending on which direction she entered the battle map from.

Just trying to delay/distract/obstruct the Security Officers not hurt them, I imagine that a banner would be unlikely to any damage.
Force Save DC: 13
You gain the minor ability to move or manipulate creatures and objects with the Force. You can exert fine control on objects with your telekinetic grip, such as manipulating a simple tool, opening a door or a container, stowing or retrieving an item from an open container, or pouring the contents from a vial. Alternatively, you can push or pull a creature or object you can see.

You use the Force to move a Medium or smaller creature or object not being worn or carried within range. The target must make a Strength saving throw. An object automatically fails this saving throw. On a failed save, the creature or object moves a number of feet in a direction of your choice based on its size. A Tiny creature or object can be moved up to 20 feet, a Small creature or object can be moved up to 10 feet, and a Medium creature or object can be moved up to 5 feet. If at the end of this movement the creature or object strikes another creature or object, it must make a Dexterity saving throw. An object automatically fails this saving throw. On a failed save, they both take 1d4 kinetic damage.
The book/website does not appear to have anything in the force casting section to indicate that using a force power requires a somatic component, in the movies there are examples of force pull/push being performed with and without somatic components. So I am not sure if some sort of roll is necessary to hide the force power use.

2020-12-12, 07:02 AM
Jessica (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2355636)
AC:13 HP:10

Narrow eyes watch the guards, only briefly flicking towards two men in the crowd before Jessica moves a few steps over behind some sort of cover and crouches down. Her right arm comes up, fingers finding the studs near her palm and flip the safety off. "Is she alright?" Teeth worry her lower lip as she glances over at the injured woman then back to the two guards before her jaw clenches, hand moving to tap a command onto her wristpad. The screen of her wristpad flickers as the command runs, her blaster humming as the partially hidden barrel gains an orange glow. There's a small smile on her lips as she brings her arm back up and aims at the guards, finger brushing the trigger as she watches them.

Move to D3 behind whatever that is in D4.
Ready Combustive Shot tech power to shoot the first guard that looks ready to open fire (right hand one if that's too open ended)

[roll0] vs AC to hit for [roll1] energy damage + target is set on fire and takes 4 fire damage at start of my next turn.

2020-12-13, 04:39 PM


Round 1:
Azzalix - 20 (A4)
Jessica - 16 (D3)
Security Officers - 14 (E9, F9)
Imperial Informants - 14 (J5, J6)
>Tarif - 17 (delayed)
>Zoon - 13
>Senri - 12
>Qotho - 9
>Woman - 4

Round 2:
>Azzalix - 20
>Jessica - 16
Security Officers - 14
Tarif - 17 (delayed)
Zoon - 13
Senri - 12
Qotho - 9
Woman - 4

Azzalix's connection to the Force enables her to bring an advertisement for The Credit Chip's "loosest slots on the station" tumbling from the ceiling, and though it doesn't do much damage to either of the station's Security Officers, it is sufficient to distract one of them for a few moments. The other, however, shouts "Surrender!" as he fires at Jessica. She narrowly avoids the blaster fire, and her retaliation finds its target, setting the officer's arm ablaze.

Those of you who noticed the two conspicuous people observing the crowd now see them charging toward you, hold-out pistols drawn and firing haphazardly at the group. They draw up behind a nearby console as their shots miss wildly.

The woman remains crouched behind cover, doing everything in her power to avoid being struck.

Combat will update within 48 hours, or after everyone has posted.

2020-12-13, 05:03 PM
AC 15, HP 11, PP 14, PI 12

A thin grin on her lips, Tarif charged wildly towards the doors from whence the battle cry had come, blocking out the sound-shadows of the crowd to focus on the Imperial officers’ position.
The smoke made them significantly easier to track. Once she had drawn close enough, she swung her staff at the injured officer. ”Best to take you down first.”

Using sound, scent, montrals to pinpoint soldiers. Starting in C5 and moving to E8. For my attack and damage rolls:
[roll1] - in case of a crit.

Zero Prime
2020-12-13, 05:11 PM
Qotho, Guardian Force Adept (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2353170)
AC: 13 | HP: 13 | CURRENT: 13 | HIT DIE: 1d10
Passive Perception: 11 | Passive Insight: 15
Active Effects: None.
Conditions: None.

The broad shouldered zabrak was slow to react, however, the blaster fire from ehind the console caught his attention, he sprinted towards the Imperial agents, the large glaive dragging behind him, scoring the deckplates of Sel Zonn's promenade, as he neared the console, he focused his rage and fury, blue-white energy crackling along the glaives haft towards the weapon's blade, and with a roar of defiance, he swung the weapon chest high into the first agent, sending arcs of force lighting coursing through his partner.

OOC: Starting in C5, move 25' to H3. Casting Lightning Charge, as part of the at-will, making a melee attack against Informant in J5 with Vibroglaive (heavy, reach, two-handed). Attack against AC of J5 [roll0], for [roll1], plus 8 (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24843221&postcount=26) for the crit, a total of 14 kinetic damage, and if the attack is successful, Informant in J6 takes Cha mod, or 3, lightning damage.

2020-12-13, 09:46 PM
Senri Cassin
(AC 17, HP:9, PasPer: 15, PasIns: 15)

Already poised to make a running start at the security officers, Senri was glad to see the Zabrak in her peripheral vision striking at the collaborators that she'd been suspicious of earlier.

Rather than competing for space with the Togruta with the staff, she took advantage of the officers' divided attention and sidestepped behind the closest one, striking out with an elbow as she turned around to face them. She followed it up with a swift kick to the knee, hoping to end things quickly and free herself up to aid the Zabrak.


I'll put myself at what I assume is one of the terminals at d5.
Going to move to e10 (or d9 if that guard is still there and I can't round the corner)
Making an unarmed strike as an action:[roll0]
Damage if hit:[roll1] (+1 from crit, see OOC)
Unarmed Strike as a bonus action:[roll2]
Damage if hit:[roll3]

2020-12-14, 09:02 PM
Azzalix Zyx (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xnB6YVngelNbqp6zlNG4yRPxTH8HiHSu/view?usp=sharing)
HP: 8/8, FP: 8/8, AC: 13
Conditions: None

"Can you tell me your name?"

Using the trauma-kit Azzalix does what she can to treat the woman.

"Is she alright?"

"She is bleeding badly, I will do what I can."

[roll0] 5
As an action, you can spend one use of a trauma-kit to tend to a creature and restore 1d6 + 4 hit points to it, plus additional hit points equal to the creature’s maximum number of Hit Dice. The creature can’t regain hit points again in this way until it finishes a short or long rest.

2020-12-15, 06:52 PM
Jessica (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2355636)
AC:13 HP:10

A squeak slips from Jessica as blaster fire sprays around from multiple directions, the redhead briefly ducking down. Her own blast catching the Officer on fire draws a grin from her as she starts tapping on her wristpad again. "Surrender yourself!"

Her eyes flicker about as she takes in the massive brawl developing, eyes growing wide when lighting spills from the Zabrak's fight. "Looks like we're deep in the bantha's crap." Shaking her head she brings up her wristblaster, the barrel glowing once more. Her aim wavers as she stares into the growing melee before she opens fire on the not burning Officer. Once her shot's off she glances towards Azzalix, teeth worrying her lower lip.

Cumbustive shot on the officer not on fire (Left one? Should be the one Senri's attacking I think)
[roll0] vs AC for [roll1] energy damage and set on fire.
The burning officer takes 4 fire damage as well.

2020-12-15, 07:12 PM
I really appreciate how easy everyone is making it for me to keep track of things like HP, damage, what your abilities do... thank you!


Initiative - This may be a bit confusing, but essentially, we are going on group initiative--it is now the party's turn.

Round 2:
Azzalix - 20 (A4)
Jessica - 16 (D3)
Security Officers - 14 (E9, I9)
Imperial Informants - 14 (J5, J6 fleeing)
>Tarif - 17 (delayed) (E8)
>Zoon - 13 (G4)
>Senri - 12 (D9)
>Qotho - 9 (H3)
>Woman - 4 (B4)

Round 3:
>Azzalix - 20
>Jessica - 16
Security Officers - 14
Tarif - 17 (delayed)
Zoon - 13
Senri - 12
Qotho - 9
Woman - 4

It is clear to at least one of the informants that he has brought a metaphorical vibrodagger to a blaster cannon battle. The other is of two minds on the matter, mostly because he has been cleaved in twain by Qotho's vibroglaive. The one still standing turns and runs.

"Maya," the woman gasps between heavy breaths. Azzalix's efforts to heal her stop the immediate bleeding, but she is still badly wounded, and will need to rest before she can contribute meaningfully in combat. At least she is no longer a blaster bolt away from death.

Tarif strikes the security officer soundly with her staff, and while not quite sufficient to knock them out of the battle, it does knock them off balance. But Senri's kick to the knee shatters the officer's kneecap, and they collapse, unconscious from the combination of blows.

The lone security officer remaining manages to get free of the banner, and seems for a moment to consider retreat, but whether it is an overconfidence in their own ability, or fear of what would happen if they failed, they take a few steps back to spray wildly into the group, shouting, "Suppressing fire!"

(Tarif, Senri, please make a Dexterity saving throw against DC 10. On failure, take 6 damage, or half on success.)

Zero Prime
2020-12-15, 08:13 PM
Qotho, Guardian Force Adept (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2353170)
AC: 13 | HP: 13 | CURRENT: 13 | HIT DIE: 1d10
Passive Perception: 11 | Passive Insight: 15
Active Effects: None.
Conditions: None.

The zabrak knelt moved towards the fallen informant then snapped his head towards the one remaining Imperial. He leveled his glaive at the figure and growled in a low sneer, "Drop your weapon Imperial, contact your squad, tell them your attackers fled towards the dorsal platform." He took another menacing step forward, "Do that and you may yet live."

OOC: Move to the deceased Informants body, Intimidate on surviving Imperial. [roll0] Maybe a bonus for cutting down his back up with one shot?

2020-12-16, 08:26 AM
Zoon looks at the action happening around him and tries to remain calm. Analysing it. Calculating the odds and his actions.

Should he get involved? he thinks as he looks at the almost dead woman. If the guard fired a new shot she wouldn't survive. Even a stray shot...

He moves foward, shield up, and carefully aims and lines a shot to the guard.

"Better to finish this quickly before the man can call reinforcements" he murmurs.

Making the guard his quarry
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] Ranger's Quarry: [roll2]
EDIT: 5 damage - two ones?? Damn...

2020-12-16, 11:11 PM
Azzalix Zyx (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xnB6YVngelNbqp6zlNG4yRPxTH8HiHSu/view?usp=sharing)
HP: 8/8, FP: 8/8, AC: 13
Conditions: None

"Okay Maya, is there somewhere safe we can go before anyone else shows up trying to kill you?"

Dodge Action

2020-12-17, 07:10 AM
Jessica (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2355636)
AC:13 HP:10

Jessica frowns and ducks down as the guard wildly fires instead of surrendering. "Loyal blighter." Glancing at the more melee oriented folk in the fight, especially the two directly in line with the guard's barrage her frown grows.

As a figure with shield and gun moves forwards she shakes her head with a grin. "Ya gotta wonder what led to their weapon choices." Forgoing messing with her wristpad this time she simply opens fire with her blaster.

Attacking the single guard left. 1d20+4 vs AC for 1d4 energy damage if it hits.

2020-12-17, 07:57 PM

Initiative - This may be a bit confusing, but essentially, we are going on group initiative--it is now the party's turn.

Round 3:
Azzalix - 20 (A4)
Jessica - 16 (D3)
Security Officers - 14 (E9, I9)
Imperial Informants - 14 (J5, J6 fled)
>Tarif - 17 (delayed) (E8)
>Zoon - 13 (G4)
>Senri - 12 (D9)
>Qotho - 9 (H3)
>Woman - 4 (B4)

Round 4:
>Azzalix - 20
>Jessica - 16
Security Officers - 14
Tarif - 17 (delayed)
Zoon - 13
Senri - 12
Qotho - 9
Woman - 4

The Imperial Officer is barely standing after the barrage of blaster fire, but as he gasps for breath, he coughs, "For the," and spits some blood onto the floor. Perhaps he envisions this as his noble moment, for he then uses most of his remaining energy, and ammunition, to shout, "EMPIRE!" Another wild spray of blaster energy peppers the battlefield, aiming this time at Qotho and Zoon.

(Qotho, Zoon please make a Dexterity saving throw against DC 10. On failure, take 3 damage, or half on success.)

2020-12-17, 08:56 PM
AC 15, HP 5/11, PP 14, PI 12

Tarif stumbled back, caught off guard by the officer’s blaster fire. For a few seconds, pain and the staccato sounds of the barrage obscured her foe’s position, but his gasps soon gave him away.
She charged into the fray with renewed vigor, and chuckled as she swung her echo-staff: ”Not if we’ve got a say in the matter...”

Second wind to stay strong. [roll0]
Attack on the last one standing. [roll1] [roll2]

2020-12-18, 02:49 AM
Senri Cassin
(AC 17, HP:6/9, PasPer: 15, PasIns: 15)

After rolling to the side to evade most of the blaster fire, Senri crept up behind the last guard standing, trying to stay out of his vision.

"We need to leave."

As she said the words, she slammed an elbow into the security guard's back before taking hold of the back of his head and slamming him face-first into the floor.



Moving over to the last guard.
Making an unarmed strike as an action:[roll0]
Damage if hit:[roll1]
Unarmed Strike as a bonus action:[roll2]
Damage if hit:[roll3]

2020-12-18, 07:30 AM
Senri's combination of blows satisfies the remaining Imperial Security officer's apparent death wish, and he gets the ending he sought, bravely defending the Empire from traitors like yourselves. At least, that's how it appears to him, in his final moments as he fades into unconsciousness.

Searching the bodies, you find:

1x Holdout Pistol
2x Blaster Carbines
20x Blaster Ammunition
3x Commlink (locked)

Maya gets to her feet, and says, "Thank you, I owe you my life. Come with me--I have a safe place we can talk. And we'd better hurry, reinforcements are no doubt already on their way."

You have maybe half a minute before they show up at your position.


Maya's safehouse is little more than a small room, barely large enough to fit you all. She sits on the bed against the far wall, breathing hard. "Thank you," she says. "If it weren't for you, I'd be sitting in some interrogation cell, and the Empire would be that much stronger." Looking you over, she pauses, and says, "I have to ask: why did you help me?" She gazes deeply at each of you in turn, as if gazing into your soul.

