View Full Version : [IC] The Crystal Braves

2020-12-20, 08:17 AM

The bustling commercial hub of Ul'dah sits amid the desolate desert landscape of southern Aldenard. The city is organized strategically around the dome-shaped citadel at the center. Its towering fortifications and protective outer walls are visible for malms* in all directions to deter would-be besiegers.

Visitors from every corner of Eorzea come to Ul'dah to partake of the city's famed recreation, most notably the fighting arenas and gambling halls. Ul'dahic culture is known for its affluence, and the nation's wealth largely comes from its abundant mineral resources and prestigious clothcrafting industry.

Historically, the sultan claims sovereignty over Ul'dah, but true power is wielded by the Syndicate**, an elite group of six of the most influential and richest members of society. Nald'thal*** is the city's patron deity and two great halls devoted to his two aspects are found in the eastern and western sections of the city.

The city is overseen by the City-States army, the Immortal Flames. Its allegiance is to Ul'dah first and the surrounding areas second. Beast Tribes, namely the Amaljaa, border on the surrounding areas, but are not a concern for the army, and thus, you are called into action.

Amalj'aa**** are a race of lizard-like beastmen in Northern Ul'dah who worship old and forgotten gods. They are found mainly in Thanalan, with their stronghold of Zahar'ak being located in Southern Thanalan. As of late, they have begun to stir once more. Something that is concerning to the people, especially the traders, but ultimatively not something the army can do something about except a frontal assault on the beasttribes' stronghold.

This is where the Crystal Braves come in. Alphinaud Leveilleur, grand son of the famed Louisoix Leveilleur, who turned the Battle of Carteneau into the Alliance's favor, has called for an independant force to deal with Eorzea's enemies and the rising threats. You just arrived in Ul'dah, be it via airship or caravan. You are tasked with meeting Alphinaud in the close-by settlement of Horizon.

For now, you decided to at least meet in the Quicksand, the local inn (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2hYzvHJSfDs) famously known for housing adventurers of all kind. It is a bustling evening, with visitors from everywhere on Eorzea. You arrive independently, making yourself at home in the area. If you need to shop for some goods, the market is not fully available but it seldomly closes. Common goods are able to be bought around the clock, but now is the time for robberies and specialised 'services'.

Almost invisible to most, and with others giving him a wide berth, the sizeable Tonberry had no difficulty getting to the Inn. As you enter, a beer wench almost trips over you. She apologizes profusely, while keeping her distance. As you remind her to watch your knife as she could have hurt herself, she looks at you wide-eyed and hurries to get you accomodated.

You enter the city via airship. Helping optimize the fuel ignition and steering while you where on it made the captain return the transfer fee as you most likely cut his future travel times by 20% or more. He is thankful, but tells you to hide your Third Eye in public as most of the populace is deeply scarred by its recent war against Garlemald, distrusting any and all Garleans they meet. You also noticed he double and triple checked your work on his engines, but as you noted that it would be foolish to sabotage the ship he is flying on, the captain blushed and stopped. It is late and you will not travel to Horizon tonight, so you are advised to get a room at the local inn and meet your fellow recruits there.

You came to Ul'dah two months ago. You offered yourself as a nanny and an educator, but your alien race and your lack of recommendations from known rich merchants or nobles made it difficult to work with the adolescent. To pay for your expenses you decided to be a hired hand for the many merchants though the pay was bad and the treatment as a peon was even worse. When a fellow worker got injured however, you invoked your shamanistic powers of healing, granting you a well-liked status amongst the workers. Your employers however feared you and your tribal ways, firing you on the spot. Ever since you live from payment in kind, ranging from food to shelter. When you saw the advert for the Crystal Braves, a grand army meant to heal Eorzea, you decided to pick it up and inquire. You are to meet the other recruits tonight at the Quicksand, a local seedy inn.

Malms are just miles in FF14.
Ilms are feet, 3 Ilms are a Yalm, which is used equivalently to a meter (even though not exactly)
Fulms are inches.

The Syndicate is an elite group of six of the most influential and richest members of Ul'dahn society. While the sultan of Ul'dah claims sovereignty over the city-state, the Syndicate is the true center of power.


