View Full Version : D&D 5e/Next 3 Dozen Minor Magic Items

2020-12-24, 02:38 PM
This page on the hombrewery (https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/BkXcURhpQ)

I figure 3 dozen is a good time to post these in case I've missed anything. I don't think I have rings on this list, so I can simply note that anything listed as apparel is treated as a wonderous item in published material. Its just that worn items make up like a quarter of all published items, and I think it is more helpful to give them their own item category, particularly for determining item slots.

For use with Tools
These items are most useful to craftspeople, and are likely rewards from them.

Azer Hammer
Weapon (light hammer, mace, maul, or warhammer), common (attunement optional)
When this hammer strikes wood or another flammable object, the object immediately catches on fire. Whenever you make a check using smith's tools, you can use the hammer to add a d4 to the result of the check.

While attuned to the weapon, you can choose to deal an additional 1d4 fire damage when you hit a creature. You can't use this property again until one hour has elapsed.

Unlike the sling and blowgun, most of the listed weapons for the hammer are viable in combat, so I wanted to limit how often you can deal increased damage.

Faerie Spindle
Wonderous item, common
Whenever you make a check using weaver's tools, you can use the spindle to add a d4 to the result of the check.

When you speak a command word, the spindle begins to draw fiber into thread for 1 hour or until you speak the command word again. Once the spindle has been used in this way for 2 hours, this property can’t be used again until the next dawn. This allows a creature to craft an additional 2 sp worth of items per day.

Heating Blowpipe
Weapon (blowgun), uncommon
One end of this blowpipe is marked with a ring of bright red; the other with a ring of bright blue. Anything passing through the pipe is heated or cooled based on the direction is passes, allowing glass to be heating as it is worked without burning the user. Whenever you make a check using glassblower's tools, you can use the pipe to add a d4 to the result of the check.

When using the pipe as a weapon, you can choose to deal an additional 1d4 fire or cold damage when you hit a creature.

Treefeller Saw
Weapon (club, greatclub), common
This large saw has a long, wide blade for quickly felling trees, and deals slashing damage, rather than the usual damage for a weapon of its type. Whenever you make a check using woodworker's tools, you can use the saw to add a d4 to the result of the check.

When you hit a wooden object or plant creature with this weapon, the object or creature takes an extra 1d6 damage. For the purpose of this weapon, "plant" refers to any creature with the plant type, including kelpies and vegepygmies.

Items of the Common Folk
These aren't strictly separate from the previous category, but they don't grant bonuses with any set of tools.

Amulet Against Drowning
Apparel (neckwear), common
This amulet, carved from wood and inlaid with very light stone, has 3 charges. While wearing it, you can expend a charge as a reaction, gaining the ability to breath underwater for 1 minute.

Brooch of Courtly Grace
Apparel (Brooch), uncommon (requires attunement)
This brooch is headed with a ruby, which twinkles like the eye of a gnome with a secret. If you use an action to make a check using Animal Handling, Deception, History, Insight, Performance, Persuasion, or with any instrument you can gain proficiency with the chosen skill or tool. You may choose to gain this bonus after making the roll, but before you know the result of the check.

Once you have used this feature, it cannot be used again until the next dawn.

I guess similar items can be made for various professions, but I assume nobility would be the most common to commission such an item to avoid embarrassment when handling activities they haven't trained for.

Cat's Tail Belt
Apparel (Belt), common (requires attunement)
This belt is often made from a spotted or striped pelt and with the tail of a large cat sown partway up the strap. While wearing the belt any fall you take counts as 20 feet shorter for the purposes of determining fall damage.

Weapon (war pick, any axe), common
The end of this pick or axe digs deeply into stone and wood surfaces. When climbing, a creature wielding a cliffbiter counts as having a free hand, or as having two free hands if wielding the cliffbiter as a two handed weapon.

Diver's Belt
Apparel (belt), common (requires attunement)
This belt has 3 charges, and is studded with an alternating pattern of heavy black stones and rough, white stones lighter than water. The belt itself does not float or sink, simply following the current if left in the water. While submerged in water, you can expend 1 charge as a bonus action, sinking downward or floating upward (your choice) by up to 40 feet. This belt regains all charges daily at dawn.

