View Full Version : EMPIRE 6! - Mamut, Round 12, Event – A Fête Champêtre

2020-12-15, 11:36 AM
EMPIRE 6! - Mamut, Round 12, Event – A Fête Champêtre

The younger generation of Merine’s line:

Kylisa Nahaar-Alqar
Haurun Nahaar
Tsraak Soge
Nylah Nahaar-Alqar
Iseno Nahaar-Alqar
Qian Nahaar-Alqar
Chepri Nahaar
Doraan Nahaar

And any of their invited guests.

Olea and her older sister Nyct were playing among the wheat sea of the Nal Dryb, while Rose waited on a fine woven rug at a camp listening to the giggles of the young girls. They were both petite for Goliaths, their human heritage showing more strongly than in Gled, and with it the Medusa scales made them sparkle underneath the sun like the diamonds they truly were. Rose smiled at the sight of her green-eyen flaxen haired daughters.

There were a contingent of Kursaal Guards surrounding the camp, keeping the Odds-Mistress safe, while Rose and the children busied themselves with setting up the picnic. The fruits of Targiz were on display in various clay pots – there was wine of course, but the picnic had an abundance of the finest of cheeses along with a variety of fruits, specifically quince. Cured and cold meats had been prepared alongside Okra and flower blossom salad and the idyllic and pastoral environs were such that those who enter would think they were being drawn into a painting of innocence before time.

Ruining the display perhaps was that before Rose sat a small wooden table – more of a platter than an elevated surface – painted green and lined with copper, on top of which were three emerald die. The sins of Kursaal make their way even to bucolic locales. Rose lightly touched one of the dice and looked up, seemingly and falsely timorously, waiting for her guests to arrive – her family.

Rose had received word that her almost sister-in-law, Kylisa Nahaar-Alqar, had wished to have a word with her and so she invited her to Targiz's holdings in the Nal Dryb. But the lord of a city of wealth does not take half measures and besides, Rose was only all too happy for Olea and Nyct to meet the rest of their family. Born in the south while the rest of the family grew up north, they represented a darkened branch of the ancestral tree growing in the brambles and shade underneath forbidden truths. And so messengers were sent around Mamut for the rest of those borne with the Medusa's mark inviting them to a picnic.

The sky was blissfully clear and blue and it was a gorgeous day - the air smelled almost sweet with a hint of the salt from the nearby ocean. One could hear what could be crickets in the wheat fields, they made a song of susurrus that made one want to lie down on the heavy rug that Rose had placed over the dirt, close their eyes and eat a berry.

Kursaal Dice
Each player rolls 3 separate d6s (not a 3d6 – roll 3 different 1d6)

The ranks of the rolls in order are:
“Straight Kill” 4-5-6
Triple – any triple that is not 3 Ones. Higher triples beat lower triples
“Flower” – any pair – the dice that is not of the pair, as long as its not a One, is the “Flower”. (with 3-3-4, the 4 is the "Flower") Higher flowers beat lower "Flowers”
“Corpse Flower” – Any matching pair of dice with a One (5-5-1 is equal to 2-2-1)
“Cespool Ones” 1-1-1
“Savlo Out” 1-2-3

If a player gets any other combination of dice (such as 2-3-4 of 2-5-6) they must reroll. If they still don’t a combination above on a reroll they forfeit that match.

If there is a tie on a roll between players – those rolls are both discounted (for example if Player A and B both roll a Straight Kill and Player C rolls a Corpse Flower – Player C wins).

If there is no winner – after counting all rerolls and ties, each player rerolls from scratch. Repeat until there is an eventual winner.

2020-12-15, 11:54 PM
It was an interesting trip. Maybe the longest Tšrãák had taken by sea, rivaling the voyages to the northeast. Though nothing could match the long journey into the Crimson Kingdom. He sailed with a decent sized party, though most didn't land with him, instead continuing on to take advantage of the opportunity to explore the southern coast a bit. These were waters unfamiliar to the Sọ́kǎu, and so familiarity with them would prove valuable.

Apart from a handful of raiders brought along just as a standard precaution in case some enemy had caught wind of the trip and prepared an ambush, Tšrãák was joined by his brother Èuró. An apprentice shaman, and a rare sight outside Sọ́gẹ territory in southern Džíu Phè Hwǔ, Èuró is skinny, though tall, and rather sickly looking. The younger brother finds a comfortable-looking spot to lay down and collect his strength, while the older goes straight to Rose's table.

"I hope you don't mind that I left the twins back home. They are much more tenuously related to you, but if I'm family enough so are they, eh?! They're too young for this voyage, though."

He idly grabs the dice and rolls them. (3-6-3) (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24846789&postcount=1049)

"Ah, hm. Interesting..."

2020-12-16, 09:46 AM
Èuró would find ample place to lie down and relax. In truth, there was nothing much to do at the picnic - it was meant as an opportunity to relax and be comfortable. A chance to lie down and watch the clouds slowly drift. The wheat sea shines golden underneath the sun and the rustle of its stalks is almost poetic. The fragrances of the food that Rose prepared are mild but enchanting, one could lay down and close one's eyes and let their mind wander and woolgather.