Raubahn Aldynn, General of the Immortal Flames
Lord Lolorito Nanarito, chairman of the East Aldenard Trading Company
Teledji Adeledji, head of the Mirage Trust
Dewlala Dewla, prioress of the Order of Nald'thal
Godbert Manderville, owner of the Manderville Gold Saucer
Fyrgeiss Loetkilbsyn, Chairman of the Amajina & Sons Mineral Concern

Nald'thal is the overseer of transactions and the underworld and god of commerce. He commands the element of fire and is associated with the tenth moon of the Eorzean calendar. Nald'thal is the single manifestation of the deific twins Nald and Thal. He is most often depicted as a discerning merchant holding a balance. His symbol is the cowry, and ancient shell currency.

The Amalj'aa are tall with a muscular physique, and have a martial culture. Fitting their worship of Ifrit, enemy Amalj'aa specialize in fire-based skills, such as Enfire. They possess general knowledge of metalworking, and have been known to tame fire drakes.

Ifrit is the primal of the Amalj'aa beast-tribes , also known as the Lord of the Inferno. Its power is said to be kindled by the fervent prayers of the beast tribes, which is able to summon their deity to this realm.

2020-12-20, 04:28 PM
Tim wasn't angry at the barwench quite the contrary. He was pretty happy, because after the helpful reminder that she could get cut (Tim was at a possibly dangerous location after all and was wearing his knife openly) he was getting seated pretty fast and even got a beer. He should be more helpful in the future.

But how could he find the other recruits? Tim was pretty sure that he was the first who arrived, but how would the others find him? He was overlooked sometimes after all. The best thing would be to ask the incoming patrons. Tim seated himself that he could look at the door and send a message to everyone who entered. Hi you! If you're also one of the crystal braves sit with me and take a drink. If not I'm sorry and I wish you a nice evening.

2020-12-20, 09:25 PM
"Azimkheertaliin udesh namuukhan, namuukhan...
Uchirsan khoeryn yarya, ayaduukhaaan..."

Those words and other strange little snatches of song drifted out of the lips of the man in the grey-blue robe as he walked the streets of northern Ul'dah. It was a song about the steppe under a cool, starry night, and he sang it to himself almost as if he were trying to will the hot, dusty day to just go away already. Every now and then he lifted a hand up to hold onto his fur hat as he looked up and around at signs standing beside or hanging above the busy streets, looking for the right place. He had the hat perched angled and stretched out upon his head so that it hid his horns--rather poorly, in fact--and it was awkward to wear.

But when dusk fell, and the displaced xaela man finally caught sight of the double stairs and fountain that marked the entrance to The Quicksand, he sighed in relief and quickened his face. The butt of his staff shaped like a shepherd's crook tapped upon the stone alongside his heelless boots until at last he slipped inside, into the din of the tavern. The first time he'd been in one of those establishments, the culture shock had been powerful- the atmosphere so rough, the alcohol so foreign. But after a few weeks in the area, it was not so jarring to him. He tugged his hat off, fanned himself with it, and sighed with closed eyes as he lifted his face to the ceiling.

It took him a few moments to register and understand the voice that he'd heard- and then a few more to realize that he hadn't actually heard it, at least not with his horns. He shook his head as if to try and shake the words out of his brain, only for his eyes to land upon the strange little green creature seated close to the door he'd entered through. His gaze fell on its smooth, almost featureless head peeking out of the deep robe, then the impressive knife in its possession, and then back up to those dimly luminous light blue eyes. The man looked nonplussed. His lips pursed uncertainly, making his scaly 'mustache' twitch.

"Er... hello?" He finally ventured in his noticeable accent. "Did you say that? I mean- yes! Yes, I was hoping to meet with the Crystal Braves myself." Awkwardly, the horned easterner sat down across from the largish tonkin.

"And what, ah... who are you?"

2020-12-21, 12:04 AM
The Captain's warning was still at the back of Cyrion's mind, and he made sure to absorb the local mannerisms as best he could on the way to the inn. He hefted his heavy toolbag with a grunt, careful to keep his loose, flowing clothes from revealing the elaborate weapons holstered at his waist. He overheard a phrase and made a beeline for the conversation.