Fishtail Boat
Wonderous item, uncommon
This rowboat is built with the sturdy fins and broad tail of a large fish. When placed in water, the boat swims forward at a speed of 3 miles per hour, seeking to remain upright and at the surface through rough water. Rowing can turn, slow, and increase the speed of the boat.

The boat is an object that has 10 hit point, an Armor Class of 13, a swim speed of 30 feet, a Strength of 16 (+3), a Constitution of 10 (+0), and a score of 1 (−5) in all other abilities, and it is immune to poison and psychic damage.

Scroll of the Beloved Companion
Scroll, uncommon
This scroll bears the mark of a druid and a child. By using an action to read the scroll or spin it quickly, you can cast the resurrection spell.. You must target a CR 0 beast, or nothing happens and the scroll is wasted.

"Okay, okay, you can get your pet skunk back."

Springtime Brooch
Apparel (brooch), common (attunement optional)
1 minute after dawn, this brooch sprouts a fresh flower, which remains in full bloom until the next dawn, upon which the flower wilts away into nothing. If you are attuned to the brooch, you can cause the flower to wilt early as a bonus action, upon which a new flower of your choice will grow over 1 minute.

Low level spell knockoffs
These items knockoff a cantrip. I figure it's helpful to nudge players to pick up utility cantrips/1st level spell instead of purely combat ones. Alternatively, it lets someone use a very weak spell without having to give up another known or prepared spell.

Circlet of Sending
Apparel (headgear), common (requires attunement)
While attuned to this circlet, you can use action to mystically send a message of up to 25 words to a creature within 120 feet. Your words travel through materials, but 2 feet of rock, 2 inches of any metal other than lead, or a thin sheet of lead blocks you. The creature can then respond back with a message of 25 words itself, which only you hear.

Ditch Shovel
Wonderous item, common
You can push this shovel into loose material, such as earth, as an action, instantly excavating it and depositing it up to five feet away. This movement does not have enough force to cause damage.

Food Taster's Cloche
Wonderous item, uncommon (attunement optional)
This gleaming mithril serving dish is wrought to depict a knight slaying a green dragon, and is large enough to fit over a stuffed turkey or a boar's head. The Cloche has 3 charges. As an action, you can plunge the knight's articulated weapon into the dragon, expending 1 charge and casting the Purify Food and Drink spell on the contents as you do so.

While attuned to the cloche, the item telepathically informs you of any poisons or diseases present in the dish at the time the contents are purified.

Hammer of the Twilight Forest
Weapon (light hammer, mace, maul, or warhammer), common
While holding this weapon you can use an action to have a cloud of fireflies crawl from inside. These fireflies are magical in nature, can neither deal damage nor take damage, and last as long as you maintain concentration (as if concentrating on a spell). As the fireflies exit your weapon, they spread out into a cloud with a 10 foot radius. The fireflies create bright light within a 5 foot radius of the sphere's center, and dim light for an additional 5 feet. As a bonus action, you can direct the fireflies to fly up to 30 feet to a point that you can see and is within 120 feet of you. The fireflies wink out if they are ever more than 120 feet from you.

I think attunement and concentration would be overkill here, but I think concentration is kind of needed to keep it clear.

Letter of Secrets
Wonderous item, common
When you seal this parchment you can designate any creatures to whom the writing will appear normal, written in your hand, and convey whatever meaning you intended when you wrote the text. To all others, the writing will appear as if it were written in an unknown or magical script that is unintelligible. Alternatively, you can cause the writing to appear to be an entirely different message, written in a different hand and language, though the language must be one you know.

Should a creature cast dispel magic on the letter, it becomes a nonmagical parchment and all creatures can see your original message, in your hand and the original language. A creature with truesight can read the hidden message. Letters of Secrets usually come in small, flat boxes containing 1d6 + 3 sheets of the parchment.