Rose greets Tšrãák sitting down but still raised both her arms palms up in the Targizian greeting. Nyct and Olea stop in their game of tag to spy on their extended family members, but they have no interest in the older men and continue to play elsewhere. Rose smiles at Tšrãák

I am happy you came Brother. I am sure the children will have a chance to meet their cousins one day.

Rose looks delighted that Tšrãák had rolled the dice.

A flower of six! A fine roll! Have your sailors told you how to play or should I explain?

Rose rolls the dice herself. They land 5-2-1 (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24847123&postcount=1051). She picks them up and rolls again and rolls a 4-5-6 (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24847125&postcount=1052). A straight kill. A slash across a victims throat. The executioner's axe. An offering to her God.

Ah! I win!

Rose sighs and looks almost apologetic.

Care to play again? While we play, tell me how are you? We hear of the northern dangers but such whispers over such distances are faint.

2020-12-16, 12:39 PM
The Scions of the Thalaz'ir

The Scions of the Thalaz'ir have sent a procession too, of course! It's rare in these times of conflict that there are times to spend with one's distant family, and so the call is answered happily by the royals of Na'karat.

At the head of the procession is Doraan (https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/787228875854708737/787229256925052959/Thalazir_Doraan_I_.jpg), youngest child of Merine and Haraman, and the new Thalaz'ir with his father's retirement. The golden eyes are not as prevalent in him as his father, but close inspection reveals his iris glow with that same sunny heat that was indicative of the Arrakhi royal line. He wears simple clothes for one of his status, not burdened with treasure and frivolity. Rose would not have heard of Doraan until after his coronation, the child kept relatively secret until he came of age. Haurun may have mentioned the name in passing, however! (At Mystic's discretion.)

To his right walks his sister Chepri (https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/787228875854708737/788812392959180840/Chepri.jpg), the 'Daughter of Darkness', as some had taken to calling her. Though her white hair would look to the untrained eye as a mark of her lineage being closer to that of Clan Alqar, her darker skin would speak otherwise. Regardless, Chepri looks quite pleased to be here, evidently having just changed into a more fanciful dress for the occasion.

To Doraan's left is Haurun (https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/787228875854708737/788820350690787338/Haurun.jpg), Rose's lover and the father of the kids that ran around. He jogs ahead and quickly reaches out to hug Rose, giving her quite an affectionate display after having been absent for quite some time for the restoration efforts of Arrakh-Rah. He gives a nod of acknowledgment to Tšrãák, offering a smile before his focus shifts back to his partner and children.

Lastly, the family is accompanied by two green kobolds and a sun priestess, whom any versed in the Trinity of Light would know to be Arrha, the Sun's Divine. (https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/787228875854708737/787259466663329812/Arrha_Suns_Divine.jpg)

A few moments later, Doraan and Chepri approach and take their seats as well, with Chepri gazing longingly out to sea. "We've traveled for many days to reach these lands, Rose. As ever, the Scions are grateful to visit our distant family. The goliaths have long been friends - and family, of my father's people. I hope that our unity is not challenged by this change in leadership." Says Doraan, giving Rose a very warm smile. His words make Haurun laugh, however. "My brother's a good kid, but he could learn to take the official speak down a bit when we're with family, hm?" Chepri stifles a giggle and clears her throat quietly!

Doraan then turns to Tšrãák, extending his hand in greeting. "You are Kylisa's husband, yes? We've not met! I was not... present, when the two of you got betrothed. It is good to finally put a face to the name, and to relax with all the tension in the air, no? We are a family, as it happens. Like it or not." Doraan chuckles.

Arrha and the two Kobolds remain further back than the others, conversing amongst themselves for the most part until more arrive.

2020-12-16, 03:46 PM
Rose greets Harun warmly, the picture of the patient wife despite the two never having married. Nyct and Olea briefly stop their games and run over to their father and jump on him excitedly and shower him with happy yelps:

Papa! Father! I missed you! Where've you been this time? Are you staying long? Please stay forever! Play some games with us!

Rose hushed the children but smiled when they paid her no mind and they continued to badger their wayward father.

Turning her head to Doraan and the rest, she stayed recline by the dice table with Tšrãák and raised both her arms palms up in the Targizian greeting. She had heard brief mention of Doraan from her lover but did not know much. Her eye lingered longer looking at the white haired Chepri. Speaking almost tenderly to the group she smiles.

Kursaal is friendly to all who let the flow and grasp of its markets do as they will with its invisible hands. Know that I am happy to see you as family and that you are well met - please relax and enjoy a moment of peace in this world.

She motions to the rug among the sea of wheat - baskets and clay pots holding wines, cheeses and fruits. Simple salads and cold soups in bowls. A small cloud passes overhead briefly casting the picnic into shade and then it departs letting the sun shine upon the gathering and anointing everything in golden campestral light.

2020-12-16, 07:44 PM
Rose looks delighted that Tšrãák had rolled the dice.


