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View Full Version : Viability of Wildfire Druid + Spell Sniper

Falcon X
2020-12-15, 06:05 PM
Wondering about the viability of having the wildfire druid's Wildfire spirit flying 240' in the air, raining Fire Bolt/Eldritch Blast down on enemies, ignoring cover. Is this actually good, and are there rules preventing this from working?

After that, I have to see about optimizing it with things like a dip into Warlock for eldritch blast upgrades or Metamagic Adept to fire it with a bonus action. (Unfortunately, RAW, Eldritch Adept won't let me get advanced Eldritch Blast invocations unless I have a level in Warlock (per Eldritch Adept feat wording)).
Any thoughts on optimizing the Wildfire Spirit Cannon?

2020-12-15, 06:55 PM
Your bonuses would apply since you are casting it but unlike a familiar you aren't seeing through its eyes and so the targeting might be tricky.

Also it is an elemental rather than a beast and you can't make a beast-link.

Falcon X
2020-12-15, 09:39 PM
Your bonuses would apply since you are casting it but unlike a familiar you aren't seeing through its eyes and so the targeting might be tricky.

Also it is an elemental rather than a beast and you can't make a beast-link.
Good thoughts on both statements. Targeting will probably be a DM's call.
On the one hand, you can't see through their eyes. However, some targeting is obviously allowed as you can cast ranged spells from it. I think my personal call is: Both you and the spirit must be able to see the target.