Pearl of the Magic Merchant
Apparel (neckwear), uncommon
The pearl on the end of this necklace has 3 charges, and it regains 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn. You can use an action and expend 1 charge to cast the identify spell from it.

Sacramental Basin
Wonderous item, common (attunement by a cleric or paladin optional)
This ornately wrought basin has 3 charges and the outer surface depicts important events tied to a particular deity. When filled with water, a creature can expend 1 charge to cast the Ceremony spell using the basin. The basin regains 1d3 charges daily at dawn.

While attuned to the basin, you can expend a spell slot of 2nd level or higher and spend 8 hours tracing magical pathways through the metal (as if casting a spell). At the end of the duration, you can touch the basin, replacing the reliefs on the sides and rededicating it to a deity of your choice.

Slaver's Net
Weapon (net), common
Any creature that is restrained by this net and has zero hit points at the start of its turn automatically becomes stable, before making a death saving throw. Any creature stabilized in this manner only regains 1 hit point after 4d4 hours.

This is in the spell category given its similar to spare the dying, but its more for capturing PCs than to be used by them.

Staff of the Geyser
Staff, uncommon (attunement optional)
This blue tinged staff is topped with the twisting carving of a geyser dragon. You can strike the staff against a surface as an action, causing a scalding hot geyser to erupt from the surface in a 15 foot cone in a direction of your choice. Creatures caught within the geyser must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw, taking 3d8 fire damage on a failed save or half as much on a success. Being underwater doesn't grant resistance against this damage. Once a creature has used this property, it doesn't function again until the next dawn.

While attuned to the staff, you can cause steam, mist, and fog within a 10 foot cube originating from yourself to move at your command, creating or removing obscurement and shapes of your choosing. Once you have arranged the fog it moves again naturally from its new location.

Tripwire Alarm
Wonderous item, common (require attunement)
This metal frame contains many spinning gears of varying size and construction, which can be charged with the spin of a key as an action. For one minute after the alarm is charged, it magically sets off a ringing noise the first time you encounter a trap, pit, unstable ground, or other natural hazard, warning you on the danger and granting you a 1d4 bonus to your AC or saving throw against the trap.

Once used, the alarm cannot be charged again for one hour.

Wand of Billows
Wand, common
This wand has 3 charges. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 of its charges to create one of the following effects:
You instantaneously cause an unlocked door or window to fly open or slam shut.
You blow up leaves, sand, or other loose materials from the ground in a five foot cube within 30 feet, which lightly obscures the space until the start of your next turn.
You push an object within 30 feet and weighing no more than 10 pounds up to 10 feet.
You cause clothing, leaves, or other loose material to ripple in a 10 foot cube within 30 feet.
The wand regains all expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the wand’s last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand transforms into a wand of darkfire.

Originally meant to allow a thief to create distractions. Influence from gust and thaumaturgy.

Wand of Darkfire
Wand, common
This wand has 3 charges. While holding it, you can use an action to cause the wand to glow purplish from the tip for 1 minute. White colored objects, such as silk, bleached cotton, and cave fishers, within a 30 foot cone glow as if in dim light for the duration, even if their surroundings remain in complete darkness. The wand regains all expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the wand’s last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand transforms into a wand of loam.

A variant of light, but one that doesn't give away the party's location.

Wand of Drizzles
Wand, common
This wand has 3 charges. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 of its charges to create a light rain. Instantly, water falls as rain in a 20-foot cube within range, extinguishing exposed flames in the area and leaving surfaces covered in light raindrops. The wand regains all expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the wand’s last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand transforms into a wand of billows.

For putting out fire; taken from create or destroy water.

Wand of Loam
Wand, common
This wand has 3 charges. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 of its charges to create a fresh fruit or vegetable of any variety you're familiar with, weighing up to 1 pound. Whatever its size the vegetable is tasty, although no more nutritious than a natural plant of its type. The wand regains all expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the wand’s last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand transforms into a wand of drizzles.

Combat Items
And finally we get to stuff that was intended for combat.