Zero Prime
2020-12-18, 07:33 AM
Qotho, Guardian Force Adept (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2353170)
AC: 13 | HP: 13 | CURRENT: 10 | HIT DIE: 1d10
Passive Perception: 11 | Passive Insight: 15
Active Effects: None.
Conditions: None.

Before Senri finished off the last Imperial agent, a spray of blaster fire scored the zabrak's ribs. A low growl of pain escaped his lips, but before he could surge forward the woman finished off their opponent with a devastating elbow to the back of the skull. Satisfied that the conflict was ended, he returned to the fallen informants body, quickly gathering his commlink and the holdout blaster that lay near his outstretched hand.

He nodded towards the others, moving his vibroglaive back to the loop across his shoulders, "I agree with the woman," he nodded to Senri, "we can't exactly blend in with the crowds, so we move." Reaching out to the unnamed woman whose appearance had precluded the conflict, he wrapped a hand around her waist, lifting her to her feet. "Quickly," he hissed.

"I have to ask: why did you help me?"

Qotho leaned against a wall, his eyes half closed as he took in his companions, and this woman who was currently being hunted by the Imperials. A low growl escaped his chest, "Imperials took alot from me, from my people. A friend told me I could find people of similar interests as him on this station, so when he died, this is where I came."

OOC: Dex Save [roll0]. So three damage, ouch. Regardless, looks like we transitioned while I was posting, so I responded to that scene as well.

2020-12-18, 06:48 PM
Jessica (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2355636)
AC:13 HP:10

A frown curls Jessica's lips as the guard has yet to fall only for the close in fighters to bring him down. With a quick nod she bounces over to where her things are set and scoops them back up. "We do need to get out of here. Empire's not to... caring about things like who opened fire first or who was just around by chance." She helps gather up the gear before bolting off with the others. "Least the aftermath is like dealing with raiders. Nab some stuff and bail."


The small size of the safehouse has her sitting atop her toolbox, fingers drumming on her knees as she glances between the odd group of people gathered there. The woman's question and Qotho's reply has her perking up, a hand running through her hair. "I was a mechanic on the ship 'Dreams of Sands' when Imperial Agents arrested... well almost all of the crew as spies and even Jedi." She chews on her lower lip briefly, fingers tapping against the shell of her wristblaster. "Don't know if they were or weren't. Barely had a chance to get my stuff... AFTER the ham fisted thugs went through everything piece by piece and made a mess of the whole ship." She huffs before shaking her head. "Not happy at all with 'em. Helped ya because it was the right thing to do. Especially with some of the stuff been hearing lately about their treatment of prisoners."

2020-12-18, 09:22 PM
Azzalix Zyx (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xnB6YVngelNbqp6zlNG4yRPxTH8HiHSu/view?usp=sharing)
HP: 8/8, AC: 13, FP: 8/8
Conditions: None

Sitting with her hands crossed into the sleeves of her robes Azzalix answers with a gentle smile and sadness in her eyes "A good way to forget your troubles is to help others out of theirs."

Turning to everyone else "Is anyone injured? I can take a look."

I do not want to casually show off force powers among strangers, and the trama-kit is a limited resource so there is not much I can do right now beyond dress the wounds.

2020-12-19, 01:22 AM
Senri Cassin
(AC 17, HP:6/9, PasPer: 15, PasIns: 15)

Senri stood back up, only grabbing what was conveniently nearby before leaving with great speed.


"I wasn't going to help, initially. I was going to meet someone here regarding what appear to be our... shared political interests, and figured if I'm getting sent to a labor camp, it'd be for something a little more impactful. No offense. Then the thugs made the decision for me."

At the call for medical aid, the echani held up an arm, blaster discharge marks peppering an otherwise nicely cut shirt and jacket.

"Couple of burns. Not an issue, had worse."


2020-12-19, 09:37 AM
Zoon carefully inspects the bodies of the guards in search for valued gear. He knew that survival sometimes required this.

This was part of nature, and he had seen a lot worse on the jungles of Khashyyyk. Sentients were pieces of flesh... Images of the fallen darkened vessel fills his mind. Of the mangled bodies, now just animal food...

Mom... Dad... he thinks as he tries to remove the thought from his head.

He picks a comlink, as his was lost during travels and stores some ammunition, carefully reloading his gun. He keeps what others don't want in his backpack. For later. For sellling.

He looks at the armor of the guards and thinks on removing it, but as time was pressing he abandons the idea. The girl had promised money. Yes. Money. He needed that.

He follows the group towards the safe house.


Seated, carefully working with his weapon, cleaning it, he answers Maya "They destroyed my parents ship. Killed them all."

He looks around putting the weapon in the holster "They showed no mercy. But hey, in this sentient eats sentient galaxy, mercy is something that is not very common... "

He smiles and gives a small sad laugh "You said there was money in this. I am fond of opportunities"

Zero Prime
2020-12-19, 10:57 AM
Qotho, Guardian Force Adept (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2353170)
AC: 13 | HP: 13 | CURRENT: 10 | HIT DIE: 1d10
Passive Perception: 11 | Passive Insight: 15
Active Effects: None.
Conditions: None.

"Is anyone injured? I can take a look."

As the togruta woman offered assistance, Qotho merely nodded. He folded his cloak, placing it beside him, then removed the charcoal grey tunic he wore beneath, revealing his coral hued skin, tattooed with ritualistic tattoos, and criss crossed with scars, burns and worse. Evidence of a life time of trauma, he indicated a recent injury along his ris, "The agent scored a glancing shot, but even minor injuries may slow one down if they are allowed to fester," his face softened as he looked at the Consular, there was something in his eyes, shame, fear, of her reaction to his injury? It was fleeting, and the moment passed, but she had seen it.

As the Duros spoke of opportunity, his attention shifted to the injured woman whose presence had instigated the entire conflict, patiently waiting for her answer.

OOC: Only down three hitpoints, but at this level that's 25%, heh. If we can do something about it, that's great, only because I don't think we're done with potential conflicts for the day.

2020-12-20, 10:13 AM
Apparently satisfied, Maya nods. "You've done more than enough for me already, but if you would help me again, I'll see to it you are well compensated for your efforts--efforts which would save the lives of many and deal a blow to the Empire." She winces as she reaches under the bed and removes a datapad, into which she types a code before handing it to you. "I was meant to meet with a droid named 'Switch,' but in my condition I obviously can't attend. I need you to go in my place, to Deep Storage Bay V14, and purchase the location of some very valuable cargo. I can't go into specifics, but Switch will know which cargo you're looking for. My employer will reward you handsomely for your efforts." She reaches into her pockets and withdraws some credit chips, which she hands over. "This is for saving my life. It's all that I have, but trust me, there's more where that came from."

Split evenly, you each receive 100 credits.

"Will you help me?"

Zero Prime
2020-12-20, 12:06 PM
Qotho, Guardian Force Adept (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2353170)
AC: 13 | HP: 13 | CURRENT: 10 | HIT DIE: 1d10
Passive Perception: 11 | Passive Insight: 15
Active Effects: None.
Conditions: None.

Qotho studied the woman as she spoke, "I know little of droids, and less of smugglers, but if this works provides a means of getting off of this station, I will assist you." His brow furrowed as he glared at her, "But if you play us false, there will be consequences."

He closed his eyes while Azzalix tended to the small burn across his ribs, contemplating the situation. "So your employer hired this switch to transport some cargo to the station, without Imperial entanglements," the firefight in the corridor, "but the Imperials found out, blew your cover, and now you are scrambling in the dark." He nodded, seemingly satisfied, "How much is this cargo worth? This Switch is likely to demand a sum, significantly higher than a 100 credits."

OOC: I am studying her responses as she answers my questions, or any other questions posed to her by the PC's, Insight Check! [roll0]. Just want to see if she's playing straight with us.

2020-12-20, 02:53 PM
"Your word seems to be good and I'm willing to do this." Zoon says as he gets the creds and quickly stores them in a pouch inside his armor.

"But I don't like it that you're hiding things from us." he stares at Maya, but quickly looks away.

"I'm that kind of sentient that likes to understand things you know?" he says softly in a rough voice "Like why such a fine lass like you was being persecuted by the Empire. Where your money comes from? What kind of cargo will we have to deal with? Large? Small?"

"I don't mind wading trough ****, but I like to know what kind of **** I'm getting into."

He them looks at the girl and the others as if he was surprised he talked as much.

He looks down and mumbles "How is it going to be lass?"

2020-12-20, 04:57 PM
Jessica (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2355636)
AC:13 HP:10

Jessica's fingers drum against her bracer as her attention flits from person to person as reasons are given, a smile and shake of her head given to Azzalix when the question of injuries came up.

A smile curls her lips as she takes the datapad from Maya , the credchip after received with a nod and a large smile. Her attention is drawn from the datapad as questions fill the air, their tone a tad rougher then she'd expected. "Hey now. She's injured so give her a minute to answer instead of dropping question after question on her."

Teeth worry her lower lip for a moment before she shrugs and waggles the datapad at Zoon. "Could be the meeting's soon and she's just trying to get out the facts 'fore we've got to run."

Glancing back at Maya she grins. "Empire's not liking it so that's enough for me. At the least I'll meet this Switch for ya."

2020-12-21, 02:00 AM
Azzalix Zyx (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xnB6YVngelNbqp6zlNG4yRPxTH8HiHSu/view?usp=sharing)
HP: 8/8, AC: 13, FP: 8/8
Conditions: None

After graciously accepting the payment, Azzalix considers her options. While she would like to maintain a low profile, her finances are running low, this is paying work, and if the brief skirmish is a sign of things to come her medical skills may be needed again.

"I will do what I can to help. My medical supplies are running low, is there a trauma kit that I may use?"

2020-12-21, 06:59 AM
Senri Cassin
(AC 17, HP:6/9, PasPer: 15, PasIns: 15)

The echani quickly palmed the credit chip.

"Sounds like we're just picking up some information. I mean, given current circumstances, laying low would be more... prudent. If we -are- to follow up on the cargo, perhaps getting off the station altogether might do us some good."


2020-12-21, 08:19 AM
"How much is this cargo worth? This Switch is likely to demand a sum, significantly higher than a 100 credits."

"To Switch? I don't know. He trades in information, but of course, accepts credits as well. To my employer? It is invaluable. The credits I've given you are the last I have, but whatever it costs, he will reimburse you."

"Like why such a fine lass like you was being persecuted by the Empire. Where your money comes from? What kind of cargo will we have to deal with? Large? Small?"

"The answer to your first two questions is the same: I work for Senator Bail Organa. As for the cargo--it's substantial in size."

"Could be the meeting's soon and she's just trying to get out the facts 'fore we've got to run."

Maya nods. "Exactly. The sooner we get the cargo and off this station, the better."

"I will do what I can to help. My medical supplies are running low, is there a trauma kit that I may use?"

"I don't have one, but you can probably pick one up at Delgas Medical Supplies, on your way to meet Switch. Save your receipts for reimbursement."

"Sounds like we're just picking up some information. I mean, given current circumstances, laying low would be more... prudent. If we -are- to follow up on the cargo, perhaps getting off the station altogether might do us some good."

"Exactly. You'll need to keep a low profile while you're on the station. But once you have the cargo, I'll have transport for us, and it, off the station."

Time is of the essence, but if you have other questions, now is the time to ask. Looking at the map of the station on the datapad, you see that Deep Storage Bay V14 is in a quarantined area of the station. You might learn more with a bit of investigating, or hacking.

2020-12-21, 08:39 AM
Zoon listens to all the answers as conversation flows. He used the time to note mannerisms, voice tones, inflections. A little game he played with himself.
While quiet you could learn a lot about your preys. the same principle applyed to other sentients too.

"Bail Organa" he muses as that meant a lot more than he was expecting. He thought she might be a smuggler or wanted for some crime or another. But Organa meant power and deep pockets... Both things he wanted now.

It's not revenge I want, it's just for personal growth. he thinks.

As Maya explains the details more details he notices hse doesn't give more than she wants. She's threading a fine line between need and secretism. He knew he might force it out, but deemed the information wasn't important enough to risk upsetting the woman. And the money she represented.

He connects to the base network and starts working on details. Searching for information about Switch, Senator Organa and Deepbay v14.

Lore Bail Organa: [roll0]
Lore Switch: [roll1]

Investigation Switch: [roll2]
Investigation V14: [roll3]

Technology (computers) Switch: [roll4]
Technology (computers) V14: [roll5]

2020-12-22, 06:30 AM
Jessica (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2355636)
AC:13 HP:10

As comments and answers fill the air Jessica sits back only to jerk back upright with a squeak. "One of the Senators? Why is the Empire messing with... No wait. Never mind." There's a tinge of red to her cheeks as she slumps back once more. "Although. Why is the bay quarantined? Do we need sealed suits?""

2020-12-22, 02:49 PM
AC 15 HP 10/11 PP 14 PI 12

Tarif, intrigued, leaned forward from her spot in the corner.
”It’s probably not sealed off for health reasons; far more likely that the Empire doesn’t want anybody stumbling onto their projects.
Though now that you mention it, protective gear could help us look the part... Jessica, do you want to go with me on a little supply run?” Mischief flickered across her face as she whispered.

2020-12-22, 08:41 PM
Azzalix Zyx (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xnB6YVngelNbqp6zlNG4yRPxTH8HiHSu/view?usp=sharing)
HP: 8/8, AC: 13, FP: 8/8
Conditions: None

While cleaning the Zabrakian's wound Azzalix notices the lightsaber that he has hidden in his clothing. Considering what the man said about the imperials it is probably safe to assume that he is not a jedi hunter, but it doesn't hurt to be too careful.

She makes a mental note to keep a close eye on this one.

Zero Prime
2020-12-22, 09:16 PM
Qotho, Guardian Force Adept (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2353170)
AC: 13 | HP: 13 | CURRENT: 10 | HIT DIE: 1d10
Passive Perception: 11 | Passive Insight: 15
Active Effects: None.
Conditions: None.

