View Full Version : Level 1 with a boost?

2020-12-22, 11:12 AM
For various reasons my players want to start out at level 1, but my target CR for my initial encounters are based around monsters up to CR3-4. To accommodate both I am considering if boosting their max hp with a Bless-like effect. Sure, they'll be short on spell slots and features appropriate for a level 2 or 3, but at least they will have more staying power to deal with my story-appropriate monsters.

Does this sound like a viable approach, and would +20 hp be appropriate?


2020-12-22, 11:32 AM
For various reasons my players want to start out at level 1, but my target CR for my initial encounters are based around monsters up to CR3-4. To accommodate both I am considering if boosting their max hp with a Bless-like effect. Sure, they'll be short on spell slots and features appropriate for a level 2 or 3, but at least they will have more staying power to deal with my story-appropriate monsters.

Does this sound like a viable approach, and would +20 hp be appropriate?


Giving them more HPs won't really let them have the lvl 1 experience they seem to want.

I would consider either have a first, additional encounter that let them level up to 2/serve as tutorial for how fights go in your campaign, or keep the encounters as you had them but make the enemies's goals include capturing the PCs

2020-12-22, 11:40 AM
Maybe reduce the monsters initial HP and set up the encounter such that the PCs have a huge tactical advantage.

2020-12-22, 07:45 PM
Maybe give them some henchmen for the first few encounters or levels?

2020-12-22, 07:51 PM
Add content to lead up to what you already have prepared. First couple levels fly by already so it's not like you need a lot to fill it out.

2020-12-23, 03:10 AM
For various reasons my players want to start out at level 1, but my target CR for my initial encounters are based around monsters up to CR3-4. To accommodate both I am considering if boosting their max hp with a Bless-like effect. Sure, they'll be short on spell slots and features appropriate for a level 2 or 3, but at least they will have more staying power to deal with my story-appropriate monsters.

Does this sound like a viable approach, and would +20 hp be appropriate?


As mentioned, boosting your players' characters makes them into something that isn't level 1, so it beats the entire purpose of level 1 characters. That said, the obvious solution is that you include non-combat encounters that allow the players to level up. Make sure that the first few levels of the game focus on other stuff that just killing stuff before you throw your monsters at them. :)

2020-12-23, 06:34 AM
Don't do this.

If your players want the level 1 experience, then give your players the challenge they've asked for. Don't artificially inflate their abilities to "win", because that's as bad as giving them a free pass; they'll know you "let them win" and you'll create an unsatisfactory experience.

If if goes pear-shaped for them, then the only thing that will end the campaign is *you*, if you use that encounter to do so. Your "story appropriate" encounter has the Challenge you say it does, so if you think it's too tough for your players, then tone it down. Never think that your story controls the campaign; you hold the reins, you have the responsibility. If you need to switch things up; throw in a side-quest or a couple of extra encounters to get the players to the point that they can tackle your end-game encounter, so be it. If it means taking away some of the "super kewl" abilities or items your end-boss has, so be it. If it means subjecting your players to a (le gasp!) humiliating loss, so that they can go away, have a training montage, do some other adventures and come back stronger to defeat their nemesis...then do that! Remember that it's the players story too and they have a hand in writing it; write it with them, not despite them.

2020-12-23, 12:31 PM
You can always give them magic items they will lose later.