Armband of Escape
Apparel (bracers), common (requires attunement)
This armband has 3 charges. When a creature makes an opportunity attack against you, you can expend a charge to force the attack to miss (no action required by you). The armband regains all expended charges daily at dawn.

Brawler's Gauntlets
Apparel (bracers), uncommon
These gauntlets possess a set of rear facing hooks above the hand. While these gauntlets are tightly tied to your arms you gain a 1d4 bonus whenever you attempt to start or maintain a grapple.

Circlet of Dragon's Breath
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
When attuned to this circlet, you can use your action to exhale destructive energy. The draconic type of the circlet determines the size, shape, and damage type of the exhalation. When you use your breath weapon, each creature in the area of the exhalation must make a saving throw, the type of which is determined by the type of circlet.

The DC for this saving throw equals 8 + your Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus. A creature takes 2d6 damage on a failed save and half as much damage on a success, or the damage dealt by your innate breath weapon. This ability recharges either when your innate breath weapon does, or at dawn.

Originally designed for kobolds, I figured I'd make it helpful for dragonborn too. The table for breath weapons uses the same shape and damage type as a dragonborn's innate breath weapon. See this old post of mine (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?591872-Gem-Dragonborn-and-Psionic-Feats) for gem dragonborn breath weapons; I figure this post is clogged enough without the table.

Endless Caltrop Bag
Wonderous item, common
This metallic grey bag has 3 charges, and it regains 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn. You can expend 1 charge to pull 20 caltrops from the bag. The caltrops are magical and last for 1 day before turning to rusted powder and being destroyed.

I'm listing this here, but in practice this is the same as the cantrip knockoffs: the party can try out this part of the game without the usual cost.

Halfling Skipping Sling
Weapon (sling), common
This sling is made of exquisite cloth, and seems to adjust to better fit any stone or sling shot inserted into it. If you are proficient with a sling, you can skip stones off of one creature and at a second creature with a single attack. On a hit with this weapon, you can make an additional attack roll against a second creature within 10 feet of the first, dealing 1d4 bludgeoning damage on a hit.

I figure the sling is weak enough to make this okay. I'd run obtaining one similarly to how the double ended scimitar is described, as this is close in power to the longbow (although the way damage is separated between two targets means it isn't strictly better).

Huntsman's Falcon
Wonderous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
This tiny mechanical model of a falcon twists its head, threatening to bite and claw at anyone not attuned to it. When you speak the falcon's command word aloud and describe a creature or type of creature, it takes flight, soaring high into the air and returning 1 hour later. While standing on your finger, the model will point its head in the direction of where it saw the nearest creature to match the description given to it.

The falcon is an object that has 1 hit point, an Armor Class of 13, a flying speed of 60 feet, a Dexterity and Wisdom of 16 (+3), and a score of 1 (−5) in all other abilities, and it is immune to poison and psychic damage. The falcon can magically sense your location, and waits for you in the nearest available location if it is unable to reach you.

Master's Whetstone
Wonderous item, uncommon
This magical whetstone has 3 charges. As an action, you can expend a charge to sharpen a melee slashing or piercing weapon on your person. You gain advantage on your next attack roll you make using the sharpened weapon within the next minute. The whetstone regains all expended charges daily at dawn.

Something for martials to do while the casters buff.

Meteoric Dagger
Weapon (dagger), uncommon
You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic dagger. This dagger has 3 charges. When throwing the dagger, you can expend 1 of its charges to engulf the dagger in magical green flames and deals an additional 1d4 fire damage on a hit. When it is thrown, the dagger returns to your hand after making the attack. The dagger regains all expended charges daily at dawn.

Robes of the Guru
Apparel (outfit), uncommon
These loose robes come with a sash to tie in place, and the fine fabric is difficult to grip. Most are decorated the icons of a particular monastery or place of martial learning. While you wear these robes, you add 1d4 to all checks and saving throws made to avoid being restrained or grappled, as well as on check to escape a grapple.