"Someone say something about the Crystal Braves? I was looking to join up too - surely they could use a good mechanic in their outfit."

2020-12-21, 04:35 AM
Success came quite fast, that was great! The weird foreigner (with impressive horns!) Came to his table and then nearly immediately another one joined. That looked pretty good. Tim lifted an arm to pull his cloak away too reveal his smooth, green, round head. His hard to read blue eyes looked at Nergui before he answered telepathically. Including the newcomer. Oh, I'm Tim the Tonkin. And yes I have said that. I'm sorry but that is the only way I can talk to people.

And what are you? You have pretty impressive horns! Tim thaught at Nergui, still including the other arrival, but keeping his round eyes fixed at him, while taking a sip from his beer.

2020-12-22, 03:51 AM
"I'm Cyrion Kelvor." He kept a confident face on to hide how startled he was at the telepathic message and the highly eclectic party that was quickly gathering. "How do we all feel about a round of drinks, eh? Never a better way to meet new friends."

2020-12-22, 04:33 AM
A round of beer is brought, and the Lalafell wench calms visibly when she sees other adventurers joining the small tonkin. Without request a short while later she also adds an assorted cold plate as well as dark and light bread to your table. You must be hungry, you lot. Take these drinks and food, it's on the house.

The plate is salted meats, sharp cheese and several flaps of corn bread and a small loaf of dark bread. There is even a few figs, olives, several dips ranging from sweet to spicy to hot. A flask of olive oil is presented. The corn bread is in lieu of plates, and you are encouraged to take everything in with fingers instead of cutlery. To clean them you are presented with a damp wash cloth.

The small potato shaped woman finishes the courses with a hearty smile. If you need anything, just ask for Tataru. Food is on us, but drinks and lodging have to be paid.

2020-12-23, 11:41 AM
Tim was very excited about the food and included the nice women in the following. Oh, thanks! A lot!and then to his two new companions. Let's dig in. Tim just started to eat, apparently being accostumed to the eating culture.

This one is really spicy, it's my favorite. You eat the oil with bread when you're tongue burns too hot. You can tip or pay on this little jar. Tim was so happy that he tipped three silver pieces immediately. Oh and don't cut into anything or people around you get super nervous. Though if that only applies to Tim is not appearant.

2020-12-23, 03:30 PM
[roll0] let's see how much Tim knows.

2020-12-23, 06:42 PM
"Very kind of you, Tataru! Let's see how hot the sauce is..." Cyrion tipped another three silver pieces after watching Tim do the same.

"You from around here Tim? You seem to know your way around the food at least."

2020-12-24, 12:10 AM
"Tim'tonkin." He repeated back to his new acquaintance incorrectly, still not entirely sure of what to make of the whole situation, but putting on a polite face and hoping dearly that the tonkin could not also read his mind. A few moments later, and someone who by all accounts looked like a normal person--sans horns of course--approached. Nergui looked up and over at Cyrion in pleasant surprise, and looked between the newcomer and Tim for a moment, checking to see if the same mental contact was established between them or not.

"Oh, hello there! I am glad to meet other newcomers so soon- I might've gotten cold feet if it were only I. A drink would be... yes. Very yes." The Xaela replied bluntly.

"Eruul mendiin tolu!" He seemed to offer as some sort of 'cheers!' when the drinking started.

When the platter of food was brought around, Nergui was pleasantly surprised. He sampled one or two bites of everything that there was to offer, as if he had not ever had most of the available fare before. Eating with one's hands, on the other hand, he seemed intimately familiar with. Soon he was breaking off hunks of trencher to sop up dips or morsels while speaking to those he shared the table with. He talked with the other two as they ate, asking them in kind any questions which he was asked. He also offered them both a sip from his flask when the beer the tavern provided proved not to be to his liking- in it was a drink he called airag. It was a milky alcohol that tasted something like what one might get from mixing sour cream with vodka, but he seemed to delight in it.

2020-12-24, 12:20 PM
Being telepathic sure had his share of advantages. While Tim brought the food to a place where people would suspect a mouth he could eat and also think at the people around him, though it also had a distinct disadvantage.

Hot, hot! But so tasty! This is so good, oh and yes I'm a local and work here. As a lantern bearer.

