View Full Version : GF9 Icewind Dale Set?

2020-12-23, 12:09 PM
Does anyone know anything about the Gale Force Nine (GF9) “Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden” (RotFM) map set? I’m going to be running that campaign soon and was looking for some printed maps for all of Icewind Dale, Ten Towns, and key locations that I can write on with wet-erase and/or dry-erase. I think the maps are vinyl but I can’t find any definite answer on this. Actually, I can’t find much information on GF9’s RotFM set at all, other than size and that it is supposed to fit the RotFM campaign. What maps are included (areas, towns, key-locations, etc.)? What material is it made of? Can you write on them? When is it due to be released (all I could see is TBD 2021)?
Anyone have any intel on this? Are there other printed sets out there that will serve what I’m looking for?
Also, bonus question: as the module is pretty big, and I usually run my own and have been for years, what resources are out there to help run the campaign smoother? i.e. cheat sheets, NPC/monster cards, encounter sheets (so you don’t have to flip back and forth so much), brief summary of important info (per encounter, location, NPCs, etc).
And one more BONUS bonus question: to those who have run/are running RotFM, what have been/are your experiences with it?
Thank you all!

2020-12-23, 12:35 PM
I can only answer the first bonus question by pointing you here (https://www.dmsguild.com/browse.php?filters=0_100023_0_0_0_0_0_0&src=fid100023). Sorry, don't know much else.