Shortbow of Bird Command
Weapon (shortbow), uncommon (requires attunement)
This shortbow is a magic weapon. It has 3 charges. While you carry it, you can use an action and expend 1 charge to cast dominate beast (save DC 15) from it on a beast that has an innate flying speed. The shortbow regains 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn.

Proficiency with a shortbow allows you to add your proficiency bonus to the attack roll for any attack you make with it.

See: trident of fish command

2020-12-26, 12:12 AM
These are awesome. I think I'm going to have to add a Hammer of the Twilight Forest to my game. It's too cool not to and I know one of my players would appreciate it.


Treefeller Saw
Calling this a greatclub seems strange to me. Making it an actual saw wouldn't be difficult. There's precedence with items like the Claws of the Umber Hulk. All you'd need to do would be to add a section like "You can use the saw as a melee weapon with the Two-handed property while wielding it. You have proficiency with it, and it deals 1d8 slashing damage on a hit (your Strength modifier applies to the attack and damage rolls, as normal)."


Fishtail Boat
Does it constantly swim forward? That's the impression I got.

Scroll of the Beloved Companion
Can this be used to cast resurrection on creatures other than challenge 0 beasts? It looks like it could, even if that clearly isn't the intention.

Hammer of the Twilight Forest
How big is the cloud of fireflies?

Sacramental Basin
The rededication section is a great touch.

Wand of Drizzles
Is this supposed to turn into a Wand of Billows on a roll of 1?

Meteoric Dagger
This is so cool! Please tell me it is meant to return to your hand every time you throw it instead of just after the magical fire attack. I can't quite tell right now, but I fear it isn't.

2020-12-26, 01:54 AM
Treefeller Saw
Calling this a greatclub seems strange to me. Making it an actual saw wouldn't be difficult. There's precedence with items like the Claws of the Umber Hulk. All you'd need to do would be to add a section like "You can use the saw as a melee weapon with the Two-handed property while wielding it. You have proficiency with it, and it deals 1d8 slashing damage on a hit (your Strength modifier applies to the attack and damage rolls, as normal)." My concern here is that the Claws of the Umber Hulk require attunement. I didn't want attunement on the saw, so I listed actual weapons to clarify who gets to add their proficiency modifier to the attack roll. I suppose I could use the mace for a one handed saw instead, but the greatclub is the only simple melee weapon with the two-handed property.

Fishtail Boat
Does it constantly swim forward? That's the impression I got. Only when the boat is in the water. Whether that includes "in rain," I think should be left up to the DM. Honestly, I'm a little unsure about even counting it as uncommon, given the Folding Boat is rare despite being easier to carry, larger, and functioning like any other boat.

Should I steal the language from the Carpet of Flying instead? This was originally a bit of a joke item, so I didn't actually think this through.

Scroll of the Beloved Companion
Can this be used to cast resurrection on creatures other than challenge 0 beasts? It looks like it could, even if that clearly isn't the intention. You can't be polymorphed or true polymorphed while at 0 hit points. Mass Polymorph ends on you if you die. You'll be knocked out of wild shape before you die, even as a Zealot Barbarian with Rage Beyond Death.

I don't know how you'd cheese it, so I don't know how to prevent such cheese.

Hammer of the Twilight Forest
How big is the cloud of fireflies? Now that you mention it, the cloud is 40 feet across as I described it to the party. I described the bright light as being full of fireflies, and the dim area as having fewer rather than simply being further from the light source. That seems a bit excessive now that I actually consider the size. Should I reduce the ranges to 5 feet each, thereby reducing the cloud to 20 feet across? That's still big (compare the light cantrip or a torch) but not nearly as massive.

Wand of Drizzles
Is this supposed to turn into a Wand of Billows on a roll of 1? Yup, thanks for the catch.

Meteoric Dagger
This is so cool! Please tell me it is meant to return to your hand every time you throw it instead of just after the magical fire attack. I can't quite tell right now, but I fear it isn't. That wasn't the intent, but I don't think it would break anything to add that. Although you might require attunement to cover who the weapon returns too. This was created for an NPC noblewoman the party decided to avoid, so I hadn't really considered the point.