Care to play again? While we play, tell me how are you? We hear of the northern dangers but such whispers over such distances are faint.

"I know the basics well enough..."

When Rose wins, Tšrãák nods and reaches into his robe to pull out a small gemstone from some hidden pocket, which he then tosses over to Rose. "To the victor go the spoils, as is right and proper!

"'Northern dangers' might be a bit overblown. My own lands are little touched by bigger troubles, though the Ko seem interested in causing trouble and provoking something. Sooner or later that will boil over! But if its 'dangers' you're interested in, you want Lọ̀plẹ̀'s territory. My information there is all second-hand, of course, but let's see. Mjẽilọ̀p is pissed the Blackfire were able to evade him and Lọ̀plẹ̀'s pissed because he's always pissed, fun times I'd imagine. Mjẽilọ̀p is planning to go east to Executioner territory and take control. A bit of revenge, a bit of making sure that whole Executioner/Blackfire mess is all done and over with. Lọ̀plẹ̀ got his little puppet-king to officially grant Mjẽilọ̀p some suitably pompous title: 'Great General who Subjugates the Eastern Barbarians' or some such. The Ko seem unhappy about it..."

Tšrãák stops short, and then leans over and speaks quietly to Rose.


After several moments he leans back and continues in his usual, loud voice. "Puppeteers, Executioners, Blackfire, the ghosts in Arrakh-Rah. The northeast is a dark place! I find myself more and more in an Uzii mindset about it. Honestly, I'm a little surprised the Uzii haven't all suddenly screamed out 'PROTECT MAMUT!' in unison and starting sprinting headlong northwards to destroy the corruption up there."

He finally remembers the dice and rolls them again. (2-5-6) (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24848028&postcount=1053). Then after hesitating a moment, takes them back and rerolls. (1-5-6) (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24848031&postcount=1054). That roll brings out a hearty laugh, and he starts reaching back into his robes to pull out another gem before Rose even has a chance to take the dice.


A few moments later, Doraan and Chepri approach and take their seats as well, with Chepri gazing longingly out to sea. "We've traveled for many days to reach these lands, Rose. As ever, the Scions are grateful to visit our distant family. The goliaths have long been friends - and family, of my father's people. I hope that our unity is not challenged by this change in leadership." Says Doraan, giving Rose a very warm smile. His words make Haurun laugh, however. "My brother's a good kid, but he could learn to take the official speak down a bit when we're with family, hm?" Chepri stifles a giggle and clears her throat quietly!

Doraan then turns to Tšrãák, extending his hand in greeting. "You are Kylisa's husband, yes? We've not met! I was not... present, when the two of you got betrothed. It is good to finally put a face to the name, and to relax with all the tension in the air, no? We are a family, as it happens. Like it or not." Doraan chuckles.

Arrha and the two Kobolds remain further back than the others, conversing amongst themselves for the most part until more arrive.

"Yes! We are a family! And tension and unpleasantness within a family is such a shame. I have no desire for it! Let us commit to peace, this would be for the best. A strong front against our enemies!"

2020-12-16, 08:22 PM
Rose smiles at the offered gem, but motions to Tšrãák to hold it till she makes her own roll. The Odd-Mistress is still a servant of the game and its rules are sweet scented laws. The dice tumble from her hand and land 3-3-2 (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24848074&postcount=1055). A flower of Two. The motion completed she takes the gem from Tšrãák leaning close . . .

. . . pulling away she merely motions with her hand at the feast and laughing family members, saying

Sounds like a lot of excitement. I feel that you could use a moments rest and enjoyment among the turmoil. A calm.

the words "before a storm" unspoken.

2020-12-16, 11:42 PM
Rose greets Harun warmly, the picture of the patient wife despite the two never having married. Nyct and Olea briefly stop their games and run over to their father and jump on him excitedly and shower him with happy yelps:

Papa! Father! I missed you! Where've you been this time? Are you staying long? Please stay forever! Play some games with us!

Rose hushed the children but smiled when they paid her no mind and they continued to badger their wayward father.

Haurun happily regales his children with tales of his latest exploits in the north, lifting up his girls and carrying them off to where they were running around previously, happy to play whatever ridiculous game they ask of him! "I'll be staying with you for a while, don't worry girls. But, I did have some important questions to ask your mother once we finish eating! Let's go burn off some of that energy before we tuck in. Your aunt Kylisa should be here soon.


"Yes! We are a family! And tension and unpleasantness within a family is such a shame. I have no desire for it! Let us commit to peace, this would be for the best. A strong front against our enemies!"

Doraan looks troubled at those words. "I do not think our enemies and your enemies are the same, mighty chief. The Scions are concerned with rebuilding the empire of our forebears and reclaiming land that is rightfully ours. While you may have married my sister, your refusal of our faith and rapid expansion towards Arrakh-Rah is... concerning. Sọ́gẹ, war can yet be avoided, but not unless there is heavy discussion. I would still break bread with you regardless of battles to come, however. You are still my brother."

