View Full Version : The "Can't sleep because of a steam pipe blues"

2007-11-06, 06:55 AM
Yeah, I can't sleep. About 30 minutes ago, a steam pipe right outside my dorm broke or something. I am prolly the only one that was woken up by it. Kinda sucks, seeing hows its 3 hours before i normally wake up. I am all sorts of happy. Mostly because of my appathetic R.A. and Hall director. I can't believe my dorm still uses steam power. Geeze.

2007-11-06, 08:50 AM

I'm the same way. If after about 4-5 hours of sleep, I get woken up, then I'm up for the day. Sucks.

2007-11-06, 09:06 AM
I can't believe my dorm still uses steam power. Geeze.

Actually it's a well known fact that the heat in Wisconsin dorms is powered by the early morning beer-binge induced flatulence of the upper classmen. Must have been a big party last night. Hence the overwhelming of the system.

On Wisconsin!