Qotho watched with interest as the pale blue skinned togruta began to tend to his injury, it was slight, but her fingers were gentle, and the antisceptic gel was cool and refreshing. There was a gentleness to her nature that was unfamiliar to the Zabrak, something he had never truly experienced during his upbringing among the Dathomiri and their witches. As he watched, however, he noticed her eyes dilate, following her gaze he noted that his saber was visible to the woman. Her reaction was, curious, familiarity? Or fear? He was uncertain. As she began to pack up her supplies, Qotho donned his robes over his scarred body, nodding his thanks, "You have my gratitude, sister. I am in your debt, and if my blood spilt shall preserve your own, so shall it be."

Looking towards the others, "Now that we have agreed to render our aid to Maya and her benefactors, how do we proceed?"

2020-12-22, 10:48 PM
You have time to wrap things up with Maya before setting off, and as you gather information about Switch and the V14 Deep Storage Bay, you learn:

The V14 Deep Storage Bay is located along one of the station's primary exhaust systems.
The V14 Deep Storage Bay has been under quarantine for nearly 18 months, yet your search of the station's records reveal that no maintenance requests have been placed for the area.
Although the area is quarantined, there is neither a Sel Zonn nor Imperial security detail assigned to it.
Aliens have been seen traveling into and out of the area, and there are rumors of an alien-operated criminal organization running the zone. These rumors are supported by the contingent of Gamorreans that are often seen guarding the area.

Neither your search through the station's computer network, nor your investigation elsewhere, yield any information about Switch, though Maya has described Switch as an information broker.

Zero Prime
2020-12-23, 06:02 PM
Qotho, Guardian Force Adept (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2353170)
AC: 13 | HP: 13 | CURRENT: 10 | HIT DIE: 1d10
Passive Perception: 11 | Passive Insight: 15
Active Effects: None.
Conditions: None.

Qotho watched as his companions began to move about Maya's cramped quarters, he turned his attention to his datapad. He idly scrolled through information on the Station itself, unable to locate much information on their contact Maya, or the criminal, Switch, they were being asked to negotiate with. He turned his attention to their host, "Maya, is it? Tell me, how did you come to be employed by the Senator?"

OOC: Insight check, just to determine Maya's intentions, and if we are about to be handed over to the Imperials, or Switch himself. Insight Check: [roll0].

2020-12-23, 07:18 PM
Jessica (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2355636)
AC:13 HP:10

Jessica blinks at the question Tarif aims her way, head tilting as she stares at the whispering one. "A supply run? Now?" Glancing towards Azzalix she gives a slow nod. "We do need medkits at the least I guess. And maybe a slicing kit. See if we can get anything out of those comlinks. Lets see if there's anything about why it's quarantined."

As information is gathered a frown curls her lips. "This isn't making sense. A long quarantine but nothing done about it. Not even security around... Oh. Why would private groups secure the area instead of Station or Imperial security? Is it 'cause there's a lot of various races gathering there?"

With a shake of her head she slips to her feet and hauls her pack and toolkit up. "Meeting back here or are we going to meet along the way with the supplies?" Her gaze flits across everyone within the room as her head tilts.

2020-12-24, 10:32 AM
"Maya, is it? Tell me, how did you come to be employed by the Senator?"

"It is: Maya Karposaan. My story's the same as most--I applied, went through training, and was assigned to his security detail. The more I come to know the Senator, the more I admire him. I'll admit, I wasn't very interested in politics... well, ever. I'm still not. But Senator Bail opposes the Emperor, so I do as well."

"This isn't making sense. A long quarantine but nothing done about it. Not even security around... Oh. Why would private groups secure the area instead of Station or Imperial security? Is it 'cause there's a lot of various races gathering there?"

"As I'm sure your friends can attest, non-human races aren't treated as well in the Empire as they were in the Republic. Whether the private security is working for the aliens, or is working to keep them contained, I don't know. Switch is a powerful figure on this station, and not the only one. I wouldn't be surprised if the prolonged quarantine was his doing: a well-placed bribe to the right person to keep the area from being investigated.

"Obviously, I'm not from here--so I don't know for certain. It could just as easily be that the Empire doesn't want to jeopardize their own troops, or their public opinion, keeping non-humans out of the station's main areas. Of course, nothing I've seen leads me to believe This is all conjecture from me. I got here not long before you did."

Maya does not appear to be lying.

2020-12-24, 02:13 PM
Zoon looks around the room after returning from his information gathering and says "I think we should go. Get the job done and escape this station."

"The imps are trying to find her, and I suppose now they are thinking they have a bigger problem on their hands. If the leader has half a brain he will check the logs and learn We arrived together... wich is strange. As if we were some terrorist group that is here to do harm. Maybe even called it to bigger shots."

His voice continues calm as he speaks of possible fates "Time is important here."

2020-12-24, 03:40 PM
AC 15 HP 10/11 PP 14 PI 12

In the same mischievous tone, Tarif replied, “It’s likely best if we meet up at a different location, so that our little hidey-hole isn’t compromised. As for what we’re snatching... I’ll leave that up to you, you’ve got more expertise. I’m here to sneak us through the back alleys, perhaps pick a few locks... with how I know the city, we’ll be back in half an hour, tops!”
Tarif drew her staff from its sheath on her back and began to head out, but stopped halfway to the door and looked Senri not quite in the eye. “Senri, would you like to come with, just for a bit of extra protection?” She paused just a moment before jumping back in, “Either way, we’d better hustle. Who knows how long we’ve got left.” Humming an old space shanty, she slipped out the front door, tapping her staff rhythmically all the way.

Stealth anew, if you’d like. 6
Perception to check for trails. 13
Also using Urchin feature to head there double time.

2020-12-24, 06:55 PM
Senri Cassin
(AC 17, HP:6/9, PasPer: 15, PasIns: 15)

Senri nodded.

"Don't see why not. Apologies if I slow us down a bit. I checked out the place on the holoterminal, but it sounds like we're not going where the maps cover."


Stealth: [roll0]

2020-12-25, 09:48 AM
Finding a general store is no challenge. The challenge appears to be getting there without being noticed. In the crowds of people on the Promenade, it's a relatively simple matter to get from place to place without drawing undue attention to yourself. Unless, of course, you draw undue attention to yourself, perhaps by performing music while you walk.

Regardless, you make it to your destination. If someone has noticed you, nothing seems to have come of it--yet.

At Gleesaag's General Goods, a tall, thin, and yellow-skinned Rodian peers at you with her large purple eyes. "Welcome," she says, smiling. "What can I get for you?" She gestures to the wide array of goods the shop offers, as well as the shelves behind the counter of their higher-value items. "Fibercord? Holorecorder?" she asks, pointing at a few different tables across the room. "Or something higher end, perhaps? A mechanic's kit? A pocket scrambler?"

(Gleesaag's General Goods sells equipment that has a value of 1000 credits or less. Equipment costing 500 credits or more is kept behind the counter.

Please roll a Perception check.)

The location of V14 is made obvious by the map of the station you accessed, and you head there, intending to meet the other members of your group after they've shopped. Getting there is less difficult than you may have expected. Although the bay is located in a quarantined area, neither the Imperials nor the station's own security forces seem very interested in enforcing it. When you finally arrive in the vicinity of deep storage bay V14, you find that you have entered a very neglected part of the station. Many of the lights have burned out, and blaster marks and carbon scoring mar the walls, ceiling, and floor. The area reeks of ozone and electrical fires, and pools of coolant litter the hallways at regular intervals. After winding their way through a near-labyrinth of decrepit corridors, you come upon bay V14, which is guarded by a pair of Gamorreans wielding vibro-axes. They don't seem to have noticed you, yet.

Zero Prime
2020-12-26, 07:28 AM
Qotho, Guardian Force Adept (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2353170)
AC: 13 | HP: 13 | CURRENT: 10 | HIT DIE: 1d10
Passive Perception: 11 | Passive Insight: 15
Active Effects: None.
Conditions: None.

Qotho moved through the crowd, a large synth woven cloak pulled over his mesh armor, the hood pulled up to cover his face, the dathomirii markings, though it did little to conceal the air of menace about the broad shouldered zabrak. After navigating the twisting corridors of the lower station, he leaned against a wall, observing the guards outside Storage Bay V14. After a few moments, he moved forward, walking directly towards the Gamorreans posted outside the door, he nodded his head as the movement drew their attention.

"Listen," he whispered, leaning forward conspiratorily, "my crew and I got business with the droid, Switch," he kind of swung his head towards the togruta and duros figures standing at the corner, "you and I certainly don't want the Imps sticking their nose in our business," he drew his hands up slowly and lowered his hood, revealing his coral hued skin, tattooed face markings, and crown of small ridged horns. "Just because we're not soft, pink skinned things, ya? So why don't you and your mate here, enjoy a nice tall tank of Gamorrean Red at Gundark's when your done your shift here, and let me and my crew through so we can conclude our biz and get out of your way?"

As he spoke, he waved a hand in front of the closest Gamorrean's face, concealed in his palm a number of credits.

OOC: Let's say a 25 credit bribe to start, and see where negotiations go from there. I'd offer more but I'm broke, heh! Annnd ... dice hate me ... rolled in the OOC thread, a whooping 5! (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24861720&postcount=64)

2020-12-26, 03:43 PM
Jessica (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2355636)
AC:13 HP:10

Maya's words have Jessica glancing at the others within the room, teeth worrying her lower lip. "That's not right at all to do things that way if it is the Empire. Although I guess I could see the use of a so called off limits area for use by others." With a shrug and nod towards Maya she turns towards the door only to pause as Tarif's words register.

"Wait. What?" Eyes widening she stares at the staff wielder. "Snatching? How... What the Kriff makes ya think I'm good at that!" She stops her little rant, eyes closing as she takes a deep breath and holds up a hand. "We don't have time... But when we finish this we're going back to it."

Turning back to the others she gives a small nod before heading after the humming one, a smile offered towards Senri when the Echani follows along. The quick trip soon has her smiling towards a tall Rodian before moving off to look through the equipment out on display, a wince quickly following. "Medical kits and supplies for a start although this may just be a pricing trip." A frown curls her lips before she brings up the screen of her wristpad and begins entering numbers. "Has something happened recently to raise the prices?"

Stealth even if singing one nukes 'em. :D [roll0]
Perception [roll1]

2020-12-26, 10:45 PM
Azzalix Zyx (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xnB6YVngelNbqp6zlNG4yRPxTH8HiHSu/view?usp=sharing)
HP: 8/8, AC: 13, FP: 8/8
Conditions: None

Azzalix looks for a trauma kit.

Perception [roll0]

2020-12-27, 05:26 AM
Zoon sighs as the Zabrak goes out of cover to talk to the Gamorreans. Reconnaissance and scouting didn't mesh well with revealing ourselves or our position.

He touches the comlink and contacts the ones on the shopping spree "We arrived at the objective. Q established contact with the guards. I advise speed if you don't want to miss the conversation".

During his time on the fleet he had met with a lot of merchants, pirates and smugglers. He leaves the corridor and follows the brawler speaking in Huttese, as he knew the Gamorreans might not understand basic.

"Jee-jee 'laz wata nop busioojah. Le'thrug or uba'dd nace uta-sha boss wrath." and he keeps moving foward expecting being obeyed.

"We're here on business. Let us through or you'll face your boss wrath."

2020-12-28, 03:27 PM
"Raise the prices? Quite the opposite in fact!" the Rodian smiles widely, but you're not sure if it's sincere or sinister. "Our prices are the lowest on the station!"

(You can purchase any Adventuring Gear (https://www.sw5e.com/loot/adventuringGear) here, provided it is less than 1000g. Take note of it on your sheet and acknowledge it in your next post.)

You notice a woman in similar attire to the undercover informants who alerted the Imperial Security Officers to Maya's presence on the Promenade, surveying the area outside. She doesn't seem to have noticed you, yet--but it's only a matter of time until she does.

You feel a sense of urgency to reunite with the others at V14.

The Gamorreans look at each other, then at the bribe. They grip their vibroaxes as if to respond with violence, but Zoon's implied threat convinces them otherwise. They accept the bribe, and leave their posts--for now.

2020-12-29, 10:26 AM
Zoon passes the Gamorreans and enters the bay.

He quietly comms the others "We're in"

2020-12-30, 01:47 AM
Azzalix Zyx (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xnB6YVngelNbqp6zlNG4yRPxTH8HiHSu/view?usp=sharing)
HP: 8/8, AC: 13, FP: 8/8
Conditions: None

After purchasing a trauma kit. Azzalix carefully indicates to the others that came shopping that there is a person on the lookout for them and that they should get going by separate routes to avoid suspicion.

Zero Prime
2020-12-30, 05:27 PM
Qotho, Guardian Force Adept (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2353170)
AC: 13 | HP: 13 | CURRENT: 10 | HIT DIE: 1d10
Passive Perception: 11 | Passive Insight: 15
Active Effects: Armor of Aboleth (10 minutes).
Conditions: None.

A low growl echoed through Qotho's chest as he glared at the departing door guards, he had tried, as requested by Thom Udo, to resolve the situation peacefully. Restraint and diplomacy didn't come naturally to the Dathomirii, he was far more used to channeling his aggression. As he entered the cargo bay, he relaxed, letting the tension out of his shoulders, his neck, he closed his eyes momentarily. Focused on his breathing, he could feel the beating of his heart in his chest, he smiled. "I got your back," he could say more, assure his comrade, but he didn't feel the need too. He'd proven himself on the promenade, if there was any doubt of his relentless aggression, he'd dispelled it. As the entered the dimly lit cargo bay, he concentrated, focusing the Dathomirii magicks within him, the shadows around his hood, around his voluminous cloak seemed to thicken, cling to him as he strode forward.

2020-12-31, 12:07 PM
With the party reunited and your shopping concluded, you enter V14 Deep Storage Bay.

The deep storage bay is as run-down as the hallways leading up to it, with entire metal plates missing from the floor and a huge, open exhaust shaft near the back of the room. Large crates litter the area, creating the appearance of a haphazard mess, and the air has a distinct smell of sweat and fumes that makes the entire area unpleasant. Flickering lights provide modest illumination, and a burst pipe along the ceiling leaks blue fluid down one wall.

Near the center of the room is an item that seems very out of place — a large, finely crafted desk made of Japor ivory wood, which means that the desk is both priceless and rare. Sitting peacefully behind the desk is a protocol droid with shiny, ebony coverings that seem to soak up light and offer only the slightest reflection. The droid’s eyes flicker slightly, as though imitating a person blinking rapidly.

(Make Perception checks.)