2020-12-17, 02:50 AM
Rose smiles at the offered gem, but motions to Tšrãák to hold it till she makes her own roll. The Odd-Mistress is still a servant of the game and its rules are sweet scented laws. The dice tumble from her hand and land 3-3-2 (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24848074&postcount=1055). A flower of Two. The motion completed she takes the gem from Tšrãák leaning close . . .

. . . pulling away she merely motions with her hand at the feast and laughing family members, saying

Sounds like a lot of excitement. I feel that you could use a moments rest and enjoyment among the turmoil. A calm.

the words "before a storm" unspoken.

Tšrãák smiles. "Well, what is life without excitement, after all?" But he has never needed a second invitation to help himself to a feast, and now goes to find a prime spot to collect his own pile of food and drink while he waits for Kylisa. (Ignoring Èuró's call of "So you lost twice, brother? Huh, you suck.")

Doraan looks troubled at those words. "I do not think our enemies and your enemies are the same, mighty chief. The Scions are concerned with rebuilding the empire of our forebears and reclaiming land that is rightfully ours. While you may have married my sister, your refusal of our faith and rapid expansion towards Arrakh-Rah is... concerning. Sọ́gẹ, war can yet be avoided, but not unless there is heavy discussion. I would still break bread with you regardless of battles to come, however. You are still my brother."

Tšrãák eyes Doraan closely, and responds in a low, serious tone. "Ah yes. You threatened war if we didn’t stay out of [Region 67]. Then you came back later and threatened war if we didn’t stay out of not only [67], but also [66] and [68]. And you oh so cleverly waited to make the latter threats until after Lọ̀plẹ̀ had made his move on [68] and it was too late to back out. Well now then, the die is cast, which I assume was what you wanted. Out with it: if you want war, then be a man and declare war. If you do actually want peace after all, then accept the deal I offered: we stay out of your dead city and you stop with this war talk and agree to peace."

Leaning back, he returns to his usual loud and jovial voice. "It really is that simple! You claim you want to ensure the safety of your ghost city and so are concerned with Sọ́kǎu presence nearby in [66] and [68]. And yet, you reject my offer of solemn pacts of peace while threatening war. If you want peace and the safety of Arrakh-Rah, be my friend! I desire it, Kylisa desires it, do you desire it? With us in control of much of the northeast and pledged to peace, any enemies would have a hard time approaching Arrakh-Rah. What you say you want is sitting right here in front of you! I am a warrior. I come from a warrior family and a warrior people. And I say this: only a fool makes enemies where friends would serve better! I am willing to vow to leave your old city alone; so it is time for you to decide: do you want the safety of Arrakh-Rah or do you want war with my people? Do you want your enemies to be my enemies, or was it me you were speaking of when you mentioned your enemies?"

2020-12-17, 06:02 AM
Tšrãák eyes Doraan closely, and responds in a low, serious tone. "Ah yes. You threatened war if we didn’t stay out of [Region 67]. Then you came back later and threatened war if we didn’t stay out of not only [67], but also [66] and [68]. And you oh so cleverly waited to make the latter threats until after Lọ̀plẹ̀ had made his move on [68] and it was too late to back out. Well now then, the die is cast, which I assume was what you wanted. Out with it: if you want war, then be a man and declare war. If you do actually want peace after all, then accept the deal I offered: we stay out of your dead city and you stop with this war talk and agree to peace."

Leaning back, he returns to his usual loud and jovial voice. "It really is that simple! You claim you want to ensure the safety of your ghost city and so are concerned with Sọ́kǎu presence nearby in [66] and [68]. And yet, you reject my offer of solemn pacts of peace while threatening war. If you want peace and the safety of Arrakh-Rah, be my friend! I desire it, Kylisa desires it, do you desire it? With us in control of much of the northeast and pledged to peace, any enemies would have a hard time approaching Arrakh-Rah. What you say you want is sitting right here in front of you! I am a warrior. I come from a warrior family and a warrior people. And I say this: only a fool makes enemies where friends would serve better! I am willing to vow to leave your old city alone; so it is time for you to decide: do you want the safety of Arrakh-Rah or do you want war with my people? Do you want your enemies to be my enemies, or was it me you were speaking of when you mentioned your enemies?"

Doraan listens intently to his brother-in law and nods after each point is delivered. "Your boisterousness is unbecoming in such a delicate matter, chief Tšrãák. We were invited here as guests of the Targiz, so that your wife, my sister, could discuss a proposition with Rose. To bring talk of war to such an occasion is somewhat shocking. You are correct, my father threatened war over Arrakh-Rah, that is undeniable and entirely true, when you offered to claim it and 'generously' sell it back to us for the price of bending the knee to you. Or did you forget that part? If you desire friendship, you do not demand obedience. Your 'solemn pacts' benefit none but yourself."

Doraan stands up to look Sọ́gẹ in the eye. "You also fail to realize why your neighbours all rise up to challenge and spite you, brother. Children in Na'karat are taught of your aggression and disregard for others. You trample the Ko and ignore their pleas for their boundaries to be respected. You are not entitled to the land north of Towerhome, chieftain. The Ko are half as tall as you yet have twice the respect for their neighbours. Any raids the Ko have performed against your trade routes were well warranted, I'm afraid. You disrespect the Uzii as if it were routine, skirmishing with them on the outskirts of their riverlands and ever encroaching upon them without care. Even the men and women of Clan Alqar have noticed your arrogance, and you would do well not to speak for my sister. She has twice the balls you ever will."