2020-12-27, 02:12 AM
My concern here is that the Claws of the Umber Hulk require attunement. I didn't want attunement on the saw, so I listed actual weapons to clarify who gets to add their proficiency modifier to the attack roll. I suppose I could use the mace for a one handed saw instead, but the greatclub is the only simple melee weapon with the two-handed property.
Consider that the Greatclub is a worse version of the Quarterstaff and everyone gets proficiency with quarterstaffs. Is is going to break anything to give anyone who picks it up proficiency with it? Being able to call it an actual saw instead of a greatclub disguised as a saw feels better to me. Your call.

Only when the boat is in the water. Whether that includes "in rain," I think should be left up to the DM. Honestly, I'm a little unsure about even counting it as uncommon, given the Folding Boat is rare despite being easier to carry, larger, and functioning like any other boat.

Should I steal the language from the Carpet of Flying instead? This was originally a bit of a joke item, so I didn't actually think this through.
Nah, I think it works as it is. It means it needs to be dragged onto land to stop it from moving, but it's a rowboat, so that shouldn't be hard. Uncommon seems appropriate, although it's difficult-to-transport nature means I wouldn't blink if you decided to make it common.

You can't be polymorphed or true polymorphed while at 0 hit points. Mass Polymorph ends on you if you die. You'll be knocked out of wild shape before you die, even as a Zealot Barbarian with Rage Beyond Death.

I don't know how you'd cheese it, so I don't know how to prevent such cheese.
A rules-lawyer reading of the piece highlighted and bolded below.

Scroll of the Beloved Companion
Scroll, uncommon
This scroll bears the resurrection spell. Casting the spell requires the spell’s normal casting time, but can be done simply by spinning the scroll and touching a CR 0 beast at the same time, which becomes the target of the spell. Once the spell is cast, the words on the scroll fade, and it crumbles to dust. If the casting is interrupted, the scroll is not lost."
Most features or abilities in 5e that use "can" in their descriptions mean that anything that follows is optional. With that reading in mind, an argument could be made that the scroll can be used to cast resurrection to target a creature other than a CR 0 beast. That's clearly not the intention. You could switch around the wording some to end up with something like this to close that loophole.

This scroll bears the resurrection spell. Casting the spell requires the spell’s normal casting time and only targets a CR 0 beast. Once the spell is cast, the words on the scroll fade, and it crumbles to dust. If the casting is interrupted, the scroll is not lost.

Now that you mention it, the cloud is 40 feet across as I described it to the party. I described the bright light as being full of fireflies, and the dim area as having fewer rather than simply being further from the light source. That seems a bit excessive now that I actually consider the size. Should I reduce the ranges to 5 feet each, thereby reducing the cloud to 20 feet across? That's still big (compare the light cantrip or a torch) but not nearly as massive.
We just need some indication of how large the cloud is in the item's description. Compare your description to dancing lights. That spell gives us a good indication of how large each light is.

I don't think the size is going to be that important but 5 feet across for each kind of light should be fine.

2020-12-29, 01:31 AM
Okay, the scroll, hammer, and dagger should all be clearer. I haven't made up my mind about the saw.

Most features or abilities in 5e that use "can" in their descriptions mean that anything that follows is optional. With that reading in mind, an argument could be made that the scroll can be used to cast resurrection to target a creature other than a CR 0 beast. That's clearly not the intention. You could switch around the wording some to end up with something like this to close that loophole. I'm technically in a game with someone who bought Icewind Dale on D&D beyond now, so I've stolen the language from one of the scrolls from there. Previously I was afraid a DM would disallow characters without spellcasting to use the scroll.

We just need some indication of how large the cloud is in the item's description. Compare your description to dancing lights. That spell gives us a good indication of how large each light is.

I don't think the size is going to be that important but 5 feet across for each kind of light should be fine. Should be fixed now, and the size reduced.

2021-01-03, 03:42 AM
Nice! I really like those tools that double as weapons that have benefits to both uses. I’ll definitely be stealing some of these for future use!