With quite some pride Tim brought from his robes a unlit and unfilled lantern. It was a metallic immaculate masterpiece. All possible places were sealed with some weird substance and it had little metallic sliders to focus the light. At a whim Tim opened a glass door and touched the inside of it and some warm light began to shine.

If you lost and can't find your inn.

A lantern bearer is clearly a win.

If you're afraid and it's dark outside.

A lantern will show you the light.

And if you're in a dark corner and quite afraid.

A short whack you know what you paid.

Though than Tim realized that the slogan may not be that illuminating. We protect people and show them where they want to go to. And we talk to them if they want company. Oh that tastes... Weird. Try some of this.

And Tim procured a flask with a liquid as green as himself.

use my mighty torchlight ability to make some mood lighting. The flask is filled with green Absinth.

2020-12-25, 07:57 AM
As you eat the hot and savory meal, the pepper sauce kind of burns. Cyrion meticulously tests and increases the dosage of the scorching sauce, and finds a point where the zestful flavor is just enough to spice up the whole meal. You eat and introduces yourself, as the late hour pushes in more and more locals as well as foreigners. You can see the uniforms of the Immortal Flames, the local guard, as well as varying adventurers.

You decide to try and share some different drinks and before you can really get to it, you can see a towering Roegadyn in the guard's beige-green uniform approaching you. He comes from a table drinking with other guardsmen. A small pink-haired Lalafell, and two Hyur, who maybe could be twins, you are not sure entirely. Another bunch of mercenaries for Leveilleur's private army. he roars. Figures you have to crash here, as the Elezen brat almost only takes foreign weirdos into his ranks. No proud Ul'dahn would ever stoop to such lows. He approaches your table.

Come on, Unsyntroeg. Cut it out. I wanted a peaceful evening. the Lalafell protests behind him. Stopping halfway, Unsyntroeg does not turn to respond. He still glares at you. Keep out of this Ofo, if you are not patriotic enough to help me. The Lalafell apparently takes this personal and jumps up, approaching the Sea Wolf.

Liquor shots count as one drink, a mug of beer or ale counts as one drink. You have 1 + 2x your con mod drinks before making Fortitude saves against nausea.
I'll let anyone decide what and how much they drink. But you got 3-5 drinks before being drunk.

2020-12-26, 04:10 PM
"You should listen to your friend." Cyrion said without looking up from his meal, as he picked up the hottest sauce and slathered it on a slice of bread. "We all just want a peaceful evening. And where else would foreign volunteers sign up, eh?"

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2020-12-26, 10:14 PM
Nergui limited himself to a few sips of this, that, or the other thing- it wouldn't do well to appear in front of their prospective employer tipsy or rosy in the cheeks, after all. Of course, even if he had gotten deeper into his cup, the intrusion by the Roegadyn would have been enough to sober him right up. The Xaela tensed his brow and pursed his lips in a look of gentle concern as his eyes darted back and forth between the displeased guard, the guard's compatriots, the guard again, then his own fellows, and then the guard again. After a few moments passed, he cleared his throat and offered up his own voice in the interest of peace.

"Ahem... We don't mean you or your city any ill will, friend. Your people have taken us in from the desert, into their kind embrace like dusky Nhaama. And we want to repay that hospitality! We want to protect your city the same way it has protected us." He politely left out the weeks of apathy and low-key abuse he'd witnessed while working among the laborers and Ala'mhigan refugees who were so often relegated to the slums of the city. Nergui knew right and wrong, but he didn't know if it was the kind of injustice to bring up right then.

"But we couldn't--and wouldn't--take your jobs to do it. So we are doing the next best thing- helping to protect the whole of your Eorzea, and venturing to earn some, ah, coin while doing so! Is that not half of the glory of the sultanate? For Coin and Country?" Oh, he hoped he got that old adage right.