Doraan gives an apologetic look to Rose, and heads off to cool his head by the coast... Chepri however stands and approaches Chief Tšrãák. "I'll talk with him, but you both have good points. You're both proud leaders of proud people, right? You can understand he's doing what is right for them, or at the very least what he thinks is the best." Chepri puts a hand on Tšrãák's shoulder for a brief second before jogging off to catch up with Doraan.

2020-12-17, 07:50 AM
Doraan listens intently to his brother-in law and nods after each point is delivered. "Your boisterousness is unbecoming in such a delicate matter, chief Tšrãák. We were invited here as guests of the Targiz, so that your wife, my sister, could discuss a proposition with Rose. To bring talk of war to such an occasion is somewhat shocking. You are correct, my father threatened war over Arrakh-Rah, that is undeniable and entirely true, when you offered to claim it and 'generously' sell it back to us for the price of bending the knee to you. Or did you forget that part? If you desire friendship, you do not demand obedience. Your 'solemn pacts' benefit none but yourself."

Doraan stands up to look Sọ́gẹ in the eye. "You also fail to realize why your neighbours all rise up to challenge and spite you, brother. Children in Na'karat are taught of your aggression and disregard for others. You trample the Ko and ignore their pleas for their boundaries to be respected. You are not entitled to the land north of Towerhome, chieftain. The Ko are half as tall as you yet have twice the respect for their neighbours. Any raids the Ko have performed against your trade routes were well warranted, I'm afraid. You disrespect the Uzii as if it were routine, skirmishing with them on the outskirts of their riverlands and ever encroaching upon them without care. Even the men and women of Clan Alqar have noticed your arrogance, and you would do well not to speak for my sister. She has twice the balls you ever will."

Doraan gives an apologetic look to Rose, and heads off to cool his head by the coast... Chepri however stands and approaches Chief Tšrãák. "I'll talk with him, but you both have good points. You're both proud leaders of proud people, right? You can understand he's doing what is right for them, or at the very least what he thinks is the best." Chepri puts a hand on Tšrãák's shoulder for a brief second before jogging off to catch up with Doraan.

Tšrãák grabs the hand on his shoulder, gently but firmly. And returning to his quieter, more serious voice, "If he is to rule, then for the sake of your people, he needs to grow up, and fast. Whether that means growing the balls he claims I lack, dropping the pretense and declaring war; learning to bend the truth more convincingly; or learning when to make friends: doesn't really matter. As it stands, he is weak"

He lets go of Chepri's hand and gives a respectful nod as she leaves. Then gives Èuró a meaningful look and turns back to Rose, grabbing the dice and rolling again. (4-2-2) (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24848702&postcount=1058). Meanwhile, Èuró gets up with an annoyed huff and walks over to sit on the ground beside the table and Tšrãák resumes speaking, in a voice quiet enough to be difficult or impossible to hear away from the table.

"See what I mean? Let's see if I can remember it all. He called it 'shocking' to talk about war here, forgetting that he was the first to speak of war. He spoke of my offer of vassalage, either forgetting or not being aware that it came first from his father, who once offered to 'most likely' swear fealty if I could get him Arrakh-Rah. Of course, he was threatening the Scrim with war at that point, and must have wanted me to do the dirty work for him. Once the Scrim pulled out of things, it was made clear that deal was off the table. Fair enough, I haven't spoken of it since and have been offering a non-aggression pact instead. The land of Sënǎatj Fwëlais and the lands beyond do not, and never did, belong to the Ko. Yet now my peoples' actions there are supposedly disrespecting the Ko's boundaries. Did you appreciate how the Ko's actions against me are now justified by these fabricated crimes against the Ko? And the Uzii's riverlands? Where does he mean? The Red Fields? Other than a failed attempt to conquer Jù Fǎihlè the Uzii have no connection to the region.

"The boy needs to learn to bull**** convincingly, I fear. Or be honest, that's better on the whole. But being good at bull****ting has its merits."

[[To save you double-checking, Sënǎatj Fwëlais is Region 52 and Jù Fǎihlè / the Red Fields is Region 41]]

2020-12-17, 11:08 AM
Nyct and Olea are happy that their father is staying and willing to play with them. Olea giggles

We are playing The Hunt! You'll be the Huntmaster and we'll be the rabbits.

Nyct nods sagely at these words as if they were a solemn ritual. They both run off into the wheat sea giggling as they split up into different directions begging their father to give chase.


On the carpet, alone with Tšrãák and his brother since Chepri and Dooran had stormed off, Rose rolls the dice (1-4-2 (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24848989&postcount=1059)) and says as she smiles and picks them up again

An eventful family we are!

and rolls them again, rolling again 5-2-4 (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24848990&postcount=1060) clapping her hands together.

Ah! you win!

