View Full Version : Cheesy cheap flying magic item

Yak folklore
2020-12-26, 01:04 PM
Boot blade with the flying (magic of faerun) and sizing (complete adventurer), if it has no other enchantments, 9,000 gp,
For the low price of 9000 gp, you have a 30' fly speed mount, that you are always on, no word on how good the flying is, but it seems like the kind of thing that would be perfect, to me at least.
Obviously the reason you need sizing is so this thing can carry you, and the carrying capacity of a large is 460lb, which is the least you need, so, the big disadvantages are: when not flying, a perceptive guard would think you are trying to murder someone, and, when flying, a ten foot by five foot knife comes out of one shoe, which isn't really a disadvantage, but doesn't really jive with a lot of characters.

2020-12-26, 01:36 PM
Cute combo. Though to be honest, rather than having an argument about how well you can be carried by a single boot blade (I mean really, I'm trying to picture any character making that look cool, and I don't think even Batman would look cool doing that), whether you need a Ride check, and whether you're taking any penalties at all, I feel like it would be easier to just get feathered wings (Fiend Folio 210) for just 700 gp more. Plus that would take a standard action to size up. And you're still only at a move speed of 30', which isn't terrible, but it's not the greatest return on investment. Also also, the blade can still be targeted as an animated object, so someone can kill it. And at that point I feel like you might as well just buy a trained hippogriff for 4,000 gp (see MM1 pg. 152: 3,000 gp for a young hippogriff plus 1,000 gp for someone else to train it for you).

I appreciate the creativity but I don't feel like it's earth-shattering. If you can get away with it in your games, then godspeed. Personally I'd save the cheesy tricks for something that has flashier results, but that's just me!

2020-12-27, 08:48 AM
I mean really, I'm trying to picture any character making that look cool, and I don't think even Batman would look cool doing that
You size it up, first. When you're done, you're basically surfing on a horrifically oversized magical knife, which itself can look like anything you want. So, perhaps:

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2F1.bp.blogspot.com%2F_O4Oe0K-dZnU%2FS8cZYfXCdPI%2FAAAAAAAAAH0%2F5EwRTmeeSoU%2Fs 1600%2FZuriels%2BBlade.jpg&f=1&nofb=1
I feel like it would be easier to just get feathered wings (Fiend Folio 210) for just 700 gp more.Probably. However, that has some noticeable drawbacks for anyone not south of Neutral.

2020-12-27, 12:42 PM
Did you just invent magic flying death skis? Because I`m seeing magic flying death skis if worn in pairs.

Yak folklore
2020-12-27, 01:23 PM
I didn't think about the fact that you could make it look like whatever kind of knife you want, I was always basically imagining a giant rusty kitchen knife appearing under someone as they fly away.

2020-12-27, 01:26 PM
You size it up, first. When you're done, you're basically surfing on a horrifically oversized magical knife, which itself can look like anything you want. So, perhaps:

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2F1.bp.blogspot.com%2F_O4Oe0K-dZnU%2FS8cZYfXCdPI%2FAAAAAAAAAH0%2F5EwRTmeeSoU%2Fs 1600%2FZuriels%2BBlade.jpg&f=1&nofb=1Probably. However, that has some noticeable drawbacks for anyone not south of Neutral.

That's true if you're just using a sword. But a boot blade is, by definition, connected to your boot. So you're being dragged around by one ankle by a giant flying knife, and I have a hard time making that look cool in my head. (I'm a big believer in Rule of Cool, but if it doesn't seem cool in my head, RoC has a hard time applying! YMMV, of course.)

2020-12-27, 01:42 PM
1. Sizing was "updated" in the Magic Item Compendium - now it costs 5000 gp flat.

2. Magic of Faerūn is older than Oriental Adventures.
Wouldn't Flying WSA from Oriental Adventures supersede Flying from Magic of Faerūn?
Flying in Oriental Adventures costs 16200 gp flat, and require to hold the weapon in your hand
3.5 update in Dragon #318 cut the cost down to +2400 gp, but also cut the duration down to mere 5 minutes (rather than former 50)

The Viscount
2020-12-27, 06:55 PM
That's true if you're just using a sword. But a boot blade is, by definition, connected to your boot. So you're being dragged around by one ankle by a giant flying knife, and I have a hard time making that look cool in my head. (I'm a big believer in Rule of Cool, but if it doesn't seem cool in my head, RoC has a hard time applying! YMMV, of course.)

I had assumed the boot would also size, so you're doing some of this action.

2020-12-27, 07:31 PM
That's true if you're just using a sword. But a boot blade is, by definition, connected to your boot. So you're being dragged around by one ankle by a giant flying knife, and I have a hard time making that look cool in my head. (I'm a big believer in Rule of Cool, but if it doesn't seem cool in my head, RoC has a hard time applying! YMMV, of course.)
So a bit more like a snowboard, only it's a giant knife?
https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fapi.hub.jhu.edu%2Ffactory%2Fsites %2Fdefault%2Ffiles%2Fstyles%2Flandscape%2Fpublic%2 Fsnowboard.jpg%3Fitok%3DxobDQK85&f=1&nofb=1Those are strapped to your boots, with varying degrees of built-in boots.

2020-12-27, 10:24 PM
Great idea, but who has 9000 gp to spare? There's a way to get the same sort of utility out of a flying weapon at a much cheaper rate. Enter the humble shuriken, right out of the PHB, which makes for a lousy weapon but possesses a rather unique and exploitable feature: "although they are thrown weapons, shuriken are treated as ammunition for the purposes of... crafting masterwork or otherwise special versions of them." What does this mean? Since the price of enchanting ammunition is for 50 at a time, you can enchant a single shuriken for 1/50th of the enchantment price. This grants you monumental savings on all sorts of weapon enhancements which have utilitarian or non-scaling effects.

A +1 Flying shuriken, then, can be had for a meager 370 gp... the type of thing affordable by about level 2. Sure it's only 150 minutes of flight per day, but there's nothing stopping you from picking up multiples! If you still want the 'surfing' aesthetic to make the whole thing visually coherent, even a +1 Flying Sizing shuriken would be a paltry 464 gp.