Nergui Enkhtuyagiin Dazkar (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2358491)
Male Neutral Good Au Ra (Xaela) White Mage (Shaman), Level 2, Init 3, HP 18/18, DR -, Speed 30
AC 15, Touch 14, Flat-footed 11, CMD 15, Fort 3, Ref 3, Will 7, CMB +1, Base Attack Bonus 1, Power Points 7/7
R. Touch Attack; No I. Attacks; 1 MP Required Mwk Dust Staff (Earth/Air Power Multi-Staff) +5 (1d3+1/1d3+1, x2)
(+3 Dex, +1 Deflect)
Abilities Str 11, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 18, Cha 12
Condition None

2020-12-27, 08:56 AM
Cyrion starts a tired diplomatic endeavor, that nonetheless makes the antagonizing guardsman stop in his tracks. Maybe he was just a bit iresome. Ready to continue the barrage of words, the calm Au Ra intervenes with actual arguments. Ofo steps forward and bows to the Garlean engineer. My deepest apologies. My friend here can be a bit of a hot-head. I know we are bound to Ul'dah by our oath, and Master Alphinaud's efforts are focussed on the surrounding areas, but it feels kind of demoralising to see adventurers do a work that should by all means be done by the Immortal Flames. Unsyntroeg focusses Nergui and tries to stay mad, but your arguments disarm his logic. You know what? You are right. And you seem like decent fellows, if a bit weird. Just promise me you will not let harm come to Ul'Dah.

Without any response of you, he retreats to his own table. You can see him downing a three wooden mugs, then leave. His companions sit there and discuss a bit, but you are not bothered the rest of the night. Later, Tataru returns, with the keys to your room. You look promising. Follow me. As she goes down the corridor that has a noticable decline down into the earth, you reach your room. She opens it with the key, then gives it to Tim. She enters with you, showing you the beds and a simple table with four chairs. Alphinaud sent me to check out the new recruits. I don't look like much but I am incredibly talented. she smiles. But I am a horrible fighter. If you would escort me to Horizon tomorrow, I think it wouldn't hurt your reputation. But I can take a caravan there too. It'll just take longer. So, what do you say?

2020-12-28, 04:55 AM
Cyrion put his sauced bread slice back on the plate—he'd had no intention of eating it. His cool demeanor kept the relief off his face as the guard decided to leave their party alone. "I hope that sentiment isn't common 'round here," he muttered.

When Tataru approached the party to ask for escort, Cyrion eagerly volunteered. "I'd be glad to. Friends are good to have, and talented friends even better. If you don't mind me asking, where do your talents lie—aside from excellent hospitality?"

2020-12-28, 10:03 PM
It is settled then. Tomorrow at daybreak. Tataru smiles at the flattering question. I...i think at everything? I do especially enjoy sewing and tailoring though. If you ever need something, just tell me. Love cooking, and I am great at cleaning. Just don't expect me to be your nanny. I have my hands full with Alphinaud here. she laughs, a possible joke at the very young Elezen that started the Crystal Braves.

Your rooms are cozy, your sleep is sound and you wake up to heavy garments in your respective sizes made for a trek through the desert as well as an extra cantina for everyone of you. You knew garments for such a travel were heavier than expected, but you did not think it was quite that thick linen. You get a small letter of instructions.

These are for your first trek into the Ul'dahn wilds.
Wear these all day, try to find a bit of shade at noon,
and by the Twelve, drink enough water.

Your friend Tataru Taru.

As you take a short but healthy breakfast, Tataru doesn't show. As you check on her, she appears tired but cheery nonetheless. Sorry for being late. I wanted to get you something for your trek outside town, but the colors didn't speak to me. Now that she says it, these garments, while having a classical cut, do have a very extravagant color scheme.

Tataru gifts your hot weather clothing as well as a cantina for a bit of extra water supply.

Are you all set? Or should we browse the market before we go to Horizon? We can go shopping and still reach Horizon before nightfall. Remember the merchants can smell you are foreigners so try to pay attention.

The upcoming trek is short and relatively easy to find, but you wanted to get a chocobo? I will price them at 200gil. These do not have the ability of Choco Cure.

2020-12-30, 01:22 PM
Nergui smiled and sighed in slight relief as the situation was defused. He sat back down and resumed eating with the others, but kept an eyes up and around at the tables for the rest of the evening. Then they were visited by the lalafell whose presence felt so much bigger than her stature. He mostly saved his questions until such a time that they could be face-to-face with that scion of the Leveilleurs, and nodded along to what Tataru had to say for them. Accompanying her on the trek out sounded agreeable to him. But he did perk up at the mention of cooking. "Have you ever made yak dumplings? We must trade recipes someday!"