She hands back to Tšrãák one of his gems looking at him

You know there is no right or wrong in war or death, only luck. I would not urge peace - but perhaps you could gamble for territory here, right now, instead of with lives.

The dice gleam on the painted green table underneath the gorgeous sun, one could see them reflected in Rose's eyes as well.

2020-12-17, 10:26 PM
On the carpet, alone with Tšrãák and his brother since Chepri and Dooran had stormed off, Rose rolls the dice (1-4-2 (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24848989&postcount=1059)) and says as she smiles and picks them up again

An eventful family we are!

and rolls them again, rolling again 5-2-4 (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24848990&postcount=1060) clapping her hands together.

Ah! you win!

She hands back to Tšrãák one of his gems looking at him

You know there is no right or wrong in war or death, only luck. I would not urge peace - but perhaps you could gamble for territory here, right now, instead of with lives.

The dice gleam on the painted green table underneath the gorgeous sun, one could see them reflected in Rose's eyes as well.

Tšrãák shakes his head, "Not how we do things, I'm afraid." (6-5-3) (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24850012&postcount=1065) (3-1-6) (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24850014&postcount=1066)

He passed the dice on to Èuró, who talks as he rolls, "There's no point in lying to us about what we did. Which means Doraan wasn't really talking to us. To you, possibly, or just practicing the lies. It's clear he has no intention of accepting the non-aggression pact Tšrãák offered, and yet he hesitates to take the final step and declare war. (Despite that little speech there being as good as a declaration of war, really)" (4-6-1) (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24850012&postcount=1065) (1-6-2) (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24850014&postcount=1066)

"...and it's not in our interest to offer him an out."

2020-12-18, 10:32 AM
Rose shrugs and rolls the dice, a 5-5-1 (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24850567&postcount=1068), a Corpse Flower. A low roll, but given the brothers', a winning one - and, for her, an auspicious one.

If you are the house and know the odds are in your favor I understand why you would rather see this to its inevitable conclusion.

Rose closes her eyes as a sweet breeze blows past the gathering.

How do you suppose the Family will split in this conflict? Will your wife follow you against her own priests and brethren?

2020-12-18, 11:35 AM
"Good question..." Kylisa mused, her hesitation evident. Arriving a little bit later than the others, she didn't bring company, but she did bring an unhealthily-high number of knives with her. For the last few years she had been training her body for the event of some catastrophe, and in doing so she had become strong if not a little bit unhinged. The others might remember an imposing male coming with her to most family events, content to brood and 'protect' on the side. He was not here this time, and he never would be again... "My best general was just killed in action, I may have gone over a dozen military strategy tomes on my own, but I wouldn't feel confident leading an army into battle even if it was against a threat a wanted to fight. Both the armies of the Scions and the Sokau have been there to protect us when we needed them."

Wish a sigh, she casts the dice as well. Nothing on the first roll, but then 6-6-3 - which is a flower of 3. It beat both the opposition, yet she still did not look impressed. "There will be no winner if we come to arms; when the blight rides in on silver wings from the north we will be weak and scattered. I might be wise to let you both fight it out and save my strongest lives for... Whatever is to come. If it is not the storm bird that the Scrim will bring upon us, it will be another army marching on the Blessed Vale from some unknown corner of the world, or a seed of corruption thought dead raising itself yet again in our lands." She makes a special effort not to look at Chepri when she vaguely mentions raising the dead... What she did to the Crimson King's soldiers in her territory was no secret, and her gratitude was tainted with fear for it. (Gratitude can be seen when they chat after this convo or in my news and rumors when those go up!)

The lot of them were already aware of Kylisa's problems - the faith of the Crimson Kingdom pushing cannibals down into the western pass and the remnants of the blackfire incursion requiring both stabilization efforts and purifications over huge tracts of land lest they come again for a rematch. Not to mention putting down the slave revolts of their new territory, and reaching out west before their less-human rivals could claim it all themselves... Often it seemed there was so much to do and so little power to do it.

2020-12-18, 12:10 PM
Ah! Sister! Welcome!

As Kylisa roll and wins, Rose laughs and takes out an emerald and places it on the green table for her to take.

It is a fine riddle that this family has drafted – it can bear down on anyone alone. The weight is heavy, but please relax and enjoy this respite. I am eager to listen to what you wanted to speak about, however first lay down and delight in this oasis. There are cheeses and fruits for you, wine to slake your thirst. Close your eyes and listen to the dice – I always find them soothing.

Rose rolls again. 3-1-3 (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24850730&postcount=1074), another Corpse Flower. A losing roll and yet she smiles.

2020-12-20, 04:45 AM
"Good question..." Kylisa mused, her hesitation evident. Arriving a little bit later than the others, she didn't bring company, but she did bring an unhealthily-high number of knives with her. For the last few years she had been training her body for the event of some catastrophe, and in doing so she had become strong if not a little bit unhinged. The others might remember an imposing male coming with her to most family events, content to brood and 'protect' on the side. He was not here this time, and he never would be again... "My best general was just killed in action, I may have gone over a dozen military strategy tomes on my own, but I wouldn't feel confident leading an army into battle even if it was against a threat a wanted to fight. Both the armies of the Scions and the Sokau have been there to protect us when we needed them."