"Welcome," the droid says to you. "Can I offer you a beverage? Lothalian currant wine, perhaps, or a flute of sunfruit liquor? It is a rarity in these parts, and as I understand it, quite delectable." After you respond, he says, "As you have no doubt surmised, I am Switch. And you are?" Once introductions are completed, he asks. "What brings you to my peaceful quarter of the station?"

Zero Prime
2020-12-31, 01:33 PM
Qotho, Guardian Force Adept (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2353170)
AC: 13 | HP: 13 | CURRENT: 10 | HIT DIE: 1d10
Passive Perception: 11 | Passive Insight: 15
Active Effects: Armor of Aboleth (10 minutes).
Conditions: None.

Earlier, Qotho had made the mistake of acting before the group was prepared, so instead he remained cautious, his eyes on swivels, as he scanned from the shadowed depth of his cloak. He relayed the information to his teammates, even those on the supply run, in the event they got to the Cargo Bay prior to the return of the gamoreans.

OOC: I am relaying tactical information I spot in my cursory scan to Zoon, so he can check with Advantage.

2021-01-01, 05:45 PM
Zoon tries to be cordial at the droid. It's true... A Droid crime lord? Only in this forsaken place of the galaxy... he thinks as he marvels at the sight. Smart droids I know, but criminal... He must have his behavioral inhibitors altered...

Zoon blinks and tries to return to reality besides all the tech curiosity that was sprouting "I'll take the wine. I once trasnported a few crates on my ship, but never tried it..."

He uses the opportunity to look around while adding "We're here to retrieve some cargo for miss Karposaan. I'm sure you know what it is."

Perception: [roll0]

2021-01-01, 09:18 PM
Azzalix Zyx (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xnB6YVngelNbqp6zlNG4yRPxTH8HiHSu/view?usp=sharing)
HP: 8/8, AC: 13, FP: 8/8
Conditions: None

Bowing her head "Azzalix. Water is fine, thank you."

Perception: [roll0]

2021-01-02, 10:15 AM
"Water? How... disappointing." Switch emits a mechanical sigh as he presses a button, and an apparatus next to his desk produces a glass of plain water. "Of all that I have acquired from you humanoids, the one thing that escapes me is a sense of taste, and an appreciation for the effects of fine liquor. I live vicariously through my guests in that regard. Nevetheless, he says as he places the water before you, "I hope you find this to your liking." Indeed, upon tasting it, you notice that it tastes like... water--the purest, most distilled, and most refreshing water you have ever enjoyed.

A red and blue astromech droid--R5-B8, Switch introduces--delivers the bottle of currant wine. Watching his movement brings your attention to another entity, a thuggish looking Twi'lek standing between two stacks of crates. The wine produces a slight tingling in your mouth as you imbibe. It is sweet, as its name suggests, with hints of tartness lingering after each sip. Switch watches with eager anticipation with each drink from the shining polished goblet that holds the beverage. "How is it? Describe it for me, please, and leave no detail out."

With the pleasantries concluded, the talk turns to your business. "Ah, yes. Maya. My services are available to anyone who can pay, and she may--or may not--have purchased some. But included in my services is discretion, which I would violate if I readily revealed my clients' business to whoever crossed the threshold into my domain."

(Make Persuasion checks.)

You notice two bodyguards hiding among the crates, ready to spring out should the conversation turn hostile.

Zero Prime
2021-01-02, 10:32 AM
Qotho, Guardian Force Adept (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2353170)
AC: 13 | HP: 13 | CURRENT: 10 | HIT DIE: 1d10
Passive Perception: 11 | Passive Insight: 15
Active Effects: Armor of Aboleth (1 hour)
Conditions: None.

Qotho grunted, "For someone who claims to be a broker, you seem uninformed." He paused, collected his thoughts, "Check the station feeds, main concourse, about two hours ago some Imperials tried to detain your client. Looks like she'd already been subjected to enhanced interrogation methods, she could have already revealed the location of your side business to the Imps. They want her bad enough, they may finally decide to break 'quarantine' to do it. We're here to collect the property you're holding for her and get her off station. Quick, easy, and you can resume business as usual."

OOC: Untrained Persuasion Check, [roll0]. Let's see if that works, knowing my dice it'll be a 4 ... bonus included! 10! Woooo! Double digits.
;;l;; dice roller!

2021-01-02, 03:32 PM
[QUOTE=hexed666;24860897]Jessica (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2355636)
AC:13 HP:10

With Azzalix buying a trauma kit Jessica enters a few last numbers on her wristpad before sighing. "I've not nearly enough credits so I'll have to be back. Thank you for your time." Dipping her head in a nod she follows along behind Azzalix towards V14, Zoon's quick call causing her to speed up her steps.

Entering V14 has her perking up, eyes darting about from missing plate to cracked pipe and the fingers of her free hand twitching for tools. Her attention is wandering so much that the droid speaking up has her jumping before smiling at Switch. "Sunfruit liquor? Really?Is it a synthetic or actually from Corellia?" Blushing slightly she sets her box down and dips into a rough curtsy. "Pleased ta meet you Mr. Switch. Name's Jessica. And if you don't mind I'll have a flute of the Sunfruit Liquor."

The drink has her distracted as talk turns to business, her eyes closed and slow sips being taken. Qotho's grunt draws her attention back to the talk at hand, a frown curling her lips. "Convenience Mr. Switch. Maya got hurt and asked us to pick up the package as she makes arrangements."

Eeeps. Sorry for going quiet so long. Untrained persuasion. [roll0]

2021-01-03, 06:19 AM
Senri Cassin
(AC 17, HP:6/9, PasPer: 15, PasIns: 15)

Senri introduced herself, but stayed to the back of the group, with one eye on the exit.

"Water is fine. And yes, there does seem to be something of... a sense of urgency to all of this. Which is fine, honestly, for all involved - nothing about this arrangement needs to complicate itself. "



2021-01-03, 11:25 PM
Azzalix Zyx (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xnB6YVngelNbqp6zlNG4yRPxTH8HiHSu/view?usp=sharing)
HP: 8/8, AC: 13, FP: 8/8
Conditions: None

Noting the flat flavor of water that has had all of the important life sustaining minerals removed from it Azzalix says "They say that fish cannot survive in absolutely clear water."


Picking up the glass of Sunfruit Liquor she hands it to Jessica while using the force to bolster to her words.

Using Guidance on Jessica [roll0]

2021-01-04, 03:59 AM
Zoon first smells , then tastes the wine. After a few seconds he replies to the droid "Sweet from the tip of the tongue onwards. Low acidity levels and Tannins, wich make a long consistent full-bodied fruity flavor. Seems a bit like a licquor or dessert wine, but strong enough to be used in dinners."

After that he looks around as if he had spoke too much.

"At least that's what it looks to me. I'm no expert."

I'll help someone who has the best chance for him to have advantage.
untrained persuasion [roll0]

2021-01-04, 11:38 AM
AC 15 HP 10/11 PP 14 PI 12

Tarif emerged from the shadows at the front of the storage bay where she’d been standing, cross-legged, for the past half a minute, and accepted one of the flasks which Switch had offered them. She needed to keep her senses sharp, so she resolved to take only a tiny sip. As soon as the alcohol passed her lips, though, a jolt of suspicion ran up her spine, and she let out a little hiss.

”Indeed, this wine is rare, Sir Switch. So rare that I’ve only ever tasted it once before, on a vessel known as the Vesper, which I crewed for three years. Tell me, gracious host, how, precisely, did you make the acquaintance of my old captain, Rosat Koremoth? And why would she be willing to do business with the likes of you?”

Perception (Montrals) to detect hidden items [roll0]
Intimidation against this guy. [roll1] It’s out of the blue I know, but that’s kind of my job.

2021-01-04, 12:15 PM
Switch looks at each of you in turn as you speak. Although you know he is a suitably constructed droid, you hallucinate as if you can actually hear the gears whirring behind his lifeless eyes. Finally, he responds.

"The Imperials are of no concern to me. If they were motivated to investigate this area, they would have." He looks without expression at Qotho, showing no sign that the implied threat has had any effect.

"It is bold of you to assume that your experience is an accurate representation of the universe," he says patronizingly to Tarif. "I have not found that to be the case with mine. Yes, indeed the beverage is a rarity. But there are ways to acquire it without going through your... Captain Koremoth." He says the name as if filing it away for future reference. "As for your question, I will choose to take it without insult. Though why someone would do business with 'the likes of me,' as you put it, is answered with the same reason why anyone would do business with anyone: I have something they want, and they have something I want. In the instance of this wine, I had credits, which they desired, and they had this wine, which I desired." He smirks. "Is this your first time participating in trade?"

At Zoon's description of the wine, the droid smiles. "You have a refined palate. You may not be an expert, but your description contains new information to me, and is overall consistent with previous descriptions. Thank you." He nods with approval.

The Force which connects all living things is unconnected with this non-living droid, but Azzalix's use of it does inspire Jessica to choose the right combination of words that persuade Switch. "I was approached by Maya Karposaan to arrange transport for a certain cargo, which I have done. There were complications that required additional expense, which is outstanding. I will share the information you seek, namely, the location of the cargo, in exchange for that which I desire: credits, information, or some combination of the two. The information can be yours for 1000 credits. Of course, I find information to be significantly more of interest. If that sum is beyond your means, I am willing to reduce it, if you are willing to work for me. Provide me with regular reports of your travels, and I can offer you a discount of 200 credits, each."

2021-01-05, 11:56 AM
Looking at the meager amount of credits he owned, Zoon looks at the droid and promises "You can count on my reports. And I could be convinced into turning that into something more. If you ever need something done, call me. I'm sure we can find a good price and a compromise."

2021-01-05, 09:31 PM
Jessica (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2355636)
AC:13 HP:10

Jessica chews on her lower lip, gaze falling on the drink still in her hand. "What kind of reports are you wanting. Can't say about the others but I'm just a mechanic. Never really been anywhere other than the belly of a ship drifting across the black." Her head bobs in a nod as Zoon speaks up, a grin curling her lips. "Be a fool not to take such a deal. Just not sure how ya actually benefit from it."

Zero Prime
2021-01-06, 12:38 AM
Qotho, Guardian Force Adept (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2353170)
AC: 13 | HP: 13 | CURRENT: 10 | HIT DIE: 1d10
Passive Perception: 11 | Passive Insight: 15
Active Effects: Armor of Aboleth (1 hour)
Conditions: None.

Qotho shrugged, "As long as you understand I will not divulge any information that I feel would threaten myself, or my companions." He paused, nodded towards Zoon, "Assuming that's amendable to you, like the duros here, I'm willing to perform the odd job for you, as required, price negotiable.""

2021-01-06, 02:11 AM
Azzalix Zyx (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xnB6YVngelNbqp6zlNG4yRPxTH8HiHSu/view?usp=sharing)
HP: 8/8, AC: 13, FP: 8/8
Conditions: None

Considering Maya offered to to reimburse them for their expenses and Azzalix places 100 credits on the desk. "This is all I have with me, Maya can pay the rest, once we deal with the immediate task at hand. I might be able to give you some information in exchange for a small favor. We can discuss it later."

2021-01-06, 11:59 AM
Senri Cassin
(AC 17, HP:6/9, PasPer: 15, PasIns: 15)

Senri raised an eyebrow.

"Two hundred each means no charge if we all agree. Like him-"

She nodded towards Qotho.

"- I have no problem keeping you updated as long as you understand there are things we cannot share, for our own safety."


2021-01-07, 06:59 PM
"It is always good to make connections with those who are willing to exchange labor for valuables," Switch says to Qotho and Zoon. "As for the way I benefit from your reports, I have every confidence that any information you provide will ultimately be of use. How long until it is, there is no way to be sure. I understand the value of discretion," he continues, accepting the bribe from Azzalix. "And would not expect you to provide intelligence that would jeopardize yourself or your aims. However, I can not provide you with the information you seek on the 'promise' that payment will be forthcoming from an individual who is not here to confirm. Surely you understand." However, after Jessica (and anyone else who contributes) provides the remainder of the payment, the droid says. "The cargo you seek is located on the Blue Deck."

Within moments, however, there is the sound of blaster fire from the hallway, and three nefarious looking aliens enter the space. In the center, a Chevin with a gruff voice shouts, "I've had it with you cutting me out of deals with off-worlders, Switch! Prepare to be terminated!"

(Roll Initiative)

Zero Prime
2021-01-07, 11:17 PM
Qotho, Guardian Force Adept (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2353170)
AC: 13 | HP: 13 | CURRENT: 10 | HIT DIE: 1d10
Passive Perception: 11 | Passive Insight: 15
Active Effects: Armor of Aboleth (1 hour)
Conditions: None.

Qotho looked from the droid back to the large pachydermoid looking Chevin, he patiently stepped out placing himself in front of the droid info broker. "A foolish mistake, chevin."

OOC: Initiative Check for Qotho, [roll0]. Let's hope the polyhedral gods are kind!

2021-01-07, 11:58 PM
Senri Cassin
(AC 17, HP:6/9, PasPer: 15, PasIns: 15)

"I hope our enemies continue to loudly announce their arrival..."

She darted towards the closest source of cover.



2021-01-08, 02:15 AM
Azzalix Zyx (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xnB6YVngelNbqp6zlNG4yRPxTH8HiHSu/view?usp=sharing)
HP: 8/8, AC: 13, FP: 8/8
Conditions: None

Staring at the intruder with a raised eyebrow "Off-worlders? This is a space station."

Initiative: [roll0]

2021-01-08, 04:56 AM
Zoon looks at the new arrivals and smirks.

He grabs his gun and shield, and looking at Switch he asks "How much taking care of this guy will be worth to you?"

Initiative [roll0]

2021-01-08, 08:07 PM
Jessica (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2355636)
AC:13 HP:10

Jessica's head bounces in a nod as Switch explains the deal further, a grin curling her lips. "Aye that doesn't sound to bad. Count me in." The mention of 'promise' payment has her nodding again, a credchip sliding across the table.

The blaster fire and roughs entering has her slumping down before glancing around for cover. "Why is everyone violent today?"

Initiative [roll0]

2021-01-09, 04:24 PM

"My life is worth everything to me," Switch says, clearly distressed as he ducks under his desk. "Protect me, and you will be well rewarded!"

(Qotho, Azzalix, and Zoon have initiative, followed by the enemy, followed by the entire party. Switch is located in D6. The Chevin is located in E13, with his flunkies in D14 and F14, respectively.)