He was impressed by the room at the inn, and the bed that he had to sleep on. Several nights on the streets that were somehow even harder than the stoniest parts of the steppe did that to him. Before bed, he pored over a scroll in his possession for about an hour, murmuring quietly in his mother tongue as he went along. The xaela snored very quietly, but otherwise didn't stir from the curled-up ball that occupied only a quarter of his mattress. Come morning, he was quick to rouse himself. He spent a minute or two plucking at an odd, two-stringed instrument, just long enough to make sure that they were still in tune.

The garments were unexpected, both for being gifts, and for their extravagant designs. But if they were to be useful in the desert, he didn't mind what they looked like. He was pleased to find that his had a hole for his tail to fit through, and he spent some time walking around and breaking the clothes in before the time came for them to head out. The thought of buying a chocobo gave him pause- he was much more used to horses, which seemed not to even exist in Eorzea, but they would benefit from a pack animal regardless of its number of legs, so long as it had enough. "Do Uldah's chocobos endure the heat well? I know a trick to attract one, but it would not last us the whole day."

Adding a scroll of Regen to his spells known. Taking 10 on Spellcraft gives him a result of 16, which is enough to pass the check.
Nergui Enkhtuyagiin Dazkar (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2358491)
Male Neutral Good Au Ra (Xaela) White Mage (Shaman), Level 2, Init 3, HP 18/18, DR -, Speed 30
AC 15, Touch 14, Flat-footed 11, CMD 15, Fort 3, Ref 3, Will 7, CMB +1, Base Attack Bonus 1, Power Points 7/7
R. Touch Attack; No I. Attacks; 1 MP Required Mwk Dust Staff (Earth/Air Power Multi-Staff) +5 (1d3+1/1d3+1, x2)
(+3 Dex, +1 Deflect)
Abilities Str 11, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 18, Cha 12
Condition None

2020-12-31, 05:19 AM
Tim was pleasantly surprised that the ongoing violence was subdued by his two new companions. He preferred it that way. Thanks you two, it was very brave of you to talk them down.

When they got the room from Tataru Tim took the key with all the gravitas that he could muster, almost like he got granted valuable jewels.

I'd be honored to escort you, I'm sure that we will keep you safe all the way through

When it comes to sleep, Tim curls up. Almost making it seem like he doesn't sleep under a blanket and more like someone threw a blanket somewhere and let it lay there.

Tim's morning ritual involves making sure that his knife and lantern is okay and washing his face after he wore the nicely colored hot weather clothes. When Nergui tuned his instrument Tim perched up.

Oh, do you play? Do you know the legend of the desert wind? I do enjoy to tell stories and perhaps your music may be a good addition?

When they met Tataru. I think we are pretty well set. Perhaps another bite to eat and if we can get one a chocobo for the future would be good.

With the money of the party Tim try's to get a chocobo. He instructs his new friends to stay near him that they can hear him talk to the merchant. Instead of different accusations of the quality of the bird, instead he insists that they need the bird more than him and the reminder that the merchant has only one child and not seven. In the end he leaves satisfied with a good chocobo.

2021-01-02, 03:55 AM
As you approach the chocobo breeder's stables, he greets you. After it becomes clear you are not the richest group in history, he diverts you away from the noble steeds reserved for the Immortal Flames, and towards the less reliable creatures, or how he calls them 'individualists'.

You are shown a big and slightly chubby chocobo. Its feathers are not of the brilliant yellow of the others, but rather with a tinge of brown. You are told he is a special breed meant for slower desert travel, but you can hear from his voice that this was not intentional. Usually the brown and yellow chocobos are meant to stay pure-bred. On this fact, you are able to reduce the price, not because the creature at hand has a lesser value but because the market is simply smaller. It is too weak for carriages and merchants. It is too slow for riding in formations, not to mention its headstrong attitude.

The merchant also gives you three damaged apple-sized gourds (https://www.finalfantasyd20.com/equipment/chocobo-food/). These are perfect chocobo food, but they are about to spoil in three days time. They are meant as an incentive for the creature as well as a source of water and vitamins for it to push through the desert's heat.


