View Full Version : Fanfiction where Harry and Tonks raise Teddy?

2020-12-15, 11:25 AM
Does anybody know of any fanfiction where lupin dies but nymphadora lives and harry and Tonks have to raise him together? I've looked but I can't find any, but it seems like it should exist somewhere.

2020-12-15, 02:33 PM
I read a lot of fanfic, and you know what? That almost never comes into play. There is one story ALMOST like that, but its less harry and tonks and more tonks and all their friends because she is kinda bad at being a mom. Not in an abusive or neglectful way, but just not a very responsible one. And even then its just a tiny portion of the fic. not even a B plot, more like C or D. Pretty much any story I read where teddy is a factor for whatever reasons sticks with andromeda raising him. Harry is generally just the godfather type.

Ok, did a quick archive binge. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13348580/1/With-Their-Blessing is only 2 chapters long and looks abandoned, it seems about all there is. At least, that the filter of those three characters brought up. But the site is kinda wonky and not everyone lists the main characters well so there may be more.

2020-12-15, 06:51 PM
Does anybody know of any fanfiction where lupin dies but nymphadora lives and harry and Tonks have to raise him together? I've looked but I can't find any, but it seems like it should exist somewhere.

Why does it seem like something that should exist? That seems like a ridiculously niche circumstance for someone to write a fanfic about.

2020-12-16, 07:16 AM
That is a fair point, tonks/harry pairing are fairly uncommon as it is outside of harem fics, going for widow tonks/harry pairing restricts it even further.

2020-12-16, 08:14 AM
Harry is generally just the godfather type.

Now I'm imagining Harry in a suit and hat speaking in a wheezy voice.

"Oi, Ron, Y'had betta' make this deal work out, or you'll be sleepin' with the Grindylows."

2020-12-16, 08:28 AM
Now I'm imagining Harry in a suit and hat speaking in a wheezy voice.

"Oi, Ron, Y'had betta' make this deal work out, or you'll be sleepin' with the Grindylows."

10 bucks says the fandom has done this. A "godfather" harry I mean.

2020-12-16, 09:02 AM
They have done james bond harry potter, so it wouldnt surprise me. I read one short story where he was raised by james and so took on his mannerisms, and another where he was basically raised by mi6 and the 00 agents in general and picked up his spycraft that way, becoming an agent.

The Glyphstone
2020-12-16, 10:58 AM
My favorite crackfic remains the one where Harry is raised by Deadpool, though.

2020-12-16, 11:29 AM
Tonks was a 25 year old with a kid who liked older men, and Harry Potter was a 17 year old. Ignoring the grooming issues involved, why would anyone want HP to raise a kid and why would Tonks want to live with (much less date/marry) him?

2020-12-16, 11:54 AM
Tonks was a 25 year old with a kid who liked older men, and Harry Potter was a 17 year old. Ignoring the grooming issues involved, why would anyone want HP to raise a kid and why would Tonks want to live with (much less date/marry) him?

Because harry potter fanfics make very little sense. I used to read a lot of them, and for some reason Harry/Tonks was popular.

I think part of it is people mistaking how young/old Tonks is.

2020-12-16, 12:56 PM
Tonks was a 25 year old with a kid who liked older men, and Harry Potter was a 17 year old. Ignoring the grooming issues involved, why would anyone want HP to raise a kid and why would Tonks want to live with (much less date/marry) him?

I agree that a Harry/Tonks pairing makes no sense in and of itself, but Harry was Teddy's godfather and based on Harry's own experiences, godfathering is the sort of situation where you are expected to act in loco parentis to an extent (or at least, that Harry would do so).

Harry may be 17, but he's a legal adult, not that much younger than his parents were when they had him, there doesn't seem to be any expectation of further education so he's presumably going to get a job imminently, he's well-connected, rich, and likely to stay that way. You could do worse in a parent figure: indeed, Lupin was destitite and near-unemployable.

So as a scenario it's not totally insane. It's not one I've heard about though.

2020-12-16, 02:08 PM
I agree that a Harry/Tonks pairing makes no sense in and of itself, but Harry was Teddy's godfather and based on Harry's own experiences, godfathering is the sort of situation where you are expected to act in loco parentis to an extent (or at least, that Harry would do so).

Harry may be 17, but he's a legal adult, not that much younger than his parents were when they had him, there doesn't seem to be any expectation of further education so he's presumably going to get a job imminently, he's well-connected, rich, and likely to stay that way. You could do worse in a parent figure: indeed, Lupin was destitite and near-unemployable.

So as a scenario it's not totally insane. It's not one I've heard about though.

To be fair, I feel like it's infinitely more likely than the mute gangster harry with a gun fic's that exist. I think what scare's me the most is that it's in the plural.

2020-12-16, 02:30 PM
Heh, most harry tonks stories that ive seen are either the mega harems where harry is a 15 year old sex master of a dozen women or it tends to involve all sorts of crazy twisting to justify like a de-aged tonks, or a marriage contract thing. The best story I read involving this was basically tonks being harrys guard over one of the summers, I want to say post 5th year, where she ends up working to help him and they fall for each other. They are generally dismissive of the whole age gap thing, treating it like its crazy anyone would object to the pairing based on "Oh im immature and he is too serious therefore its fine" or something like that. At least when its naruto fanfics they tend to boost graduation age from the academy to make it seem less insane when they pair him up with anko or kurenai or whoever.

To be fair, I feel like it's infinitely more likely than the mute gangster harry with a gun fic's that exist. I think what scare's me the most is that it's in the plural.

Havent seen any of them, closest I got was Old Soldiers where he basically recruits an army of retired squibs from the military to help him take out voldemort.

2020-12-16, 03:43 PM
I mean there's that movie. Guns Akimbo.

2020-12-17, 09:14 AM
Heh, most harry tonks stories that ive seen are either the mega harems where harry is a 15 year old sex master of a dozen women or it tends to involve all sorts of crazy twisting to justify like a de-aged tonks, or a marriage contract thing. The best story I read involving this was basically tonks being harrys guard over one of the summers, I want to say post 5th year, where she ends up working to help him and they fall for each other. They are generally dismissive of the whole age gap thing, treating it like its crazy anyone would object to the pairing based on "Oh im immature and he is too serious therefore its fine" or something like that. At least when its naruto fanfics they tend to boost graduation age from the academy to make it seem less insane when they pair him up with anko or kurenai or whoever.

Havent seen any of them, closest I got was Old Soldiers where he basically recruits an army of retired squibs from the military to help him take out voldemort.

Yeah, the age gap is definitely an issue. I feel like the major issue with that is that everyone pairs them together when harry's still in high school or barely out of it. it would be a heck of a lot less weird if harry was in his late 20's to early 30's. The age gap between them is about seven years, so maybe more like 40's? a 40 year old dating(Or married too) a 47 year old is decidedly less creepy. On another note I'm not actually looking for romance stories, I just think Harry would totally try to help Tonks, his friend and a single mother, take care of his god-child if Remus died, and the dynamic would be interesting.
Although admittedly, knowing the kinds of people who right fanfiction a totally platonic relationship between a main character and a woman is impossible. Damn teenage hormones.

2020-12-17, 03:15 PM
Ive honestly only seen a handful of stories that deal with tonks post baby. The few I remember tend to involve group efforts like mama weasley babysitting, hermione helping out from time to time, harry taking his godson out on adventures, etc etc etc. Its strange how rarely the death of the tonks/lupin family is not a part of things. Ive easily seen 5x as many teddy tonks stories where he is raised by andromeda.