2021-01-09, 05:46 PM
"Noted" Zoon replies to Switch as he carefully lines his blaster above the shield and shoots the big Chevin.

"We'll talk about that reward later then, after I cut the head"

He shoots.

Zoon is at F7 and Shoots the Chevin
He makes it his ranger's quarry target
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1] + [roll2]

Zero Prime
2021-01-09, 06:05 PM
Qotho, Guardian Force Adept (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2353170)
AC: 13 | HP: 13 | CURRENT: 10 | HIT DIE: 1d10
Passive Perception: 11 | Passive Insight: 15
Active Effects: Armor of Aboleth (1 hour)
Conditions: None.

As the duros scout opened fire, the zabrak warrior flicked his wrist, a dull bronze and grey cylinder falling into his palm, he sprung forward towards the intruders, a click, and an audible hiss as the lightsaber sprang to life in his hands, burning a yellow-orange in the cargo bay's lights. A low growl began in his chest as the familiar hum of the saber ran through his body, grasping it with his right hand, he swung it in a deadly arc towards the chevin's enforcer, blue-white electricity arcing across the length of the blade with a crackling snap.

OOC: Moving to E8 at Switches desk, to D13, adjacent to the Chevin, drawing & igniting my saber as I move. Once there, I will Force Cast, Lightning Charge, making a melee attack the Enforcer at D14, [roll0], if successful, [roll1] energy damage to the 1st enforcer, AND, lightning will arc to the chevin, hitting him for Cha mod damage, 3. Whelp, that looks like a miss, lol!

2021-01-09, 10:12 PM
Azzalix Zyx (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xnB6YVngelNbqp6zlNG4yRPxTH8HiHSu/view?usp=sharing)
HP: 8/8, AC: 13, FP: 6/8
Conditions: None

Reaching out to the force Azzalix uses it to help guide the actions of some of her allies.

She then dives behind something to take cover from blaster fire and draws her Vibrodagger.

Using the Valor force power (AKA Bless) on Qotho, Zoon, and Senri.
"Whenever a target makes an attack roll or a saving throw before the power ends, the target can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to the attack roll or saving throw."

Using the Saber Reflect force power whenever applicable.
"In response to being attacked, you raise your weapon to attempt to deflect. When you use this power, the damage you take from the attack is reduced by 1d6. If you reduce the damage to 0, you’re wielding a lightweapon or vibroweapon, and the damage is energy or ion, you can reflect the attack at a target within range as part of the same reaction. Make a ranged force attack at a target you can see. The attack has a normal range of 20 feet and a long range of 60 feet. On a hit, the target takes the triggering attack’s normal damage."

2021-01-09, 11:22 PM

Chevin: E13
Thug 1: D14
Thug 2: F14
Qotho: D13
Zoon: F7
Azzalix: H6
Switch Goon 1: B5
Switch Goon 2: A11

The two thugs open fire on Switch. One of their blaster bolts goes wide, but the other strikes the droid information broker in the left arm, sending a spray of sparks into the air. In response, Switch draws a hold-out pistol and, crouching behind his expensive desk, fires blindly at his attackers. As might be expected, he misses.

The Chevin avoids Qotho's assault and headbutts him in the chest with his thick skull, dealing 3 damage.

Switch's own goons emerge from their hiding places amongst the various crates and boxes littering the cargo bay, firing at their employer's rival. Neither of them are successful, however.

(Party's initiative)

2021-01-10, 12:06 AM
Senri Cassin
(AC 17, HP:6/9, PasPer: 15, PasIns: 15)

When one of the thugs emerged from the other side of the crates Senri had been leaning on, she was quick to bound over, feeling even more in tune with herself than usual for reasons she wasn't quite sure of. Her arrival announced itself with a snap kick and a quick, but strong jab in the Echani style.


Originally at C8, Moving to C5 next to the guard at B5.
Making an unarmed strike as an action:[roll0] (guidance: add [roll1])
Damage if hit:[roll2]
Unarmed Strike as a bonus action:[roll3]
Damage if hit:[roll4]

Zero Prime
2021-01-10, 12:30 PM
Qotho, Guardian Force Adept (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2353170)
AC: 13 | HP: 13 | CURRENT: 10 | HIT DIE: 1d10
Passive Perception: 11 | Passive Insight: 15
Active Effects: Armor of Aboleth (2 HP's remaining; 1 hour)
Conditions: None.

As the chevin's enforcer opened fire on Switch, Qotho's saber flashed out once again.

OOC: Attack of Opportunity against Enforcer #1. [roll0] against AC, if it hits, [roll1] energy damage.

Zero Prime
2021-01-10, 12:49 PM
Qotho, Guardian Force Adept (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2353170)
AC: 13 | HP: 13 | CURRENT: 10 | HIT DIE: 1d10
Passive Perception: 11 | Passive Insight: 15
Active Effects: Armor of Aboleth (2 HP's remaining; 1 hour)
Conditions: None.

Seeing his blade bite into the enforcer's shoulder, he reversed his grip, focused and once again the blue white lightning flickered across the lenth of the saber blade. He then spun around to face the Chevrin, and attempted a double handed thrust, intending to impale the guard behind him.

OOC: Casting Lightning Charge again, and rolling to attack the Enforcer after my successful AoO, with an addition d4 for Valor, [roll0]+[roll1] against AC, if successful, it will deal [roll2]. If the attack is successful, the lightning will arc to the Chevin causing Cha mod, 3 lightning damage.

2021-01-10, 12:58 PM
Jessica (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2355636)
AC:13 HP:10

As things devolve into flying blaster bolts and charging Zabraks Jessica just stares wide eyed. As a bolt draws sparks from Switch she darts across the open area and slides down behind a pile of scrap. Glancing up at the fight and seeing one of the thugs down she frowns, fingers tapping away at her wristpad. As three faint clicks sound out she lifts her arm and twists it, three tiny spheres launching from her bracer and rocketing off. Two of the spheres slap against the still standing guard and explode while the other bursts upon the Chevin boss.

Moves to 9G
1 TP for homing rockets. Two on Enforcer 2 for [roll0] fire damage and one on the Chevin for [roll1] fire damage.

2021-01-10, 01:08 PM
Azzalix Zyx (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xnB6YVngelNbqp6zlNG4yRPxTH8HiHSu/view?usp=sharing)
HP: 8/8, AC: 13, FP: 6/8
Conditions: None

Getting out from behind the crate Azzalix moves up to the pile of scrap and throws her empty water glass at the Chevin pushing it with the force, then ducks down behind the pile of scrap.

Ending turn at H9.
Force Push on the glass, Saving throw DC = 13 for [roll0] damage.
"If at the end of this movement the creature or object strikes another creature or object, it must make a Dexterity saving throw. An object automatically fails this saving throw. On a failed save, they both take 1d4 kinetic damage."
Stealth to try to make it look like a normal throw: [roll1]

2021-01-10, 01:38 PM
Zoon feels a warmness invading his body. Not the throbbing fury he felt fighting imperials in Kashyyyk. No, a calm warmness that seemed to guide him.

He takes it as a foolish thought of battle and presses the trigger targeting the Chevin.

Attack [roll0] + [roll1]

Damage [roll2] + [roll3]

2021-01-11, 12:34 PM

Chevin: E13
Thug 1: D14
Thug 2: F14
Qotho: D13
Zoon: F7
Azzalix: H9
Senri: C5
Jessica: G9
Switch's Former Goon 1: B5
Switch's Former Goon 2: A11

The barrage of attacks has its intended effect. Qotho makes short work of the enforcer, disemboweling him with his lightsaber before electrocuting him for good measure. The sparks arc to the conductive Chevin, who is then hit with explosive rockets, blaster bolts, and a glass snifter for good measure. The cumulative effect leaves him staggered, but still standing. Senri moves into position against one of Switch's own goons. While at first this action seems to be misdirected, perhaps the Force was guiding the Echani monk, as Ganga Lor, seeing his thugs falling around him, shouts out, "What are you waiting for? Attack him!" Switch's goons then turn their blasters on their droid master, firing with more care than they did against the intruders. Or, perhaps the reverse is true, and they took great care to miss the Chevin and his thugs. For the trouble, the goon next to Senri takes a swift jab to the face, bloodying his nose. Instead of firing at Switch, that goon holsters his pistol and draws a vibroaxe, which he swings at Senri. He connects, drawing blood. (19 to hit vs AC for 5 damage against Senri.) The other goon fires at Switch, and the blaster bolt penetrates the protocol droid's meager armor. You notice the lights behind his blank eyes flicker momentarily, but he remains active. He fires his gun weakly and inaccurately at one of the goons who betrayed him.

Ganga Lor's enforcer fires at Switch as well, but the blaster bolts scorch the one-of-a-kind desk. For his own part, the Chevin crime lord remains locked in battle with Qotho, swinging his massive head like a club into the Zabrak's chest. (10 to hit vs AC for 7 damage against Qotho.)

(It is the Party's turn.)

Zero Prime
2021-01-11, 02:06 PM
Qotho, Guardian Force Adept (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2353170)
AC: 13 | HP: 13 | CURRENT: 10 | HIT DIE: 1d10
Passive Perception: 11 | Passive Insight: 15
Active Effects: Armor of Aboleth (2 HP's remaining; 1 hour)
Conditions: None.

The marauder risked a look over his shoulder as fire erupted around Switch's desk, his own thugs having, apparently, been paid off by the Chevin. "The only payment you'll earn," he growled, "is a long walk out of a short airlock." And with that his spun low, maneuvering between the Chevin and the remaining enforcer, ensuring he would be able to punish either should they open fire on Switch or his allies.

The change in positioning allowed him to slip past the massive headbut of his opponent, before he followed up with a lightning enhanced saber strike while his foe was off balance.

Moving from D13 to E14, behind the Chevin and to the left of his Goon. Since I'm not leaving the Boss's threatened area, it does not provoke, that I am aware of. I will then cast Lightning Charge, this time attacking the Chevin, still under Azzalix's Valor, [roll0][b]+[roll1], against AC, for [roll2] energy damage. If the attack is successful Goon #2 takes Cha mod, 3 lightning damage.

2021-01-11, 04:42 PM
Zoon looks at the backstabbing crooks and decides to eliminate one, as the Chevin was under direct engagement of his melee companions.

He fires at the man - he thinks it's a man. "Goodbye".

Attack A11 goon, making it his quarry [roll0] + [roll1]
Damage [roll2] + [roll3]

2021-01-11, 08:29 PM
Jessica (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2355636)
AC:13 HP:10

Ganga Lor's call and Switch's guards sudden betrayal has Jessica ducking down even further behind the pile of scrap. She chews on her lower lip as the attackers fall one by one."This is so much bantha crap." With another glance around she starts tapping her wristpad, the barrel of her wristblaster starting to glow as the weapon hums.

Bringing her blaster up she pops off a glowing shot at one of the thugs before turning and dashing over to Switch. "I don't think you payed your thugs enough. Her frown grows as her gaze roams Switch's form. "Wouldn't have a repair kit would ya? Didn't bring anything to fix up droids myself."

Combustive Shot at F14 thug. [roll0] vs AC for [roll1] energy damage and is set on fire taking 4 damage my next turn.

Move to E6.

2021-01-11, 11:10 PM
Azzalix Zyx (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xnB6YVngelNbqp6zlNG4yRPxTH8HiHSu/view?usp=sharing)
HP: 8/8, AC: 13, FP: 6/8
Conditions: None

Azzalix moves over to the desk and throws her Vibrodagger at one of the Goons then ducks back down.

Targeting the Goon at B5. Normal thrown dagger, no force involved.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2021-01-13, 08:22 AM
Senri Cassin
(AC 17, HP:6/9, PasPer: 15, PasIns: 15)

Shaking off the momentary fugue that nevertheless led her to a foe, Senri continued the assault on the treacherous guard.


Whoops, misread guards for goons. Good thing they were garbage anyway!
Staying at b5.
Making an unarmed strike as an action:[roll0]
Damage if hit:[roll1]
Unarmed Strike as a bonus action:[roll2]
Damage if hit:[roll3]

2021-01-14, 10:56 AM

Chevin: E13
Thug 1: D14
Thug 2: F14
Qotho: E14
Zoon: F7
Azzalix: H9
Senri: C5
Jessica: G9
Switch's Former Goon 1: B5
Switch's Former Goon 2: A11

In response to Jessica's question, Switch just nods, clearly focused on the battle around them.

The barrage of attacks from the combined members of the party leave the Chevin crime boss standing alone, and badly wounded. Realizing he is now outnumbered, he headbutts Qotho in an effort to put some space between the Zabrak and himself before attempting to flee. (16 to hit vs AC for 3 damage) Ganga Lor runs, leaving himself vulnerable to attack.

Zero Prime
2021-01-14, 03:36 PM
Qotho, Guardian Force Adept (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2353170)
AC: 13 | HP: 13 | CURRENT: 9 | HIT DIE: 1d10
Passive Perception: 11 | Passive Insight: 15
Active Effects: None.
Conditions: None.

The brutish head butt slammed into Qotho's shoulder, as he turned to take the impact on his side, bracing for the squat crime lord's brutish strength. He felt the waves of fear and loathing roil off of him, dampening the impact of the blow and deadening the pain, while channeling all that emotion back into the Chevin, assaulting his psyche. As Crime Boss Lor turned to flee, Qotho, not as badly injured as Ganga had hoped, lashed out with his saber at the Chevin's fleeing form.

Then, gathering his wits, he gave pursuit trying, savagely, to bring down his target before it fled the cargo bay.

OOC: As mentioned, since Armor of Abeloth was still active, it causes a backlash dealing 5 Psychic damage to Ganga Lor. If he is fleeing it would generate an AoO as follows; [roll0], for [roll1] Energy damage. However, if he disengaged and moved away, I wouldn't be able to do an AoO, but I could pursue and do a standard attack, using the roll above. Forgot Azzalix's Valor, a 2 (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24884776&postcount=67) bring the attack roll to a 14.

If he just double moved to try to flee, I would get the above AoO, and on my turn double move in pursuit, hopefully, putting me adjacent again.

2021-01-14, 04:04 PM
As Ganga Lor tries to escape, Qotho takes advantage of the vulnerability in his defenses and strikes him down. Coughing blood, the Chevin points a finger weakly at Switch, and then drops his harm, defeated and deceased.