It is a yellow chocobo (https://www.finalfantasyd20.com/bestiary/magical-beasts/chocobo-family/yellow-chocobo/) except for the following changes:
Its speed is reduced by 10 ft to 50 ft.
It has the Sandwalking ability:

Sandwalking (Ex)
Brown chocobos travel at full speed across sand, rocky ground, or dust, and leaves no trail behind unless it chooses to.
Its intelligence is increased to 3, making it respond to basic Ul'dahn commands, and to diplomacy AND handle animal. It does impart a personality however. You are able to push it, but it starts off as unfriendly, pecking at you at any opportunity.

I have decided to leave Choco Cure on the creature however.

The gourds will rot in time, but provide +1 to Fort for the meantime for about an hour. They also count as a water ration and food for the day for the chocobo.

With your new pet you leave the gates of Ul'dah. Whether you got used to the Pearl of the Sands, or are just in transit, it still feels surreal. The city-state s like an oasis of life and beauty in an otherwise quite desolate waste of rocks, sand mountains and more rocks. Your trek leaves the Western Gate.

Two hours in you reach a place called Scorpion Crossing, a small fort meant for the merchants to get their trade goods checked and fully imported. No larger merchant is able to waltz into the city-state with hall of his merchandise. It needs to be checked for contraband, and taxed appropriately if something is sold. You are told to orient yourself northwards after a small break.

Neither Tim nor Nergui are taking the heat as well as Cyrion who is more used to the stuffiness of magitek armors, hot furnaces and sweaty labor. They quickly gobble down their water rations for the day, yearning for more. They are parched and sweaty. Your goal is still about 6 sun-baking hours away. If you continue this way, it could become dangerous.

Both take 4 nonlethal damage from the heat (technically fire damage).
The next hour will need a DC 17 check from both to pass, Cyrion will need a DC 15 check.

As you go along the road, there is a deep canyon ahead. It is to be crossed by a titanic bridge, that goes over what is known as Nophica's Well, a natural basin of water, and thus life. You can spot several creatures down there, including a woman sitting amidst a few cacti. She waves at you. It seems a good place as any to replenish your water reserves if you trust her.

2021-01-03, 02:13 AM
"Worth a try, I think." Cyrion had held out better than the others but he was still definitely feeling the heat. "We do need the water, and even if it is an ambush, prospective Braves like us ought to be able to handle a scrap."

2021-01-04, 03:29 PM
Tim looked back to Ul'dah and admired the wonderful town he did work for most of his life. It was a very pretty town, made even more breathtaking by the surrounding harsh environment. He looked a bit longer at it than necessary and then turned towards the harsh dessert. The chocobo seemed not that comforting so Tim told him a little story to perhaps calm it down a little.

You know Boco, there was once a small little dessert wind. It was not very fast and not very strong, easily pushed around by the others. But then it found a little dessert bird and the two became fast friends...

Perform: Storytelling: [roll0] I include the other two, I'm prety sure they admire a good story too.

After the first story Tim wanted to tell another, but the harsh desert sun burned down pretty hard on him and even when he didn't needed to talk to tell his story's, it was still exhausting. He wanted to limit himself to small sips then and there. But he was way more used to Ul'dah where he could always catch some shade when he needed and the town was also not as hot as the surrounding desert. And of course he worked mostly at night.

When he drinked down his last drop the chocobo fruits seemed to look very tasty and mouthwatering, even more so because they stored a lot of water. Shortly before they arrived at the oasis Tim held one of it in his hands and would have bitten down on one but thankfully the oasis appeared. He was pretty fast going towards the oasis.

Come on guys I could really use some water and shade! And I'm sure Boko will keel over any moment too, he looks totally down. He thought also at they're chocobo who was of course totally fine.