Wish a sigh, she casts the dice as well. Nothing on the first roll, but then 6-6-3 - which is a flower of 3. It beat both the opposition, yet she still did not look impressed. "There will be no winner if we come to arms; when the blight rides in on silver wings from the north we will be weak and scattered. I might be wise to let you both fight it out and save my strongest lives for... Whatever is to come. If it is not the storm bird that the Scrim will bring upon us, it will be another army marching on the Blessed Vale from some unknown corner of the world, or a seed of corruption thought dead raising itself yet again in our lands." She makes a special effort not to look at Chepri when she vaguely mentions raising the dead... What she did to the Crimson King's soldiers in her territory was no secret, and her gratitude was tainted with fear for it. (Gratitude can be seen when they chat after this convo or in my news and rumors when those go up!)

The lot of them were already aware of Kylisa's problems - the faith of the Crimson Kingdom pushing cannibals down into the western pass and the remnants of the blackfire incursion requiring both stabilization efforts and purifications over huge tracts of land lest they come again for a rematch. Not to mention putting down the slave revolts of their new territory, and reaching out west before their less-human rivals could claim it all themselves... Often it seemed there was so much to do and so little power to do it.

Ah! Sister! Welcome!

As Kylisa roll and wins, Rose laughs and takes out an emerald and places it on the green table for her to take.

It is a fine riddle that this family has drafted – it can bear down on anyone alone. The weight is heavy, but please relax and enjoy this respite. I am eager to listen to what you wanted to speak about, however first lay down and delight in this oasis. There are cheeses and fruits for you, wine to slake your thirst. Close your eyes and listen to the dice – I always find them soothing.

Rose rolls again. 3-1-3 (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24850730&postcount=1074), another Corpse Flower. A losing roll and yet she smiles.

With Kylisa winning, Tšrãák makes no move to fish out another gem; he can cover his debt (and his brother's) later. Èuró takes the dice to roll (6-1-3) (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24853011&postcount=1076) while Tšrãák focuses on the conversation, "I honor the memory of Lord Asweld! But it is not an accident that he was strong. A blade needs to be knapped, a shaman needs to be trained..." He motions towards his brother, who nods agreement as he rerolls (3-1-3) (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24853013&postcount=1077) "...and a warrior needs to be trained too! War is the way of the world! We might be better together than apart. But at some point, it is not my decision to make any more!"

He takes the dice to roll, while Èuró mutters "The same roll...corpses and flowers and all the same..." before clearing his throat and appearing to suddenly remember there is more than dice going on. "Blight isn't a matter of 'when.' It's all over the north. The Ko are steeped in it. As was Arrakh-Rah, and maybe still is. I know you're not likely to enjoy hearing this: but whatever happened to the city when it fell happened hard. Tšrãák has been bludgeoning the point with his usual tact, but the fact of the matter is I don't trust the Scions. They are making common cause with the Ko, who are gleefully using a blighted artifact that presumably came originally from the ruins. Let go of sentimental attachments and tell me, do you trust people who are willing to do that to ensure any remaining blight in Arrakh-Rah is properly dealt with? Or, if not in Arrakh-Rah, further south where the Executioners reigned? The whole northeast needs a close look and a good exorcism."

Tšrãák finally rolls (1-1-5) (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24853011&postcount=1076), and passes the dice to Kylisa. "Two ones? Double the corpses, eh? Not so much the best omen for peace!" He turns to Rose, "But what will happen in the north will happen in the north. What of the south! Happy tidings to drive away our dark words? Or darker words to add to the gloom?"

2020-12-20, 11:03 AM
No - you got a high Flower! I would say an excellent omen if one expects to win some gems!

Rose then looks at Èuró with a gentle smile

Your brother got the Corpse Flower, but I would leave it to him to decide as to how to interpret its language. I would be happy to sing him some songs, but this is a place for family not preachers.

The last words an invitation - the wheat sea beckoned with the tender promise that words did not make it far from its stalks. One would be surprised and perhaps frightened with how quickly sounds were muted among the gold maze, a few steps and the conversations from the picnic would be mere whispers, a few more and one would wonder if there ever was a family gathering, a few more and one may find themselves wondering if the wheat was all there ever was.

Turning back to Tšrãák and handing him a gem, as her own rolls were worthless - the two were now even with wins and losses.

The south bears good news for some. Our friends from Swampum bristle at our efforts with the Crimson Kingdom but trade between us grows and the ties of commerce are more binding than blood. We are at peace with the Holy Deru and the only sour note in the air is that their are rumors from the Dreamspeakers that a displaced and exiled hoard from across the sea has alighted upon Mamut's shores further south.

2020-12-21, 12:15 PM
Kuursal Dice!


If the first is invalid...