Switch stands up from behind his desk and removes a repair kit from a drawer in the precious wooden artifact. "Thank you," he says, "I owe you my life." He slides the credits you'd paid him back across the desk toward you. "The cargo you seek is an Alderaan Security Agent, frozen in carbonite to allow him to be transported as cargo and avoid detection." He hands the repair kit to Jessica, along with an additional 50 credits for her to repair his damaged systems. "Indeed, I will be investing in more reliable employees. Thank you for your advice."

On Ganga Lor's body you find 300 credits.

"I see you are injured as well," he says to the group. "Dr. Fenn owes me a favor. If you head to Delgas Medical Supply, she can treat you, free of charge." (You are healed to full, but do not get the benefits of a short or long rest unless you choose to take one.)

Zero Prime
2021-01-14, 04:25 PM
Qotho, Guardian Force Adept (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2353170)
AC: 13 | HP: 13 | CURRENT: 9 | HIT DIE: 1d10
Passive Perception: 11 | Passive Insight: 15
Active Effects: None.
Conditions: None.

Qotho quickly searched the large Chevin's body, placing the credits into a hip pouch. "I'm not dragging this piece of filth to an airlock, I'm assuming you have clean up for such things." Walking back towards the droid broker's desk, he reached down and grabbed one of Lor's enforcers blaster pistols, clipping it to his waist.

He looked at the others, "Trip to the clinic sounds good, gives us the chance to figure out how we're going to remove a frozen informant from the cargo bay, when we don't have a ship to load them up on."

2021-01-14, 07:30 PM
Senri Cassin
(AC 17, HP:1/9, PasPer: 15, PasIns: 15)

The adrenaline from the ambush draining away, Senri looked down to her side, where a large splotch of blood was expanding from the hit she'd taken from a vibroaxe.

"I don't think it hit anything important, but I think the medic's a good idea, too."


2021-01-14, 10:11 PM
Azzalix Zyx (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xnB6YVngelNbqp6zlNG4yRPxTH8HiHSu/view?usp=sharing)
HP: 8/8, AC: 13, FP: 6/8
Conditions: None

After retrieving her dagger and saying a short prayer for the dead Azzalix looks to see if anyone is injured and hurries over to check on Senri.

2021-01-15, 03:31 AM
Zoon seeing everyone is, more or less, in one piece still, goes over the fallen bodies and searches them for information, data or loot.

After piling it on the floor and before starting to store them in his backpack, he looks at Switch and says "Do you have a way to fence this gear and wire us the funds?"

He goes near the droid and helps Jessica with the repairs.

"What's in Blue deck?" he asks Switch and looking at the others "We should inform our employer about this."

Technology [roll0]

2021-01-15, 06:11 PM
Jessica (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2355636)
AC:13 HP:10

Jessica slumps down as Ganga Lor dies before focusing on the repair kit pulled from Switch's desk, a grin curling her lips. As she works on Switch's repairs a light hum drifts from her. "I'm not a droid tech so you should really get yourself looked over good by someone ya trust." She pauses to glance at the fallen guards and thugs before frowning. "If ya can."

Straightening up she wipes her hands off before smiling at Switch. With a nod she moves to gather up her gear and heads to the others. "Up to ya'll. Didn't get tagged at all." She grins up at Qotho. "More worried about the big lightstick carrier in their face." Her head tilts and a frown curls her lips. "That... needs talked about. But not here."

Repair kit till Switch is healed or its 3 uses are up.

If tech is needed [roll0]

2021-01-16, 12:57 PM
Once you've resolved your business with Switch, you take your leave. On your return to the Promenade, you see that business has already gotten back to usual after your earlier kerfuffle. Dr. Fenn welcomes you to Delgas Medical Supplies, having been made aware of your impending arrival by Switch. Soon after, your wounds treated, you head for the Blue Deck.

As the turbolift doors slide open and you step out onto Blue Deck, it is like entering a wholly different space station. The doors are polished and possess a metallic sheen, and the massive windows along one wall grant the most magnificent view of Brentaal available on the station. Maintenance and service droids flit about from one place to the next, keeping everything clean and ordered.

Moving about the halls of Blue Deck are large numbers of Humans, most of them wealthy by all appearances. They pay little attention to the few aliens found in the area, except, perhaps, to sneer as they pass.

(Make a Perception check.)

Zero Prime
2021-01-16, 01:15 PM
Qotho, Guardian Force Adept (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2353170)
AC: 13 | HP: 13 | CURRENT: 13 | HIT DIE: 1d10
Passive Perception: 11 | Passive Insight: 15
Active Effects: None.
Conditions: None.

Qotho kept his head down and followed behind Jessica, the only human in their party, trying his best to look subserviant. However, the fact that the majority of the Blue Deck population seemed to be avoiding eye contact actually made it easier to scan the crowd looking for anything unusual, whether it was Lor's thugs seeking reprisal's, or a continued investigation into the earlier violence by the Imperials.

He muttered quietly to his companions, "We should be cautious, our group stands out on this level."

OOC: Perception check [roll0]. Yeah, maybe not *that* perceptive.

2021-01-16, 06:16 PM
Zoon trades comlink codes with Switch before leaving. The crime Lord owed the group, and Zoon was one to profit from that.

"Keep in touch. I'll do the same" he says.

He uses the com as others were being taken care of by the doctor and called Maya "Going to Blue deck to retrieve cargo. Where do we meet?"

__________________________________________________ ______

Zoon, armed, armored and with a large shield at his back stood out easily in this station. He walked told the group to spread and not gang up.

He tries to remain hidden, mingling with the crowd.

Perception: [roll]1d20+2

2021-01-16, 11:17 PM
Azzalix Zyx (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xnB6YVngelNbqp6zlNG4yRPxTH8HiHSu/view?usp=sharing)
HP: 8/8, AC: 13, FP: 6/8
Conditions: None

As everyone is leaving Switch's office Azzalix takes the opportunity to tell him quietly "As payment for saving you, I was never here and was not on this station. If anyone comes looking they were clearly given bad information. Understood?"

Perception [roll0]

2021-01-17, 09:30 AM
Senri Cassin
(AC 17, HP:9/9, PasPer: 15, PasIns: 15)

A little woozy from the cocktail of medical chemicals she'd just been given, Senri replaced the bloody shirt and followed the rest of the group to Blue Deck.
"A shame our time is limited, I could probably find a decent game, here."



2021-01-17, 09:44 AM
Jessica (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2355636)
AC:13 HP:10

Jessica followed along behind the others as they headed off to get patched up before moving towards the Blue Deck, a frown curling her lips as she watched the wounds being treated.

Her frown only grew on finally reaching Blue Deck, her gaze darting about from one wealthy person to another. "These are the folk that make the worst passengers. Always makin' strange demands or claiming something that works perfectly fine just isn't right."

Perception [roll0]

2021-01-19, 10:16 AM
You notice a man dressed similarly to the Imperial Informants on the Promenade, and realize that this man was on the Promenade earlier but fled at the first sign of blaster fire.

2021-01-19, 10:38 AM
Senri Cassin
(AC 17, HP:9/9, PasPer: 15, PasIns: 15)

Senri paused to look at a holo-advertisement for a local cantina, trying to subtly halt the group before they proceeded and whispering.

"Don't say anything or look, but one of those informants is here. The one that ran as soon as the blasters came out."


Obviously trying to be discreet, staying away from the informant in question.

Zero Prime
2021-01-20, 01:29 AM
Qotho, Guardian Force Adept (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2353170)
AC: 13 | HP: 13 | CURRENT: 13 | HIT DIE: 1d10
Passive Perception: 11 | Passive Insight: 15
Active Effects: None.
Conditions: None.

Qotho, following Jessica, took her pack, as well as his own, head down, eyes forward, he attempted to mimic the meek posture of the downtrodden non-human species he noted on the promenade around him.

OOC: Deception check, [roll0], Deception check in an attempt to make myself appear to be a manservant or slave that belongs on the Blue Deck with their master, or owner.

2021-01-20, 07:28 PM
Jessica (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2355636)
AC:13 HP:10

Jessica perks up as Senri pauses by a cantina advert, a grin starting to curl her lips before Senri's whisper registers. Her belongings being snagged by Qotho draws a huff and the first flicker of a frown before she straightens up. "I'm gonna have to act like those... Uggg." Once the small group is ready she draws herself up as best as she can to 'lead' the way.

2021-01-21, 08:26 PM
Azzalix Zyx (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xnB6YVngelNbqp6zlNG4yRPxTH8HiHSu/view?usp=sharing)
HP: 8/8, AC: 13, FP: 6/8
Conditions: None

Pulling the hood of her robe up over her head Azzalix draws on the force and tries to look inconspicuous.

Stealth: [roll0] + Guidance [roll1] = 18

2021-01-22, 10:19 AM

Your deception seems to work, or perhaps the informant is as eager to be ignored by you, as you are by him. Regardless, you make it to Blue Deck none the worse, except for the taste in your mouth of your brief moment enduring the chains that fasten themselves around the necks of both slave and master, if it is only a pretense.

On your arrival at the main docking bay, you find that The massive hangar smells of exhaust fumes and spilled coolant and appears to have seen quite a bit of activity recently. Crates stand stacked up throughout the hangar, waiting for whatever shuttle is to transport them down to the surface. Three doors lead off the left side of the room; the bottom two are close together, and the top door leads into a control room with a transparent window overlooking the hangar itself.

There are a handful of station security officers overseeing the transport of what appears to be a block of frozen carbonite out of storage.

(Position yourselves in the rectangle of space with endpoints P0, P2, U0, and U2. Roll Initiative.)

2021-01-22, 11:00 AM
Zoon moves foward shield in one hand pistol in the other.

As he looks around he sees the large block of carbonite - probably their target.

And if the guards were here, maybe there was some information leakage.

Intiative: [roll0]
He stands at P2

Zero Prime
2021-01-22, 03:14 PM
Qotho, Guardian Force Adept (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2353170)
AC: 13 | HP: 13 | CURRENT: 13 | HIT DIE: 1d10
Passive Perception: 11 | Passive Insight: 15
Active Effects: None.
Conditions: None.

Qotho, following Jessica, whispered, "Careful, they've likely been alerted to our presence by the agent that Senri spotted on the promenade." He moved cautiously around the crates in the upper portion of the loading bay, scanning the security team for any indication that they had been alerted to the group's presence.

OOC: Qotho will start in Q1, where is the carbonite slab in relation to our position? Also, initiative. [roll0], so let's see how this is going to play out. Final question, knowing we have Imperial Agents on the Promenade, and expecting a confrontation here, could Qotho have pre-cast his Armor of Abeloth? If not, no worries.

2021-01-22, 08:57 PM
Jessica (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2355636)
AC:13 HP:10

Jessica scrunches up her face as they finally make it through the Blue Deck only to find the docking bay full of security. Following the other's lead she crouches down, finger near her blaster's firing stud.

Crouching at T0. Behind that set of crates?
Initiative [roll0]

2021-01-23, 02:24 AM
Azzalix Zyx (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xnB6YVngelNbqp6zlNG4yRPxTH8HiHSu/view?usp=sharing)
HP: 8/8, AC: 13, FP: 6/8
Conditions: None

S0 crouching behind whatever is sitting in the adjacent square.
Initiative: [roll0]

2021-01-24, 09:53 AM

Station Security Chief: H15
Station Security 1: S14
Station Security 2: M12
Station Security 3: K13
Station Security 4: O15
Security on Sled: H11/H12

Zoon: P2
Qotho: Q1
Jessica: T0
Azzalix: S0

Initiative: Azzalix, Qotho

On noticing you enter, one of the Station Security Officers--no doubt the leader--barks out an order: Tactics! and ducks behind cover. Another is quick enough and close enough to react, and does so, while the Security Officer on the hoversled pulling the frozen carbonite block detaches the block.

2021-01-24, 10:25 AM
Senri Cassin
(AC 17, HP:9/9, PasPer: 15, PasIns: 15)

Senri took a position near the front of the group, trying to get the drop on their foes.


initiative: [roll0]
Starting at T1.

Zero Prime
2021-01-24, 10:48 AM
Qotho, Guardian Force Adept (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2353170)
AC: 13 | HP: 13 | CURRENT: 13 | HIT DIE: 1d10
Passive Perception: 11 | Passive Insight: 15
Active Effects: Armor of Abeloth (5 THP's; 1 hrs.)
Conditions: None.

Qotho coiled his legs beneath him, then sprung into action, sprinting southwards along the cargo bay floor, hopping over the pool of coolant flowing towards the floor grate, and slide along the floor to take cover behind a low bulk of loading crates.

OOC: Using the Dash Action, Qotho will move from Q1 to S13 behind the small crate and just north of the larger crates. I will then end my movement prone so any ranged attacker has disadvantage shooting me, giving me cover as well. So hopefully out of trouble until I see what the baddies are doing.

2021-01-24, 11:01 PM
Azzalix Zyx (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xnB6YVngelNbqp6zlNG4yRPxTH8HiHSu/view?usp=sharing)
HP: 8/8, AC: 13, FP: 4/8
Conditions: None

Once again Azzalix reaches out to the force and uses it to help guide the actions of some of her allies.

Then she draws a vibrodagger and crouches behind cover.

Using the Valor force power (AKA Bless) on Qotho, Zoon, and Senri.
"Whenever a target makes an attack roll or a saving throw before the power ends, the target can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to the attack roll or saving throw."

Using the Saber Reflect force power whenever applicable.
"In response to being attacked, you raise your weapon to attempt to deflect. When you use this power, the damage you take from the attack is reduced by 1d6. If you reduce the damage to 0, you’re wielding a lightweapon or vibroweapon, and the damage is energy or ion, you can reflect the attack at a target within range as part of the same reaction. Make a ranged force attack at a target you can see. The attack has a normal range of 20 feet and a long range of 60 feet. On a hit, the target takes the triggering attack’s normal damage."

2021-01-25, 06:46 AM
Zoon, after the guards move and drops the carbonite, carefully lines his shot towards the guard on the sled. He didn't know if they had heavy weapons there, but better safe than sorry.