2021-01-04, 07:48 PM
Nergui was initially hesitant to pay so much for one of those strange birds- especially such an "individualistic" one. But the added incentive of the fodder and furnishings for travel swayed him, as did learning that the bird in question was a mutt. He had a certain fondness for things of mismatched origin. With the added weight of a new set of clothing, he was also beginning to feel the burden of travel. Eventually he parted with his part of the coin, and they were ready to set off with Boko, as he was apparently to be called. "You know, that name means 'strong' in my language. Or 'bowels', depending on dialect. I guess we will, ah, see which one applies to this Boko soon enough!" He placed his bedroll and blanket upon Boko's saddle, once he was able to avoid the unfriendly nips and pecks.

The xaela's spirit was high when they left the city. He was far more struck by the beauty of the desolation ahead of him, than he was of the city they were leaving. When Tim started up with his story, Nergui did not recognize it at all, but it didn't take him long to find a rhythm to pluck out on the strings of his instrument. The mood didn't last long however. Soon came the beating heat, and the withering thirst, and the conjurer was struggling along, his hands tired from manually billowing his clothes around himself in a vain attempt to promote cooling air circulation. When they came to the edge of the canyon, he looked upon it hopefully. Water was of course of the utmost importance, but a bit of shade for a few minutes would also do him just fine. When Nergui noticed the woman waving from down below, he raised his hand to wave back out of reflex- nonaggression between strangers was something you established right away on the steppe.

"Let's not overdraw, or overstay..." He spoke to Cyrion and Tim (and Boko) as he watched the woman down below, and tried to get a read on her before approaching.

Perception Check on the woman in the cacti. [roll0]
Sense Motive Check on the same. [roll1]
Nergui Enkhtuyagiin Dazkar (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2358491)
Male Neutral Good Au Ra (Xaela) White Mage (Shaman), Level 2, Init 3, HP 14/18, DR -, Speed 30
AC 15, Touch 14, Flat-footed 11, CMD 15, Fort 3, Ref 3, Will 7, CMB +1, Base Attack Bonus 1, Power Points 7/7
R. Touch Attack; No I. Attacks; 1 MP Required Mwk Dust Staff (Earth/Air Power Multi-Staff) +5 (1d3+1/1d3+1, x2)
(+3 Dex, +1 Deflect)
Abilities Str 11, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 18, Cha 12
Condition None

2021-01-05, 12:20 AM
As you approach the basin, the woman seems to hardly notice you. Clad in simple but heavy silken robes wielding a staff made of bones and dried wood, the grovekeeper almost floats through the area.

She wanders between the cacti, watching the sky, feeling the wind on her face and listening to the waters below. For a moment you assume she is out of it just before she finally notices you as Boko boldly steps forward to drink.

Welcome wanderers, to Nophica's Wells. Take a break for a while, and accompany me. Freshen yourselves up, and tell me of your travels. She smiles a somber smile, sitting down. Come, sit! she encourages you, sitting next to her in the shade of a big cactus. Tell me of your plights while I bring you water and a bit of juice, and then I would have a proposal.

She sits completely still, as six small humanoids, shaped like sentient cactic bring a large bowl of water, two amphoras and four cups to your little sit-in. As she watches you wash and drink, she pours a foggy liquid into the four cups. She hands each one of you a cup, insisting on you drinking with her after you are done.

Her eyes see straight through you, her gaze unfocussed.

She seems nice enough, if a bit outlandish and ... unhinged. This is however a trait you expected of someone living in a desert oasis.

It is cactus juice, a potent hallucinogen. This one however seems to be diluted with water. You heard good and bad things about it. You can have very nice dreams and visions from it, or horror trips into the Seven Hells. All results however result in a bit of a haze or even loss of controlled consciousness.

2021-01-05, 04:05 PM
Tim is right there with Boko drinking though he fills his waterskin instead. After getting a much needed drink he brings poor Tataru under a cacti that she can get a bit of shade and also gets her something to drink till she is satisfied. Only after that he greets the women.

Hello, thank you very much for your hospitality. We didn't encounter much on our travels but I would be honored to tell you what we witnessed.

Tim does his best to make the short trek as interesting as possible.

I think that should count as storytelling. [roll0]

When they were brought an interesting drink Tim looked at it with much interest and try'd to talk to the nice women with respect. Of course thanking the cactus people before he took the drink.

Well we already have a assignment but we can definitely hear you out and see if we can accomplish both or one after the other.


After he said his part he drinks his drink in one swig, savoring the taste.