View Full Version : Pathfinder Level 0 or 1 Sor/Wiz spell that sets/changes creature type?

2020-12-22, 11:03 PM

What - if any - level 0 or 1 Pathfinder 1e spells on the Sor/Wiz list change a creature's type via (Polymorph) effects? I know of enlarge person at L1 and alter self at L2. Since I'm in a game where I want to use blood money and my character is an Undead Sor (Arcane Bloodline), and the GM ruled that a polymorphed creature's type changes to that of the creature he becomes (like a Dragon for form of the Dragon), I wanted a lower-level option than alter self for use of blood money. (Note that the subject's HP doesn't change from polymorphing.)|