Making the sled guard his quarry
Attack guard on sled: [roll0] + [roll1]
Damage if hits: [roll2] + [roll3]

2021-01-25, 11:38 AM

Station Security Chief: H15
Station Security 1: S14
Station Security 2: M12
Station Security 3: K13
Station Security 4: O15
Security on Sled: H11/H12

Zoon: P2
Qotho: S13
Jessica: T0
Azzalix: S0
Senri: T1

Initiative: Whole Party (-Zoon who already took actions this round)

The Security Officers move into positions and open fire on the party. The hoversled advances, positioning itself between the party and the rest of the security officers. You notice a large cannon on it, which opens fire on Qotho, whose position leaves him vulnerable to attacks from behind. Still, being prone on the ground helps, and the heavy fire strikes the boxes surrounding the Zabrak, rather than the Zabrak himself. (7 vs. AC for 11 damage.)

The security officer on the opposite side of the box from Qotho leaps up onto the box and smashes the butt of his blaster carbine into the prone form of the Jedi, taking full advantage of the position Qotho has put himself into. However, despite this advantage, the awkward positioning of the officer gives Qotho enough room to dodge his clumsy strike. (3 vs. AC for 3 damage.)

The other three security officers fire suppressing blasts at Jessica, Azzalix, and Senri. A barrage of blaster fire targets the same 10' cube, peppering them with bolts of energy. (10 damage, Reflex Save DC 10 for half.)

The apparent leader fires a simple Blaster Pistol at Zoon. The distance between them affects the sergeant's aim, and the bolt strikes the ground to Zoon's left harmlessly. (4 vs. AC for 2 damage.)

Zero Prime
2021-01-25, 12:19 PM
Qotho, Guardian Force Adept (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2353170)
AC: 13 | HP: 13 | CURRENT: 13 | HIT DIE: 1d10
Passive Perception: 11 | Passive Insight: 15
Active Effects: Armor of Abeloth (5 THP's; 1 hrs.)
Conditions: None.

Qotho jumped to his feet and deftly drew his saber, thumbed it on. With a click and a hiss he swung it in a vicious upward arc through the agents thigh and into his waist.

OOC: Standing from Prone, and drawing my saber as part of the move action, using it two handed and swinging at the adjacent Imperial Agent, [roll0] vs AC, for [roll1] energy damage.

2021-01-25, 09:51 PM
Azzalix Zyx (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xnB6YVngelNbqp6zlNG4yRPxTH8HiHSu/view?usp=sharing)
HP: 1/8, AC: 13, FP: 4/8
Conditions: None

Azzalix manages to deflect a few of the bolts from the blaster fire, but there are too many and she takes several hits.

I will post actions for this round once I see how the other saves go.
Reflex Save: [roll0] +3 from half cover. 7 still fails the save.
Saber Reflect damage reduction: [roll1]
Ranged force attack at disadvantage: [roll2], [roll3]
Constitution save to maintain concentration: [roll4]

Saber Reflect:
"In response to being attacked, you raise your weapon to attempt to deflect. When you use this power, the damage you take from the attack is reduced by 1d6. If you reduce the damage to 0, you’re wielding a lightweapon or vibroweapon, and the damage is energy or ion, you can reflect the attack at a target within range as part of the same reaction. Make a ranged force attack at a target you can see. The attack has a normal range of 20 feet and a long range of 60 feet. On a hit, the target takes the triggering attack’s normal damage."

2021-01-25, 10:30 PM
Senri Cassin
(AC 17, HP:4/9, PasPer: 15, PasIns: 15)

Wincing from a blaster shot that hit its mark, Senri dashed across the room, trying to flank their enemies.


DC 10 Dex Save: [roll0]
+3 from the Bless, so I barely pass. Moving and Dashing to U13

2021-01-26, 06:29 AM
Jessica (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2355636)
AC:13 HP:0

Jessica shrieks as the blaster bolts fly wildly at the ducking group and even impact her. She staggers from the bolts slapping into her before collapsing to the floor, bleary eyes staring up at the ceiling.

Ref save [roll0]

2021-01-27, 01:22 AM
Azzalix Zyx (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xnB6YVngelNbqp6zlNG4yRPxTH8HiHSu/view?usp=sharing)
HP: 1/8, AC: 13, FP: 4/8
Conditions: None

Dropping to the ground to avoid further incoming weapons fire Azzalix pulls out a trauma kit and gets to work helping Jessica.

Going prone behind the stuff at S1, hopefully I will have full cover now.
Healer Feat:
"As an action, you can spend one use of a trauma-kit to tend to a creature and restore 1d6 + 4 hit points to it, plus additional hit points equal to the creature’s maximum number of Hit Dice. The creature can’t regain hit points again in this way until it finishes a short or long rest."
Healing: [roll0]

2021-01-28, 07:14 PM

Station Security Chief: H15
Station Security 1: S14
Station Security 2: M12
Station Security 3: K13
Station Security 4: O15
Security on Sled: H11/H12

Zoon: P2
Qotho: S13
Jessica: T0
Azzalix: S1
Senri: U13

Initiative: Whole Party

With two of their adversaries protected by full cover from their attacks, the three Security Officers who are neither on the sled nor face-to-face with a lightsaber-wielding Zabrak fire at Zoon. (13, 12, and 17 vs AC for 2, 4, and 1 damage, respectively.)

Their commander fires into melee at Qotho, hoping he can help his subordinate. (5 vs AC for 3 damage.)

The security officer on the hoversled aims his cannon at the cover protecting Jessica and Azzalix. The barrage of energy damages the crates significantly, and they look unlikely to withstand another similar blast.

2021-01-30, 03:10 AM
Azzalix Zyx (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xnB6YVngelNbqp6zlNG4yRPxTH8HiHSu/view?usp=sharing)
HP: 7/8, AC: 13, FP: 4/8
Conditions: None

After seeing to Jessica, Azzalix does what she can to treat her own injuries and gets ready to move.

Ready Action: Stand up from prone once the cover is destroyed and begin moving towards O3.
Healer Feat:
"As an action, you can spend one use of a trauma-kit to tend to a creature and restore 1d6 + 4 hit points to it, plus additional hit points equal to the creature’s maximum number of Hit Dice. The creature can’t regain hit points again in this way until it finishes a short or long rest."
Healing: [roll0]

2021-01-30, 05:13 AM
Zoon feels the blaster bolts hitting his shield, the pressure making his hand hurt. A stray bolt crosses and burns his shoulder. The pain makes him reflexingly shoot. The blast flying against the trooper on the sled.

As long he was the focus the rest of the gang could get into position.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] + [roll2]

Zero Prime
2021-01-30, 07:29 AM
Qotho, Guardian Force Adept (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2353170)
AC: 13 | HP: 13 | CURRENT: 13 | HIT DIE: 1d10
Passive Perception: 11 | Passive Insight: 15
Active Effects: Armor of Abeloth (5 THP's; 1 hrs.)
Conditions: None.

Qotho, watching the blaster fire decimate his companions, felt a rage well up in his chest, letting out a roar, he plunged across the vast cargo bay directly towards the sled with the gunners on it. Ignoring his opponent, he sprang forward, and as he approached the sled, he coiled his legs and exploded, landing on the sled his lightsaber reflecting in his yellowish eyes as he snarled at the security agents there.

OOC: Move and Dash from my position at S13 to I12, allowing me to threaten both of the Security Agents with a Saber to the face if they shoot at my allies. I *will* however, draw an AoO from Security at S14 as I move past him. As a reminder, if he hits, he takes 5 Psychic damage due to Armor of Abeloth.

2021-01-30, 08:37 AM
Jessica (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2355636)
AC:13 HP:10 TP:0

Jessica stirs as Azzalix patches her up, a flush filling her cheeks as she sits up and rubs at one of the bandaged wounds. "Need to learn ta dodge better." Rolling her shoulder she smiles at Azzalix before pressing herself to her feet and darting off around the cover to come up near the shield bearing Zoon.

She taps at her wristpad before aiming it at the sled, three spheres popping out to hover briefly before launching at the guard on the sled and exploding. "We need ta deal with that sled. If we can get to the controls all the better."

Is healed for 10. 15 move to stand, 15 move to Q1
1 TP for Homing Rockets. insta hit for [roll0] fire damage.

2021-02-01, 08:24 PM
Senri Cassin
(AC 17, HP:4/9, PasPer: 15, PasIns: 15)

Skulking through the crates, Senri struck out at the nearest attacker with a flurry of hard punches.

Move to the guard at S14 (not sure if I can thread the needle 2 squares away or not, but I have the speed regardless, I think)
Action: Unarmed Strike:
To Hit: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]
Bonus: Unarmed Strike:
To Hit: [roll2] Damage: [roll3]

2021-02-03, 05:40 PM

Station Security Chief: D17
Station Security 1: S14
Station Security 2: M17
Station Security 3: K18
Station Security 4: I16
Security on Sled: H11/H12

Zoon: P2
Qotho: I12
Jessica: Q1
Azzalix: O3
Senri: T13

Initiative: Whole Party

Thinking himself wise, the security officer piloting the sled manages to avoid Zoon's attack, which is absorbed by the sled itself. Of course, this soon proves to be a foolish endeavor, as Jessica's explosive barrage of rockets strike the badly damaged vehicle in its most vulnerable areas, setting off a short chain reaction that culminates in the destruction of the entire conveyance. The repulsor sled erupts with a flash and a bang, sending its pilot flying across the room and into the wall of the storage area, where he collapses, limbs akimbo, in a broken heap. You take a moment to give gratitude to the fact that he had detached the carbonite which floats unharmed a short distance away.

After recovering from the shock of what just happened, the security officers continue their attempts to arrest, or perhaps more accurately kill, you. One of them takes an attack of opportunity against Qotho as he moves around the battlefield, striking him with the butt of his blaster carbine. (13 vs AC for 5 damage.) His strike is technically a success, though he takes as much damage as he deals out. As he breathes deeply to recover, preparing to fire at someone else, Senri's fists lunge out from between two crates, finding vital organs and bringing him to the ground, unconscious and bleeding rather profusely internally.

"Regroup!" the leader shouts, though by the time his officers are able to react, two of them don't have much choice. Qotho stands between them, and they do their best to strike him as they retreat. Each attempts to hit the Zabrak with the stock of their weapon before pulling away. (18, 20 vs AC for 2, 3 damage respectively.) They fall back, provoking attacks of opportunity as they do so. The leader, for his part, fires wildly at Zoon before retreating into one of the storage areas. (17 vs AC for 2 damage.) The last remaining security officer fires a burst of suppressing fire in the area occupied by Zoon and Jessica, then moves back to the cover of the crates and the loading apparatus. (Dexterity save vs. DC 10 for 5 damage, half on success.)

2021-02-03, 07:09 PM
AC 15, HP 11, PP 14, PI 12

Suddenly, the crate adjacent to the security chief teeters and then falls over, its lid shattering to reveal Tarif, covered in wine stains, clutching her echo-staff in both hands, and a slightly inebriated snarl on her lips. She leaps to her feet, charges at the chief and swings the staff wildly at his back, muttering, “It’s good to be back in action!”


Zero Prime
2021-02-03, 11:40 PM
Qotho, Guardian Force Adept (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2353170)
AC: 13 | HP: 13 | CURRENT: 13 | HIT DIE: 1d10 | CURRENT: None.
Passive Perception: 11 | Passive Insight: 15
Active Effects: None.
Conditions: None.

Qotho felt the field of anger and hatred around him shudder and bleed off in a psychic wave as the officer hammered the stock of his blaster carbine into his ribs. Ignoring the pain he leapt on the grav-sled, the two security guards there attacking him rather than his companions, he deflected the blows, preventing any of them from striking vital organs, but still the barrage left him staggered. As the security agents withdrew, Qotho swung a saber out in an arc, aiming for the shoulder of the nearest agent.

The Chief's command drew his attention, with a snarl, he ignored his wounds and rushed towards the man his yellow orange saber coming down a breadth away from the man's neck. "Out matched Imperial, stand down or we'll space you and your men without a second thought!"

OOC: Opportunity Attack against one of the retreating agents, [roll0] vs AC for [roll1] energy damage. Once they withdraw, Qotho will use a bonus action to cast Seethe, allowing him to spend a Hit Die, gaining [roll2] hp's, and then I will use my move action to chase down the Security Chief, moving to E17 adjacent to him. I will then use Intimidation to cause him to have his men stand down. [roll3], and hoping for a good roll here. Heh.

Bite me RNG! Bite me!

2021-02-04, 09:07 AM
Another bolt grazes Zoon, as he sidesteps the hail of fire the guards sent his way. Using the shield to help to steer most of the bolts away from him, he keeps his steady position and chooses another target, as the canon was destroyed.

He chooses the guard not engaged in melee and fires.

"Now you made me mad! You'll pay for messing my gear." he says.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1] + [roll2]

(We all could use a good old level up soon)

2021-02-04, 05:49 PM
Senri Cassin
(AC 17, HP:4/9, PasPer: 15, PasIns: 15)

Stepping over the unconscious body, Senri broke into a sprint as she attempted to tackle one of the other guards.


Move to the guard at m17
Action: Unarmed Strike:
To Hit: [roll0]+ [roll1] Damage: [roll2]
Bonus: Unarmed Strike:
To Hit: [roll3]+ [roll4] Damage: [roll5]

2021-02-04, 08:26 PM
Jessica (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2355636)
AC:13 HP:8 TP:0

The sled exploding causes Jessica's eyes to widen and a flush to fill her cheeks as she briefly dips her head down. "ooops. Didn't mean to do that."

Shaking her head she refocuses on the fight taking in as much as she can, a shriek slipping from her as a burst of fire pelts her and Zoon. Huffing and hiding just a bit more behind Zoon and his shield she taps her wristpad, setting her wrist blaster to humming and glowing. Glancing around Zoon again she dashes forwards, blaster raised and a bolt flying out towards one of the still standing security guards as she skids to a stop closer to the battle.

Dex save vs barrage
move to N4
Use Combustive Shot against Security at I16.
Range means disadvantage so

Worst of the two vs AC for [roll1] energy damage and set on fire.

2021-02-05, 02:57 AM
Azzalix Zyx (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xnB6YVngelNbqp6zlNG4yRPxTH8HiHSu/view?usp=sharing)
HP: 7/8, AC: 13, FP: 4/8
Conditions: None

Dash to T13 and fall prone behind cover.

2021-02-09, 08:09 AM

Station Security Chief: C16
Station Security 1: S14
Station Security 2: M17
Station Security 3: K18
Station Security 4: I16
Security on Sled: H11/H12

Zoon: P2
Qotho: E17
Jessica: N4
Azzalix: T13
Senri: L17
Tarif: G17

Initiative: Whole Party

Zoon and Senri manage to take down two more of the security officers, but despite your attempts to interfere, the chief makes it to the storage area. As Qotho draws near, the frightened "leader" of your adversaries gropes wildly against the door's access panel, bringing it down with a slam. (This move provokes an AoO from Qotho.) The frozen block of carbonite floats aimlessly nearby, and you consider that reinforcements could be already on their way.

