View Full Version : Fighter subclass to take with Mountain Dwarf Totem Barbarian 6, Rogue 1, Fighter ...

2020-12-13, 12:03 AM
So, as the post says I'm a Totem Barbarian with the Eagle Totem at 3rd and 6th, and a level of Rogue. So, I'm a decent scout with a mile of good vision, advantage on stealth and perception, and the ability to move 70 feet in a round and attack while opponents take disadvantage to OAs. I'm going sword and board. I just took 1 level in Fighter and plan to take 4.
So the question is what Fighter subclass to take when I get to 3rd? I'd like something that uses my Reaction, so I'm thinking Battlemaster and get Riposte or Echo Knight which should generate some OAs. I know Battlemaster will be reliable, and Echo Knight could be good, but the movement I get from Eagle 3 bonus action will conflict with the Echo Knight abilities.
We have standard point buy (18 Str, 18 Con, 14 Dex) and I'm going bare chested for RP and to use stealth, so I'd like all my ASIs to be that and not Feats despite that Defensive Dualist would fit the bill to some extent.
Anything I'm missing? Other options?

Witty Username
2020-12-13, 01:14 AM
Does your table use flanking, if so you may get some good millage out of echo knight for weird positioning use. Also if you get to the point of switching positions it may give you some fierce stealth shenanigans. but that would be more than 4 levels I think.
Battlemaster may be better for sneak attacks though, if you plan on taking more levels in rogue. rogue 3 for assassin may work pretty if your going for a jump scare of crits and get some more sneak attack damage in there.

2020-12-13, 01:56 AM
Does your table use flanking, if so you may get some good millage out of echo knight for weird positioning use. Also if you get to the point of switching positions it may give you some fierce stealth shenanigans. but that would be more than 4 levels I think.
Battlemaster may be better for sneak attacks though, if you plan on taking more levels in rogue. rogue 3 for assassin may work pretty if your going for a jump scare of crits and get some more sneak attack damage in there.

Some good ideas there. We haven't used flanking, but our DM for this campaign might be into more complex combat. I was eyeballing rogue subclasses, but the Eagle Totem 3 is just better than Cunning Action as I am effectively Dashing and Disengaging for the bonus action, so Rogue 2 is effectively a dead level.

2020-12-13, 03:50 PM
You might consider yoinking the Rune Knight from tashas. It's got a few nice reaction abilities and passive boosts that you might find enjoyable. Alternatively Samurai could be a nice option too. One should never turn down instant advantage.

da newt
2020-12-13, 09:05 PM
Of note if you go echo knight, your echo is not a creature or ally so it cannot generate adv by flanking or SA by being near the target.

Echo knight does provide some great maneuver options, acts as a expendable tank / shield, and increases op att frequency.

BM is probably the go to choice. Riposte is great for another way to get an off turn attack (and potential SA), Menacing Attack can be very handy, Goading attack is like Ancestral Guardians lite if you are moving out of their range, etc and they refresh on a short rest.

Witty Username
2020-12-13, 11:50 PM
I second goading attack, especially with the mobility you have. I am not sure I would take goading and menacing attack but both work well, I guess it depends how in the face of your enemy you want to be.

Witty Username
2020-12-14, 12:20 AM
I second goading attack, especially with the mobility you have. I am not sure I would take goading and menacing attack but both work well, I guess it depends how in the face of your enemy you want to be.

2020-12-14, 12:22 AM
I second goading attack, especially with the mobility you have. I am not sure I would take goading and menacing attack but both work well, I guess it depends how in the face of your enemy you want to be.

Some good ideas here. I'm thinking Menacing is probably better most of the time as it restricts movement and provides disadvantage to hit me as well. Looks like Menacing < Goading when the baddie could retreat out of line of site of me and remove the frightened condition and still hit my companions (which seems more situational).

2020-12-15, 09:54 AM
Battle Master has a tool for a lot of situations.