2020-12-21, 12:55 PM
With gem still on the table, Kylisa opts to spin the dice while she listens to her family speak... She stifles a laugh at her husband's condolences for her commander, looking to him warmly. Her spun dice, land with an disappointingly invalid combination (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24854768&postcount=19). After the news is given from Rose as well, she spins them again and speaks. "Blood is thicker than all in Alqar and Na'karat, do not expect such strategies to work if you bring them further north. That is good for you though, may wealth line your pockets and opposition be slim." Still, the dice spin.... Her gaze rises to Èuró. "Your mistrust of my brother's kingdom is reasonable considering your position, but it was the ritual of the Trinity all our heroes carried out that purified the city to begin with. The representatives for the sun, moon, and stars all live under his protection, and they are undoubtedly the holiest of our number. If any can keep it safe, it will be them... And as for the artifact, well..." Her dice finally land - a straight kill, the best roll in the game. "Thorn is a champion of the faith, if any can handle a blighted artifact it will be him - if you know his nature, you know why." She looks down to her dice and smiles a little bit. "Ah... Fortune is kind today. I'm not typically one for omens, but..." She shrugs her shoulders with a bit of smugness. "At the very least, let them have their city. The spirits choose one, and they chose my brother. You can see it by his golden eyes, he carries the sun within him. Not even I would be worthy of claiming that soil."

2020-12-21, 02:45 PM
Rose nods at her almost sister-in-law and rolls the dice as well. An invalid combination. She picks up the dice again and rolls again. Invalid once more - she laughs and drags her finger slowly against her throat, her white skin so fair and even this gentle gesture leaving a faint red line like the shadow of a necklace made of blood.

A straight kill! Wonderful!

She waves away the concerns of the three who gathered around her table.

Enough worries - there will always be worries like moths around a fire, ants at your food, maggots in your meat. Be grateful and thankful instead. It is no surprise that our family wars with each other when it cannot even close its eyes and smell the Roses.

She pauses and then muses.

I think you need a distraction. You worry too much about what you cannot control. Look at these dice? Fortune's flowers' petals fall wherever the wind deigns to take them. You could only blow on them one way or another but never think that your breath can determine where a seed takes root.

Looking at the three she asks

We have played with the dice for paltry gems, lets perhaps ante up something more interesting? What does my Family say?

2020-12-22, 02:10 PM
Kylisa gives Rose what looks like a disgusted frown at her colorful metaphors. Opting not to contest every strange allusion that it is natural for family to fight, or that there should be maggots in meat, she relents with a nod. "I never liked gambling, but something about winning twice in a row has me in a good mood." She looks away pensively, thinking of something interesting.... "I have all this dreadful corruption seeded in my lands from the Blackfire Incursion that needs removing. I'll give you a chance to show that your faith can do more than spread death and filth by letting your... Equivalent of priests come by and purify Dek'Varro. Doraan should be able to handle the other regions while we aid the colonization attempts up north... Thank you for that by the way! We will repay you in time, I promise." Kylisa smiles at her brother, and then turns back. "That's my buy in - if you accept, you can set some terms. I have to agree to them, though."

2020-12-23, 07:37 PM
Rose waves away Kylisa's disgust and leans over to gather some cheese and grapes onto a clay plate and slide along to her almost sister in law.

They're not my Priests. I am no more than an anther of a flower. The priests too, are like the dandelions seeds - each blown by the winds towards soil be it fertile or desolate. It is not to us to say if we are to take root.

She pauses.

But if the soil could be tilled . . .

She smiles as if she just had a bright idea.

Ah! I just had a lovely idea for some stakes! We'll try to sweep away your ash, but in exchange place your flock into the pot and we will place ours and roll the dice. Whomever win shall have the soup?

OOC - Promise to Purify in exchange for Gamble - whoever wins the dice shall support a conversion in a non-capital region they control until converted.

2020-12-28, 01:32 PM

If invalid


2020-12-28, 01:39 PM
"...I agree. Your help could be critical." She says slowly, picking up the dice and casting them... 6... 4.... 1. Nearly a straight kill, but not quite. It's the opposite, invalid. Looking up to Rose, she gives it another shot: a much more humble flower of two. With a somewhat nervous laugh, she says "Well I don't suppose my luck could keep up forever. Lets see if yours can match." The woman nibbles at the food placed before her, more invested in the gamble than the meal.

2020-12-28, 03:30 PM
Rose picks up the dice and shakes them in her delicate white hand, each collision of the emerald cubes almost a gong in the spring air.

A 4-5-2 (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24863121&postcount=1121). An invalid roll. Before picking up the dice Rose takes some cheese off the communal plate for the players. Rose clapped and exclaimed in a voice that wouldn't be out of place at a picnic of a normal family - it was the sound of good cheer, as if all that was occurring was a friendly wager between bosom friends, a conversation between two girls that would be sisters - secrets whispered beneath sheets, gossip exchange behind hands, shoulders to be leaned upon.

"Ah, isn't it much more fun when souls are on the line?"

She rolls again: 4-6-5 (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24863122&postcount=1122),

A straight kill. The breeze might feel particularly chilly as it carries thought of hanged men and dead generals, roasted pork and frightful ghosts.

Rose smiles at Kylisa.