View Full Version : Conjurer spell choices

2020-12-19, 09:43 AM
Hi all, I'm hoping to get some feedback on spell choices for a conjurer I'm hoping to play. This is a little "whiteroomish" as i dont know what other characters in the party will be, which would absolutely impact spell selections.

My 3rd and 4th level choices are concentration heavy. Notable spells id like to squeeze in are fireball, tiny hut, dispel magic

Magic circle is for later planar binding, but it just feels bad to select a 3rd level spell when you have 5th or 6th level spells available. It may also be a bit summons heavy (shadowspawn, aberration, major demon, elemental, summon fiend). I think if i dropped one it would be fiend, and two would be fiend and aberration.

Suggestions very welcome! (Edits are post suggestionl

Wizard 1
Cantrips: Firebolt, mind sliver, light
1st: shield, absorb elements, find familiar, grease, detect magic, and fog cloud

Wizard 2
1st: prot. Good and evil, coprehend languages

Wizard 3
2nd: web, mirror image

Wizard 4
Cantrip: mending
2nd: misty step, suggestion, invisibility, dissonant whispers (fey touched feat)

Wizard 5
3rd: summon shadowspawn, hypnotic pattern (-hypno pattern for fireball)

Wizard 6
3rd: magic circle, counterspell

Wizard 7
4th: summon greater demon, evard's black tentacles

Wizard 8
4th: banish, summon aberration

Wizard 9
5th: conjure elemental (the phb one) wall of force ( - elemental for synaptic static)

Wizard 10
5th planar binding, transmute rock ( - planar for conjure elem)

Wizard 11
6th distintegrate, mass suggestion

Wizard 12
6th summon fiend, contingency ( - fiend for planar binding)

Wiz 13
7th teleport, simulacrum

Wiz 14
7th crown of stars, plane shift

Wiz 15
8th maze, demiplane

Wiz 16
8th clone, mind blank?

Wiz 17
9th wish, true polymorph

Wiz 18
Spell mastery: shield, misty step/mirror image?
9th gate, shapechange

Guy Lombard-O
2020-12-19, 09:54 AM
I'm guessing by the lack of Mage Armor that you're getting your AC from your race?

I'd take Fireball at 6th level and leave Magic Circle for later. You can probably find or buy it later on, closer to when you'll actually need it. But Fireball is really best in tier 2, and not having it can feel bad (despite it not really being thematic to a summoner).

I'd also suggest Toll the Dead at wizard 10 (or at 4, moving Mending to 10).

2020-12-19, 10:37 AM
I agree on Fireball. As much as I really like the Hypnotic Pattern spell, in this case I'd swap that out for Fireball, since you need some more non-Concentration options as well as an AoE option. Your Concentration will be spent on a Summon most of the time.

I'd also later find room for Synaptic Static as a straight Fireball upgrade/replacement, either in place of something like Transmute Rock as a free pick or just plan to try to buy a Synaptic Static scroll to scribe ASAP. Still gives you an AoE option, still doesn't require concentration, and has a fantastic rider to boot.

Good choice on the Fey Touched feat, and Dissonant Whispers in particular. No concentration, a bit of extra damage, potentially a round of enemy wasted action (if your allies move after the enemy retreats and the enemy can't get back into melee range with the party on their turn), and most importantly your party melee fighters in range get Opportunity Attacks when the enemy retreats. Plus, it's an especially great option for a backliner, as an emergency "get away from me" if a nasty enemy closes into melee with you (with some overlap with Misty Step in that regard).

2020-12-19, 11:05 AM
Thanks for the ideas! I was planning to go mountain dwarf and with a tasha's switcharoo have starting stats of dex 14, con 15, and int 17 with medium armor.

If tasha's stat switcharoo's were off the table, i'd probably go gnome, and drop prot from evil, shift absorb elements to level 2, and grab mage armor

Ok, i think i may drop summon fiend, and pick up planar binding there (thats about when planar binding starts to become a bit more useful) to pick up synaptic static in that 5th slot, and drop hypno pattern and grab fireball (shadowspawn has an aoe fear that targets wis as well)

With dissonant whispers, my though was that i could also trigger oa's for my summons with it. I considered hideous laughter or bless, but that just ties up concentration, and wouldn't be as important as often.