The last remaining security officer attempts to strike Senri with their rifle, but perhaps they know in their hearts they are already defeated. (11 vs. AC for 3 damage.)

2021-02-10, 08:34 PM
Jessica (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2355636)
AC:13 HP:8 TP:0

Jessica bites her lip as she glances around the battlefield before darting towards the carbonite block and checking it for damages.

Double move to get to where the carbonite block is. I10 or so?

Zero Prime
2021-02-11, 12:19 AM
Qotho, Guardian Force Adept (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2353170)
AC: 13 | HP: 13 | CURRENT: 13 | HIT DIE: 1d10 | CURRENT: None.
Passive Perception: 11 | Passive Insight: 15
Active Effects: None.
Conditions: None.

Qotho's saber flashed out in a quick arc before the blast doors closed, ignoring the commander he looked towards the grav sled and the carbonite slab.
"We need to move, NOW. Reinforcements are on their way!"

OOC: AoO against the commander, [roll0] vs AC, if that hits [roll1] energy damage. Then moving towards the grav sled and the carbonite slab to inspect it and try to get a move on.

2021-02-11, 05:02 AM
Zoon shouts at his companions in melee with the last guard.

"Finish him, pick the cargo and let's get out of here!" he says as he puts the shield as a barrier and readies his weapon "I'll cover the entrances"

Ready action to Shoot the first guard that enters the room.

To speed things I'll roll now and the GM can use in it's description if it happens
Attack [roll0] for [roll1] damage

2021-02-12, 11:23 PM
Azzalix Zyx (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xnB6YVngelNbqp6zlNG4yRPxTH8HiHSu/view?usp=sharing)
HP: 7/8, AC: 13, FP: 4/8
Conditions: None

Azzalix stands up moves out from behind cover and throws her dagger with a little help of the force towards the security officer trying to hit them with the handle.

Stand up, move to within range, then using the Saber Throw force power to throw a vibrodagger with the intention of knocking the target unconscious with the pummel and choosing to not have the weapon return.
Attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]
Draw a second vibrodagger in case it is needed to deflect weapons fire.

2021-02-17, 09:36 AM
Working together, you make short work of the lone Imperial standing between you and your objective. Having secured the cargo, you radio to Maya and soon see a Star Yacht drift into the main docking bay and lower its ramp. The ship's captain calls out to you, "Maya sent me. Quick, get on!"

As you load the carbonite, the door to the station opens, revealing a squad of storm troopers. They immediately open fire as the ramp draws up. A few blaster bolts make it in before the ship flies away, but manage to avoid hitting you, or anything vital.

The ship, Banshee, enters hyperspace quickly, en route to Alderaan.

Upon arrival at the planet, you land at the Royal Palace's landing pad, you are shown into the palace and to the Grand Hall. You have a few moments before the doors to the Grand Hall open, and in strides a middle-aged man who has a well-kept goatee and is wearing Senatorial robes. Easily recognizable as Bail Organa, he smiles and nods to the servants before turning to you. “Welcome to Alderaan,” he says. “I had hoped we might meet under more pleasant circumstances, but unfortunately the Empire makes almost everything unpleasant. Still, I am glad to see that the... difficulties at the spaceport above Brentaal didn’t impede you too much.

“I’ve asked you to join me today because the agents of mine that you rescued seem to think you can be trusted. Since you worked hard to help them, I believe I can put my faith in you as well. I have a task that needs to be completed, but unfortunately my status as a Senator prevents me from taking care of it myself, or even from sending someone directly associated with the Royal Family.

“The planet Felucia was ravaged during the Clone Wars, but once the fighting was over, the Empire setup a permanent facility on the world. Nothing large—just a small garrison where they could keep prisoners out of the way. Some months ago, I was contacted by an Imperial Admiral who was disillusioned with the way the Empire had twisted the once-great Republic, and he began feeding me sensitive information. A little over a week ago, that communication stopped. My agents tell me that the Admiral has been taken to Felucia, where he is being held against his will. I’d like you to learn what has become of him, and rescue him if you can.”

(You have time to do whatever roleplay activities you want to do, either on the ship, or upon arrival before Organa arrives. Also, you level up to level 2.)

2021-02-17, 10:29 AM
Zoon runs to the lowered ramp as his companions entered the ship giving then cover.

He watches delighted the yatch and marvels at the sight. A casual look he takes model and state. This would do for a confortable trip.

As the stormtroopers arrive, he fires a couple of shots as the ramp closes and the ship leaves the station under fire.

During the traveling Zoon uses the oportunity to know the pilot and the rest of the crew. He, as a spacer, knew that knowing who you travelled with was as important as the trip in itself. If... No... When things went sieways you had to trust on the fellow crew.


Zoon feels a bit out of place in the midst of the Grand hall. He remains quiet and on the edge, as if all this was a trap. As Senator Organa appears he gives a small bow, as if it was towards the captain of his ship.

"I... I am willing to go to that planet" he replies "But it seems it's going to be a angerous endeavour. I don't like to stick my hand in an hornet's nest, unless I really know the nest and I'm well paid for it. Maya said you were a good employer and gave generous rewards."

He moves a bit further and continues "So if the pay's good, we have access to some weapons and gear, and we have intel, on the garrison and on the planet itself... I'm on."

Zero Prime
2021-02-20, 07:34 AM
Qotho, Beserker Force Adept (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2353170)
AC: 14 | HP: 25 | CURRENT: 25 | HIT DIE: 2d12 | CURRENT: 2d12.

Qotho rushed forward through the bay, sheltering his allies with his broad coral skinned back, while Imperial blaster bolts spattered across the loading ramp, "GO! GO! GO!" He shouted, in his deep, resonating voice, ushering his companions through. Uncomfortable with the crew, strangers that they were, he secluded himself with his companions during their travel aboard the Banshee, speaking with Maya when possible, and learning more of these people with whom he had associated himself with.

Once on solid ground, the large zabrak felt more, comfortable, though the forested vistas, and majectic mountains were unfamiliar to him, even he could recognize the beauty of the Alderannian highlands. They were quickly ushered into an audience with a striking, middle aged man, unconcerned with titles or nobility, Qotho quietly listened to the proposal, nodding his head at the mention of exploring a distant planet, and escaping with an Imperial defector.

Zoon spoke up, and Qotho was thankful for the pragmatic scouts concern, payment for services rendered. Qotho's desire was something much more primal, the Imperials had taken something from him, his freedom, his dignity, had enslaved his people, and he wanted revenge. He looked this Senator up and down before speaking, "What information do we have on the planet, and the Imperial facility your defector is being detained at? I grew up in an Imperial labor camp," his glare challenged any present to show him sympathy for the pain and suffering he had endured there, "It won't be easy to get your man out, assuming he still lives."

2021-02-23, 12:22 AM
Azzalix Zyx (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xnB6YVngelNbqp6zlNG4yRPxTH8HiHSu/view?usp=sharing)
HP: 15/15, AC: 13, FP: 10/10
Conditions: None

Azzalix spends the trip meditating on the events that happened on the station.

Lore: [roll0]
Insight: [roll1]
Does Azzalix know anything of the Organas? Does she feel that they are trustworthy and that it is safe to tell them that she is a Jedi?

2021-02-23, 06:58 AM
Jessica (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2355636)
AC:13 HP:17 TP:4

Once the carbonite block is secured Jessica dashes back near the entrance and scoops up her toolkit while the others call Maya. The arrival of a way out is fast and has her bolting to the carbonite block to help load it onto the ship, The bolts plastering the ramp drawing a squeak from her before she hides. Tucked in an out of the way corner she sits and clutches her belongings to herself.

Qotho's attempt at talking has her shaking her head. "Those. Weren't pirates or thugs." She briefly touches one of the burn marks on her armor before looking up at Qotho with narrowed eyes. "A jedi blade. So much trouble we're in." Reaching out she pats the larger zabrak's shoulder before starting to go over her equipment and making sure it all works. "Just... need some time. Let the shaking stop."

The arrival at the landing pad has her keeping her head down, following the other's feet till they're inside. Looking up at the Grand Hall her eyes widen, gaze darting around at all the finery. Bail's arrival and speech has her chewing on her lower lip, head tilting as the others begin replying. "Do you have a way in and out? Or should we plan on snagging a ship while on ground?"

2021-02-24, 06:48 PM
Senator Organa smiles kindly as he answers each of your questions in turn.

"You will be well compensated, of course. I can advance you 200 credits each for outfitting yourselves, and you'll get 2000 credits upon your successful return. And, of course, more work

"The Imperial presence on Felucia is light. The facility itself is a secret, so they do not advertise its presence with large numbers of troops. Our knowledge of the facility's existence is our greatest advantage. Additionally, you shouldn't be going anywhere near the planet's major cities, so you should be able to travel largely undetected. Felucia itself is a wild, untamed planet. Dense overgrowth, huge fungi, and massive creatures are the order of the day. Be careful to avoid much of the local wildlife.

"Captain O'Keefe will serve as transportation in and out."

Once your questions are answered, and your inventories as complete as you can afford them to be, you have a bit of time to rest before departing.

2021-02-25, 10:47 PM
Azzalix Zyx (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xnB6YVngelNbqp6zlNG4yRPxTH8HiHSu/view?usp=sharing)
HP: 15/15, AC: 13, FP: 10/10
Conditions: None

Bowing before speaking Azzalix says "Senator, your reputation proceeds you. It would be my pleasure to work for one as honorable as yourself. May we speak in private?"

"I feel that it is the will of the force that brought me here." She presents her lightsaber for Organa to see. "I think you should know that I was a Padawan in training under the Jedi Knight X’lor Elgrin. I have been on the run from imperial forces and I hope that my being here does not bring harm to your people."

2021-02-28, 10:33 AM
"Ah yes, X'lor." Organa frowns slightly, and looks away as he reminisces. "Of all the tragedies that have befallen the universe since the rise of the Empire, the Purge is among the greatest. You've done well in sharing this with me."

Once your affairs are attended to, you board the Banshee, and Captain Okeefe inputs the coordinates, then enters hyperspace. Ultimately, you emerge.

As the blue tunnel of hyperspace fades away and the pinpoints of stars fill the windows of the cockpit, you get a brief glimpse of the planet Felucia hanging just below your ship. Almost instantly your eyes are drawn to the dagger-shaped starship looming ahead of you: an Imperial Star Destroyer.

"Hold on," Captain Okeefe says, "We're in for a bumpy ride."

With that, the captain slams the control stick forward, sending the ship tumbling rapidly into the atmosphere of the planet. As the Banshee passes through the thin cloud layer, you get a good look at the fungal swamps and jungles of Felucia, where towering mushrooms reach up into the air like skyscrapers. It would be beautiful if it weren't rushing up at you so quickly. The landing isn't quite a crash, but it certainly is rougher than you may have been expecting.

After assessing the damage and ensuring your health, Captain Okeefe opens the hatch and steps outside into the jungle. Thick humid air seeps into the ship almost immediately, and soon she returns with less than stellar news. There are a few repairs she needs to make before you can depart, but it should give you time to investigate the prison facility. She offers you the removable supplies on the ship that will provide you with water and nourishment for a week's journey, though you shouldn't be gone that long, and a datapad with directions to the prison facility.

Your first steps onto the soil of Felucia make it clear that this planet is truly alive. Massive mushrooms tower overhead, their overhanging edges creating a canopy that blocks out much of the planet’s sunlight. Every step on Felucian soil turns up insects and other fungi just beneath the surface. The noise of the jungle is loud and alien, full of the sounds of a hundred insects and animals moving through the mushroom swamps, all part of a living and vibrant ecosystem.

(Roll six survival checks).

2021-03-01, 05:30 PM
Zoon grabs to his seat as comander Okeefe pilots and swerves the smaller ship towards the ground. He wanted to pilot it himself, but knew that this wasn't a great situation. An Imperial cruiser would be hard to escape from. A full Star Destroyer was harder.

"Backwater research plant my shiny blue ass" he mutters as he gets straight. As he moves out of the ship, the full blown smell of nature struck him. It was living, and somehow both similar and different from Kashyyyk.

"Follow my lead. A jungle this deep is filled with dangers." he says as he looks around.

Here they go:
Survival 1 [roll0]
Survival 2 [roll1]
Survival 3 [roll2]
Survival 4 [roll3]
Survival 5 [roll4]
Survival 6 [roll5]

Zero Prime
2021-03-02, 08:49 AM
Qotho, Beserker Force Adept (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2353170)
AC: 14 | HP: 25 | CURRENT: 25 | HIT DIE: 2d12 | CURRENT: 2d12.

Qotho glared at Zoon, chuckling, "I lived my life deep in the wilds of Dathomiir, this jungle holds little fear for me."

OOC: [roll0]

Or not. %^$& you RNG.

2021-03-02, 10:26 PM
Azzalix Zyx (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xnB6YVngelNbqp6zlNG4yRPxTH8HiHSu/view?usp=sharing)
HP: 15/15, AC: 15, FP: 10/10
Conditions: None

Azzalix takes a moment to enjoy the environment and study the movements of the insects.

Survival: [roll0]
Survival: [roll1]
Survival: [roll2]
Survival: [roll3]
Survival: [roll4]
Survival: [roll5]

Guidance if allowed: [roll6]

2021-03-02, 10:35 PM
Jessica (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2355636)
AC:13 HP:17 TP:4

It didn't take much to get Jessica back on a ship, questions answered and plans made. That the trip ended with a star destroyer and a crash landing was just natural for anything involving a planet. All wrong.

Before joining the others she stashed the dead weight of her tinkering tools so that her mechanics kit fit in her pack instead of being hauled around. One out of the ship every step she took on the squishy soil was tentative, gaze constantly darting about as she followed along. "Is it supposed to be so noisy?" With a shake of her head she frowned. "And why a star destroyer if it's a light and secret facility?"

Stashing tinker tools on the ship to cut down on some weight.

Survival 1 [roll0]
Survival 2 [roll1]
Survival 3 [roll2]
Survival 4 [roll3]
Survival 5 [roll4]
Survival 6 [roll5]