View Full Version : Marshal major aura

2020-12-11, 12:48 AM
I'm playing a paladin who plans to take the leadership feat and trying to attract someone with a few levels of marshal to give the party boosts.

I think I'd take the dexterity boost as the first minor aura, charisma as the second. Run the Dex boost as default for the Initiative modifier. The whole party acting +5 or higher sooner is a big deal it seems to me

For major would you rather have a +1 to all saves all the time or a +1 to AC? I don't see the others being that useful but I'm open to hearing others thoughts on the subject. I'm thinking all saves but I'd liek to hear other ideas of how they best math works out.

2020-12-11, 12:12 PM
For major would you rather have a +1 to all saves all the time or a +1 to AC?


AC is nice, but getting hit usually only means taking some HP damage, and most characters can tank a hit or three.

Failing a Save, OTOH, can mean being out of the fight or worse.

2020-12-11, 03:25 PM

AC is nice, but getting hit usually only means taking some HP damage, and most characters can tank a hit or three.

Failing a Save, OTOH, can mean being out of the fight or worse.

All true.

Moreover, not all characters may care about AC. A wizard may have an AC of “you hit if you roll a 2” while stacking defenses like mirror images, miss chances, and DR. +1 AC doesn’t help him much if at all. A tank may have an AC of “you hit of you roll 20” and not need the extra AC.

Being functionally immune to all SoL/SoD is rather harder at common opti-fu. Most characters have at least one or 2 saves in the range where a +1 boost helps.

2020-12-12, 12:26 AM
thanks I normally am always in melee so think about AC a lot but youre right, thats just a hit for normal HP loss normally and not everyone in is melee, but saves can be much more damage and can effect everyone.

Saving throw bonus seems a better choice.

Now I was thinking minor aura. a +4 or better to everyone initiative sounds good, going first IMO is better as it can mean one or more rounds less damage. The addition to dex saves and skills isnt that big a deal, I can see it helping a tumble or two during fight (depending on party members)

On the other hand the charisma one gives my paladin a +4 to all her saves and her charisma skills which she actually uses intimidate and some skill tricks and feats based on intimidate. Its her cohort so helping her more directly makes sense, but helping the party as a whole go first also is awesome.

So which one to start with at first level, Dex or Char? Later I can have the Dex aura on when I know we are about to start combat and change to Charisma once it gets started for the intimate. Walking around would be a harder choice, super saves for paladin or dex bonus on unexpected encounters.

2020-12-12, 01:25 AM
Can look into seeing if you can have a marshal that is dragontouched or race being dragonblooded. Draconic aura senses (as a feat and not major aura substitution) goes well for initiative spot and listen.

2020-12-12, 01:48 AM
Can look into seeing if you can have a marshal that is dragontouched or race being dragonblooded. Draconic aura senses (as a feat and not major aura substitution) goes well for initiative spot and listen.

Looks cool but I dont think it will fit this campaign. I will read up on it for future use possibly

2020-12-12, 02:35 AM
On the other hand the charisma one gives my paladin a +4 to all her saves and her charisma skills which she actually uses intimidate and some skill tricks and feats based on intimidate. Its her cohort so helping her more directly makes sense, but helping the party as a whole go first also is awesome.

So which one to start with at first level, Dex or Char? Later I can have the Dex aura on when I know we are about to start combat and change to Charisma once it gets started for the intimate. Walking around would be a harder choice, super saves for paladin or dex bonus on unexpected encounters.

The minor marshal aura give bonuses on charisma checks and charisma based skill checks. It doesn't add anything to a paladins saves as they are neither of those two. The reason the dexterity aura is so good is that initiative is a dexterity check.

2020-12-12, 02:37 AM
Looks cool but I dont think it will fit this campaign. I will read up on it for future use possibly

Draconic aura stacks with marshal auras.

2020-12-12, 03:18 PM
The minor marshal aura give bonuses on charisma checks and charisma based skill checks. It doesn't add anything to a paladins saves as they are neither of those two. The reason the dexterity aura is so good is that initiative is a dexterity check.

I just figured this out on my own before coming back to the thread. Yeah Dex and initiative works as a default, use charisma boost when doing role play charisma things

The dex boost will zero out my wearing of Full Plate on dex checks, that will be very handy.

bean illus
2020-12-12, 05:35 PM
A +4 to initiative for the whole party is a gamechanger. An extra +1 doesn't change much (a +4 already starts an arms race with the dm).

I don't see any real reason to go Dragon Shaman.