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View Full Version : DM Help Phantom Steed in Icewind Dale

2020-12-18, 10:48 AM
So, Phantom Steed has some interesting considerations for Icewind Dale. The spell states that they can travel 10 MPH, or 13 MPH at a fast pace. However, from what I can tell anywhere off road is either regular difficult (tundra) or super difficult (mountain) terrain. Per sage advice Phantom Steed is still affected by difficult terrain. Also, while it has the stats of a riding horse, since you choose it's appearance I'm assuming you can make it look like an axebeak which the module states works as a mount in the terrain.

So, my question is, how much ground using the overland travel rules can a Phantom Steed ACTUALLY cover in that hour? My guess would be 5 mph on tundra, 2.5 in mountain since those two seem to halve the road times and then halve them again. Thoughts?

2020-12-18, 10:59 AM
That seems appropriate to me. Changing the steed's appearance doesn't grant it any additional bonuses.
While the phantom steed won't move as fast as normal, the spell is still worth it because it still increases your travel speed.

2020-12-18, 11:02 AM
That seems appropriate to me. Changing the steed's appearance doesn't grant it any additional bonuses.
While the phantom steed won't move as fast as normal, the spell is still worth it because it still increases your travel speed.

Yeah, I didn't think making it look like an axebeak would give any "bonuses", but the point here is for the differently configured feet. Horse hooves do horribly in snow, and it seems in the spirit of the spell to have the steed take a form appropriate for the terrain.

2020-12-18, 11:15 AM
Yeah, I didn't think making it look like an axebeak would give any "bonuses", but the point here is for the differently configured feet. Horse hooves do horribly in snow, and it seems in the spirit of the spell to have the steed take a form appropriate for the terrain.

Just keep in mind as well, you're choosing what it Appears to be, what it actually is would be a quasi-real, horselike magical entity, regardless. It would not do better or worse in one terrain or another based on its appearance, though absolutely I'd be totally fine with someone having it appear to be an axebeak, or for that matter a rhino, or tiger, or kangaroo, or whatever. Regardless of what it appears to be, it'll use the stat block of a riding horse other than replacing the speed entry, and will be capable of the travel speed advertised, no more or less. If you decide you'd rather it actually be the creature specified, and use its stat block, rather than a riding horse (including but not limited to what is and is not difficult terrain for the creature), that's certainly a potentially interesting way to play it, it's just way more powerful than the spell as it exists by RAW.

Edit: Also just fwiw I agree it's thematic and interesting to have it appear in a form appropriate to the terrain. I just personally view this as a WOW Mount kind of thing - the aesthetics are totally distinct and unrelated to the function.

Mr Adventurer
2020-12-18, 01:22 PM
Personally I'd say the specification that it's horselike puts boundaries on the "you decide appearance" clause. If an axebeak isn't already vaguely horselike, it's out of bounds